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Chatting with Chemeketa


Chatting with Chemeketa is the show where we talk about EVERYTHING related to college. Whether you are someone considering coming to Chemeketa, a current student, an alum, a member of the community, or part of our local business and industry, we’ve got you covered.
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DJ CHEMODANOV — популярный, опытный и востребованный ди-джей., за свою карьеру успел выступить в лучших нижегородских клубах. Является ex-участником фестиваля электронной EDM музыки "River Dance" (г.Нижний Новгород). К 2013 году выступил на одной сцене с такими известными музыкантами и продюсерами как: Dennis the Menace, Ian Osborn, Ruslan Mays, Dino Dallas. Кроме того, DJ CHEMODANOV занимается музыкальным оформлением праздников: свадеб, корпоративов, частных мероприятий и детских...
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The History of Chemistry

Steve Cohen

Chemistry is everywhere, and involves everything. But how did chemistry get to be what it is? I'm Steve Cohen, a chemist and writer, bringing you The History of Chemistry. This podcast explores the development of chemistry from prehistoric times to the present, including the people and societies who made chemistry what it is today. The History of Chemistry is for you, whether you hated chemistry in high school, or got a PhD in inorganic chemistry. We'll explore how chemistry affected art, mu ...
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Clinical Chemistry Podcast

Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine

This free monthly podcast is offered by Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today's clinical laboratory.
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Politely Pushy with Eric Chemi

Eric Chemi

Tech guru and veteran CNBC and Bloomberg journalist Eric Chemi takes on modern business and what it takes to break through from a journalist’s perspective. It’s all about being assertive (!!) in a way that wins friends and nurtures relationships – what we at Bospar have branded “Politely Pushy”. From CEOs, founders and investors, to IT experts, luminaries, and other interesting sorts, Eric delivers straight talk in a relaxed “let’s have coffee” conversation that’s interesting, fast-paced, an ...
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Chemist Confessions

Chemist Confessions Inc.

Skincare chemists Gloria & Victoria’s weekly conversation on all things skincare science. The podcast covers notable skincare news, decoding outrageous claims, demystifying the overwhelming product landscapes, and answering your burning skincare questions. Tune in if you might need help building a skincare routine, finding a serum that’ll ACTUALLY deliver, or just want to have a few laughs on some of the crazy things you see in skincare.
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Le Chemin

Sebastiao Diallo

Le Chemin, c’est ton rendez-vous du dimanche avec Sebastiao Diallo. Ici, on parle de business, de stratégies concrètes et des leçons tirées du quotidien. C’est un espace pour apprendre, éviter les erreurs, et progresser ensemble, un pas à la fois. Que tu sois entrepreneur, curieux ou en quête d’inspiration, Le Chemin t’accompagne dans ton parcours.
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The Social Chemist

Nelson Perez

A podcast that looks into the psychosocial elements that contribute to conspiracy theories and political extremism. Hosted by social worker and conspiracy theory researcher Nelson Perez.
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Chemie kennt keine Liga

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

"Chemie kennt keine Liga" ist der Podcast der Mitteldeutschen Zeitung über den Halleschen FC. Alle zwei Wochen sprechen die MZ-Sportreporter mit Host Julius Lukas über Siege und Niederlagen des HFC, über Top-Transfers und Flop-Transfers, über Fußballkultur auf und abseits des Rasens - ganz egal, in welcher Klasse der HFC gerade spielt. Denn: Chemie kennt keine Liga."
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Chemistry For Your Life

Melissa and Jam, Bleav

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life. Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life! In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a w ...
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Welcome to REVISE, the ultimate podcast for those ready to ace their Chemistry GCSE exams! Are you feeling the exam pressure building up like a stack of unread textbooks? Fear not! Join us as we transform daunting topics into digestible, engaging, and easy-to-follow episodes. To see all of Seneca Learning's available content, visit our website
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Society of Chemical Engineers

Society of Chemical Engineers

"Society of Chemical Engineers"in rəsmi podkast kanalı. Əsas məqsədimiz kimya mühəndisliyi işini bu sahənin bir çox istiqamətləri ilə tanış etmək və mühəndislərin təcrübələrini paylaşmasına şərait yaradaraq ona töhfə verməkdir. #helpsharearntogether #societyofchemicalengineers The official podcast channel of the "Society of Chemical Engineers". Our main goal is to introduce the work of chemical engineering through various aspects of the field and to contribute by providing a platform for eng ...
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Chemstory est une série balado créée par des hommes gais, bisexuels, queers et des personnes non-binaires qui souhaitent partager leurs expériences en lien avec le chemsex*. Chaque épisode est produit par une personne différente de la communauté à qui nous avons donné carte blanche pour qu’elles puissent s’exprimer librement et partager son histoire à sa façon. Les propos exprimés dans ce balado relèvent d’expériences et d’opinions personnelles. Comme chaque épisode est produit indépendammen ...
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Chemins de Vie @

