Experiência social em que Ricardo Araújo Pereira fala sozinho durante bastante tempo sobre assuntos que o entusiasmam muito mas talvez não interessem a mais ninguém. Às vezes, aborrece convidados. Objectivo é obter o maior número possível de ouvintes, como quando aquele ovo era a fotografia com mais likes do Instagram. A capa de 'Coisa Que Não Edifica Nem Destrói' é de Vera Tavares e a música de Rodrigo Leão.
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Livros, autores e editores. Uma celebração do gosto e da escrita.
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The top stories and best shows in the blockchain world, delivered daily from the team at CoinDesk.
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3 dudes bettin on NASCAR
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The Decentralize with Cointelegraph podcast covers all things Web3 and cryptocurrency, from challenges facing the industry to breaking news and in-depth dives into the culture of BTC, Ethereum and Web3. Experience crypto news like never before with the Decentralize with Cointelegraph podcast.
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Crimes résolus ou meurtres sans réponses , ce podcast vous permettra de plonger au coeur des plus grandes histoires criminelles survenues dans le monde lors du siècle dernier . Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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um podcast que acontece quando o nada nos preenche com coisas
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Conversas conduzidas por Bernardo Mendonça com as mais variadas personagens que contam histórias maiores do que a vida. Ou tão simples como ela pode ser
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Welcome to the CoinDrop Podcast where we discuss all things gaming. Tim and Russ have a combined total of over 50 years of gaming experience and industry knowledge. In the CoinDrop podcast you'll hear their thoughts and opinions about upcoming games, industry news, and if they're successful enough, potentially interviews with the developers themselves. Join them as they give their take on the latest industry news.
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O podcast que se auto-intitula o podcast mais aleatório de todo Brasil. Episódios novos toda segunda-feira (ou quase isso)
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A podcast dedicated to coins and coin collecting.
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Crypto Confident: Navigating Digital Assets with CoinsDo Podcast Description: "Crypto Confident" is your go-to podcast for mastering the ever-evolving world of digital assets. Brought to you by CoinsDo, a leading provider of Wallet-as-a-Service platforms, we dive into the technology, trends, and strategies shaping the blockchain economy. Each episode unpacks practical insights on managing digital currencies securely, explores cutting-edge innovations like Multi-Party Computation (MPC), and s ...
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A atualidade está toda ligada. Bruno Vieira Amaral, Judite França, Vanessa Cruz e Nélson Ferreira mostram como, com 6 graus de separação.
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Learn about the future of money and how Bitcoin proposes a solution to the problems in our monetary system. Why is wealth concentration growing? Will the U.S. dollar always be the world reserve currency? Is Bitcoin the "internet of money?" Journalist and educator Natalie Brunell shares one-on-one interviews with thought leaders. Whether you're eager to start learning about Bitcoin, or already follow the world of cryptocurrency and its pioneers, this show has something for you to HODL. Join u ...
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Um podcast que é bom, mas que também não é lá Grande Coisa!
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Join Tegan, Rocky and Brian as they hurtle through keeping up with modern video games. They'll cover big games, indie games, mobile stuff, good games and bad games. While they're at it they'll also spend time trying to figure out where games fit in our rapidly changing world. Also cheap jokes.
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A daily audio show on Crypto Currencies and Blockchain, with news on Bitcoin, Etherium, GoByte, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and many other crypto coins.
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Welcome to Coin Chronicles, the podcast where history, mystery, and numismatics collide! Join hosts Josh and Adam as they explore the fascinating world of rare and mysterious coins. From lost treasures to cryptic inscriptions, each episode uncovers the hidden stories behind some of history’s most intriguing currency. Whether you're a collector, a history buff, or just love a good mystery, this podcast is for you!
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O Coisarada é um pequeno podcast que tem como principal objetivo ser um canal para a livre expressão de ideias e de assuntos variados.
