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Foncėne Voices


Foncėne Voices is the official podcast series from vegan shoe brand, Foncėne—hosted by co-founder PJ Baudoin. In each episode, creative and entrepreneurial voices share which shoe they would never let go of. Their stories reveal how they live, work and move consciously—presenting new ways of looking at sustainability and long-term thinking.
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Lumi and Fonce

Alanah and Raven

Lumi and Fonce, hosted by Alanah and Raven, is where you can find fun facts for freaks. Even if you're not a freak, you might find the information presented interesting or some of their jokes funny. Following a new theme for every 3-4 episodes, the two friends upload episodes every Friday.
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Schamma Rosidor

Tu te demandes pourquoi continuer ton entreprise tout en ayant les mains pleines avec ton emploi du temps; travail, études ou enfant? Tu as la tête enfermée dans le quotidien de ton entreprise et tu ne vois plus comment développer ton entreprise pour le prochain niveau. Débute avec moi chacune de tes semaines en force avec des stratégies pour foncer vers le prochain niveau de ton entreprise. Tu réussiras à briser certaines croyances qui t’ont empêchées d’avancer et je te donne des stratégies ...
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show series
Episode Notes Pietro Lo Casto is an ascending star in the world of photography. After a few years of working in tech, starting with Apple in London, where we met, Pietro went on a quest to revisit his way of life and found a few clues in Asia. Before earning a full scholarship for an MFA in Visual Arts at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, he studied…
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Je t'explique le plan d'action à mettre en place pour faire l'achat de ton entreprise et ainsi assurer le succès de ton projet. En 5 étapes bien simples, tu sauras comment t'y prendre pour faire l'achat de ton entreprise. Comment faire pour acheter une entreprise? Je t'explique le plan d'action à mettre en place pour faire l'achat de ton entreprise…
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Je parle dans cet épisode du repreunariat. Je t'explique les avantages et désavantages de racheter une entreprise au lieu de la bâtir dès le début. Je t'offre aussi un rabais de 10% sur mes produits capillaires naturels Royalty natural fabriqués par mon équipe et moi N'hésite pas à me joindre sur les réseaux sociaux par ce l…
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J'y ai pensé plusieurs fois à quitter mon entreprise et c'est normal d'y penser. L'entrepreneuriat, c'est une question de foi pour moi. Je t'explique dans cet épisode comment faire pour ne pas abandonner ton entreprise et pourquoi tu ne peux pas abandonner. Je t'offre aussi un rabais pour mon entreprise Royalty Natural, tu peux bénéficier de 10% de…
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La bonne mentalité pour diriger une entreprise à succès se résume à avoir la mentalité d'entrepreneur au lieu d'un employé. Cela demande de changer plusieurs pensées préétablies qui nous ont été enseignées depuis plusieurs années en tant qu'employé. Dans cet épisode, je t'aide à réfléchir sur 3 mentalités d'entrepreneur qui te permettront d'avoir u…
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Suki is the cofounder and creative director of our brand Foncėne. Before becoming a National Portrait gallery artist and competing in cycling, she joined IBM's Design program in Texas, where she learnt the principles of User Experience. She went on to design web interfaces for MOO, a high-end design print business in London and then helped rethink …
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Vivre avec un enfant ayant des défis d'adaptation peut-être difficile en tant que BOSSMOM. De plus, la recherche de ressources peut devenir pénible. On ne sait pas par où commencer et à qui faire confiance. Dans cet épisode, je m'entretien avec Valérie Sarette, psychoéducatrice depuis plus de 10ans. Elle nous donne plusieurs conseils pour apprendre…
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La routine pour un enfant à de nombreux avantages pour lui et pour maman aussi car elle permet à la BOSSMOM d'avoir du temps pour elle, sa famille et son entreprise. Dans cet épisode, je te donne des conseils pour mettre en place des routines efficaces pour ton enfant et je t'explique pourquoi il est important pour tous les enfants d'avoir une rout…
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En tant que maman, on ne prend pas le temps de penser à notre charge mentale qui peut affecter notre quotidien. Quoi dire de la mère entrepreneure? En plus de la charge mentale du quotidien, elle a la charge mentale qu'implique la gestion d'une entreprise; les employés, le développement des affaires, le marketing etc. Dans cet épisode, Dr Lory Zeph…
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On parle souvent de la conciliation entre le travail et la famille mais très rare de la conciliation avec son entreprise et sa famille. Tu te demandes comment avoir un bon équilibre entre ton entreprise que tu veux amener au prochain niveau et ta famille qui demande beaucoup de ton temps? Dans cet épisode, je te donne 3 conseils pour atteindre un b…
