Die Radiosendung CROPfm erscheint via livestream auf cropfm.at und beschäftigt sich mit allen möglichen Themen am Tellerrand der kollektiven Wahrnehmung.
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Welcome to the CropGPT Podcast, your go-to resource for cutting-edge insights at the intersection of crop production, trading and artificial intelligence. Our fully AI podcast provides weekly updates and key data including weather analysis, crop analysis, market trends, and pricing - updated every week for every crop Each episode is a summary of all the key features Whether you're a producer, trader, or just passionate about crop data the CropGPT Podcast provides you with actionable intellig ...
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The Nebraska CropWatch Podcast provides the latest research-based information from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on crop production, pest management, and related agricultural information for Nebraska farmers and agribusinesses. CropWatch Podcasts feature researchers, extension educators, and other experts. For more information on these topics, visit www.cropwatch.unl.edu , where new articles are published weekly during the cropping season.
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Welcome to Cropcast, bringing you all the on crops and soils. Each month, SAC Consulting advisor, Tiffany Mactaggart will be joined by a range of industry experts, bringing you timely updates and the latest research to help you make decisions in the field. Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service is funded by the Scottish Government. Our podcast covers a range of topics which help support your farm or croft to be more profitable and sustainable.
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Welcome to CropTalk, Your favorite podcast for all things greenhouses, CEA, and AgTech! Whether you’ve been with us since day one or you’re a brand-new listener (hi, welcome, grab a seat!), we’re here to bring you insightful conversations with the people shaping the future of agriculture. Hosted by the endlessly curious Kyle Barnett, CropTalk dives into everything from growing tips and industry trends to personal stories and business advice. We talk with growers, greenhouse operators, AgTec ...
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The Mississippi Crop Situation podcast is provided by Mississippi State University Extension Service specialists responsible for agricultural row crops. Our goal is to provide Mississippi agricultural producers, consultants, farmers, and industry with up-to-date, timely, science-based information you can use to help maintain profitability.
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Canada's national source for leading agronomic research, crop production and technology trends.
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Podcast by Bayer Crop Science Australia
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CottonInfo is the Australian cotton industry’s joint extension program.In the Crop to Top podcast, we bring you conversations with the program's Regional Extension Officers and Technical Leads, as well as researchers and cotton growers connected to CottonInfo with a story to share.
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Welcome to the Crop3nk podcast, where you can crop yourself in too a better place
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In agriculture, things change fast and growers need on time, on task, and on target weather, crop and pest information. To meet this need, the Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) Field Crops team will provide farmers and agribusiness with timely podcasts. "In the weeds" will be discussing critical issues facing our farming industry every other week.‘Virtual Breakfasts’ occurs each week during the growing season with in-the-season updates.You can participate by phone, mobile device or ...
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Welcome to Brain Crops! My name is Chelsea Myers, and I am your host of the Brain Crops podcast. Brain Crops is all about helping exit entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and healthcare professionals elevate their lives, businesses, or practices and live the lives they truly desire. You will discover the power inside you to make lasting changes... changes that will propel you toward Health, Happiness, and Success! www.chelseamyers.live www.braincrops.org www.dentallife.coach
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Fashion beauty
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My name is CROPPER CORN!!! I AM A SEED PLANTER AND A LIFE PLANNER!!! Cover art photo provided by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nate_dumlao
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Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader with over 100 years of experience. In collaboration with customers and partners, Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, to fulfill its vision of a collaborative society, a world without hunger and a planet respected. Our crop nutrition solutions and precision farming offerings allow farmers to increase yields and improve product quality while reducing environmental impact. Yara is the world's crop nutrition leader ...
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We'll be talking all about sports. From T.V shows to events, we will be talking about it.
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Where ag goes for information
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Since 2012, the CROpod has been the quintessential Rangers FC podcast about everything besides Rangers--except for the episodes that are actually about Rangers. Hosted and produced by Shane Nicholson, the weekly show sees him joined by David Edgar of Heart and Hand and comedian Todd Van Allen. Support the CROpod at Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ofvoid Questions about advertising? Contact Shane: [email protected]
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Success. Wealth. Happiness. Love. Fulfillment and manifestation.
