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The Bermuda Bob Show

Robert DiGiacomo

"Teaching Leaders to Empower Leadership in Others by working exclusively with individuals and corporations that focus on Leadership, Skills and Goals, helping them unleash their "Inner Eagles", soaring to previously unreachable heights of performance."
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De Bermuda e Camiseta

De Bermuda e Camiseta

O Podcast de torcedor para torcedor do Esporte Clube Bahia, o maior clube de futebol do Nordeste. Apresentado por Cazuza Souza, Riane Bernardes, Breno Albuquerque, Bruno Reis e PV Machado
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Bermuda Lawn Dominators

Skip Wheeler & Jason Crain

The Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast is your go-to resource for DIY lawn care enthusiasts looking to transform their lawns. Join hosts Skip Wheeler and Jason Crain as they provide practical tips, personal insights, and engaging discussions to help you dominate your lawn game. With a supportive community and a touch of fun with the "Lawn Beer of the Week" segment, this podcast is your ticket to achieving the lawn of your dreams and have fun on the journey. Let's get greener together!
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Pool Resurfacing Plus of Bermuda Dunes

Pool Resurfacing Bermuda Dunes

If you want to transform your swimming pool into a personal resort with the most luxurious looking finish then you'll want to get in touch with us at Pool Resurfacing Plus of Bermuda Dunes . In all our years of being in the swimming pool industry we've learned a lot & now we do a lot. The Plus means that we handle everything swimming pool related from cleaning & care, to resurfacing, remodeling & even new pool construction.
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At Bermuda Unicorn, we invite you to dive into the exciting world of NFTs. Our dedicated NFT marketplace is designed to connect creators and collectors, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for buying and selling unique digital assets. We believe that NFTs have the power to revolutionize the way art, gaming, and collectibles are experienced, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Visit for more: Our mission is to empower both established and ...
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show series
1-Beschluss zum Gasnetz im GR MA und die MVV2-LTK fordert Kostentransparenz bei MVV3-LT BaWü wurde zum Mordanschlag in MA informiert 4-Tätlicher Angriff auf Rollstuhlfahrer in MA5-Rückgang der Kriminalität im Rheinpfalz Kreis6-NABU zur Brutsaison vieler VogelartenSprecher:TraktaktaraMichael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Das Café Talk in Heidelberg geht es hoch her. Zweimal pro Woche treffen sich Heidelberger*innen dort mit Migrant*innen. 2017 bereits startete es und ist zu einem Erfolgsprojekt geworden. 200 bis 250 Menschen treffen sich dort immer Dienstags und Donnerstags von 16 bis 18 Uhr. Dort gibt es Kaffee, Tee und Kuchen aber vor allem Gespräche und Unterstü…
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Das Musikinstrument des Jahres 2025 ist die Stimme. Sie ist das älteste Instrument der Welt und jede*r hat es. Der Stimme kann man unglaublich viele Töne entlocken. Mit ihr können wir schreien oder flüstern, jubeln oder weinen, sprechen oder singen oder … jodeln. Mit dem Jodeln sind wir ganz nah dran an dem Thema Stimme, denn Jodeln ist etwas sehr …
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1-Staatsanwaltschaft MA und der “Rosenmontags Anschlag” in MA2-Kriminalisierung von Antifaschistischem Protest am Amtsgericht MA3-Pestel-Institut kritisiert Mangel an seniorengerechten Wohnungsbestand4-Protestcamp „End Cement" 5-Offener Brief - Bezahlkarte stoppen!6-Öffentlicher Stammtisch zur Mobilität des VCD Ludwigshafen7-Zilli-Schmidt-Saal im K…
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Wo erfand Carl Benz das Automobil? Was war die Spiegelfabrik? Und was passierte im alten Kaufhaus in N 1? Fast 20 Jahre gibt es sie nun schon und noch immer sind sie aktuell und bemerkenswert: die über 150 Glastafeln mit Informationen zu historischen Highlights aber auch zu verschwunden Orten der Mannheimer Stadtgeschichte. Am authentischen Ort, ku…
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1- Anschlag in MA in Medien und Ministerien2-HD Materials und Trumps Politik 3-Tiefengeothermie zur CO2 Reduktion 4-Klimamobilitätsplan in HD5-VCD fordert autofreien Teil in LU-Süd6-Wanderausstellung Klimaflucht in HD7-NS Straßennamen bleiben auch in Landau 8-Comic-Ausstellung „Wie geht es dir?“ im Interkulturellen Zentrum HeidelbergSprecher: Trakt…
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1-Proteste gegen Gas Aus in MA2-Hanau ist überall u.a. in HD,Landau und MA3-Gerichtliches Nachspiel zu Anti-afd Proteste in HD?4-Femizid Mordanklage gegen Pirmasenser Paar 5-Frauen-und Mädchen Kampftag mit Demo, Kundgebung, Kino und Sport6-NABU Mannheim sucht Storchenbetreuer*Innen7-Selbsthilfegruppe Burnout und Depression in Heidelberg Sprecher: T…
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1-Prozess gegen Aserbaidschan Connection 2-Keine Sozialklausel bei Spielplatzreinigung3-Kochwerkstatt für Kinder4-Simon Häggström liest aus “Prostitution – ein Geschäft mit menschlichem Leid”Sprecher:TrattaktaraMichael:Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Poseidons Flasche – Ein Hörspiel von Denis HirschelEin Tag am Meer, eine geheimnisvolle Flaschenpost – und eine Warnung, die besser ernst genommen worden wäre. Als Sven und Anna die mysteriöse Glasflasche öffnen, finden sie sich plötzlich in einer Welt wieder, die sie für einen Mythos hielten: Atlantis. Gefangen in einer schillernden Unterwassersta…
