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El Canal del Coronel


El análisis geopolítico del Coronel Pedro Baños. Abordaremos temas relacionados con geopolítica, estrategia, inteligencia, seguridad, defensa, terrorismo, geoeconomía y relaciones internacionales.
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Jérémy Coron

Jérémy CORON

Devenez plus efficace, plus productif et faites la différence grâce aux neurosciences. Avoir des compétences ne suffit pas pour être réellement compétent. Car sans un cerveau à son plein potentiel, exprimer pleinement ses compétences est peine perdue. Bonne nouvelle : optimiser son cerveau ça s’apprend, c’est passionnant et c’est la clé pour faire la différence. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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The Coroner’s Report

Aussie Grove Media Group LLC

A Southern true crime podcast. Join our team as we delve into some cases. Sometimes, we look at interesting murders, and other times, just strange, unsettled deaths. We talk to the experts, including police investigators, psychiatrists, family members, and witnesses, as they walk you step by step through the homicides. Murder, death, kill is just another day in the office for our team.
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South Hills Corona

South Hills Corona

Entertaining & inspiring conversational talks on God, life, scripture & what it means to be human, recorded weekly in front of a live audience of seekers, sinners & maybe even a few saints-in-the-making at the original South Hills Church location in Corona, CA.
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Coronavirus - Doc Esser klärt auf

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Lungenfacharzt Doc Esser beantwortet im WDR-Podcast montags und donnerstags drängende Fragen rund um das Coronavirus. Der Podcast ordnet ein, gibt Tipps und hilft, sich richtig zu verhalten, ohne dabei in Panik zu geraten. Schickt Doc Esser Eure Fragen an oder per Sprachnachricht an 0170/91 83 576.
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Everyone Is...with Jennifer Coronado

Slightly Disappointed Productions

The intent of this show is to engage with all types of people and build an understanding that anyone who has any kind of success has achieved that success because they are creative thinkers. So whether you are an artist, a cook, a bottle washer, or an award-winning journalist, everyone has something to contribute to the human conversation.
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A weekly update on new research and developments concerning COVID-19 (and occasionally other infectious diseases that hit the news). We take questions via call-in during the live broadcast, Mondays at 7:33am Pacific, streaming via Podcasts with show notes go up later the same day. Between live shows, we take questions via email at . Our guest most weeks is Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Heal ...
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The Corona Diaries

Steve Hogarth

Lead singer of Marillion, father, hippy, punk, soul singer, progressive rockstar (wtf!), defender of the faith, voice of reason in a world gone crazy... ...and now podcaster. Join me as I talk about my life and what is rambling around in my head. Along the way I will focus on some of the stories that have shaped my career and my life, as well as reading from my diaries and offering my take on the wider world. Stay safe, h P.S I began this journey just as CoVid-19 took hold and changed our li ...
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Das Coronavirus-Update

NDR Info

Wie gut ist Deutschland auf eine weitere Pandemie vorbereitet? Der Virologe Christian Drosten ist sich sicher: Die Erfahrungen mit Covid-19 sind nur bedingt übertragbar. Um welche Erreger könnte es bei einer nächsten Pandemie gehen? Wie geht die Forschung vor, wenn ein Patient mit Verdacht auf eine neuartige Infektion auftaucht? Wie können Schulen offenbleiben? Antworten liefern wir hier im Podcast fünf Jahre nach dem ersten Corona-Fall in einer neuen Staffel. Die NDR Info Wissenschaftsjourn ...
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ngomong CoRo

Kami bukan superhero, bukan orang terkenal, bukan juga mahluk paling benar, kami hanya manusia yang ingin berbagi cerita dari siapapun yang dapat memberi impact untuk manusia lain, yang mendegarkan, #ngomong_coro. By: @fenamaa & @ipraditya
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Uniradio Coronafestival


Når Uniradioen ikke kan tage på festivalen må festivalen tage til uniradioen. Emma Renee har inviteret sine sjoveste festival venner i studiet til at give gode råd om festivaller, og bare fortælle røverhistorier derfra. Som et lille podcastformet nikotinplaster til festivallerne kommer tilbage næste år.
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Haber Spikeri, Gazeteci - Yazar Kübra Ünlü psikolog ve psikiyatrist konukları ile Coronavirüs Pandemisinde hasta, sağlık çalışanı ve toplum açısından psikolojimizi konuşuyor.
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Coroner Talk