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Podcast by CoisasDoArcoDaVelha
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AI & Data Driven Insights for the Coin Market
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Oi, meu nome é Natália Sousa, sou jornalista, roteirista, escritora e comunicadora. Viciada em autoconhecimento, conversas profundas e mergulhos internos (mesmo quando desconfortáveis), criei o Para dar Nome às Coisas para ser uma mesa de bar na web. Aqui compartilho histórias que eu vivi e que eu só contaria numa mesa de boteco, no sofá de casa ou num divã de psicanalista - de um jeito honestão e em primeira pessoa. A cada play você vou te guiar por uma viagem sobre medo, fracasso, coragem, ...
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Welcome to The Coin Jam Podcast, a show about repairing, restoring, and collecting classic coin-operated amusement machines. We cover everything from arcade video games and pinball machines, to jukeboxes, redemption games, and more. If you've ever wanted to listen to some guys ramble on about multimeters, Molex connectors, desoldering tools, CRT monitor chassis, bondo, and blown fuses... then this is the podcast for you! Co-hosted by Coin-Op Corner, Retrobotics, and Overtime Arcade from YouT ...
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Bem-vindo ao Maior Podcast do Brasil que te ajuda Emagrecer de forma Sustentável! Sou Nutricionista obstinado por ajudar pessoas se libertarem do ciclo interminável de dependência de dietas. Chega de "alimento que engorda ou emagrece"! Existe na verdade, bom ou mau uso de alimentos; e isso é total reflexo de sua mentalidade e comportamentos com a comida. Durante cada episódio que você ouvir, poderá contar com meu Comprometimento para te ajudar a entender por que Emagrecer É Outra Coisa!
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Cryptos!!! Beyond Bitcoin, 3rd Gen Blockchain
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Around The Coin is a podcast exploring finance, fintech, and the future of money. Hosted by industry experts, it features deep dives into payments, crypto, banking, and disruptive innovations shaping the global economy.
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Émissions sur la pop culture (comics, séries, films et tout ce qui nous passionne), avec de nombreux spin-offs thématiques. Hôtes : @emmanuelPeudon (https://twitter.com/emmanuelPeudon), @Guigui le gentil (https://bsky.app/profile/guigui-le-gentil.bsky.social), @Reisselpud (https://twitter.com/Reisselpud) Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Remember those arcade games you played as a kid? They are still out there. Come with us and we will tell you all about what it is like to find, restore, maintain and play these old games. Interested in acquiring games and starting a collection or just hearing some stories and reminiscing about the arcades and games of the past? This is the podcast you've been looking for.
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In Alles Coin Nichts Muss werfen Julius Nagel und Florian Adomeit einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Web3, um zu verstehen, was die Krypto-Welt bewegt - was ist Hype und was bleibt? Jeden Samstag quatschen die beiden über die spannendsten News der Woche und erkunden hierbei die Vision, Funktionsweisen, Chancen & Risiken des Web 3. DER Podcast für jeden, der verstehen will, was sich hinter Ethereum, NFTs, DAOs & Co. verbirgt, welche Trends wirklich Substanz haben und wo die Reise hingehen ka ...
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Cryptocurrency news podcast with JtbCollects, public figure from YouTube.com/joebarnard22
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Coin Concede is a podcast about Hearthstone. Hosts Edelweiss, WickedGood and Magesa cover everything Hearthstone related from Hearthstone News to laddering in ranked play. While integrating their personal experience playing Hearthstone, they converse over news topics, decks, meta shifts, tournaments, and emails. If you’re a casual player just starting out, or a competitive legendary player, there are many things to enjoy about this podcast.
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COINSHOW - новостной дайджест событий в мире криптовалют. Каждую неделю мы обсуждаем новости вместе с нашими гостями, составляем прогнозы и даем оценку текущему положению криптоотрасли.
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Stuck on a decision? In this episode of Tech Talks with Ali & Ahmad, we explore the convenience of online coin tosses! Whether it's choosing who goes first in a game or making a quick decision, virtual coin flips provide a simple and fair solution. We discuss how online coin tosses work, their fairness, and even put one to the test live on the podcast! Tune in for a fun and quick chat about the ultimate digital decision-maker!