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Filmreihe: Ciné-Club Die Teuflischen - les diaboliques (FRA 1955)Regie Henri-Georges ClouzotCast Simone Signoret, Véra Clouzot, Jean Meurisse, Charles Vanel, Michel SerraultFassung: Französich mit deutschen Untertiteln27.02.2025 19:30 Uhr 112 Min.Michel Delasalle, Leiter eines Internats auf dem Land, ist gewalttätig, trunksüchtig, despotisch. Er le…
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Stell dir eine Welt vor, in der du von allen Seiten ausgebeutet wirst – dein Chef behandelt dich wie Dreck, die Gesellschaft lacht über dich, und die, die du liebst, rückt immer weiter von dir weg. Klingt vertraut? Willkommen in „Woyzeck“.Büchners Fragment von 1836 ist nicht nur ein Klassiker, sondern eine Story, die mitten ins Herz trifft. Es geht…
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„Woyzeck 2.0“ – Ein Drama, das heute brennt wie nie zuvorStell dir eine Welt vor, in der du von allen Seiten ausgebeutet wirst – dein Chef behandelt dich wie Dreck, die Gesellschaft lacht über dich, und die, die du liebst, rückt immer weiter von dir weg. Klingt vertraut? Willkommen in „Woyzeck“.Büchners Fragment von 1836 ist nicht nur ein Klassiker…
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"How soon is now performing cities" ist ein partizipatives Tanzprojekt das den Fokus auf uns Individuen im Angesicht überfordernder Bedrohungen legt.2022 hatte "HOW SOON IS NOW?" in Freiburg Premiere und auf einer Reise durch weitere deutsche Städte sind sie nach Karlsruhe im Dezember nun am 22.Jan im Karlstorbahnhof in HD zu Gast.Die Freiburger Ch…
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"so nah" in einfacher Sprache:1-GR MA lehnt Sprecherin und eine weitere Person trotz Vorschlag der Berufungskommission Migrationsbeirat ab2-„Abschiebetickets“ jetzt auch in Heidelberg3-Kein Sophie-Berlinghof-Platz in HD5-„Fünf Jahre und ein paar Tage …“ Gedenken an die rechtsterroristischen Attentate von Halle und Hanau4-Daimler Truck kündigt Sparp…
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At Bermuda Unicorn, we invite you to dive into the exciting world of NFT. Our dedicated NFT marketplace is designed to connect creators and collectors, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for buying and selling unique digital assets. We believe that NFTs have the power to revolutionize the way art, gaming, and collectibles are experienced,…
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Remember the sense of accomplishment when you perfectly mowed your lawn for the first time? Well, join Jason Crain and Skip Wheeler, along with our wives Jennifer and Karla as we take you down memory lane of our childhood mowing experiences and beyond. Our lawns, Bermuda grasses to be precise, are more than just patches of green; they're a testamen…
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Are you ready to turn your Bermuda lawn into the envy of the neighborhood? As the summer heat starts to cool, we're here to reveal how to keep that green glory looking its best. We've got a frosty Brooklyn Lager in hand, so let's dive into the four pillars of post-summer lawn care: mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weeding. We have a lively chat a…
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Hey there green thumbs and craft beer lovers, ready to transform your yard into a lush paradise while sipping on the perfect brew? We promise that our garden talk is just as refreshing as our beer recommendations. This week, we're navigating the world of grass, from the heat-loving Bermuda to the cool-weather loving Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass, a…
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Are you ready to transform your lawn, but constantly fall prey to common myths and misconceptions? We've got your back! This episode unravels the truth about lawn care, starting with the most common mistakes people make. Discover why mowing short isn't the shortcut to less frequent mowing you thought it was, and why Bermuda grass demands your atten…
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Are you tired of pesky pests ruining your beautiful lawn? Ever found yourself baffled by those perfect stripes on your neighbor's Bermuda grass? Well, we've got a treat for you. This episode of our Bermuda Lawn Dominators podcast promises to arm you with knowledge about lawn care that will make your yard the talk of the neighborhood. We kick things…
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Prepare to turn the ordinary into extraordinary as we delve into the world of advanced lawn care techniques. Ever wondered why your lawn doesn't look as crisp and even as a professional golf course? This week, we're exploring the secrets behind achieving that lush, perfectly manicured look, from the science of sand leveling and aeration to the art …
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Curious about the secrets to maintaining a pristine lawn? Buckle up as we guarantee you an insightful journey that will transform your approach to weed control. We'll reveal two key methods - pre-emergent and post-emergent strategies - and how to effectively apply them to keep weeds at bay. And as we crunch the turf under our boots, we'll indulge i…