Darren Dake

I’d like to take a minute and tell you a little about our community and what you can expect from this site. Coroner Talk™ is much more than just a podcast. We are a community of professionals in the field of death investigation. Whether you’re a coroner, a member of local police or county law enforcement, an EMS professional, or medical examiner – or frankly, anyone in between, Coroner Talk™ is the right community for you. We provide training and resources to coroners and death investigators ...
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CoronaCast UTFPR

UTFPR Santa Helena

Ouça e compartilhe o CoronaCast, o podcast quem bate um papo com profissionais na linha de frente no combate ao coronavírus sobre as boas práticas e ações que devemos adotar neste momento, o podcast faz parte do site de boas práticas ao Covid-19 projeto da UTFPR campus Santa Helena Disponível no Spotify e Soundcloud, novos episódios essa semana.
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show series
Proverbs 3:13-35 urges all who read it to consider three truths before providing some very practical examples of how to love our neighbours: 1) Wisdom is way more valuable than material stuff!2) Wisdom isn't just about human decisions and interactions but is actually what God used (and uses) to create (and sustain) our world.3) Wisdom followed and …
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Superada la etapa de fricción generada hace dos meses, por causas sobrevenidas y ajenas a nuestra voluntad, la amistad con Rubén Gisbert ha salido fortalecida y ¡estamos de vuelta! Para alegría de muchos y disgusto de unos pocos, volvemos a la carga con nuestro análisis de la situación nacional e internacional. Y con nuevos proyectos. Ambos tenemos…
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Virologen sind in Sorge - die Überwachung und Eindämmung der Vogelgrippe H5N1 in den USA lässt zu wünschen übrig. In dieser Folge analysieren Daniela Remus und Korinna Hennig aus der NDR Info Wissenschaftsredaktion das Risiko für Menschen. Besonders das Konzept der Früherkennung steht im Mittelpunkt beim Besuch des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut auf de…
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5 Jahre Corona - Was haben wir aus der Pandemie gelernt? Es wäre ein Fehler, Erkenntnisse aus der Covid-19-Pandemie direkt auf die nächste Krise zu übertragen, meint der Virologe Christian Drosten. Wie gut ist das Wissen über potenziell pandemische Erreger? Wo stehen wir bei einer nächsten Pandemie womöglich besser da? Daniela Remus und Korinna Hen…
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Tal y como él mismo había anunciado, Donald Trump ya está revolucionando el mundo cuando apenas han pasado pocas horas desde su investidura como presidente de EEUU. Todo el planeta está en vilo por lo que sus decisiones puedan acarrear. No hay país que no se vea afectado, de un modo u otro: México, China, Ucrania, Rusia, Israel, Irán, Taiwán, Canad…
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Nuevo episodio de “Noticias de la guerra”, con Francisco José Fernández-Cruz Sequera y Alberto Iturralde. En este programa analizamos como EEUU, con su doctrina geopolítica “transnacional”, se está convirtiendo en una amenaza para el resto del mundo. A mitad de camino entre un aislacionismo soberanista y un intervencionismo desmedido, esta nueva po…
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📋 Au programme ? • Ma semaine. • 33 leçons pour mes 33 ans. 💬 Vous voulez réagir ? 🔗 Liens à consulter : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Jérémy CORON
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Of course we care about other people, we’re not monsters. We’ll pray for them; we just don’t want to get personally involved with them. That feels like too much. You’re just one person. You can’t meet everybody’s needs. If you do something once, they’re going to expect it all the time. And that just sounds exhausting. Sure, you want to help people.…
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En esta segunda parte, profundizamos en los aspectos internos de Irán que definen su política y defensa. Abordamos su historia, sistema político, estructura religiosa y orografía, explorando cómo estos elementos influyen en la toma de decisiones estratégicas del país. Además, analizamos su relación con Israel y Estados Unidos, y cómo la enemistad h…
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This podcast covers episodes 11,473 to 11,478. As the trial for Joel’s murder approaches a conclusion, it’s left to Dee Dee to drop a bombshell on the witness stand. Abi faces up to Kev’s news but continues to struggle to accept her own mental health issues. Leanne and her new BFF Tracy go out of their way to make Nick and Toyah as miserable as pos…
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Learn the secrets to flipping properties in Corona. This class is Module 19 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the different variations of flipping properties and what are some of the pros and cons of each. What are the most common ways to finance property flips? And what are some…
