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Did it finally happen? Did the nightmare we’ve always feared and talked about actually come true? What am I talking about? Why all the suspense? Well join us today as we come back from a short vacation with an interesting story that many of you may also fear.Casual Fridays REI
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Speaking of this episode and getting nostalgic… If you ever listened to us at the begging of our journey you know we had some sound problems. So while this episode will be better, we recorded during a storm and the power flickered quite a bit towards the end. It’s all good though! It’s still a … Read More Read More…
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How your business is doing and the life you currently live is all about perspective. Maybe you dreams of making millions but aren’t quite there yet. Does that really mean you’re not doing well if you’re making more than you ever made in your full time job? What if you used to work at a … Read More Read More…
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The legal description… We’ve all seen them and maybe even tried to read them but maybe it’s not always clear. They are super important though and can be really helpful if you know what you’re looking at. Do you pay much attention to them though? Join us as we talk about our experience with them.Casual Fridays REI
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The grand ole retirement party.. Once looked upon as a symbol of a long career and send off into a world of relaxation is now maybe not what it used to be. As entrepreneurs does it even exist? Do we ever even get to retire? Do we even want too? Just us today as we … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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If you’ve been an entrepreneur for any amount of time you’ve no doubt felt this feeling. That almost uncomfortableness that comes when you’re in a slow period of business. For Land Investors this can be when you’re in between mailers, waiting for mail to hit, waiting for closings, etc.. How you handle this time in … Read More Read More…
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When things aren’t going your way it’s really easy to look for external excuses as to why you’re not seeing the success you want. We actually here some of these things all the time. Things like, there’s to many investors now, mail doesn’t work, etc.. We believe these are exactly what they sound like, excuses. … Read More Read More…
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In a world full of shiny objects it’s super easy to get distracted and to direct your company in a way it’s never gone before. That’s all well and good unless you lose sight of what’s been working all along. We’ve seen this many times before and today we’re here to tell you stop that. … Read More Read More…
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One thing for certain when you run your own business is that each day will bring problems and obstacles that you’ve never dealt with before. You can either fold and give up on the business or you can just say it F it! I’ll figure it out. Those are you’re two options and you either … Read More Read More…
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It’s almost a love hate relationship that us Investors have with Title Companies. They are definitely worth having and they make sure that we’re purchasing a property that’s clear of any problems. However, they’re often the cause of problems we didn’t even know we had. Sometimes this takes a good property and ruins the deal … Read More Read More…
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Do you like Easements? Do you know what an easement is? Have you ever bought anything with easement access? Those are just a few items we’re going to talk about today regarding this interesting topic. The truth about this form of access is that not all of them are created equally. So what does that … Read More Read More…
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It seems like an easy question to answer. You take your assets and you subtract your liabilities and poof! You’ve got your number. After a few conversations with people this week though it seems like there’s a bunch of often overlooked values. This is especially true if you’re an active land investor. Why do we … Read More Read More…
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Sometimes you’ll come across a deal that goes extremely smooth and is bought and flipped before you can even blink. That’s not necessarily the norm though and having patience is of utmost importance if you want to make it long term in this business. This means you’re willing to look at deals and know you … Read More Read More…
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Sometimes the difference between a good deal and a bad deal, a yes or a no, a good property and a bad property are what you’re willing to do as the investor. It’s really easy to get spoiled as a land investor because for so long all you had to do was send mail and … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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Do you have a savings account? Are you earning any interest on that savings account? Are you sitting cash heavy with no deals in sight? Do you have money that you know you need to invest but you’re sitting on it, waiting for something to come your way? If you do, you’re not alone. There’s … Read More Read More…
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Seems like one of the big buzzwords in the land industry these days is “subdivide” and we totally get it as we’re constantly talking about it ourselves. Knowing how to subdivide is an amazing tool that can add to your business in ways that you might not even be able to imagine right now. What … Read More Read More…
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A solid follow up campaign is by far one of the best strategies you can have in your land business today. We’re not just talking about calling people back when they respond to your letters or texts. We’re talking about the people that you already called who mentioned they weren’t quite ready to sell but … Read More Read More…