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Strap in lawncare warriors, as we unlock the secrets of lawn fertilizers and dive into the great debate of granular versus liquid applications. We're thrilled to have Chris Spangler, a St Augustine and Bermuda grass enthusiast, share his personal battles in the turf wars, specifically his mission to boost St Augustine while keeping Bermuda Grass at…
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Ever wondered how much water your Bermuda lawn actually needs, or how your soil type impacts your watering habits? Join us, Jason and Skip, as we pop open a cool St Arnold's Summer Pills and dive into the art of watering your Bermuda lawn. We reveal how giving your lawn an inch and a half of water a week, broken down into three days, can create an …
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Welcome back to the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast! In this second episode, we dive into the art of mowing and the importance of keeping a calendar of lawn care. Join us as we explore the best practices and techniques for mowing your Bermuda grass to perfection, ensuring a healthy and manicured lawn. Additionally, we'll delve into the significance…
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Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast! In this exciting kickoff, we tackle the common struggles of feeling intimidated by your lawn and unveil four simple steps to overcome that intimidation. Join us as we dive into the world of lawn care and discover how mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weeding can transform you…
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Welcome to the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast, the ultimate destination for all things Bermuda grass and lawn care. Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of achieving a lush and enviable lawn. In this podcast, we'll share expert tips, practical advice, and personal stories to empower you in becoming a true lawn care champion. Fro…
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Pool Resurfacing Plus of Bermuda Dunes is the best choice when it comes to resurfacing or remodeling your pool. We've been resurfacing and remodeling swimming pools in Bermuda Dunes since 2007. In all our years of being in the swimming pool industry we've learned a lot & now we do a lot. The Plus means that we handle everything swimming pool relate…
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After surviving two assassination attempts involving a very sharp twig and a cactus, Keith launches a school to improve the islanders' broadcasting techniques. However, Keith's protégé Gled Nini proves particularly troublesome...With Ed Fry and Joseph Viner Music by Craig Carrington-PorterCody Dahler
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So what have you been thinking about lately? Have you been confident or nervous? A bit apprehensive about change or the unknowns? How about that Covid Shot? Join me as we discuss how it is versus how it used to be.
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Merlin Wolf legt in "Irrwege der Kapitalismuskritik" strukturelle Ursachen gesellschaftlich beobachtbarer Phänomene offen, um sich nicht auf den Irrwegen einer Kapitalismuskritik zu verlieren, die bloße Symptome beklagt.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Veronika Kracher hat für ihr Buch "Incels" jahrelang zur „Incel“-Szene recherchiert, einem globalen Online-Kult aus selbsternannten „unfreiwillig Zölibatären“, die in ihrem Frauenhass und misogynen Weltbild vereint sind.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Fabian Jellonnek vom Büro Achtsegel beobachtet seit Jahren rechte Auffälligkeiten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet und berichtet, wie organisierte Neonazis versuchen, die Corona-Pandemie für ihre Zwecke zu nutzen.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Está no ar o Bahêa Na Memória, a mais nova produção original De Bermuda e Camiseta!Nesta série vamos recontar jogos marcantes para a torcida tricolor de uma forma bem peculiar.Se você gosta de Futebol, principalmente torcedor do Bahia, está intimado a se emocionar com essa virada espetacular.Brasileirão de 2011, o Bahia comandado por "Papai Joel" s…
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Bom momento! Está estreando hoje o novo programa do De Bermuda e Camiseta. O Fora de Campo vem com a proposta de debater temas que vão além das arquibancadas. É óbvio que, torcendo para um time que se preocupa tanto com o social, não poderíamos ser diferentes. Vamos falar da importância de vários temas para a sociedade usando o futebol como pretext…
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Após um mês de Mano Menezes a frente do Bahia, Cazuza Souza, Breno Albuquerque e Bruno Reis analisam as nuances do trabalho do novo técnico do Esquadrão.Apoie comprando em: acompanhe no Twitter:Twitter oficial: @camisetabermudaCazuza Souza: @CazuzaSouza1Breno Albuquerque: @BrenoAlbuqBruno Reis:…
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Mano Menezes é o novo comandante do tricolor! Fizemos uma análise aprofundada sobre o que esperar do trabalho do nosso novo "Cero" (Piada interna de Baiano). Esquemas táticos? Retranca? Reativo? transição? Com casa cheia, Breno Albuquerque, Bruno Reis, Cazuza Souza e PV Machado debatem as perspectivas do novo comando técnico do Esporte Clube Bahia!…
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Após saída de Roger Machado, Bahia faz jogo eficiente contra o líder do campeonato. Bruno Reis e Cazuza Souza analisam a visita do Bahia ao Sul e debatem um pouco do perfil do novo técnico para o Esporte clube Bahia. Apoio:
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