Contas-Poupança é um podcast de Pedro Andersson, jornalista especializado em Finanças Pessoais, que aproveita as suas viagens de carro para falar sobre dinheiro. Todas as segundas-feiras às 7h, uma nova boleia para começar bem a sua semana financeira. Disponível em todas as aplicações de podcast e nos sites da SIC Notícias e Expresso.
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Espaço de opinião sobre a atualidade económica. As Contas do Dia são assinadas por Helena Garrido e Pedro Sousa Carvalho. De segunda a sexta, às 8h50.
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Podcast dedicado ao estudo das áreas contaminadas: gerenciamento, diagnóstico, investigação, remediação. Aspectos técnicos e notícias gerais do mercado de GAC. Apresentado pelo Professor Marcos Tanaka Riyis. Acompanhe também no site da ECD em , o canal do Youtube em Para receber as novidades por e-mail, preencha o formulário em .
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Mas vamos opinar mesmo assim!
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continue reading Podcast / multimedia project--interviews and deep research episodes, original music, videos, and more Music from the show up on SoundCloud. Founded in 2019 by Barrett Avner and Alex Talan CDs/Books/Shirts: WWW.CONTAINCONTAIN.COM.
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El programa semanal de television de Ministerios En Contacto con el Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Atlanta
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Cine y series en un podcast semanal sobre lo que ocurre frente y detrás de la pantalla. Historias sobre gente que hace películas, las sueña, las ve. Libreto y conducción del escritor y guionista Daniel Villalobos.
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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Air Traffic Management podcast by Global Airspace Radar - One new episode every second Tuesday.
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This is the public square for all things contact center. This is where the world’s best Call & Contact center professionals come to get better at delivering a great experience for customers. Your contact center mentors - Amas Tenumah & Bob Furniss
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A monthly review of the best, worst and most absurd of online celebrity journalism in the UK. Hosted by Chris Beckett and Matt Withers.
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Focusing on the Relational Arts, including Circling, Nonviolent Communication, and Authentic Relating.
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Podcast em português da Tax Justice Network sobre justiça fiscal, corrupção e globalização financeira.
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Stéphan Bureau mène de longs entretiens avec des invités qui pensent, créent ou façonnent notre monde. Dans l’air du temps sans être dans l’actualité brûlante, Contact se veut une tribune plurielle pour sortir des sentiers battus du prêt-à-penser.
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Rosário Moreira guia-nos num podcast dedicado às finanças pessoais. Boas contas não têm de ser um quebra-cabeças. Conselhos úteis para ajudar para ajudar a poupar e a melhorar o orçamento familiar.
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Márcio Tovar em época de Pandemia conta histórias do Esporte e de sua carreira no tênis de mesa.
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Welcome to Contact Lost podcast, where we talk about competitive Warhammer 40,000, focusing on the Polish and international tournament scene. The show is brought to you by: Tomek "Tweak" & Michal "Joker" Watch out for new episodes every week! Logo: Blaze Music:
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Contact Chai is Mishkan Chicago’s podcast feed, where you can hear our Shabbat sermons, Morning Minyans, interviews with Jewish thought leaders, and more.
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Hi I’m Captain Ron, please join me each week on “Beyond Contact” for my thought-provoking podcast that features in-depth interviews with the world's leading researchers and Ufologists. “Beyond Contact” goes well beyond other podcasts as we ask the hard questions that push for a deeper, science-based understanding of the UFO phenomenon. New episodes come out on Fridays so join me, Captain Ron, for Beyond Contact.
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The podcast presents valuable insights from contact center leaders, tailor-made for their industry peers. We cover a diverse array of topics, such as AI integration, agent turnover management, revenue impact assessment, and transitioning perceptions from cost to value centers for starters.
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Covering the movements, the issues, and the people fighting for some of the most important social justice issues of our time. Hosted by Amy Gastelum, Salima Hamirani, Anita Jonhson, and Lucy Kang.