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Reviewing New Cryptocurrencies
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True Stories of Synchronicity and Uncanny Coincidence ~ GodShots®
Lydia Cornell, Dr. Darlene Sperlazza and Expert Guests
Mental Health Series. Einstein said: "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." There are true stories that point to something larger in the universe. Are they miracles or merely coincidences? You decide.A godshot is not a religious term; it's a glimpse of startling synchronicity and serendipity that sends chills down your spine and gives you a rush of recognition. A conversation about everyday miracles. Co-hosts: Lydia Cornell, Dr. Darlene Sperlazza, Daniel Lockwood. Good news: we a ...
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Podcast by Pablo Peixoto
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Ao lado de Alexandre Bentivoglio e Larissa Alves, Reinaldo Azevedo apresenta o programa O É da Coisa, de segunda à sexta, na Rádio BandNews FM. O programa vai das 18h às 19h20 no rádio e das 18h às 19h30 nas redes sociais da BandNews FM e no BandNews TV. O jornalista também assina uma coluna da Folha de S.Paulo e mantém seu blog no UOL. Foi redator-chefe da Bravo!, editor-adjunto de política da Folha de S.Paulo, coordenador de política da sucursal de Brasília do mesmo jornal e redator-chefe ...
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The number one resource for anything cryptocurrency related. Stay up to date on current news and crypto pricing as well as a full-blown knowledge academy on everything cryptocurrency.
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O podcast do Coisas de TV. Aqui falamos sobre novela, TV, nosso sonho de ser convidado pro café da manhã da Ana Maria e o que mais der na telha.
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Somos 4 amigos ligados em tudo que acontece no dia dia, ou melhor, vivendo isso, e trazemos para vocês todos esses cenários de forma cômica e informativa.
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CoinSpice.io Editor-in-Chief C. Edward Kelso hosts a wild and free podcast about things crypto.
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O É da Coisa de 26/03/2025, com Reinaldo Azevedo: Bolsonaro réu por 5 a 0; “Mito” reage com mentiras
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1:26:28BandNews FM
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MARKETS DAILY: Crypto Update | Pakistan Joins Crypto Race With Bitcoin Strategy
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18:39The latest price moves and insights with Jennifer Sanasie and Bilal Bin Saqib, Chief Adviser to Pakistan’s Finance Minister and CEO of the Pakistan Crypto Council. To get the show every day, follow the podcast here. Bilal Bin Saqib, Chief Adviser to Pakistan’s Finance Minister and CEO of the Pakistan Crypto Council, joins CoinDesk to discuss the co…
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A Pale Oak Biome
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1:32:24The podcast has been sold to Saudi Arabia.
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BITCOIN SEASON 2: Stop Ossification: Don't Let BTC Become a Rolex
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50:04StarkWare founder Eli Ben-Sasson explains Starknet settling on both Ethereum and Bitcoin, the need for Bitcoin scaling through OP_CAT, quantum computing threats, and preventing Bitcoin from becoming an exclusive asset only for the wealthy. You're listening to Bitcoin Season 2. Subscribe to the newsletter, trusted by over 7,000 Bitcoiners: https://n…
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Host Christine Lee breaks down the latest news in the industry as IMX token jumps after the SEC ends enforcement threats against Immutable. IMX token jumps after the SEC ends enforcement threats against Immutable. Plus the U.S. FDIC drops "reputational risk" banking discrimination against crypto firms and Fidelity Investments develops its own stabl…
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Bridging Fiat and Crypto Worlds - Nik Denisenko | ATC #555
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48:43Join your host Stephen Sargeant in this exciting episode as he sits down with Nik Denisenko, CTO and co-founder of Brighty app. Explore Nick's journey from working at Revolut Business to pioneering Brighty, a hybrid neo-digital bank that simplifies the use of crypto and fiat currencies. Learn about the intricacies of crypto-backed credit cards, reg…
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Episode 92 - I Have No Idea What Happen This Episode...
