番組では、毎月テーマに合わせたメールを募集中。番組では、テーマに合わせたメールを募集中。リスナーの皆さんがやってしまった事 それが ”善なのか、悪なのか”洋子の独断と偏見によって決める「洋子の勝手にジャッジ」ミュージシャンの名言をご紹介する「Generock Files」夜のお供に是非、お聴きください!」メッセージ・コーナーへの参加もお待ちしています♪♪
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Amanda and Bret Brummitt interview guests sharing how they are improving their community and making the world a better place. From non-profits to individuals simply doing good, the stories are heart warming and inspiring. Jump in anywhere as each episode is stand-alone.
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Rants on being a better husband
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Este podcast é sobre mulheres. Não é vedado aos homens mas, insistimos, é sobre as mulheres. Uma hora de conversa entre mulheres, sobre mulheres, para mulheres. Os homens que calharem a ouvir são capazes de beneficiar com isso. Pelo menos elas acham que sim. Uma é a Patrícia Reis, a outra a Paula Cosme Pinto, e são elas as anfitriãs deste lugar de fala feminino. Um podcast Rádio Comercial.
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Many business owners think they have to wait until after they sell their company to do significant giving. Each week, listen as Jeff Thomas, Alan Barnhart, Jeff Rutt and their guests discuss practical ways to be more generous NOW. Whether your business does one million in revenue or one billion, this podcast is for you.
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A half hour interview show featuring innovative leaders who cultivate a culture of giving, belonging and thriving together. In each episode, we’ll explore how generosity at work impacts the bottom line and address cultural dynamics, team behavior and peer relationships.
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Kick off your week with a 5-minute reflection on generosity to ground yourself as you go about your fund development tasks. Each reflection includes a question to ponder throughout the week to aid your work.
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A podcast that explores how generosity is at work in our workplaces and world. Our goal is to encourage and equip leaders to go beyond profit with their organizations, and improve the lives of everyone they touch.
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Welcome to Active Generosity, Stewardship's brand new podcast. Join us for an exploration into the world of faithful and generous Christian stewardship. I’m your host, Ruth Jackson. Each month I’ll be chatting to a Stewardship donor, partner or colleague about their journey of generosity, exploring why and how they give, the joys and challenges they’ve experienced along the way and what a difference generosity makes to their lives. As you hear from both donors and leaders of charitable cause ...
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The Generosity Now Podcast is dedicated to inspiring generosity and promoting whole life stewardship among followers of Christ. We share stories of individuals and organizations doing great work in our community and around the world. Our goal is to provide practical insights and tools to help listeners make a positive kingdom impact with their resources. Whether you want to become a better wealth manager, overcome challenges in deploying large sums of money, or align with your family values, ...
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We talk systems and processes and aim for scaleable systems & simple software to power your business.
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Find powerful teaching, inspirational stories, and helpful downloads, from people who are also growing closer to God on a journey of generosity. Listen, share, pass them on.
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Amor de diferentes perspectivas Cover art photo provided by Miss Lacitos on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@misslacitos
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Conversas sobre igualdade no dia-a-dia, por Aline Flor.
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Lifeshine Generosity features leaders and entrepreneurs generously sharing their hearts with giving stories, tips and strategies for business and life success and the unexpected blessings God bestows on the generous.
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Discutir os gêneros textuais e os tipos de textos, a fim de contribuir para o aprendizado significativo da prática de leitura, produção e compreensão de textos. Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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Por La Cultura Del Genero Urbano
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NCF South Florida brings together generous givers, business leaders, along with church and ministry leaders for the good of our community through three pillars: Invest, Equip, Unite. Our vision is to reach and restore every person through the love of Christ, and our mission is to mobilize resources by inspiring biblical generosity. This podcast, “The Generous Life,” exists to communicate the mission and vision of NCF South Florida, tell stories of generosity and community impact, and provide ...
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Podcast informativo sobre violencia de género
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Afonso Borges, Valter Hugo Mãe, Sérgio Abranches e Cristóvão Tezza conversam sobre o conto na literatura!