Thru the Bible French

La série Chemins de Vie est une étude biblique systématique des ?critures et fait partie du ministère international Thru the Bible. A l'origine, cette série de programmes fut développée par le Dr; J. Vernon McGee. Ensuite elle a été adaptée et traduite dans plus de 100 langues et dialectes. Les émissions, d'une durée de 30 minutes, permettent à l'auditeur de parcourir toute la Bible. Ces mêmes programmes sont maintenant disponibles sur Internet. Nous sommes heureux de savoir que vous avez pr ...
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Chemigate Podcast

Chemigate Oy

Astu biopolymeerien ihmeelliseen maailmaan Chemigaten Podcastissa. Tiedät, miksi monen teollisuuden alan tulevaisuus on tärkkelyksessä ja polysakkarideissa. Oppainasi toimivat Tom Schauman ja Maisa Kantola Chemigatelta
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Welcome to The Chemical Show™, where Chemical Means Business, the #1 business podcast in the global chemical industry. If you're looking for insights from business leaders of mid-market to Fortune 50 chemical and industrial companies, this is the place to be. Featuring interviews with industry executives, you’ll hear about the key trends impacting chemicals and plastics today: growth, sustainability, innovation, business transformation, digitalization, supply chain, talent, strategic marketi ...
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The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast

The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast

Thank you for listening to the Chemical Sensitivity Podcast! Amplifying voices of people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and research about the illness. Brought to you by journalist and communication studies researcher, Aaron Goodman, Ph.D. Generously supported by the Marilyn Brachman Hoffman Foundation. DISCLAIMER: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material from this project are for informat ...
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Der Synthesizer Podcast - zur Zukunft von Chemie und Gesellschaft

Nona Schulte-Römer und Benjamin Steininger

Chemie ist die Wissenschaft der Transformation. Was aber, wenn sich diese Wissenschaft selbst grundlegend transformieren, wenn Chemiker:innen ihr Forschungs- und Industriefeld neu definieren? Was, wenn das Transformationsziel nicht offen ist, sondern sich an Nachhaltigkeitszielen orientiert? Wie verändert die Chemiewende unsere Kultur und Gesellschaft? Im Synthesizer Podcast beleuchten wir mit Expert:innen die Hintergründe und Herausforderungen dieser Transformation der Transformationswissen ...
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Jules Chemoblog

Ich bin Julian, 27 Jahre alt, und habe Krebs. In meinem Podcast berichte ich aus meinem Leben mit der Krankheit, und teile meine Erfahrungen die ich im Beruf, Alltag und meinem Privatleben mache.
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Learn Science and Chemistry

Chemistry Notes Info

Learn Chemistry with Chemistry Notes Info at : Your Chemistry Tutor for Chemistry Study. Innovative Online Education Classes for 9, 10, 11, 12, Degree Courses, BSc, MSc. Learn Topics like Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Science, College Chemistry. With Chemistry Podcast you also learn Science Chemistry Terminology, Science Quiz, Chemistry Test, Experiments, Basic to Advance Chemistry. ⚛️ Get Our Books from Amazon at ...
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Adventgemeinde Chemnitz - Predigten