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Being your own boss is a wild rollercoaster of emotion and it takes a special person to be able to handle all of the ups and downs and stay confident. The question we’re talking about today is if there’s certain things you can do to stay confident and lead your company the way you want … Read More Read More…
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Todays episode is inspired by a recent social media post we made regarding the completion of a subdivide project. The post, if you haven’t seen it yet, ask a simple question about whether or not you thought the deal was a good one or not. Unlike many post on social media, we didn’t just want … Read More Read More…
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There’s a ton of ways to grow in this business and using other peoples money is at the top of the list when it comes to scaling fast. Two of the options you have when you do this are partnering with others in a JV or getting a Hard Money loan. Each option has there … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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This is a question we’ve actually had come up multiple times this week and the answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Like a lot of things, the answer takes a more in depth look at each individual person. Join us today as we dive into the answer and see if you have what it … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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The new year is upon us and many people are setting up there goals for the year. One of the most important parts of setting up those goals though is knowing where your business is going. Have you ever thought about that? What’s your end goal? What do you want out of your business? For … Read More Read More…
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Happy New Year Everyone!! We hope all of you had a successful 2023 and go into the new year with even more success than you had the previous year. With that in mind, are you working or relaxing this week? What are your thoughts on that? Do you take the week between Christmas and New … Read More Read More…
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It’s that time of year again where the holidays are top of everyone’s mind. There’s a ton of things going on in everyone’s life and business and it’s a great time to reflect on how your year went and what you plan on doing the next year. So join us today as we reflect on … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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If you haven’t seen the viral “girl math” trend going on right now then you might not get the joke but it’s definitely worth checking out for a good laugh. It had us thinking about all the other types of math that get skewed out there and thought we’d talk about it today. The moral … Read More Read More…
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Entrepreneurship is one of the hardest things anyone can take on. Sure, it has massive benefits if you succeed but it also comes with a ton of work, pressure, decision making, etc.. It’s even harder when you’re brand new and you’re the one having to make every decision and do all of the work. You … Read More Read More…
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It doesn’t matter what niche your in at some point you will encounter someone either selling or trying to buy the same thing that you are. For Land Investors this is common with our acquisitions because we’ll market to a certain area and so will other investors. The problem with this comes when someone offers … Read More Read More…
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Happy Thanksgiving!! Were taking a few days to spend with our friends and family over the holiday but wanted to drop a special thank you to all of our listeners. You guys keep us coming back each and every week and we greatly appreciate it. Some may even said we asked for the cake and … Read More Read More…
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The ability to control ones time is such an important gift we can give ourselves. Not only does it allow you to be free when / if you ever have something to do but it also lends you to the ability to say “no”. I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to do this but building … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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You ever heard the saying, “your network equals your net worth”? It means the people you surround yourself with can be directly corelated to your position in life. While we’ve always believed that to be the truth it was never more so than a lunch we had the same day we recorded the show. It … Read More Read More…
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One of the reasons we opened an actual office instead of working from home was so that we had a place to come together, not just on our own but with anyone interested in Land Investing. Over the years several people have come by which normally leads to lunch just like it did yesterday with … Read More Read More…
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We’ve been doing this a long time now and one thing we know for sure is that there’s a big ole smoke show out there. That on it’s own doesn’t really bother us. People have always wanted to puff their chest and act like they’re doing more than they really are. No big deal. It … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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Just how hard is it to build a Million Dollar Land Investing business? That’s a question that we found ourselves thinking about before todays show and the answer isn’t exactly a direct one. There’s several factors that go into it but we think it’s probably a lot easier than you think. Join us today as … Read More Read More…