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Welcome to the Equidad De Genero podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Robert Katzki on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ro_ka
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En el siguiente podcast hablaré sobre la igualdad de género y su importancia en la sociedad
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Aprendendo um pouco mais sobre as violências Racial e de Gênero
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The story of Generous Giving began in the 1990s when five friends came together, challenged by the question of what could happen if Christians were truly generous with their resources, living out the joy of giving instead of the duty of tithing. They talked with a handful of people who were already experiencing this joy and asked them to share with others how living in faith-driven generosity had brought extreme transformation to their hearts and lives.
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Programa radial emitido los jueves a las 19 hs.
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Coralus collectively practices different ways of doing things for a better now and a new inheritance. $19M+ capital. 7000+ members. 190 funded.
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En éste episodio se expondrán las diferencias de género y el rol de la mujer en el mundo clasico. Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@honeyyanibel
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Actualidad con humor a cargo del mejor dúo de la radio: Un País Generoso en Rock and Pop.
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Dream of quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur? Making any big change? Get real, down & dirty advice from two real (awesome) women on how (and how not) to start your own business, deal with huge change & search for balance. Jenna Goodman and Nancy Jackson took the leap and quit their jobs as successful fundraisers to go all-in on Generous Change, their nonprofit fundraising consulting company. Come with them on their wacky entrepreneurial journey! Get inspiration to be more product ...
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Through interviews with individuals living radically generous lives, this podcast aims to encourage others to give and to serve their communities.
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Bob Wielenga, Eric Casteel, and Richard Sharp are all internationally known public speakers on the topics of effective stewardship, generosity and mission development. Combined, they have over 65 years experience globally serving the Body of Christ providing leadership development, global mission experiences, and discipling believers in a Christian worldview. Bob, Eric and Richard are more than simply ministry guys living on three different continents. With one living in America, one in Euro ...
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Género y Feminismo Cover art photo provided by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ornellabinni
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On The Generosity Labs Podcast, hosted by Kenny Jahng, we talk to pastors, consultants, service providers and other church leaders. We discuss the current trends, models and best practices for developing giving as a robust part of your community life. Are you ready to learn more about how you can get a culture of generosity to flourish from the inside out? Discover more resources and transcripts of our podcast episodes at www.GenerosityLabs.org
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La intención es crear un espacio seguro donde podamos compartir información respecto a la sexualidad, sin tabús, solo confianza y un toque de comedía para romper la tensión.
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The concept for Generously Speaking is that there are significant leaders in our world of philanthropy who we at our firm are able to speak with often in the course of our work on behalf of various nonprofit clients. We see great generosity in action and we thought it would be nice to be able to share some of those conversations.
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A ciência e a igualdade de género são dois fatores vitais para levar a cabo com sucesso a Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Neste sentido, a Assembleia-Geral das Nações Unidas adotou a resolução A/70/474/Add.2, declarando o dia 11 de fevereiro como o Dia Internacional das Mulheres e Raparigas na Ciência.
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Trata de como a cambiado la igualdad a través del tiempo Cover art photo provided by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nathananderson
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Welcome to the Lisa M Snyder: For Generosity podcast, where we are all about growing our resources (money, time, space) to impact the world around us.
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Definición de violencia de género, tipos de violencia y aplicación de La Ley Orgánica para prevenir y erradicar la violencia de Género en Ecuador
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Podcast exploring the intersection of faith, service, philanthropy, and community. The non-profit sector is filled with beauty and complexity and offers the comfort of both commonly held values as well as diversity of thought. Join us as we dig into conversations with clergy members, community activists, scholars, non-profit leaders, donors, and volunteers. We hope you leave every episode challenged and inspired.
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Otra de nuestras apuestas más importantes. En cada programa, que es mensual y se emite el día 28, nos esforzamos por avanzar hacia la igualdad de género. Lo que antes era el tema principal desaparece para dejar paso a un programa más dinámico compuesto por píldoras: la vida y obra de mujeres invisibilizadas en la Historia, así como inventos y descubrimientos.
