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Ob Tötungen im Cannabis-Wahn, illegale Autorennen oder Auftragsmorde: Im Hamburger Gerichtssaal 237 werden die spannendsten Kriminalfälle verhandelt – und Gerichtsreporterin Elke Spanner ist immer mit dabei. In diesem Podcast teilt sie mit Journalistin Anna Rüter ihre persönlichen Eindrücke und erklärt, warum Urteile manchmal anders ausfallen, als man vielleicht denken würde. Das ist Stoff für wahre True Crime Fans, die tiefer in die Materie eintauchen, unser Rechtssystem besser verstehen wo ...
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Gerilla Karrier Podcast

Baráth András

Karrierépítés, sikeres pályafutás a gyakorlatban. Beszélgetések, tudásmegosztás a Baráth András karrier-tanácsadóval és a Gerilla Mentor Klub oktatóival, neves szakértőkkel.
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Geri Dönüyoruz

Socrates Dergi, Mahir Ünsal Eriş, Töre Sivrioğlu

Mahir Ünsal Eriş ve Dr. Töre Sivrioğlu, Geri Dönüyoruz’da tarihe, kültüre, antropolojiye, arkelojiye ve sanata bakıyor, hem geçmişi hem de bugünü konuşuyor, insanın insan olma macerasını merakla heyecanlı soruların cevaplarının peşinden koşuyor.
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Angeklagt! Spannende Geschichten aus dem Gerichtssaal.

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Näher dran geht kaum. Gerichtsreporterin Cornelia Hartmann ist seit Jahrzehnten in den Thüringer Gerichten unterwegs. In diesem Podcast erzählt sie, was täglich vor der Richterbank abgeht. Das sind nicht nur spektakuläre Fälle, denn der Alltag sieht anders aus! Bei jedem der bespochenen Fälle war sie selbst mit dabei und hat Zeugen, Täter, Anwälte und Opfer beobachtet.
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Geriatric Mamas

Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Tapley

’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
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The Geriatric Millennials

The Geriatric Millennials

Join Jayme and Beth (long time friends and proud geriatric millennials) as they dive into a tapestry of topics. From nostalgic interludes that will transport you back to the ‘80s and ‘90s to laugh-out-loud cringe-inducing tales to the day to day realities of entering your mid life. This podcast is your personal soundtrack for the everyday mundane, carefully designed to add a touch of joy to your routine. Whether you're powering through workouts, commuting, or simply taking a well-deserved br ...
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GeriPal - A Geriatrics and Palliative Care Podcast

Alex Smith, Eric Widera

A geriatrics and palliative care podcast for every health care professional. We invite the brightest minds in geriatrics, hospice, and palliative care to talk about the topics that you care most about, ranging from recently published research in the field to controversies that keep us up at night. You'll laugh, learn and maybe sing along. Hosted by Eric Widera and Alex Smith. CME available!
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Silje Sandanger

Say what you need to say - do it with a heart wide open 💝🗣👣🙌🏻✍🏽 Denne podcasten handler om adopsjon, relasjoner, EQ, mennesker, undring, psykisk helse, Jesus, mamma. Og om å ønske hverandre godt istedenfor vondt.
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MMOA Podcast - Physical Therapy | Fitness | Geriatrics

Dustin Jones, PT, DPT, GCS, CF-L1: Physical Therapist

MMOA (Modern Management of the Older Adult) helps rehab & fitness pros get results with older adults. Brought to you by the Institute of Clinical Excellence, tune in to hear pertinent geriatric discussions, relevant research, & treatment ideas. Good for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Assistants, Students, New Grads, Seasoned Veterans, Geriatricians, & Fitness Professionals. Find out more at
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Eltern verurteilt - Der Gerichtspodcast - Comedy

Detective Playground & General Podcaster

Fiktive Fälle über Kinder und andere Erziehungsberechtigte, aus dem echten Leben mit echten Ereignissen. Wöchentlich neue Fälle, die die selbsternannten Experten Detective Playground und General Podcaster analysieren. Unzensiert wird mit der heutigen ''Erziehung'' Tacheles geredet.
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Am Gericht

