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Podcast cinéma à propos des films et de leurs remakes. Peu connus, meilleurs que l’original ou carrément inutiles, à chaque épisode de ce podcast, Maxime, Mélissa, Vincent et Géraldine comparent deux films, et tranchent… LEQUEL EST MEILLEUR ?
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Keanan And Lakin Give You Déjà Vu

Christine Lakin Stacy Keanan Steven Ray Morris

Keanan and Lakin Give you Déjà Vu is a rewatch podcast of the 90s sitcom “Step By Step.” Join former cast members Stacy Keanan (Dana) and Christine Lakin (Al) for a light-hearted nostalgic rewind, where they relive each episode and share tales they've never told of their coming-of-age in 1990s Hollywood. For Keanan, this is a first watch, so whether you’re finding the show again, or watching for the first time, we hope to give you déjà vu! Hosted on Acast. See for more info ...
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DeJa Vu

The American Prince Charles III

Déjà vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. The phrase translates literally as "Already seen." For Entertainment Purposes Only! 2025 World Content Network
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The Unfamiliar Déjà Vu

Vedanshi Singh

It has happened to me and it has probably happened to you. It is sudden and quick, leaving you as unexpectedly as it came. It is a feeling which is more unfamiliar than familiar. This podcast is all about that feeling of familiarity that you can't do away with. Stories that are not just compelling, but rebelling. This is The Unfamiliar Déjà Vu.
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DEJA VU Podcast

Chris Moton

WELCOME TO DEJA VU TAROT! Let's do this! Get the answers you need and make life happen. Build your life-changing strategy with an intuitive reader today!Feeling trapped in your relationship? Once a fiery romance has turned cold, you’re left wondering WTH! Like an intuitive Coach, I will listen to your concerns, offer an objective opinion and provide insightful love advice to improve your love life from spirit.If you're seeking inner peace, a love tarot reading from an intuitive reader can ad ...
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Deja Vu - A WoW Classic Podcast