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We are equipping nonprofit leaders with best practices and resources that grow generosity to enhance your mission. In each episode, we tackle a topic related to growing generosity to your nonprofit and answer the three most critical questions for success. Our promise to you is that we won't take up a ton of your time - you have donors to cultivate - and we will give you actionable items you can start using right away. We will focus on foundational donor first principles and best practices. T ...
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En homenaje a los 50 años de la revuelta de Stonewall, esta edición tendrá como tema la Ley de Identidad de Género sancionada en el año 2012. Nuestro análisis se divide en dos partes. En el siguiente podcast, Majo y Pau, estarán conversando sobre el momento en que se sanciono la ley y su efectividad en el corto plazo. Tendremos entrevistas con militantes trans, invitadas especiales (Ariana y Delfina) y por supuesto una sección con nuestra movilera Cande, que se estará moviendo por la Estació ...
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El 9 de mayo de 2012 se empezó a saldar una deuda histórica con el colectivo travesti trans. Gracias a la lucha de este colectivo se sancionó la Ley 26.743 de Identidad de Género. En este podcast, militantes, activistas y artistas conversan con Diana Zurco, periodista y locutora, sobre la historia de esta legislación que vino a cuestionar la cis-heteronorma y el binarismo. A 10 años de este momento también se preguntan por los desafíos que siguen. Una coproducción de Feminacida y Posta por l ...
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Marta Lamas (Ciudad de México, 1947). Doctora en Antropología por el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM. Es profesora-investigadora de la Coordinación de Humanidades de la UNAM, actualmente adscrita al Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), al igual que del Departamento de Ciencia Política del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Es integrante del Comité editorial de Antropología del Fondo de Cultura ...
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RadioLacan.com | Noches de los Observatorios de la FAPOL en la EOL. Observatorio sobre “La violencia y las mujeres en Latinoamérica” Violencia de género: una investigación psicoanalítica
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Isabel Moreira: “Gostava de ser Presidente da República, mas não agora”
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É jurista de formação, deputada à Assembleia da República e uma mulher de causas, desde a luta pelo casamento gay à eutanásia. Criar uma identidade que a distinguisse da família católica e de direita deixou cicatrizes, mas não lhe roubou o amor incondicional dos pais. Nestes 50 minutos de conversa, Isabel Moreira fala sobre a sua infância, o ‘comin…
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As I’ve been thinking about the next iteration of marriage blogging, which will start March 1st, I realised my approach to marriage has become very holistic. When Lori and I coach a couple, we ask about things well beyond the issue they bring to the table. This is especially true when the presented issue is sexual. Every part of your marriage is im…
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Jeanna Roach: God’s Ministry, Formerly Known as Your Business
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What is your one right next step? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Jeanna discuss: Lessons on humility and overcoming pride. Meeting the Lord through business. Transitioning from soaking in the Spirit to seeking the Lord. Building a unified team even among diverse people. Living intentionally and honoring legacy. Key Takeaways: People need to have …
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217. Genein Letford - Brain Matters
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"Generosity is good for the brain.” ”Be intentional and ask yourself, 'When was the last time I did something for the first time?'” “We have to intentionally put ourselves in new spaces.” “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Intercultural Creativity 02:53 The Journey of Genei…
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Unfortunately I feel the opposite, my mask is on at home just to keep the peace. As soon as the door opens my authentic self is gone, and I try not to make waves, stay in the background, etc.. I am more myself in front of friends and people that I know love me unconditionally. Makes for a difficult, but content life. We all give up something. ~ See…
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【2025/1/26 矢沢洋子 「generock by yoko yazawa」】★今月のメールテーマは「数字に関する話」「在庫あと1個です」と言われると、買わずにはいられません。「1」という数字に弱いです…など好きな数字、ラッキーナンバー、ナンバープレート、時間など…その数字へのこだわりを教えて下さい。★リスナーの皆さんがやってしまった事 それが ”善なのか、悪なのか”洋子の独断と偏見によって決める「洋子の勝手にジャッジ」ミュージシャンの名言をご紹介する「Generock Files」コーナーへのご参加もお待ちしています!NACK5
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"..No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” This week, I’m reading a story from Aesop’s Fables, titled the Lion and the Mouse as told sometime between 620 and 564 BC. Reflection question: What kindness can you give to a donor this week? Reflection on quote: It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the relationship with don…
