Short daily inspiration about Emunah and Bitachon with R’ Reuven Garber ”The distance between understanding Emunah intellectually and internalizing it emotionally is greater than the distance between heaven and earth!” Transform Your Emunah!
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Living Emunah - delivered directly to your computer and/or mobile device
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Inspirational Teachings from Faith seekers and just cool people that have what to teach from life experience.
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This podcast teaches listeners from all backgrounds how to bring more joy, inner peace and success into all areas of life using a unique form of meditation called Emunah Meditation (EM). Rooted in mystical Judaism, Emunah Mediation teaches us how to have a direct two-way relationship with God. Learn about and practice EM with creator, Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum.
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In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives. Join us on this journey of emunah and success. TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz
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Emunah in HaShem - Faith in G-d with Rav Dror This inspiring video gives an amazing amount of help and clarity to those seeking for Emunah and complete faith. Faith and prayer are integral parts of life. Everything revolves around Emunah and Tefilah (Prayer). This inspiring class talks about how to pray when things don't go our way. When we are prayer for one thing, and Hashem (God) is doing something else. When we are trying to achieve something, and the Creator is pushing us in a different ...
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One of the reasons we don't fully appreciate Hashem as much as we should is because, even when we receive clear blessings, we tend to attribute them to the people who gave them to us directly. We often fail to internalize that these people are merely Hashem's messengers. The Chovot HaLevavot , in Sha'ar HaBitachon , writes that Hashem has more love…
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Let's remind ourselves and try to internalize more and more of the steps that we've discussed many times. The steps coming from the Torah commentaries, Hashem's perspective, the only true perspective. Hashem created the world just to give to us. Ultimately, that takes place in the next world. And our focus and purpose in this world is in order to e…
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Those who understand that hishtadlut is merely a way of camouflaging Hashem's involvement—and that He alone brings results—make Hashem's will their top priority when deciding what hishtadlut to undertake. The Sefer Sas B'Imratecha shares the story of a man in desperate need of a $6,000 loan. He made an appointment at a gemach that was open only one…
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We've been discussing how Hashem created the world just to give to us. Ultimately, that takes place in the next world, in Olam Haba, and our job in this world is to earn our place in the next world. And as Torah commentaries teach, the main way that we earn our place in the next world is by making our maximum effort to excel in our emunah and bitac…
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In this week's parasha , Va'era , we read about the makot that Hashem sent upon the Egyptians. These upcoming parshiyot describing Yetziat Mitzrayim form the foundation of our emunah in Hashem. It is here that Hashem demonstrated to the world that He is actively involved in every aspect of life. On Pesach, we drink four cups of wine corresponding t…
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Hashem created the world just to give to you. Ultimately, that's going to take place in the next world, and your main purpose in this world is to earn your place in the next world. As many Torah commentaries have taught us, our main method of earning our place in the next world is by making our maximum effort to grow in our emunah and bitachon. We'…
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The Midrash in parashat V'Etchanan says a person should be happier with his yissurin – afflictions – more than when he receives open good because yissurin cleanses a person and gets rid of his averot . The Yalkut Shimoni in Tehillim says a person should thank Hashem when yissurin befall him because yissurin bring a person much closer to Hashem. At …
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Hashem created the world just to give to us. Ultimately, that takes place in the next world. We are in this world to earn our portion for eternity in the next world. And the main way that we do so in this world is by growing in our emunah and bitachon. It's so important to highlight that Hashem does not expect from us anything more than our maximum…
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Sometimes in order for a person to receive a yeshua , he first has to go through a period of kapara and then, from that difficulty, Hashem sends the salvation. If a person knows that perhaps the difficulty he is going through is preparing him to receive a blessing, it will be easier to handle. In fact, the Gemara says in Masechet Taanit , daf 20, i…
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Very briefly, let's go through the steps again of why Hashem created the world. Hashem created the world just to give to me. Ultimately, that takes place in the next world, and what I'm doing in this world is earning my portion for the next world. And as Torah authorities outlined to us, the main way that we earn our eternal portion in the next wor…
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The Gemara in Masechet Berachot teaches that whoever recites Tehilla L'David (Ashreh) three times a day, praising Hashem, is a ben Olam Haba . Yet the same Gemara states that one who recites Hallel daily is considered a blasphemer. We know Hallel is one of the greatest praises, so how can this be understood? The Meshech Chochmah in Parashat Bechuko…
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We've been discussing the Torah's perspecive, the only true perspective, of exactly what our purpose is in this world. Firstly, why did Hashem create the world in the first place? As the Torah sources teach us - only to give to us. Where ultimatelty do we receive and experience Hashem's goodness? In Olam Haba - in the next world. Why then did Hashe…
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After Moshe was placed in a basket in the Nile River, the pasuk states: ותתצב אחתו מרחק לדעה מה־יעשה לו "His sister stood from afar to see what would happen to him." The Midrash explains that the entire pasuk uses language referring to the Shechina , as if to say that it was Hashem Himself who was standing from afar, watching over Moshe. What is th…
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We've been discussing one of the most fundamental questions. Why would Hashem, a perfect being who doesn't need anything outside of His perfect self, create the world in the first place? And we discussed that the only place we want to look is Hashem's perspective, the Torah perspective, which can be the only unmistakable perspective. And many Torah…
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We've been going over one of the most fundamental questions that can exist. Why did Hashem decide to create the world in the first place, when He is a being who is completely perfect and does not have any needs or desires outside of His perfect self? We discussed that the only place that we can find a truly undistorted answer for this question is t…
