Startup exits are the most sought after events in Silicon Valley, but very few people get to experience them. On the Startup Exits Podcast we chat with founders that started, ran and sold a tech company to learn about how it all went down. This podcast is hosted by Andrew Vasylyk and produced by StartupSoft – visit for more info and other great content.
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Actionable tips to help you prepare and execute your dream exit from your e-commerce business.
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From inside Irstad recordings in Peekskill, NY, welcome to A Thousand Exits, a podcast at the corner of martial arts and life’s journey.Here, we share our insights into training and talk to those that have shaped our daily practice.We explore what the martial arts mean to us on a personal level and discuss their broader impact on society and culture.Our passion is the common person’s experience in the martial arts. Bend your legs, plant your feet, relax, and let’s go!
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Welcome To,Triumphant Entries & Glorious Exit’s I hope you are Reaping All The Cycle of Blessings in every season in your Life The Key to Fruitfulness is having fertile ground and Good seed.this will keep you Full and flourishing and the Door’s of the Church Open. we are the Temple of His Holiness. The Kingdom of God is within us, our Heart and Ears are the Openings Needed to Receive the Good &Perfect Gift that comes down from the Father of Lights. what Emulates from dwelling within the Holy ...
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Ecommerce Exits Podcast | Inside look at Building, Buying, Selling and Scaling Ecommerce Businesses
Nate Ginsburg, FBA E-Commerce Expert and Strategist
Join Nate Ginsburg, the 7-figure ecommerce exit strategist, as he talks to industry leaders on how to maximize your business for your dream exit. If you want to get more sales, automate your operations, and improve your cashflow for your ecommerce business, you need to understand what it takes from experts who know how to do it best. Listen to Nate's conversations on the Ecommerce Exits Podcast powered by SellerPlex.
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How Ecommerce Businesses Are Valued
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11:48Ecom Made Easy with Ben Leonard - the simple strategy to get people to love your e-commerce brand, from an expert who has actually been there and done it!In this episode of Ecom Made Easy, Ben shares valuable insights on how people value ecommerce businesses and why working with experts to get it right is important if you want to sell your business…
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Ecom Made Easy with Ben Leonard - the simple strategy to get people to love your e-commerce brand, from an expert who has actually been there and done it!A few episodes back I spoke about the 7 Foundations of Value. The 7 key aspects you need to consider when building your e-commerce business to sell it. We've covered timing, stability, documentati…
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Good afternoon, we've entered another Triumphant month. I just wanted to announce that March's offering will be a time of Renewal and Reflection as I continue to observe the Lent Season. Peace and Blessings Lisa Marie Love Always..
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Thank you for stopping by my feeds this morning. Before I pronounce the Blessing of the Benediction for The Celebration of the Love of God, I wanted to release this exhortation declaring the power of the patriarchs according to father God's dominion, faithfulness and Love.
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Thank you for visiting the agencies I'm Elated to Announce February's offering is Trending Now!
Welcome to February's Offering in celebration of 'The Love of God'
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What a Wonderful Wednesday! I hope your mid-week is going well in The new Year. Just stop by the agencies to share the 2023 Exhortation in the year of Acceleration & Quantum leaps.These are a few keys to ensure you stay Aligned and abound in the grace of God.
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I'm excited to release the first Exhortation of the New Year entitled you have been Bedazzled 2023! In Celebration of Brides, Bubbly & Brunch
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Matthew 1:1-18Amplified BibleThe Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah1 The record of the genealogy of [a]Jesus the [b]Messiah, the son (descendant) of [c]David, the son (descendant) of Abraham:2 Abraham [d]was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of [e]Judah and his brothers [who became the twelve tribes of Israel]. 3 Juda…
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John 8:12King James Version12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
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December's Offering is Trending Now! @
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Praise The Lord! Thank you for stopping by the agencies on the Lord our Sabbath This is the 7 day this is sabbath scripture Holy spirit gave me in this New of harvest in celebration of The fall feast and festivals Psalm 37:1-9 Amplified Bible Security of Those Who Trust in the Lord, and Insecurity of the Wicked. A Psalm of David. 37 [a]Do not worry…
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Praise The Lord! I'm excited to Announce and Welcome you to; Lisa Marie's:The Virgin Reigns Birthday Celebration for 9-22-1966 in the Special Month of September This delightful exhortation is trending Now! @ www. I invite to join your's truly in the Celebration of my Birthday Love Always...…
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What a Marvelous Monday!