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Nous portons plusieurs chapeaux dans la vie, tel que maman, entrepreneure, professionnelle etc. Tu te demandes comment puis-je jongler avec tout ce qui m'arrive dans la vie? ou encore pourquoi je n'arrive pas à faire tout ce que je planifie dans une journée? Dans cet épisode, je te donne quelques conseils que j'ai moi-même mis en pratique dans ma v…
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Penser à avoir un associé pour son entreprise peut causer des maux de tête. Tu te poses tellement de questions comme comment choisir ton associé? Où puis-je trouver un associé? Je réponds à toutes ces questions et même comment te protéger lorsque tu as un associé. N’oublie pas de me laisser tes commentaires et de partager l’épisode. Tu peux toujour…
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Le plan d'affaires est le document qu'on te demande souvent d'écrire et d'avoir en main pour démarrer ton entreprise. T'es-tu déjà demandé(e) ce que tu dois mettre dans ton plan d'affaires? Ou combien de temps dois-tu consacrer pour la rédaction de ton plan d'affaires? L’épisode d’aujourd’hui va te permettre de répondre aux 5 questions essentielles…
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L’argent est souvent la raison numéro #1 pour laquelle on a peur de lancer son entreprise. Tu te poses sûrement la question dois-je prendre un prêt ou devrais-je attendre que j’aie tous les fonds nécessaires pour créer mon entreprise? L’épisode d’aujourd’hui va te permettre de réfléchir à ce sujet. N’oublie pas de me laisser tes commentaires et de …
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Tu as déjà entendu parler des convictions limitantes? Je t’explique pourquoi j’ai sorti mon podcast et en quoi les contraintes limitantes t’empêchent d’amener ton entreprise à un autre niveau. #foncebossmom ►Instagram: Produits naturels pour cheveux afro Nous faisons le développement, la fabrication et la ven…
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By day, Alex is a software engineer at Bulb, a renewable energy company. By night, she's a singer, composer and what I call an artist of life. She studied neurosciences at John Hopkins in Maryland, computer science at Imperial college London, and co-founded Some Whimsy—an art / screen printed t-shirt company. In this interview we talk about how she…
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Saskia is a photojournalist for the New York Times, a writer and a NGO entrepreneur. She's the youngest person leading a Bordeaux first growth wine business. 2 years ago, she learnt the ins and outs of œnology or the art of designing wine, before taking the helm of her family's century old, legendary vineyard, Chateau Lafite. In this interview, you…
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Foncėne Voices is a podcast series produced by Foncėne—a London-based vegan shoe brand—hosted by co-founder PJ Baudoin. To understand what makes a shoe lasting and timeless, PJ asked independent thinkers, creatives, entrepreneurs and artists: ‘what shoes would you never let go of?’. They share with us how they live, work and move, consciously—prese…
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So, we met in person! Finally! And we recorded a quick something for you guys in place of our usual episodes. Next week, the next installment of our current theme Historical Figures will be out on schedule, so we'll talk to you normally then! Until then, interact with our Twitter (@LumiFonce), our Instagram (Lumiandfonce), and our email (lumiandfon…
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This week we tackle more historical figures in an effort to share the knowledge of the past with all of you wonderful people! We've got a very helpful scientist and a chemist, both who were very smart and basically changed the world. We've also got a queen who's a bit of a myth to some people along with an old school gamer! Give it a listen! Keep i…
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We're coming to your listening device with a new theme this week: Historical Figures! Now, we can easily promise that these upcoming episode will be filled with interesting and inspiring people, so be sure to tune in every week to hear what's new. This week we talk about a woman who had immortal cells and another woman who is half actress, half inv…
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This is the last installment of our Urban Legends theme and it's a real spooky one! We go from talking about a sweet prehistoric eel to a cursed video game that housed the spirit of a very rude ghost. Join us in our jokes and horrific tales that litter this week's episode! Keep in mind that we are not topics in any subject that we discuss. Follow o…
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This week we jump from possessed video games to a whole community filled with gold underneath Los Angeles. Join us in talking about popular and unpopular Urban Legends from the Americas! It's a whole journey that may or may not be cursed, but that's a topic for another day. Keep in mind we are not experts in anything that we discuss. Follow our Twi…
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It's not quite spooky season, yet, but we're back with another episode with four more urban legends packed inside! These stories are all probably not true, but they're fun to talk about and to listen to, so give them a chance. From a crying woman who walks the riverbank to the Ninja Turtles' best buds in the sewers, this episode is filled with a co…