Adventgemeinde Chemnitz

Predigten ermutigen, ermahnen und führen näher zu Jesus. Mit diesem Podcast-Angebot stellen wir Ihnen unsere Predigten zum Nachhören zur Verfügung. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, um Jesus kennenzulernen, im Glauben zu wachsen und auch um Neues zu entdecken. Die Predigten der Adventgemeinde Chemnitz sind Ihre Möglichkeit, neue, inspirierende Gedanken zu hören. Gern freuen wir uns auch über Ihre Rückmeldung. Schreiben Sie uns unter [email protected]. Unser Internetangebot finden ...
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show series
Dans cet épisode, j’ai eu la chance de discuter avec Soukaïnatou Diallo, une femme qui incarne la résilience à son plus haut niveau. On a parlé de son parcours unique, de la maladie qui a failli la définir, mais qu’elle a transformée en force. On a abordé des sujets profonds comme la méditation, la solitude, la finance, la résilience, et bien plus …
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Deux-cent-douzième numéro de Chemins d'histoire, dix-septième numéro de la sixième saison, émission animée par Luc DaireauxÉmission diffusée le dimanche 2 mars 2025Thème : Les chemins d'une historienneInvitée : Malika Rahal, directrice de recherche au CNRS, directrice de l’Institut d’histoire du temps présent, autrice, aux éditions de l’Ecole des h…
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Nous avons la joie d’accueillir aujourd’hui : Jérome Hautdidier, directeur du service des pèlerinages du diocèse de Nantes mais aussi Josette Taupier et Jean-Claude Morisset, membres des haltes pèlerines en Loire Atlantique et Via Ligeria.Radio Fidélité
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Continuing our journey of diving into exciting, trendy new ingredients, this week, the chemists take a closer look at all the science behind spicule skincare. Though these prickly bits derived from marine sponges definitely have some interesting data, we still have more questions on how to best use spicules… Let’s jump in the rabbit hole!…
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Chemistry 222 Video Lecture from February 28, 2025. This video covers material from Chapter 12 including the integrated first order rate law, half life, half life and the rate constant, and more. CH 222 website: Let me know if you have any questions! [email protected]
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In this episode of Chatting with Chemeketa, we’re highlighting the incredible resources available to student veterans and the crucial support systems that help all students succeed. Meet Nate Easton, the new coordinator of Chemeketa’s Veterans Resource Center, as he shares how the center fosters community, connects veterans with peer advisors, and …
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Washington leaders visited the accident site on the two-year anniversary of a train derailment that contaminated air, soil and water. A landmark step toward promoting sound science and advancing U.S. competitiveness has also been taken. LyondellBasell’s Houston refinery, in operation for over a century, is closing due to high maintenance costs and …
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Están a un paso de entrar a vivir con nosotros. Los robots domésticos nos limpiarán la casa, harán la comida y lavarán los platos. Serán unos compañeros de piso ejemplares. Algo así como el C3PO de la Guerra de las Galaxias, pero ya están a la vuelta de la esquina. Y es que, según dice el ingeniero y físico norteamericano Peter Diamandis, los robot…
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#206 Melissa and Jam address a listener's question about the FDA's reliability in approving products. They discuss the intersection of chemistry, government, and society, focusing on FDA's role in regulating food and drugs. The episode includes a deep dive into the historical thalidomide tragedy, the improvements in the FDA's approval process since…
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Explore the relationship between the chemical industry and energy in this discussion with Mike Kolodner, the US Energy and Power Leader and Global Renewable Energy Leader at Marsh. Victoria Meyer and Mike discuss the energy transition, the realities of energy consumption, and the role of chemical products in supporting renewable technologies. Disco…
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Chemistry 222 Video Lecture from February 26, 2025. This video covers material from Chapter 12 including rates (speeds) of reactions, the rate law, orders of reaction, the integrated first order rate law, and more. CH 222 website: Let me know if you have any questions! [email protected]
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Achtung: Heiß und fettig! Frisch aus dem Podcast-Mikro: unsere chemische Reaktion! Es ist endlich amtlich: Die BSG Chemie bekommt mit Adrian Alipour einen neuen Trainer. Ab 1. April - kein Scherz. Wieso ist das so? Welche Philosophie und Vita bringt der 46-jährige Ruhrpottler mit? Und vorallem: Was sind unsere Meinungen dazu? Viele Fragen, noch meh…
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TikTok está temblando en EEUU. Primero, Trump amenazó con cerrarla. Después, la cerró. Bueno. Y, al final, el mismo Trump le ha dado una prórroga. ¿Qué va a pasar ahora? El propio Donald Trump está manipulando a su estilo los sentimientos de amor-odio de los estadounidenses por la red social. Y todo, para enfocar los intereses de su entorno. Pero e…
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Ready to stand out from the crowd? Bospar’s Jessica Shein and Caroline Kamerschen are your guides to conquering SXSW! In this week's episode, we reveal how tech companies can rise above the frenzy of SXSW. Learn how to nail early media outreach, create buzzworthy booth experiences, arm yourself with killer virtual assets, and harness the power of a…