Michael Cochran

With the announcement of World of Warcraft Classic servers coming to Blizzard's arsenal of incredible games, the hype train is moving at full speed. This is a podcast about WoW Classic with some live thrown in. I hope you enjoy! Please follow me on twitter @bigmc2_yt for all the latest news and updates about the show! Thank you for listening!
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show series
Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 223 of Step By Step, “This Old House,” including being someone’s childhood crush, horrible bosses (*Note one story cut due to spice!), and so much more. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: h…
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Un film sensoriel où émotion rime avec boisson, servi en 5 tournées entre 1937 et 2018. Un chassé croisé entre musique et comédie, avec Janet Gaynor, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand et Lady Gaga presque réunies en une seule. Autrement dit, nous avons parlé du film « A star is born » de William A. Wellman et de ses remakes de George Cukor, Frank Pier…
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On today’s episode Keanan and Lakin continue our interview with Step By Step showrunner Ross Brown! We chat about his journey to becoming a writer, learn the whole story regarding Stacy’s chicken pox episode emergency, the time Patty Hearst sent him an audition tape, and so much more! Watch the full-length video of this episode on Patreon: https://…
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Gründungsmythen des Nationalismus Die Geschichtspolitik der Ukraine bezieht regelmäßig sich auf eine ferne Vergangenheit. Von der Kiewer Rus und Wolodimir dem Großen ist darin die Rede. Genauso von Bohdan Chmelnitzky und den Kosaken. Diese alten Geschichten formen bis heute die nationale Identität der Ukraine. Nur: Gewisse Leute im gar nicht mal so…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 222 of Step By Step, “The Psychic,” including getting your chart read, sweet revenge, wholesome pranks, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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On today’s Keanan and Lakin, we welcome Step By Step writer and showrunner, Ross Brown, to chat about some of the show’s biggest questions, taking inspiration from his own life, and the process of writing episodes from conception to production, and so much more! Watch the full-length video of this episode on Patreon:…
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Gründungsmythen des Nationalismus Selbstverständnis und nationale Identität bauen in der Schweiz seit eh und je auf auf uralte Mythen und Geschichten auf. Befreiungstradition, Schweizer Sonderfall und Willensnation. Wilhelm Tell, Rütlischwur und Morgarten … ja sogar die Neutralität. Alles scheint in der Schweiz weit, weit in die Geschichte zurück z…
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Surprise! On today’s bonus episode, Keanan and Lakin check in with their most recent weekend adventures including one man shows, podcast drama, the Magic Castle dress code violations, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagra…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 221 of Step By Step, “The Unnatural,” including childhood sports, pursuing hobbies you're bad at, salt breakdowns, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram…
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Keanan and Lakin welcome Patrika Darbo, Aunt Penny herself, to chat about her role on Step by Step, the madcap day-to-day of soap operas, the important of fans, and so much more! Watch the full-length video of this episode on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://ww…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 220 of Step By Step, “No Way to Treat a Lady,” including the push-up bra era, ‘a** moments,’ tattoos in the 90s, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.c…
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Nationalismus: Das ist ein böses Wort, das wir für böse Dinge reservieren. Die Nazis waren Nationalisten. Die Jugoslawienkriege waren Ausdruck von Nationalismus. Diese Leute in der AfD: Das sind Nationalisten. Was wir mit diesem Blick aber übersehen: Unsere gesamte Welt ist aufgebaut auf Nationalismus! Die Unausweichlichkeit des Nationalstaats ist …
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Look who it is! My So-Called Life’s Devon Odessa (and Stacy’s BFF) joins Keanan and Lakin today to chat about how she almost got a reoccurring role on My Two Dads, adventures of her and Stacy growing up, Christine’s epic Girls' Nights, and so much more! Please note: Audio is a little wonky in this one, apologies! Support us on Patreon: https://www.…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 219 of Step By Step, “Aloha: Part 2,” including taking it slow, “wise” French phrases, sexy farms, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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Comme le disait le grand philosophe, Henri Dès : C’est sur cette chanson à texte que nous nous sommes basés pour cet épisode dédié au film d’Henri-Georges Clouzot « Le salaire de la peur » (1953) , et ses deux adaptations, le film Netflix du même nom sorti en 2024 (starring Vincent Gasoil) et « Sorcerer » de William Friedkin (1977). Un épisode spon…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 218 of Step By Step, “Aloha: Part 1,” including learning how to relax, 80s montages, James Bond-esque adventures, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 217 of Step By Step, “Love, Port Washington Style,” including the origin of Valentine’s Day, Stacy share’s a spicy lifeguard story, Christine thirsts for THE BEAR, and so much more. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https:/…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 216 of Step By Step, “No Business Like Show Business,” including adult hobbies, a brick lip, how people get famous now, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.inst…
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Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2025 on Keanan and Lakin by chatting with little Brendan Lambert himself, Josh Byrne! We learn what he’s been up to since leaving the industry (LARPing! Renaissance Fairs! Guilds!), talk about set life on Step By Step, the power of set teachers, and so much more! Watch full-length video of the entire episode on Pat…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 215 of Step By Step, “One of the Guys,” including childhood dentists, Las Vegas, red flags, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: C…
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Make Christmas great again (… ou pas) Spoiler alert ! IL N’EXISTE PAS et vous pouvez toujours vous brosser pour avoir un miracle aujourd’hui. En revanche, notre nouvel épisode est sorti. Et ça, est-ce que ce serait pas le meilleur cadeau ? « Miracle on 34th street » 1947 Vs. 1994. Qui a la plus grosse barbe ? Un film sur les valeurs de la justice (…
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Der italienische Widerstand gegen den Faschismus – die Resistenza und die Partisanen – gehört längst zum italienischen Selbstverständnis. Weil das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs lief in Italien nicht zuletzt dank der Aktivität der Resistenza doch deutlich anders ab als in Deutschland oder Österreich. Als Folge taugt die ganze Geschichte auch seit dama…
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Seasons Greetings! Today’s festive bonus episode of Keanan and Lakin is a very special interview with Frank Lambert himself, Patrick Duffy! We chat about his journey from ballet advisor to actor, the wild days on Man From Atlantis and Dallas, to the joy of working with kids and pigs on Step By Step, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: https://…
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Seasons Greetings! Today’s festive bonus episode of Keanan and Lakin is PART 3 of an epic pod swap crossover between Pod Meets World (Danielle Fishel, Will Friedle, and Rider Strong) and How Rude, Tanneritos! (Jodie Sweetin and Andrea Barber ). We share our weirdest holiday gifts, favorite Christmas movies, and so much more! Listen to PART 1 of the…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 214 of Step By Step, “Happy Birthday, Baby,” including parent-child relationships, court room breakdowns, a brief recap of Jingle Ball 2024, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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Was hat der Kölner Dom mit knochenfiltriertem Öl (das Wort hast du schon richtig gelesen) zu tun? Das ist eine Frage, die wir in dieser Episode angehen wollen. Denn es geht heute um Reliquien und um Heilige im Christentum – ganz besonders in der Katholischen Kirche. Reliquien sind nämlich so eine Sache … einerseits sind sie für viele Gläubige wicht…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 213 of Step By Step, “If I Were a Rich Man,” including miniDV tapes, looking for the perfect suit, grandmother stories, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.inst…
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Un remake américain de la comédie française culte des années 90… Non mais qu’est-ce que c’est qu’ce binz ? LES VISITEURS (Jean-Marie Poiré, 1993) Vs. JUST VISITING (« Jean-Marie Gaubert », 2001), que trépasse si je faiblis ! Du potache sur fond de lutte des classes avec faux sosies de Robert de Niro.…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 212 of Step By Step, “Boys Will Be Boys,” including turkey acting, terrible house guests, bad influences, and so much more! Editor’s Note: Some mic issues means the audio is a little wonky, sorry! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 211 of Step By Step, “Back to Basics” including VHS nostalgia, teaching kids about money, 90s recessions, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 210 of Step By Step, “Virgin Territory,” including a lack of sex positive entertainment, teaching kids about sex and death, Sid & Nancy, and so much more! Editor’s Note: Some mic issues (OR GHOSTS!!?) means the audio is a little wonky, sorry! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on…
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Keanan and Lakin discuss episode 209 of Step By Step, “The Making of the President,” including soundstage smell nostalgia, Stacy’s attempt to get her middle school a tree, Christine’s experience directing children, and so much more! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:…
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