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10:45I'm Elated to stop by The Agencies today to release The Virgin Reigns Exhortation in honor and Celebration of Our Blessed Mother Mary. The Blessing of being a Daughter of the New Eve is The blessedness of our Obedience and the Maturity we produce by the fruit of her Womb. and her Graces and intersession ..…
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Welcome To, Lisa Marie's Brides, Bubbly & Brunch
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10:13Good Afternoon, Thank you for visiting my Social Agencies on this beautiful Sunday, I'm Elated to share another new discovery...
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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God Bless, I'm Elated to Announce June's Offering is Trending @ Love Always.. Lisa Marie
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Exits Made Easy by Ecom Brokers Ecom Brokers makes selling your e-commerce business simple, hassle-free, fair and clear. With us you’re not just getting a ‘middleman’ to connect a seller and a buyer - you’re getting e-commerce experts who will work with you to position and prepare your business for the best possible valuation, deal and exit. We’ve …
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Glory be to God! in the Highest Thank you for joining your Hostess Lisa Marie From:The Throne of The Bride Queen here on the Stars of Heaven Networks 22 for more of March's Offering Celebrating Myself,The Queen Mother Mary, The Mother all the New Creation,also in Celebrating the New Eve 2022!…
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Hello, Hello, Hello, I'm honored to share The Ash Wednesday 2022 Exhortation Declaration. In celebration of March Offering Veil's & Victories this is the 1st calendar day of the Holiest of Seasons A time of Remembrance of when The Lord brought his Bride ,our soul out of Darkness into the Marvelous Light, in a Moment and in the twinkling of an eye G…
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Praise the Lord! I'm elated to Announce that March's Offering is Trending Now @ this is the Month of procession & progression this will be achieved by being in Harmony and in Oneness with The God Head Bodily. I extend this Invitation to join your Hostess Lisa Marie for The Exhortation of: Veil's & Victories Love Always...…
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I'm Elated to Announce February's Offering is Trending Now! @
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Ben Antier, founder of Publica: $220 million sale to $IAS
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38:18In the days when TVs were "dumb", everyone tuned into the same content. Today, the TV watching experience is highly personalized, including the ads. This realization led Ben Antier and Cedric Tournay to start Publica, an advertising platform for smart TVs that was acquired by Integral Ad Sciences ($IAS) for $220 million in 5 years since inception. …
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A Good Name is Better to be Chosen than Fine Gold
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19:25Merry Christmas before I release the Prophetic Wheel Calendar Alignment I wanted to share more from The Declaration 'The Age of Ishmael' A Good Name and a Better Covenant
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Merry Christmas :>) I'm happy to Announce December's offering is Trending Now! @ Wishing you a Wonderful Adventurous Winter Wonderland, in the Winter Solstice Love Always.. Lisa Marie: The Virgin Reigns
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Thank you for Joining your Hostess: Lisa Marie on Triumphant Entries & Glorious Exits for Kislev 9
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26:36Genesis 2:1-4 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.4…
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Welcome To, Triumphant Entries & Glorious Exit's for: 'Passion Plea' Novena prayers
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17:50Thank you for joining your Hostess for The Exhortation: 'Passion Plea's' Novena prayers. when Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane his prayer was of ACCEPTANCE, SURRENDER, CONFORMATION. the Intensity of your prayers in purity and in God's Righteousness will Release your Answer Swifty. Mark 14:32-36 And they came to a place which was named Geths…
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I'm Elated to Announce November's Offering is Trending Now! @ For "NOVENA" The Blessing of Prayer in Feast of Thanksgiving Praise the Lord! Thank you for Receiving November's Offering for "NOVENA " Prayer Feast's of ThanksGiving The word of God declares Father God 's GLORY and His Judgement regarding Feast that is Of…
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Praise The Lord ! I'm Elated to Announce October's Offering For Wisdom & The Way! is Trending Live @ Thank you for Receiving October's Offering for what The God Head has spoken regarding This is Season of ENCHANTMENT a Glorious Time of what is Veiled and also what is being Revealed. Wishing you a Good Harvest Season …
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Rob Howard, founder of Telligent: M&A by Verint
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31:14In 2021 it's not uncommon to hear that you should build a community before building a product, but not many people could have told you this advice in the 1990s. Rob Howard, who built the early community for ASP.NET while working at Microsoft, is one of those people. After seeing the incredible power of an engaged community, Rob went on to start Tel…
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3rd watch Prophetic Update and Warning
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19:13Good Morning, The Holy Spirit woke me up during this watch to share The Harvest Watch Waring. The Time of this recording is 3:27am this the Watch of the Judgement, Deliverance the Time to rise and shine for the Son of righteousness to appear and shine upon you.this is also the watch and the time that satanic agents who went out to perform their act…
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Welcome To:Wonderful Wednesdays for: Lisa Marie's Birthday Celebration "The Immortal Reign!" In Honor of The Queen Virgin Mother Mary
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21:24Praise The Lord! I'm Excited to Announce September's Offering Celebration is Now! Trending Live @ we've Entered Another Triumphant Season. I hope you are Reaping All The Cycle of Blessings in every season in your Life The Key to Fruitfulness is having fertile ground and Good seed.this will keep you Full and flourishing…
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3rd Quarter Breakthroughs, Career Identity Shifts, and New 10/10 Partnerships. The End of eCom Exits Podcast.