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Today, Lori and I celebrate forty years of marriage. Her comment to me about this yesterday was, “And they said it wouldn’t last”. And I suspect there were more than a few who thought if not said that. Honestly, there was good reason to think that way. She was too recently divorced from a bad marriage. I was unprepared to be the step-father of a si…
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Foreplay matters. It matters a great deal. If you want her to enjoy sex, good foreplay is a must. A well done study found that manual and oral foreplay increased the odds a woman would orgasm. Oral was a bit better, but either will do it. It was found that good foreplay was especially important for low desire women, with oral foreplay more than dou…
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Men are straightforward sexually. Our bits are on the outside, they respond dramatically to stimulation, we climax easily, and we usually give good indications by sounds, movements, and words when we are enjoying what is being done. Additionally, men are fairly similar in what we want and enjoy. Yes, there’s some variation, but not a great deal. Wo…
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The other day, I closed my XY Code post by saying I wish on-line Christian marriage coaching had been a thing when Lori and I were newly married. I thought it might be useful for me to ruminate here how that might have gone for us. I used to say that when we got married, our only problems were sexual. Of course, this was not true. Yes, sex was the …
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Episode 39: Cass with Texas Native Health
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Join Bret and Amanda Brummitt as they delve into the transformative work of Texas Native Health in Dallas with special guest, Dr. Cassandra Self. This episode highlights the organization's comprehensive support system for the Indigenous community, ranging from primary care and diabetes management to behavioral health counseling and career training.…
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Mike Thakur: Do Business God’s Way and Change the World
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How are you using your business as a vehicle for Kingdom impact? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Mike discuss: Successfully bridging the worlds between tech, business, and faith. Building the Kingdom and a burned-down mansion. Having a faith walk that includes God in your business. Returning to the true and important messages in the world of the w…
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216. Abby Havermann - Get Out of Your Mind
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"Growth is not linear.” ”Focus more on who you're being and less on what you're doing.” “We're all human beings. One is not better than another.” “Accept where you are when you’re there.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Abby Haverman 01:30 Abby's Early Life and Background 03:05 Transformation Through Adversity 07:15 Awakening to Self-Worth 09:36 Un…
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"...How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straight away!..." This week, I’m reading from Give, an essay from Anne Frank, published in 1959. Reflection questions: Pick a task on your to-do list this week and imagine your colleagues in other nonprofits doing the same task. What impact does y…
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Episode 38: Tawnia with WISE Resource Development
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Join Bret and Amanda Brummitt as they welcome their esteemed friend and colleague Tawnia Wise, founder of WISE Resource Development. In this insightful episode, Tawnia shares her journey to becoming a transformative force in the nonprofit sector. Discover how WISE Resource Development supports nonprofits by alleviating the burdens of fundraising an…
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Steve Woodworth: Key Transition Truths for Business and Ministry
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Have you started thinking about your business or ministry transition? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Steve discuss: How Steve found Jesus with his wife at 21, turning his life around in the process. Losing focus in college and then finding success with a business career in marketing, which has become his ministry career. Building a cushion of wea…
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215. Jabari Whitehead - Better Us, Better Them
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"One of the best decisions I've ever made as a leader is just getting out of the way of people doing the work and being more of a support." "But to go to a place where people allow you to be yourself and to grow with you is a great form of generosity that no leader should ever overlook." "The obstacle is the way. The obstacle is the way. Whatever y…
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Ep. 1 Living generously with Janie Oliver
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Shownotes Episode 1: Janie Oliver, CEO of Stewardship In this launch episode of Active Generosity, Stewardship’s CEO Janie Oliver describes her journey from the tough world of corporate finance to the one of faithful Christian stewardship. Hear from Janie about how her upbringing in South Africa and strong faith have fuelled her passion for generos…
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"...It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better...." This week, I’m reading from Citizenship in a Republic, a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt in 1910, changing the word man to person. Reflection questions: Are you second-guessing yourself or le…