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A series of podcasts for the Australian vegetable and melon industries, covering soil health, soil borne disease, plant nutrition, covers crops and integrated pest management. Brought to you by the Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection teams Applied Horticultural Research (AHR) and RM Consulting Group (RMCG) with funds from Hort Innovation and the Australian Government. Check out the SWICP website here: https://www.soilwealth.com.au/
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Talking about being the best and who is the best currently in sports
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Jena & MP bring a unique perspective to the world of agriculture, offering a blend of humor, heart, and wisdom honed from their combined years on the farm. With a deep passion for their families, their farms, and the communities they call home, these two farmwives delve into the daily triumphs and tribulations that come from rural living. They discuss everything from the latest advancements in agriculture and the art of balancing family with farm duties to the time-honored traditions and rec ...
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My Science Podcast Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jjying
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A weekly synopsis of agronomy trials being conducted by public researchers in Ontario along with any crop updates during the growing season. Hosted by Mike Cowbrough, Weed Specialist (Field Crops).
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A weekly podcast/video for members of the ag retail community to keep track of the news of the week and find out what happened at various in-person industry events.
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Αναζητάτε Έξυπνες λύσεις για την καλλιέργειά σας? IQ CROPS Θέλετε Πρωίμιση & αύξηση της παραγωγής σας? Θέλετε Άριστη ποιότητα προϊόντων? Θέλετε τα φυτά σας να αντέχουν στις δύσκολες συνθήκες και το stress? «ΙQ CROPS. Οι …έξυπνες λύσεις» H IQ CROPS σας προτείνει τα νέα προϊόντα βιοτεχνολογίας & νανοτεχνολογίας: Halo Plus Natural Green Plant Feed Bio Chel Fulvic 25 Κατεβάστε τον πλήρη κατάλογο των έξυπνων προϊόντων IQ CROPS στο www.iqcrops.com Για Περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε με την ...
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The ONLY Commercial Real Estate Marketing podcast to bring you an in depth dive into the newest trends and how to take advantage of them. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cremofthecrop/support
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This image cropper allows you to crop your image in a custom way. Crop your photo to be ready for Instagram, Twitter
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Elisha Eroa 3A
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Our Illinois Specialty Crop Podcast Series showcases specialty crop producers and growers here in Illinois and looks at the stories are behind their farms. The short interviews are recorded by Jim Lewis at WDWS NewsTalk 1400 in Champaign, IL. All of the producers featured in the series sell their products at local farmers markets or at their own farmstead stores here in Central Illinois. We hope you will enjoy learning about the featured specialty crop producers and check out our accompanyin ...
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Hosts Anthony Hanson, Dave Nicholai, and Bill Hutchison at the University of Minnesota alert growers, ag professionals and educators about emerging pest concerns with Minnesota Field Crops, including corn, soybean, small grains and alfalfa. They offer useful, research-based pest management solutions. Dr. Anthony Hanson, IPM Educator - Field Crops Dr. Bill Hutchison, Coordinator of the MN IPM Program Dave Nicolai, Crops Extension Educator & Coordinator of the Extension Institute for Ag Profes ...