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34:06~WHAT YOU’LL LEARN~ How to Avoid Falling into The Sunk Cost Fallacy That's Draining Your Career Opportunities Unlocking Opportunities (especially $200,000 Working Capital from Crypto Affiliate Agency) Breaking through your Zone of Genius, Gaining Clarity and Direction that Leverages your Superpowers Exposing The Matrix behind the Agency Model that …
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5 Tactics That Taps into Your Team's Intrinsic Motivation to Sustainably Scale Your Business with Kurt Philip, Founder & CEO at CRO by Convertica
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46:19~WHAT YOU’LL LEARN~ Dreamling your team, how to create a cohesive and loyal company culture How to scale the agency model What most investors are overlooking and how you profit $$$ from Agency Model. 3 questions you must answer to identify your big picture purpose in life The 5 factors will make or break your investment in the agency model The 1 hi…
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How You Can Triple Your Business’ Worth with 1 Sourcing Hack That Most Experts Don’t Know with Athena Severi, Co-Founder of Titan Network
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40:16~WHAT YOU’LL LEARN~ The adventures of China Magic Sourcing tour turn into a successful scaling community Build 7 figure empires while traveling How to develop and leverage your community-building skillset and help sellers grow Get an overqualified mentor to hold you accountable and scale 3x faster Gain the entrepreneurial experience of a lifetime a…
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What a Wonderful Wednesday! I'm Excited to Announce the Brides of Christ Women's Ministries 13th yr Anniversary Celebrating The Great Commission of Christ is trending Now! @ I also celebrate the Anniversary of the Gift of External Life By The shed Blood of Jesus Christ & His Resurrection Love Always... Lisa Marie: Fro…
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What 3 Preconceived Notions are Costing You Over $100,000 a Year? With Mina Elias, CEO of MMA Nutrition and PPC University
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45:06~WHAT YOU’LL LEARN~ Why 90% of your relationship must be beneficial for your business to be successful The right environment normalizes failure, persistence, and success mindset Tapping into your subconscious creativity MMA, fitness, and how sports play a role in creating a sustainable lifestyle for your business 5 steps to converting PPC expenses …
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Thank you for Joining your Hostess for: The B.O.C Chronicles:The Crushing Defeat of the Serpent's Head
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23:17Good Evening I hope your work week was Fruitful & prosperous and you are UNWINE/ING:>) into his Rest. before i pronounce the Blessing of the Benediction for June's Offering: Father of the Bride/ The Crushing of the Grapes! I wanted to share from the Birthing The B..O.C Chronicles Crushing Defeat of the Serpent's Head This Entry is in celebration of…
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Growing a Business From 50k to 1 Million Rev in 7 months with 40% Margins with Brand Consultant Klaidas Šiuipys, Founder of Shayz Consulting
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32:14~WHAT YOU’LL LEARN~ Grow Slowly Rather than Killing your Reputation Fast From family business to 7 figure brand manager 4 different types of currencies 3 Challenges with brand managing 3-month onboarding Bootcamp to properly train your new hires How to train and grow your strategic and technical team ~CONTACT DETAILS~ If you would like to know more…
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