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Episode 37: Jennifer, A Caring Neighbor
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In this touching episode of Generous Impact, hosts Bret and Amanda Brummitt sit down with Jennifer Lee, a remarkable software engineer and mother of two, who is making a significant difference in the lives of homeless women in her Austin neighborhood. Despite her full-time job and family commitments, Jennifer finds time to offer crucial support and…
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Pete Ochs: The Purpose Trust Webinar
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Are you looking for a greater purpose that will allow your assets to live on beyond you? In this episode, Jeff, Tim, and Pete discuss: What a purpose trust is and how it may benefit your generosity beyond your lifetime. How Farmer’s Organic Market and Patagonia are leading the way with purpose trusts. Comparing a traditional trust with a perpetual …
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214. Jeff Benton & Brett Weinroth - From Chaos to Coherence
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"We are the creators of our own lives." Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Paragon Performance Evolution 04:52 Personal Journeys and Inspirations 09:55 The Impact of Stress and Mental Health 15:01 Understanding Emotions and Thought Patterns 20:06 Techniques for Coherence and Emotional Regulation 25:09 The Science of Heart-Focused Breathing 30:04 Gener…
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"...Patient living means to live actively in the present and wait there. Waiting, then, is not passive. It involves nurturing the moment.." This week, I am reflecting on selected quotes from Henri Nouwen from the The Path of Waiting, published in 1995 and Bread for the Journey, published in 1996. Reflection questions: When you are meeting with dono…
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Season Wrap-Up – Stories of Stewardship and Impact
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In this season wrap-up episode, hosts Eric and Laurie take a heartfelt look back at some of the most inspiring moments from this season of Generosity Now. Together, they revisit powerful stories of generosity and whole-life stewardship, showcasing how God’s hand has guided individuals, families, and businesses in remarkable ways. Highlights Include…
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Scott Pomeroy: Intentionality in Generosity
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What is God leading you to do? In this episode, Jeff and Scott discuss: Obedience over outcome. Generosity doesn’t happen organically. Blessings of Christian education. Creating a personal board of directors. Key Takeaways: God’s plan is different than yours. Ultimately, it is better than you could know. God calls us to show up, no matter the outco…
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“...And the reason for five degrees is that 5 % of our behavior is self-regulated willpower, which means 95 % is habit. The only way that we can create lasting change is through incremental steps.” Episode summary | In this final episode of 2024, Shannon Cassidy introduces the Five Degree Principle, a framework designed to facilitate meaningful cha…
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Embracing Generosity and Stewardship: With Fran and Neal Davidson
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In this heartfelt episode of the Generosity Now podcast, we sit down with Fran and Neal Davidson, a remarkable couple with decades of experience in whole-life stewardship and generosity. From their roots in Southern California to building a life in Colorado, Fran and Neal share their journeys of faith, family, and the incredible lessons they've lea…
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Josh Kwan: Generational Giving and Successful Stewardship
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What are you willing to sacrifice or concede for the goal of healthy family dynamics? In this episode, Jeff, Jeff, and Josh discuss: Your kids are watching what you say, what you do, what you proclaim, and how those align. Learning from our peers while in community. Encouraging vulnerability. Finding a shared common passion. Key Takeaways: The Gath…
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212. Brian Formato - Find Your Groove
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"...if we could put people in the water and teach them to surf, we'd actually have to force them to suck at something again...In business, you don't teach people to fail because failure is not an option. But our best learnings come from failure..." Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Brian Formato and Groove Management 06:31 Innovative Learning Approac…
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As you know, this podcast highlights the transformative beauty of generosity. I will be taking a brief break until January 6, and in the meantime, I encourage you to reflect on the role of generosity within your own holiday traditions. As I consider the myriad of holidays during this season, I am reminded of the universal themes of generosity and c…
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Building Communities Through Real Estate: A Conversation with Tony Julianelle