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The pasuk says in this week's Parasha, Shemot, that Pharaoh decreed all the Jewish baby boys should be thrown into the Yeor . But the Torah testifies that the Jewish midwives feared Hashem and did not listen to Pharaoh, but rather they kept the babies alive. The Chafetz Chayim asked, the words, "ותחיינה את הילדים," that they kept the babies alive, …
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We've been discussing one of the most fundamental questions that can exist. Hashem, a perfect being, who doesn't need anything outside of His perfect self, why then would He go ahead and create the world? And as we discussed, the only place we want to look for the answer is the Torah, which is Hashem's true perspective. Because any other perspectiv…
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Hashem speaks to us all the time. We need to be aware and keep our eyes and ears open for His messages. Sometimes a person needs a yeshuah and seeks something to improve on as a zechut . It's possible that Hashem will convey what he needs to work on in a subtle way, but he must be vigilant and on the lookout for the message. A 7th-grade rebbe share…
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We've been discussing one of the most fundamental questions. Why would Hashem, a completely perfect being, who is not lacking anything, and certainly does not need anything from us, have decided to create the world in the first place? We've also been discussing that the only way to answer this question with absolute truth, with no risk of making a …
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If someone has been making hishtadlut in a certain area for a long time but hasn't seen success, there is a segula attributed to Rav Chaim Palachi that can work wonders. Whether the hishtadlut pertains to shidduchim , parnasa , health, or any other matter, strengthening one's bitachon in the following way can bring great siyata dishmaya . The pract…
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We've been discussing perhaps the most important question that we might attempt to answer. Why did Hashem decide to create the world in the first place? Seeing as Hashem is a completely perfect being, completely independent of needing from any external force, as opposed to us human beings who have many needs, physically, emotionally, psychologicall…
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If a person gets taken advantage of or is wronged by another individual or business and then the person sees how much that other individual or business is flourishing as a result, he may begin to feel that it pays to do the wrong thing because those who do, get away with it and enjoy from it. But there could be nothing further from the truth. The M…
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We've been discussing how although the principles and fundamentals of what it means to live a life of emunah and truly fulfill our purpose in this world, in a sense does have limited information and after spending time studying the topic, one might have mastered the information, however, as discussed, our purpose in this world is not just to know t…
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It is possible for a person to have a completely incorrect understanding of how Hashem interacts with us, stemming from misconceptions about concepts they learned as a child. For example, Chazal teach us that Hashem punishes midda keneged midda —measure for measure. Some people might perceive this as a form of revenge, chas v'shalom , as if to say,…
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We've been discussing how constant repetition about the principles of Emunah and Bitachon is of paramount importance. In the world that we live in, for the most part, it is much easier to relate to things that are physical and tangible, and I am able to see the accomplishment of my efforts. So, usually when I study a subject, once I have completed …
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In this week's parasha , Vayechi, Yaakov tells Yehuda, " יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך ", that he will be the king, and the Jewish people will be named after him— Yehudim . This honor was granted to Yehuda because of his ability to admit his guilt, even when it would lead to public humiliation. The Midrash recounts that when Yehuda convened a bet din to jud…
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Usually, when one is trying to study a subject, after a certain amount of time of delving into the content of the subject matter, one will be able to master that subject and move on to a different topic. We've discussed many times about what the Torah's sources teach us is our purpose in this world - to make efforts to build and internalize our emu…
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The Sefer Oznayim LaTorah relates a story passed down through a chain of tradition: From the Brisker Rav, who heard it from his father, Rav Chaim, who heard it from another rabbi, person to person, back to the one who experienced it. On one occasion, Napoleon visited a small city in Poland. The local leaders and dignitaries prepared a grand recepti…
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We've been discussing the idea that Torah commentaries bring, that an extension of emunah - believing in Hashem, is to believe in ourselves. If Hashem believes in me, not only do I have the license to believe in myself, but I am obligated to believe in myself, because if I neglect to do so, I am in a sense denying Hashem's will. True humility does …
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One of the pillars upon which this world stands is Gemilut Chasadim.Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Friedman, author of the Noam Siach , related that he was in Israel this past Yom Kippur. He went to Viznitz for Kol Nidre , and as is known, they start a half hour before everybody else. He was so busy on the phone helping people back in America that he arrived …
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We've been discussing how Torah commentaries bring that one of the extensions of what it means to have emunah in Hashem is to believe in myself. If Hashem believes in me to the extent that He blessed me with certain abilities and talents, so certainly following the path of emunah and believing in Hashem, I am called on to always in any endeavor rea…
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The shidduch process can be very frustrating, waiting for suggestions, waiting for responses. Sometimes, things look like they are going so well, and all of a sudden, everything falls apart. Sometimes, after waiting a long time, a prospective shidduch is finally set up. The girl begins getting excited, hoping this could be the one. Then, on the day…
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We've been discussing the three types of emunah that the Torah commentaries bring. The first one, our life's work that we are most familiar with - making our maximum effort to take the emunah and bitachon that we've learnt about and trying to transform that to truly living our lives according to their values. The second type that we discussed was e…
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One of the very difficult parts of life is when a person feels left out, when everybody else seems to have or get what he doesn't. He wonders why he has to be different. He doesn't feel like he did something so wrong to deserve less than everyone else. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves while he is left out adds to his sadness. If all of a girl's …
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