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1:59:21Good Morning CoinDroppers! Let me start by saying... I genuinely don't know what happened this episode but Tim was.... difficult to keep on track. What should have been a normal length episode ballooned into this monster of an episode. Enjoy? Forest Reigns We got a new trailer from our friends at VG Entertainment with some new info about what to ex…
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Revolução Cultural Chinesa. Oiça aqui o novo podcast de Ricardo Araújo Pereira, Miguel Góis e José Diogo Quintela
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1:10:21Neste episódio sobre a revolução cultural chinesa, Miguel Góis, José Diogo Quintela e Ricardo Araújo Pereira reflectem sobre um fenómeno chamado caradenabismo. Com coragem, denunciam casos de reles aldrabice nutricional. Revelam ao grande público interessantes aspectos da sua vida pessoal. Reprovam, com o mais veemente repúdio, a utilização errónea…
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S07EP270 - Se dê tempo para errar
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50:53Chiliquei por cinco minutos, e depois me dei conta de quanto estava sendo infantil e de quanto, na verdade, aquele chilique só escondia o medo de não dar conta. De não saber fazer. Eu estava só apavorada, porque eu disse sim para uma coisa que era primeira vez que eu tava fazendo, e eu achava que não acertar de primeira, era o mesmo do que assinar …
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Founder Series S2E3 mit Arcium-Gründer Yannik Schrade
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1:07:19Die Blockchain mag die Welt revolutionieren, kommt allerdings mit einem fetten Haken: Alles auf ihr ist öffentlich – egal ob Zockereien auf Polymarket, DAO-Payrolls oder sensible Unternehmensdaten. Für viele Corporates oder privatsphäresensible Akteure könnte das genau der Partypooper sein, der Mainstream-Adoption verhindert. Das hat sich auch Yann…
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Auradine Debuts US-Engineered Hydro-Cooled Bitcoin Miner With 600TH/s Output DeFi platform MIM Spell offers 20% bounty to hacker after $12.9 million ETH heist Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial to Launch Stablecoin
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O É da Coisa de 25/03/2025, com Reinaldo Azevedo: Bolsonaro, o julgamento, as mentiras e o futuro
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1:24:03BandNews FM
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Host Christine Lee breaks down the latest news in the industry as Trump-related companies are exploring crypto ETFs and stablecoins. Trump Media partners with Crypto.com to launch ETPs and ETFs, while Trump-backed World Liberty Financial explores stablecoins. Plus, Nillion's 'blind computing' protocol launches on mainnet. CoinDesk's Christine Lee h…
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Bitcoin’s $200T Future: CoinDesk Spotlight with Michael Saylor
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1:59:53Insights into the past, present and future of the crypto industry with Michael Saylor. Follow the podcast here. In this episode of CoinDesk Spotlight, Strategy Executive Chairman, Michael Saylor—the tech entrepreneur turned bitcoin evangelist—pulls back the curtain on his bold roadmap for bitcoin's global transformation. With the intensity of a tec…
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THE MINING POD: Auradine’s AH3880 Server Rack ASIC Miner w/ Sanjay Gupta
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45:09Auradine’s new ASIC miner takes a traditional server rack design into the brave new world of bitcoin mining. You're listening to The Mining Pod. Subscribe to the newsletter, trusted by over 8,000 Bitcoiners: https://newsletter.blockspacemedia.com Want to mine Bitcoin? Check out the Blockspace Media store today! Welcome back to The Mining Pod! Today…
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Eric Yakes: $1+ Trillion Flowing into Bitcoin? Bullish Report Reveals Massive Potential for Institutional & Nation State Adoption
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44:50In this Coin Stories episode, Natalie Brunell is joined by Eric Yakes to discuss: His company's 150-page research report, "The Bitcoin Ecosystem 2024 Annual Report": https://epochvc.io/pdf/Epoch-Bitcoin-Ecosystem-Report-2024.pdf Bullish momentum for Bitcoin What would happen if the top 10 public companies invested in Bitcoin Why Bitcoin will compet…
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Crypto Stocks Soar as Bitcoin, Tech Sector Gain
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O É da Coisa de 24/03/2025, com Reinaldo Azevedo: Decisão histórica; a democracia; batom e Justiça
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1:24:41BandNews FM
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MARKETS DAILY: Crypto Update | Is the Economy Stronger Than We Think?