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Christian Drosten ist sich sicher: „Momentan wird in der öffentlichen Diskussion manchmal alles so dargestellt, als sei eine direkte Übertragbarkeit von COVID-19 auf die nächste Pandemie natürlicherweise gegeben. Und das wird nicht so sein.“ Der Virologe ist einer von vielen Expertinnen und Experten, die in unserer neuen Staffel hier im Podcast „Co…
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Abends essen macht dick - und fünf kleine Mahlzeiten sind besser als drei normale: Das hört man immer wieder. Aber stimmt das auch? Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wann wir essen sollten, welche Snacks gesund sind und wie gut Intervallfasten ist. Das sind die Themen in dieser Folge des Gesundheitspodcasts: (01:25) Ist es ungesund, morgens nich…
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To send us a question in advance of next week’s show, write to: Tune in live Monday mornings at 7:30am Pacific at Podcast music credit: Now Son by Podington Bear, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License. The post Corona Calls for 1.21.2025 appeared first on KPFA.…
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En esta primera parte de análisis sobre la situación de Irán, exploramos el contexto geopolítico que ha rodeado a este país en los últimos años, con un enfoque en las políticas de Estados Unidos bajo los presidentes Joe Biden y Donald Trump. Analizamos las amenazas de ataque que ambos líderes han planteado a Irán, además de las severas sanciones im…
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In Episode 6 Part 1 of The Coroner's Report Podcast, we explore another female serial killer, the infamous "Giggling Grannie" Nannie Doss. As one of the most prolific and successful female serial killers, this black widow falls into her own brand of murderer. Join us as we unravel the secrets she held, and uncover the reasons she killed so many.…
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📋 Au programme ? • Mon bilan de la semaine 3. • Salomon et le sens. • Le danger des produits chimiques. • Repenser l'effort. 💬 Vous voulez réagir ? 🔗 Liens à consulter : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Apologies in advance for the first 5-10 minutes of this episode of TCD (sorry, Lucy) as Ant faffed around trying to get his microphone to send a signal to his recording software. We kept it in because it's a little insight into the technical challenges that men of a certain age often face. And on that subject I did finally manage to send Ant those …
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Este es el tema más delicado y sensible que se puede tratar. Cuando hablamos de inmigrantes, hablamos de seres humanos, que merecen todo el respeto, consideración y atención. Pero el problema de la inmigración, en su conjunto y más allá del drama humano individual, presenta crecientes dilemas en las sociedades de acogida. Para analizar con detalle …
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We tend to be drawn to people who seem similar. It’s not hard to like someone who’s like you. But often, our neighbors aren’t at all like us. They look different, talk different, dress different, believe different, vote different. But Jesus doesn’t tell us to show love to those we feel close to, but to those we live next to. How does that work with…
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Once again, we hear the wisdom a father shares with his son before he heads out into the world. These words concern the keeping of wisdom in his innermost place, the character he has on display, and his attitude toward the Lord, who disciplines him with Love.Nat Mills
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En esta entrevista de Santiago Armesilla ( @SantiagoArmesilla ) abordamos los temas más relevantes sobre la historia, la geopolítica y la situación actual del mundo hispano. A lo largo de la conversación, exploramos la trascendencia del Imperio español, sus logros y desafíos, así como las amenazas actuales que enfrenta la Hispanidad. También tratam…
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Guillermo Rocafort (economista, abogado, historiador y escritor) saca a la luz un escándalo de corrupción de enorme magnitud relacionado con los hidrocarburos, en el que estarían implicados algunos de los principales políticos españoles, con ramificaciones en otros países. Basando sus análisis en Informes de los Administradores Concursales, Rocafor…
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This podcast covers episodes 11,467 to 11,472. A newly religious Rob has a change of heart and offers up his kidney to Carla. Abi’s mental health is heading for rock bottom but Kevin has worries of his own when he finds a lump. Daniel assumes that life in Weatherfield with him and Bertie is more enticing than Bethany’s job opportunity in That Londo…
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