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Join us as we sit down with Tony Julianelle, CEO of Atlas Real Estate, a visionary leader in the real estate industry with over 24 years of executive experience. Tony shares his journey from climbing the corporate ladder in mortgage finance to discovering a deeper purpose through real estate. We explore Atlas Real Estate’s mission to "uplift humani…
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Let's Make It A Beautiful Day In Our Neighborhoods
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In this season finale, discover how a simple, surprising question revolutionized milkshake sales and how that same mindset can transform your business's generosity. Learn how an innovative brewery in Georgia is solving childhood literacy, why listening is the first act of true generosity, and how asking the right questions can turn your business in…
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Jamie Levy: Driven by the Joy of Generosity
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Do you understand your relationship with God, with money, and with generosity? In this episode, Jeff and Jamie discuss: Understanding what it means to have a true relationship with Jesus Christ at every level of life. Recognizing God’s gift within to serve and bless others. Solving a problem for somebody versus having an impact on their change stor…
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211. Susan McPherson - The Lost Art of Connecting
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“...if you listen carefully when people tell you these things, which is so hard because we have so many distractions, but if you listen carefully, you can find ways to be helpful, to be responsible, to be reliable, to be trustworthy, all the things that make us fully functioning and valuable humans.” Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Susan McPherson …
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"...Therefore one should not cease from planting. Rather, just as he found, one should still continue to plant even though he is old..." This week, I’m a story from Midrash Tanchuma Kedoshim 8:1, written sometime between 500 to 800 AD and published in 1885. Reflection question: How will you plant seeds for fund development programs, like legacy giv…
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189. Dr. Tonya Cornelius - Embracing Awe and Wonder for More Joy and Fulfillment
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Dr. Tonya Cornelius, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, The Walt Disney Company where she serves as an integral member of the enterprise Human Resources senior leadership team. Dr. Cornileus is responsible for learning and leadership development, talent and succession management, performance management, and career development. Dr. Cornileus jo…
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96. Influencing Our Community (with Ginger Martin and David Fee) - Throwback Episode
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Today on The Generous Life, Stephan Tchividjian talks with NCF Board members Ginger Martin (President and CEO, American National Bank) and David Fee (CEO, Lotspeich Co.). Together they discuss their own testimonies, cast vision for the future of NCF South Florida, and provide a unique perspective on what it looks like to serve on our Board of Direc…
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Welcome to Active Generosity, Stewardship's brand-new podcast. Join us for an exploration into the world of faithful and generous Christian stewardship. Launching in January 2025, each month you'll hear from a Stewardship donor, partner or colleague about their journey of generosity, exploring why and how they give, the joys and challenges they’ve …
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Socks With A Soul: A Business Generosity Story
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Discover the heartwarming story of John’s Crazy Socks, a father-son business that proves socks can change lives. Join John and Mark Cronin as they share how their social enterprise combines creativity, inclusivity, and generosity to spread happiness, create jobs for individuals with differing abilities, and give back to communities worldwide. This …
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Jenny Watson: Balancing the Tension of Split Attention
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How are you balancing your attention to the callings God has given you? In this episode, Jeff and Jenny discuss: Finding what lights you up and lets you serve others. Serving your children to serve others. Scaling and growth with a seasonal product. Empowering mothers to help their families. Key Takeaways: Everyone has different paths in life. Pare…
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"While letting out a curse or cuss word might feel harmless in the moment, it can leave unintended impressions and even disrupt the professional culture we work so hard to build. I am guilty and need this lesson more than anyone." Host Bio: Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializin…
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"...In the same way, as you are unable to take care of all of your fellow people, treated as the luck of the draw when the time and circumstance brings some into closer contact with you than others." This week, I’m reading a quote from De Doctrina Christiana by Augustine, published in 397 AD. Reflection questions: Is there an area of your work wher…
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