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20:15The latest price moves and insights with Jennifer Sanasie and 10x Research founder Markus Thielen. To get the show every day, follow the podcast here. 10x Research founder Markus Thielen joins CoinDesk to discuss the latest movements across the crypto market, with a focus on bitcoin's rebound to $90,000 and the potential for another BTC all-time hi…
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Host Christine Lee breaks down the latest news in the industry as crypto Twitter reacts to claims that the IMF recognizes bitcoin as digital gold. Crypto markets are upbeat as Trump’s Liberation day for tariffs may be narrower than expected. Plus, Tether seeks a full audit from a Big Four accounting firm and social media is abuzz with claims that t…
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News Block: Major Institutional Boost to BTC, U.S. "Wants All the Bitcoin" It Can Get, SEC Clarifies Bitcoin Mining Status, OCC Scraps ‘Reputation Risk’ Exams
In this week's episode of the Coin Stories News Block powered by Gemini, we cover these major headlines related to Bitcoin, macroeconomics, and global finance: SEC Confirms Bitcoin Mining is Not a Security Transaction OCC to End Reputation Risk Exams Amid Backlash Survey Shows 85% of Institutional Investors Increased BTC Allocation Bo Hines: “We [U…
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Canções para acabar com a chuva
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36:38Em jeito de feitiço para mandar embora tempestades ou como lamento de quem precisa de sol para andar para a frente, este é um conjunto de cantigas impermeáveis. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Observador
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Um norueguês nunca antes acusado ou condenado por um crime viu-se em trabalhos depois de a plataforma de Inteligência Artificial ChatGPT o ter acusado de matar... os próprios filhos. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Observador
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489 - Coin Concede "A Moonwell and a Dream"
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1:32:32We're nearly to rotation and the release of Into the Emerald Dream! We talk about what we've played in the "Frankenmeta" on the new patch, our experiences in the prerelease Tavern Brawl, and what cards we're excited about (and scared of) from Into the Emerald Dream. News – 19:14 32.0 Known Issues Hearthstone Dev Interview Decksplanations – 28:10 In…
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In this episode, Josh and Adam explore the beauty and symbolism behind the 12 Sternbilder (Zodiac) Coin Necklace—a stunning piece of jewelry crafted from 925 sterling silver and adorned with cubic zirconia. More than just an accessory, this pendant represents the rich history of astrology, connecting wearers to their horoscope and celestial influen…
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Les esclaves sexuelles adolescentes de VIKTOR Mokhov !
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34:54Le 30 septembre 2000, deux amies, Lena Samokhina et Katia Martynova, disparaissent sur le trajet de retour, après une soirée. Derrière elles, elles ne laissent aucun indice. Pour leurs familles, c’est un véritable supplice qui commence. Ce n’est que trois ans plus tard, qu’elles finissent par refaire surface. Que s’est-il passé pendant tout ce temp…
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The Coin Show Podcast Episode 244
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1:01:23Mike and Matt bring you episode 244 of The Coin Show! They talk about the news in numismatics, talk about the upcoming Whitman Baltimore Expo, and check out YOUR coolest thing. Enjoy!
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Ethereum Whales Pounce On The Dip, Snag $236 Million In ETH Coinbase Aligns With Treasury to Fight Crypto Bad Actors Without Wrecking Privacy
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Do amor e da morte: Francisco Mota Saraiva e Helder Macedo.
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1:56:20Francisco Mota Saraiva, o novo Prémio José Saramago em entrevista a Luís Caetano sobre o romance Morramos ao menos no porto (Quetzal). Depois, Helder Macedo, sobre a poesia crepuscular de Corpos da Memória (Caminho).