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Root-knot Nematode Research Update
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24:51From the Row Crop Short Course in Starkville, Tom and Jason visited with Travis Faske from the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture on his work with root-knot nematodes. Travis has appeared multiple times on the podcast, and some of his work with nematodes can be found at https://arkansascrops.uada.edu/posts/disease/2024-soybean-varieties…
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Spring Management Tips for Cover Crops with Rob Myers
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31:48In today’s episode of the podcast, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, listen to a conversation with Rob Myers, director for the Center for Regenerative Agriculture at University of Missouri. Myers discusses timely cover crop considerations for spring such as species selection, termination timing, grazing options and much more.…
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Fibre Quality in Focus with René van der Sluijs
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17:23In this episode we sit down for an update on René’s recent overseas visit to present to the National Cotton Council of America, his learnings on what RD&E priorities American and Australian cotton growers share, as well as his message to industry ahead of the pick and post-harvest processes for the 25/26 season.…
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180. Second Tuesday at Nine webinar for March 2025
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35:45Update on current drought and soil moisture conditions and outlook for the spring and summer.University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The weekly report on the global Sugar market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Wheat market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Maize market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Cocoa market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Canola market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Soybeans market for week 10. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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Venezuela - Producing the worlds best Cocoa
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20:51Venezuela’s cocoa story is one of quality, and quiet resilience. Once celebrated as the world’s largest cocoa producer in the early 1800s, the country’s production today stands at a modest 15,000–20,000 tonnes per year — a mere 0.04% of the global supply. While volume has plateaued over recent decades, the reputation of Venezuelan cocoa remains unm…
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Cocoa and the Caribbean - Quality over Quantity
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17:08The Caribbean, once the world's cocoa powerhouse, supplied as much as 70% of global production before West Africa took over in the 20th century. Today, the region contributes less than 5% but has reinvented itself as a hub for fine-flavor cocoa, prized by artisan chocolatiers. The Dominican Republic leads in volume, while islands like Trinidad & To…
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Wenn wir an Japan denken, tauchen bei Vielen als Erstes schrille Mangas, Tamagochis und andere Tech-Utensilien oder überfüllte Großstädte vor dem inneren Auge auf. Bei einer Hochzeitszeremonie stellte Kevin Capito aber vor einigen Jahren fest, dass Japan auch eine gänzlich andere Seite hat - nämlich die der Zeremonien, rituellen Tänze und Opfergabe…
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In the Weeds: Composting
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25:04In the Weeds Series 14 Episode 14: MSU Extension educators Sarah Zeiler and Madelyn Celovsky sit down with Eliza Hensel, MSU Extension compost educator, to talk about compost production and uses in Michigan. Eliza highlights the importance of knowing your feedstock and testing compost before applying. Resources: Contact Eliza with compost questions…
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Family Farm Succession: Navigating Sibling Dynamics, Land Transfer & Estate Planning ( Ep 91)
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1:04:36In this episode of Beyond the Crops, Jena and Mary Pat dive back into the important topic of succession planning with succession expert Ashlee Westerhold. They discuss what to consider when planning for the future of the farm, whether passing it down to the next generation, skipping a generation, or connecting with interested individuals outside of…
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256. EXPERT ROUNDTABLE: The State of CEA 2025
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1:24:59In this special roundtable episode of CropTalk, I’m joined by industry experts Marco de Bruin (de Bruin Consulting), Chris Higgins (Hort Americas), and Adam Greenberg (IUNU) to break down the current state of Controlled Environment Agriculture. As the industry reaches a pivotal moment, we dive deep into the complexities of operational mastery versu…
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Rice Issues from Louisiana with Connor Webster
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25:10From the Row Crop Short Course in Starkville, Jason and Tom visited with Connor Webster from the LSU AgCenter about Provisia injury related to environmental conditions, Newpath carryover, and new herbicides on the horizon for rice production. For more episodes from the Crop Doctors, visit our website at http://extension.msstate.edu/shows/mississipp…
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179. Potential for blizzard conditions tomorrow and tomorrow night
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18:47University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The weekly report on the global Soybeans market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Canola market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Sugar market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Cocoa market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Maize market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Wheat market for week 9. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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178. Precipitation chances next week
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16:53University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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In the Weeds: Farm Safety
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38:35In the Weeds Series 14 Episode 13: MSU Extension Environmental Management Educator Sarah Seiler sits down with Dr. Laurel Harduar Morano, MSU Associate Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Bernie Ware, specialty crop farmer in SW Michigan, to discuss farm safety. Resources: Michigan OSHA reporting fatalities and severe injuries…