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Weekly episodes hosted by @kiaorion. Hear stories from musicians, actors, photographers, and entrepreneurs who share strategies on how to stay inspired and live life on your own terms. A podcast about life, love, art, and everything in between. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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hablare un poco sobre la contaminacion
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The May Contain Action podcast ventures to answer the age old question... Is that movie actually good or was I just in a good mood? Trevor, a 10 year Major League baseball player turned aspiring filmmaker, and Paul, the veteran content creator and film buff, seek to dive in deep on movies and determine why they loved (or didn't!) it the first time. They even bring friends along from time to time.
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Dé podcast voor dokters gemaakt door de redactie van Medisch Contact. Met elke week gasten die we aan de tand voelen over actuele medische onderwerpen, een tuchtcasus die de nodige stof doet opwaaien, een medische boek- of filmtip en een prikkelend praktijkperikel. Tips of vragen?
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Because no one pictures themselves working at a call center, First Contact: Stories of the Call Center is a monthly podcast about how tech leaders and entrepreneurs found their way into the contact center industry.
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“Making Contact” digs into the story beneath the story—contextualizing the narratives that shape our culture. Produced by Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media), the award-winning radio show and podcast examines the most urgent issues of our time and the people on the ground, building a more just world through narrative storytelling and thought-provoking interviews. We cover the environment, labor, economics, health, governance, and arts and culture.
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There are 6,000 contact centres in the UK - this is the 1st podcast dedicated to the world of the contact centre. Perhaps still an industry with a negative perception externally, the reality is very different & very positive. This is a podcast all about best practice in Contact Centres &what vibrant, vital, diverse, exciting engagement places they really are. I’ll be chatting to people who know their stuff and are doing great things. This podcast is independent and a proud supporter of Naomi ...
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Open Container is a unique outdoor podcast that strives to go deeper than the headlines. We’ll uncover stories and ideas about creativity, adventure, conservation, politics, and the people who make the outdoor space so vibrant. Hosted by renowned outdoor journalist Doug Schnitzspahn, Open Container is a conversation with the people who look to nature to find inspiration and solutions. How the outdoors teach us, change us, heal us, and how we might build a better world from simply going outsi ...
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The Voices of Contact is all about full disclosure of extraterrestrial encounters. Tune in as the panel explores regressions of e.t. experiencers to get to the truth behind contact with what's out there beyond the stars. Disclosure brings truth and with truth we find answers. Journey as Mary regresses her clients and with their permission shares clips of the regression with the panel of life long e.t. experiencers to discover just what really is happening out there. Just what is really happe ...
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Histórias contadas por... Contadores de Histórias!
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Dr. Charles Stanley y el programa diario de radio In Touch Ministries.
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Podcast by Victor Stival & Nicholas Prado
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Conoce las causas, consecuencias y posibles soluciones de la contaminación atmosférica.
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En esta ocasión abordaremos el tema de la contaminación y sus tipos.
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IR na bolsa não precisa ser complicado! Vem que eu te explico!
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Succinct summaries of articles relevant to field epidemiologists, communicable disease control officers, and public health specialists. Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, Eurosurveillance, MMWR, JID, Lancet, Nature and other great journals.
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una breve explicación sobre la contaminación ambiental y sus riesgos Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash:
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“Can’t be Contained”, hosted by Samantha Skelly, will bring you captivating conversations with humans who’ve cultivated a path of passion by following their bliss and intuitive hits; those who’ve released ordinary and opted for extraordinary. From spirituality to science, comedy to culture, and everything in between, Sam will share the untold stories of her guests who push boundaries, defy conventional thinking, and have the courage to seek the freedom their souls are desiring. If you're a r ...
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A contabilidade muda. Por aqui, você acompanha!
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Podcast de narrativas curtas.
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#71 – Reformas tributárias reduzem desigualdades de gênero e raça?