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Inspired by a family vacation as a kid where Justin got to see the marvel that was the Binion’s Million Dollar wall we are talking about our wall at the Casual Fridays HQ. It’s in our hallway and and we walk past it everyday without really thinking about what it is or what we’ve done … Read More Read More…
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As more and more marketing tools and tips come into the Land Investing niche it’s easy to forget about the one thing that has consistently driven quality leads through out the entirety of the business. That’s direct mail and it has been put through the ringer and come out the other side as the long … Read More Read More…
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The Subdivide Master Class is back!! Riding off the success of the last two classes we’ve decided to do another one and we couldn’t be more excited! We’re not just building a course here either, we’ve put together an incredibly strong team of people who are all doing subdivides and taking their business to the … Read More Read More…
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Inspired by a beautiful day and an extended lunch break today, we were thinking just how differently life can be for people. While some sit in boring cubicles at a job they hate others have created a life they love. What’s the difference between the two people? Join us today as we talk about this … Read More Read More…
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What an amazing event this year!! The speakers were great, the location was great and meeting everyone and getting to know them a little better is always a highlight of the event. As always we end each day with a live podcast where we let get the guest involved and this year was no different. … Read More Read More…
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No matter where you are in your journey all it takes to get to the next level is a little bit of courage and you can totally change your life. Whether you’re new and contemplating starting your business or if you’re a seasoned pro looking to make that next leap. You just gotta have that … Read More Read More…
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When you’re first getting started the smallest wins can produce such a great feeling of success. It’s almost a high that keeps you going and wanting more. Over time though, those small wins don’t do it for you anymore. You probably don’t even take the time to think about them. Those small wins are super … Read More Read More…
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One thing for sure about “success” is that one size doesn’t fit all. How you measure it shouldn’t be focused on that model either. For some just getting started and making their first deal is a monumental win while others are several hundred deals in and looking for different ways to measure that feeling. So … Read More Read More…
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Starting a business is a funny thing. You’ll have people who support your dreams, people who think you’re crazy and you may even have people who bet against you. One things for certain though, when you start doing well other people will want to know what you’re doing and even try and get into it … Read More Read More…
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Creeks, Ponds, Rivers.. They’re all great but that’s not what we’re talking about today. No, we’re talking about good ole water straight out of the ground.. or maybe pipe that runs along your property.. Either way, it’s a super important thing that when we first started we didn’t think much of. On the property type … Read More Read More…
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July was a month to remember. We traveled, made memories, got married, traveled some more, had amazing experiences and lived life with our family and friends. It was a well deserved break that we were excited to do and grateful that the land niche provided us the ability to do so. Life isn’t all about … Read More Read More…
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A fellow Land Investor made a post the other day that which got us thinking. It was the idea that there is more money available right now than there are deals to be had. It’s a great thought but do we think it’s actually true? Join us today to find out!Casual Fridays REI
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Back in our day we had to walk up hill, barefoot in the snow just to get the opportunity to purchase a piece of land and back then we were told never to use leverage. It would ruin you financially and your business would go bankrupt. That’s no longer the case and it probably never … Read More Read More…
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One thing for sure about this business is that you will meet all types of people. Some will be easy and fun to work with while others will be a pain in your you know what. The challenge of that as business owners is how we react to each person as the scenarios come up. … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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Every now and then we meet someone in person that really impresses us and today we’ve decided to have one of those people on the show. Before we get started with him though, we have a HUGE announcement that you’re gonna want to listen in for. Not to steal any of his thunder though, Ajay … Read More Read More…
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An idea came to us the other day while watching the new Nike / Michael Jordan movie which if you haven’t seen yet you’ve gotta check it out. Besides being a great movie, it shows a list of the 10 things that Nike lives and dies by. One of those things revolved around doing the … Read More Read MoreCasual Fridays REI
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The markets changing and if you think you can buy and sell property with the same rules as you could just a few years ago then you’re wrong. In this market you’ve got to look at properties through a different lens and a comment was made in our Master Class group that has led the … Read More Read More…
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