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177. "It's all about water": Jordan Uldrich
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1:17:10In the latest episode of the Weather Ready Farms series Jordan Uldrich, a diversified farmer from Fillmore County near Milligan, dropped by the Hardin Hall podcast studio today. We had a great conversation covering several topics in the area of regenerative agriculture and water quality. As Jordan would say in a recent article he wrote, "It's all a…
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Liberty Ultra and More ESA Discussion
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35:12From the Row Crop Short Course in Starkville, Tom and Jason visited with MSU Extension’s John Byrd and Bob Scott from the University of Arkansas about proper use of BASF’s new Liberty Ultra with its new label passing steps of the Endangered Species Act. That led into further discussion related to potential mitigations required under that legislatio…
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Faith Over Fear: Focusing on What We Can Control ( Ep 90)
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45:03In this episode of Beyond the Crops, we’re tackling something that every farmer, rancher, and family faces—uncertainty. With markets, policies, weather, and world events constantly shifting, it’s easy to feel like everything is out of control. But while we can’t change the outside forces, we can control our mindset, faith, family life, routines, an…
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The weekly report on the global Cocoa market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Canola market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Soybeans market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Sugar market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Maize market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Wheat market for week 8. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, 1927 auf Initiative von Gräfin Wassilko nach dem Vorbild der britischen Society for Psychical Research initial gegründet und 1946 nach den Wirren des NS-Regimes und des 2. Weltkrieges wiedergegründet, widmet sich der Erforschung paranormaler Erscheinungen und der Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaft. …
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In the Weeds: Heavy Metals in Field Crops: Not a New Genre
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24:51In the Weeds Series 14 Episode 12: MSU Extension Field Crops Educators Monica Jean and Madelyn Celovsky sits down with Kurt Steinke, MSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist to discuss heavy metal research happening in field crops in Michigan and across the region. Although this is an alarming topic, this podcast is meant to give the facts on what i…
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176. Warmer temperatures coming: February 21, 2025
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23:09In this episode I discuss the recent historic cold and why we had it. Then move into the forecast for next week, which is much warmer than it has been and a chance for a little moisture midweek. Then I discuss the prospects for moisture in the first half of March and the possibility of it turning colder again in mid-March. Finish up with a few thou…
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Cocoa - NY and London Price Difference
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13:20Overview Examination of why cocoa futures in New York and London are diverging in price Analysis of underlying factors: quality differences, currency dynamics, market speculation, and oil-related production costs Market Differentiation New York vs. London Cocoa: New York: Trades premium cocoa sourced from Ghana and Ivory Coast Used for artisanal an…
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Reflecting on 15 Years of Cover Crops, No-Till & Regenerative Ag with Doug Fifer
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33:48In today’s episode of the podcast, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, listen to a conversation with Doug Fifer, Virginia no-tiller and president of the Virginia No-Till Alliance (VANTAGE). Fifer reflects on how his soil has changed for the better since implementing cover crops and no-till into his operation back in 2011 and what types of cover cr…
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Harvest, Hogs & Hindsight: A Farm Couple’s Recap (Ep 89)
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57:11We’re bringing our husbands back to the podcast for a no-holds-barred conversation about the highs, lows, and lessons of the 2024 farming season. From harvest takeaways to hard-earned wisdom, we’re diving into what worked, what didn’t, and what we’re changing for next year. We also reflect on the challenges and wins of raising livestock, share our …
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255. Hard Truths on Greenhouse Success w. Marco de Bruin
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56:07In this episode of CropTalk, Kyle Barnett sits down with Marco de Bruin, founder of De Bruin Greenhouse Consulting, whose experience spans from Revol Greens to Equilibrium Capital and Bushel Boy Farms. Marco shares his remarkable journey from growing up in the Netherlands to becoming a leading figure in North American greenhouse operations. Togethe…
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Tom Scrope, Nuffield Scholar 2025
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35:47In this episode Tiffany Stephenson is joined by Tom Scrope to talk about his 2025 Nuffield Scholarship, in which he is exploring new ways of farmer knowledge exchange to secure stronger soils. Tom is also the Co-founder of soil benchmark, an online platform which can be used to create bespoke soil management plans. Welcome to Cropcast, your go to p…
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Double Crop Corn and Soybean in South Carolina’s Coastal Plain
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27:44From the Row Crop Short Course in Starkville last December, Michael Plumblee from Clemson University related his work with South Carolina growers’ efforts at double cropping soybean after corn. For more episodes from the Crop Doctors, visit our website at http://extension.msstate.edu/shows/mississippi-crop-situation #mscrops #MSUext…
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The weekly report on the global Maize market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Canola market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Sugar market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Wheat market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Cocoa market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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The weekly report on the global Soybeans market for week 7. Brought to you by CropGPTHSAT
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