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37:55Reforma da tributação sobre o consumo, reforma do imposto de renda... Desde 2023, o Brasil vem fazendo uma série de modificações nas leis tributárias. Será que estas reformas reduzem desigualdades e beneficiam mulheres e população negra? Este é o tema do episódio #71 do É da Sua Conta. Spoiler: para que desigualdade de gênero e raça se tornem reali…
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A taxa de poupança das famílias aumentou para 12,2% do rendimento disponível no último trimestre de 2024. O rendimento disponível aumentou 3,1% e o consumo cresceu apenas 1,9% See for privacy information.Observador
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NedNC034 - Miranha, amigue das bocadas
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1:10:46Não é da nossa conta, mas vamos opinar mesmo assim sobre o herói mais mexido e distorcido da Marvel, o Homem-Aranha. Séculos depois estamos de volta, com o episódio que mais demoramos para gravar e editar. Depois de muitos problemas Ricardo e Rodrigo opinam sobre a nova animação do Homem-Aranha. Outros episódios interessantes: NedNC021 - NedNC02…
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Que tal contar um pouco sobre as diferentes religiões para o seu filho de uma forma leve, através de uma criança que quer descobrir a origem do seu nome? Gostou da ideia? Então, dê o play agora mesmo!
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#222 - James Connors of Quetzel
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45:19🎙️ New Episode #222 of Get Out of Wrap is live! This week, I’m joined by James Connors, founder and director of Quetzel, a business built on honesty, curiosity, and problem-solving. In this episode, we dive into James’ unconventional journey—from life as a roadie to building a trusted tech sourcing partner that’s helping companies make smarter, fas…
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Come Close to the Broken Heart
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38:01Today's minyan features a new song by former Mishkan Leadership Fellow and current rock sensation Ezra Furman! "Come Close" by Ezra Furman: Every weekday at 8:00 am, Mishkan Chicago holds a virtual Morning Minyan. You can join in yourself, or listen to all the prayer, music, …
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Duurzame zorg voor iedereen die dat nodig heeft
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30:33Deze week is te gast de nieuwe columnist van Medisch Contact: Bernard Leenstra. Bernard is huisarts, ondernemer en bovenal zorgvernieuwer. Zijn simpele levensmissie: duurzame zorg voor iedereen die dat nodig heeft. Alles wat hij doet staat in dat teken. Zoals zijn zeven zorgondernemingen en zijn stichtingen. In de podcast vertelt hij hoe hij dit al…
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« Je suis complètement perdu sur cette Terre, c’est d’ailleurs pour ça que j’écris. » Entretien avec l’écrivain Frédéric Beigbeder
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1:04:39Frédéric Beigbeder ne fait pas consensus, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire. Il refuse cependant l’étiquette de provocateur. Chroniqueur littéraire au Figaro, il est l’auteur de plusieurs romans qui lui ont valu la réputation d’écrivain polémique, au style caustique. Reconnu pour son image de fêtard, il dit aujourd’hui préférer le silence des monast…
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Uma análise com Pedro Sousa Carvalho.
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Aguentar-se-á a NATO até junho?
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13:34Francisco Pereira Coutinho antevê um cenário de incerteza quanto à aliança transatlântica. Há "muita conversa e pouca ação", mas é certo: um ataque à Polónia refletirá as reais intenções de Trump. See for privacy information.Observador
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Espere con paciencia a que se haga la voluntad de Dios para no adelantarse a su plan perfecto.
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Análise de Pedro Sousa Carvalho
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Karinda Dobbins: Black and Blue (Encore)
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30:16On this week's episode, we speak with Bay Area based comedian Karinda Dobbins about the release of her debut comedy album, Black & Blue. In Black & Blue, Karinda shares personal stories - finding humor in the most ordinary moments of her daily life - including her girlfriend’s arbitrary policy on household pests, the changes hipsters have brought t…
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Vamos a contas: PPR dos filhos no IRS, dividir despesas depois do divórcio e como escolher o IRS Jovem
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23:47A menos de uma semana da entrega do IRS, vamos responder a mais dúvidas. Tem aqui 3 perguntas sobre o preenchimento do IRS: O PPR que fiz para os meus filhos dá direito a deduções no IRS (mais 400 €)? Divorciei-me do meu marido, mas eu é que pagava as despesas com o NIF dele. Posso colocá-las como dedução no meu IRS? Trabalho há 8 anos e tenho meno…
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La gracia en medio del sufrimiento transforma el carácter, crea empatía y reafirma la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas.