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Get yourself a bucket of popcorn and something to hold onto because this week we dive into some spooky urban legends. If you experience any of the things we talked about in this episode, we're sorry- we kind of cursed the episode on accident by talking about a bunch of ghosts at the very beginning. Ghouls and ghosts alike will have a field day list…
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An unpredictable end to the theme "Social Living" resides within this episode! The predictions made in this futuristic episode are purely made on speculation and that alone! Has the government stopped listening? Okay good because this episode actually features time travelers who have left information to us about what they eat, what kind of cool tec…
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Inventions and advancements in life? This sounds like a pretty snazzy episode if you ask me! This week's episode focuses on the modern day, from social media to achievements made during the recent years. Raven would call this episode quite the present! Because... it focuses on... the present in modern day? Hahaha... Any who, we really hope you enjo…
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I hate to be the one to tell you this, but this episode holds some heavy information, such as which states are real and which ones the government lied about (you only have about a 12% chance of living in a real one, sadly). To lighten the mood, though we talk about a lot of the really real and weird laws that are present within these fake states an…
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Have you ever seen a woman washing your bloody articles of clothing by a riverbank? If so, then this episode may be for you! (But seriously, if you have, don't join any battles any time soon.) This week, we cover Celtic mythology! We find out who invented whistling and who impersonates crows. Hint, hint, it's the same woman who washes clothes by th…
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No great pharaohs were harmed in the making of this episode, however, we can't promise the same for those who might be in the Underworld with Osiris and his head biting buddies. If you see any eagles in the sky with a red shoe in its talons, take our advice and follow that bird! Who knows, maybe the gods sent you a message to your one true love, or…
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What day is it? How long- how long have we been here? How long have I been here? Is this a new episode? This one seems like... a bit of a mess. The structure is practically nonexistent, but it's kind of... funny? It's still worth listening and sharing, but the jokes somehow all bleed into one another. This whole episode is just very confusing. I ne…
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The episode for this week is filled with interesting information and tales from African cultures, some including a tricky man-spider who will forever be imagined as Spiderus and poorly planned yam heists. We also learned to ask before building any kind of structure anywhere or else you will anger some kind of Orisha. Death is mentioned multiple tim…
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If you couldn't tell from the title, this week's episode covers Norse mythology, following our "Gods and Goddesses" theme! This episode is filled to the brim with knowledge, learning about how flies have stingers apparently and discovering the secret language used by the gods. Don't lose your head, though, because we also have two Norse legends in …
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We are back with a new episode with a new theme: "Gods and Goddesses!" This episode focuses mainly on Greek and Roman mythology and legends, in which we constantly dance around the details of any bloodline and we make an avid attempt to avoid mentioning one man-child of a god in particular, cough Zeus cough. We also learned that Persephone has abou…
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In this week's episode we tell a few spooky stories, some involving a multitude of ghosts and others reminding you of the dangers of college classes. This is the last episode in our theme of "Weird Things," so of course we've got rumors of missing fingers bringing the dead to life and a group of zombies trying to take out a bank loan, but we can't …
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In this week's episode things get a bit shocking. Following our "Weird Things" theme, we cover a few of the weirdest phenomenons that we could find from a natural bloody waterfall to unexplained lights that hang out below the horizon. The energy in this episode is absolutely magnetic and nearly every joke we make is charged with hilarity. Don't for…
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This week's episode we take a dive into some weird (but mainly really cool) technology, following our "Weird Things" theme for the next few episodes. Amazon is mentioned more times than needed in this episode and remember to share your colors or else a lawsuit might be headed your way! Keep in mind, we are not experts in any of the topics we discus…
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This is our first episode in which we talk about weird animals, following our "Weird Things" theme for the next few episodes. We cover everything from lobsters to birds to butterflies! Keep in mind, we are not experts in any of the topics we discuss. Follow our Twitter to stay updated on future episodes and other things! @LumiFonce…
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