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In this episode I am joined by Libby Sommer, an independent consultant working on sustainability in the apparel industry. Libby and I discuss: Libby’s background and early career Her work on sustainability and life cycle assessments in the apparel industry Working with start-ups Drivers of innovation How sustainability focus areas have evolved over…
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Okay, Google: Was ist eine Baller League? Kostet das was? Ist das ansteckend? Drei Spieler der BSG Chemie denken sich „fuck it, we ball“ und treten ab der kommenden Season in der werbeintensiven Kleinfeldliga an. Für den notorisch sponsorenlosen Podcast aus dem Leutzscher Holz ein Anlass, mal wieder auf Tuchfühlung mit den Kids zu gehen, herauszufi…
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Hoy, te contamos lo mejor y lo peor de uno de los móviles más potentes del año, el Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra. El año pasado, el S24 Ultra se llevó el premio de tuexperto al Mejor Móvil del Año. ¿Qué pasará este año? ¿Ha mejorado mucho el nuevo S25? ¿Cómo quedará si lo comparamos con el iPhone y con los otros teléfonos superbuenos de marcas como Xiao…
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Navigating the complexities of risk management in the chemical industry is no small feat, and this episode of The Chemical Show brings experts from Marsh to share insights on how companies can thrive amid emerging challenges. Victoria Meyer is joined by industry leaders like Steve Horstkamp, Susan Gonzales, Mike Kolodner, and Randal Waters to explo…
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Hablamos de una inteligencia artificial capaz de predecir el tiempo con 15 días de antelación. Pero, además, se trata de una predicción muy precisa y mucho más certera que las actuales. Este modelo se diferencia de los modelos tradicionales, como los que usa la AEMET en España, en su enfoque de aprendizaje automático. Mientras que las agencias de m…
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Given the environmental catastrophe into which we now zombie-walk, here is a bit about the history of extracting greenhouse gases directly from the air. Extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere began in the 1930s, but proposals to do it environmentally only began about 25 years ago, with the first large-scale systems appearing in the 2020s. We…
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Albert Siba Beavogui est un étudiant en réseaux et télécommunications en 3e année à l’école polytechnique, designer, pianiste, développeur web, Directeur Général de Kambily et cofondateur de YamadigitCom Cet épisode retrace son parcours entrepreneurial en Guinée, de ses débuts sans famille d’entrepreneurs à la création de YamadigitCom, une agence d…
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The newest episode from The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast is available now! It's called “Chemicals & Parkinson’s Disease.” It features a conversation with Ray Dorsey, MD, professor of neurology at the University of Rochester in New York State in the U.S. I invited Ray to speak on the podcast, because he insists toxic chemicals are the leading cause …
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Deux-cent-onzième numéro de Chemins d'histoire, seizième numéro de la sixième saison, émission animée par Luc DaireauxÉmission diffusée le samedi 22 février 2025Thème : Boîtes de nonnes ou petites cellules de religieuses, entre XVIIIe et XXIe siècleInvitées : Elisabeth Lusset, chargée de recherche au CNRS, et Isabelle Heullant-Donat, professeure d’…
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Hablamos de un reloj inteligente muy especial. Se llama HUAWEI Watch D2. Y lo mejor de este reloj es que no sólo nos da la hora, se conecta al móvil o nos mide las pulsaciones. Este, además, es capaz de medirnos la presión arterial. Mide la tensión como esos chismes médicos que te ponen en el brazo y se hinchan. Antes de seguir hablando del reloj, …
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Job analysis is a crucial component of instructional system design that identifies essential skills and knowledge needed for a job, moving beyond inefficient shadowing methods. However, it's often poorly executed or skipped entirely. Effective analysis should focus on specific behaviors, consider environmental factors, and adapt to technological ch…
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In this episode, we’ll explore how atoms from different elements join together to form compounds. We’ll discuss how these compounds have unique chemical formulae based on their constituent elements. Using analogies like Lego models, we’ll illustrate how different atomic combinations create distinct structures. Finally, we’ll examine sodium oxide (N…
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Cada equipo electrónico que compramos nos espía. Al final de de 2024, ya había 18.800 millones de chismes conectados a Internet en todo el mundo. Al principio sólo eran los móviles. Ahora, todos lo hacen. Desde la tele de casa, hasta el altavoz o la pulsera de actividad. Desde el robot aspiradora, hasta el frigorífico inteligente. Todos te obligan …
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Ask a Chemist #64 Melissa and Jam delve into intriguing chemistry questions posed by their listeners. They explore whether all salts are salty, the chemistry of gunshot residue and fingerprinting, and the reactions between chemicals and sound waves. Special guest Maison, Melissa's husband, joins to discuss sourdough starter cultures and answer sour…
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Wie gründet man das weltweit erste Großforschungszentrum der Chemie, das CTC – Center for the Transformation of Chemistry? Wie lassen sich Chemiewende und Strukturwandel im Mitteldeutschen Chemiedreieck und ehemaligen Braunkohlerevier verbinden? Woran misst sich der Erfolg eines solchen Projekts? Diese und viele weitere Fragen besprechen wir mit Pr…
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