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Análise de Pedro Sousa Carvalho
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A Hipster, A Hacker, A Hustler: Making Things That Work
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1:03:28Today Doug opens the container with GG Edwards, the CEO and founder of Gnara. Doug opens the show highlighting how the outdoor industry was built on the back of solving problems for those looking to go outside. He also details how the industry attracts entrepreneurial individuals looking for ways to blend a career with outdoor pursuits. This mindse…
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Season 5 - 004 - Telecoms and airspace management - Anne Stephan, Rohde & Schwarz
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23:16Claudia Bacco speaks with Anne Stephan about the latest innovations in 5G technology and how this could impact aviation and airspace management: The current status of LDACS 5G as the next step in telecommunication networks How the technology can support drones flying BVLOS operations 5G as a backup or even a main ground - air communication system T…
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Al analizar Romanos 5.1, 2, el Dr. Stanley explica el significado detrás de la frase, “esta gracia en la cual estamos firmes”.
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Building A Community And Harnessing The Power of AI
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26:43Today’s episode is a Shabbat Replay of our Friday service on March 21st.Mishkan’s former board chair, Mark Achler, shared his considerable depth of knowledge on artificial intelligence, examining the ethics of this emerging technology from a Jewish lens. What are the positive — even lifesaving — applications of A.I.? How is A.I. already being explo…
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330: 5 Somatic Tools to Heal Burnout
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16:07Today, on Can’t Be Contained, I’m thrilled to bring you an episode all about conquering burnout and mastering the art of nervous system regulation! Your host, Samantha Skelly, dives deep into the world of somatic coaching, sharing her personal journey and insights drawn from over 15 years in this powerful practice. Get ready to explore how you can …
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Analise de Pedro Sousa Carvalho
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Não entregue o seu IRS sem ouvir este episódio antes [2025]
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30:03Falta uma semana para começar a entrega do IRS relativo a 2024. O prazo vai desde 1 de Abril até 30 de Junho. Mas garanta que vai receber MESMO o máximo reembolso possível ou que vai pagar o menos possível de IRS. Neste episódio, recordo-lhe as principais dicas para fazer tudo bem à primeira. Não se esqueça de que o IRS Automático nem sempre é bom …
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¿Puede una persona decir que es rica si no tiene esperanza, paz, satisfacción o seguridad?
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Que VW é este que vai ser produzido em Portugal?
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14:00O CEO da Volkswagen anunciou, na Alemanha, que será a fábrica portuguesa da Autoeuropa a produzir o futuro ID. Every1. Mas que modelo é este, quanto poderá custar em Portugal e a quem se destina? See for privacy information.Observador
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Toxicity at the table and how to handle it - with Polish refs!
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1:13:28A hot topic for sure - how to handle toxic behaviour at the table and how would we want it to be handled? Join Tweak & Joker as they host Polish and/or WTC referees Blaise & August to discuss this subjectSUPPORT US and join our community discord:'re also on Facebook and Instagram!…
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En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley hace referencia al capítulo 5 de Primera de Pedro para esbozar algunas de las promesas de Dios en relación con la humildad.
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Los salieris de John McClane
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18:43¿Sabes qué y cuántas películas copiaron la “plantilla” de “Duro de Matar”? En este episodio: la huella de un clásico que redefinió el cine de acción.Cooperativa
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Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto
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40:35Captain Ron sits down with Writer and Director Dean Aliotto as they discuss and explore the many theories surrounding UFOs and Non-Human Intelligence. See for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts
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The Supreme Court Under Trump
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29:59During his first term, Trump stacked the Supreme Court with hard right judges, creating a 6-3 split that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a stunning ruling in which a human right which was previously granted by law was taken away from the public. This time Trump faces even less resistance and could remake the Supreme Court once again. Elie My…
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As previsões para a Primavera, as tarifas e a instabilidade criada por Donald Trump. Análise de Helena Garrido
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Este ano entrego o IRS em conjunto ou em separado? (A pergunta da Joana) [Repetição 06/06/22]
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18:20Afinal como funcionam os impostos e as deduções para rentabilizar ao máximo o meu reembolso do IRS? Vamos a mais uma “aula” de impostos enquanto fazemos a nossa viagem? Eu sei que há temas mais divertidos de conversa, mas há assuntos que têm de ser falados e este é um deles. Estou a recuperar alguns dos episódios mais antigos que muito provavelment…
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