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BITCOIN SEASON 2: Trump likes Stablecoins, not Bitcoin
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41:46Reality check: President Trump likes stablecoins more than Bitcoin. What do Bitcoiners do? You're listening to Bitcoin Season 2. Subscribe to the newsletter, trusted by over 7,000 Bitcoiners: https://newsletter.blockspacemedia.com President Trump makes a pivot from Bitcoin to stablecoins in his latest policy statements. Reality check: stablecoins n…
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Assim Vamos Ter de Falar de Outra Maneira. É este o trailer do novo podcast de Ricardo Araújo Pereira, José Diogo Quintela e Miguel Góis
Miguel Góis, José Diogo Quintela e Ricardo Araújo Pereira falam semanalmente sobre assuntos. É possível que, a propósito de qualquer coisa, citem um sketch do Gato Fedorento e recordem o modo como surgiu a ideia e as circunstâncias em que o gravaram. Estreia-se a 26 de março, no site da SIC, SIC Notícias e Expresso, e em todas as plataformas de pod…
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Rita Blanco (parte 2): “Vão-nos acontecer sempre coisas más. A nós e a tanta gente. A alegria é o que nos resta para lutarmos contra os males do mundo”
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58:57Nesta segunda parte da conversa com Rita Blanco, ficamos a saber de que forma a atriz de “A Gaiola Dourada”, “Sangue do Meu Sangue” e “Mal Viver/Viver Mal” se envolve com as personagens que representa e como confronta as pessoas em seu redor com a dureza e as feridas dessas mulheres da ficção. Rita dá-nos também a conhecer a sua vertente de co-auto…
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#155 Shitstorm für Solana, Highlights des Digital Asset Summit und All-In Celestia?
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1:00:46"The Good News: Institutional Adoption Is Happening. The Bad News: They’re Not Buying Your Bags.“ – so fasst Julius Nagel den Digital Asset Summit in New York zusammen. Warum er zu diesem Fazit kommt und welche Eindrücke er sonst noch zwischen Krypto-Bros und den Schlips-Trägern der Wall Street gesammelt hat, erzählt er Florian Adomeit in dieser Fo…
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US Lawmakers Urge SEC to Explain Lack of Oversight on Meme Coins Amid Rising Scam Losses Court Orders $2.3M Returned to Victims of Fake Crypto Trading Platform Australia plans clear crypto laws to boost innovation and investor safety
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O É da Coisa de 21/03/2025, com Reinaldo Azevedo: O empresário Eduardo; os 70 de Bolsonaro e a farsa
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1:24:54BandNews FM
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Quem é a deputada que incomodou todos os partidos?
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12:02Cristina Rodrigues, deputada do Chega, foi a responsável pelo relatório da comissão de inquérito ao caso das gémeas. Entrou no PAN pela porta da assessoria jurídica e mudou para o Chega da mesma forma See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Observador
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Host Christine Lee breaks down the latest news in the crypto industry as the Trump administration is reportedly exploring blockchain technology to overhaul USAID. The Trump administration is reportedly exploring blockchain technology to overhaul USAID. Plus, Eric Trump joins Japan's Metaplanet and the OCC revises guidelines to curb Chokepoint 2.0. …
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THE MINING POD: CBP Update, SEC OKs Mining, BitFarms Merger Closes, Lancium Patent Dispute and Are We Still Bullish?
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38:28Slightly over 30 minutes, but we hit all the mining stories you care about this week! You're listening to The Mining Pod. Subscribe to the newsletter, trusted by over 8,000 Bitcoiners: https://newsletter.blockspacemedia.com Want to mine Bitcoin? Check out the Blockspace Media store today! Welcome to another packed episode of The Mining Pod! Hosts d…
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Pavel Durov Leaves France—What’s Next for Telegram & Toncoin
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12:40In this episode of Byte-Sized Insight, we break down the latest developments surrounding Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s release from France and what it means for free speech, privacy, and decentralized platforms. After being detained in August 2024, Durov was finally permitted to leave for Dubai—but his legal battle isn’t over. With governments tig…
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Rita Blanco (parte 1): “Ser mulher é ter que lutar todos os dias por um lugar. Comigo foi sempre assim. O humor e a dureza têm sido a minha arma”
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1:19:44É uma das atrizes portuguesas mais aplaudidas e premiadas. Rita Blanco já foi muitas mulheres na televisão, no teatro e no cinema. Só no grande ecrã já entrou em 59 filmes, muitos deles com a assinatura do realizador João Canijo, com quem prepara novo filme e nova peça de teatro, com uma história que se entrecruza. A atriz revela que a terapia rece…
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