Schwäbisches Tagblatt

Tagblatt-Redakteur Eike Freese und Gerichtsreporter Jonas Bleeser sprechen über Kriminalfälle und Gerichtsprozesse aus der Region Tübingen/Reutlingen - vom gefälschten Parkausweis bis zum Mord. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die spektakulären Geschichten am Landgericht, sondern auch um die Fälle, die das Amts- oder Schöffengericht beschäftigen. Denn auch dieser Justizalltag ist spannend, geht es doch vor Gericht auch im vermeintlich Kleinen häufig ums große Ganze.
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Geri Vites

Geri Vites

Futbolda gündeme dair konular hakkında ve tarihteki kırılma anlarıyla ilgili 'ya olmasaydı' konseptiyle podcast içeriği üreten bir platform
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Jesus R. Duran, III, MD

Geritalks is a unique practice dedicated to caring for older adults across the spectrum of care in the state of New Mexico. We see patients in our clinics across the Dona Ana County area and beyond, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation hospital, and even your own homes. Today, we have about a whole host of support staff endeavoring to deliver the very best geriatric healthcare possible to our seniors who consider us their primary healthcare providers.
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Der Gerichtsreporter


Der Menschenfresser von Duisburg, der Feiertagsmörder aus Essen, der Vampir von Düsseldorf – zahlreiche spektakuläre Verbrechen haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Region erschüttert. Mehr als 30 Jahre lang hat Gerichtsreporter Stefan Wette über diese Fälle für die Regionalzeitung WAZ aus NRW berichtet. Im True-Crime-Podcast rollte er die spannendsten Geschichten gemeinsam mit den Moderatorinnen Brinja Bormann und Gesa Born noch einmal auf. Am 1. Juli 2023 ist Stefan Wette ist im Alter ...
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The Blooming Geriatric

Thato Bloom

A podcast with Thato Bloom, The Blooming Geriatric, on just about anything in life. I will be discussing striking a work-life balance, pursuing your dreams, health and wellness, Mjolo: The Pandemic, money, the economy, load-shedding, and so much more. Episodes available every Wednesday.
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Back to School with Amy Hupe and Geri Reid

Amy Hupe and Geri Reid

Design system consultants Amy Hupe and Geri Reid are going back to design systems school. In this series, Amy and Geri put aside their vocal and opinionated assumptions to dive deep on design systems topics; from Figma libraries to design tokens to deciding if AI can really write decent documentation. Climb aboard the school bus for a field trip on the history, the conversations and the foundations that really makes a design system great.It’s time to crack open the textbooks and head back to ...
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Das ist der Mama-Podcast für Herz und Verstand. Hier geht es um ein bedürfnis- und bindungsorientiertes Familienleben, in dem auch du nicht zu kurz kommst.Mit vielen Interviews und viele Tipps rund um mehr Glück und Entspannung für dein Familienleben. Ich selbst bin Mama-Coach, Theaterpädagogin und Mama von 4 Kindern. Hier teile ich mein Wissen von über 30 Jahren Muttersein mit großen und kleinen Kindern, für mehr Freude und Entspannung im Leben mit deinen Kindern.
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show series
Send us a text Can the echoes of a chaotic childhood and the invisible wounds of trauma truly define a life, or can self-awareness and unwavering support forge a path toward healing amidst the "utter nonsense" of mental health struggles? Imagine a world where the very people meant to nurture you become the source of profound instability, marked by …
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Geri Dönüyoruz, üçüncü sezonunu açıyor! Yeni sezonun ilk bölümünde Mahir Ünsal Eriş ve Töre Sivrioğlu, konu başlığı belirlemedikleri sohbetlerinde, geride kalan 80 bölüme genel bir bakış ile bugüne kadarki dinlenme istatistiklerine göz gezdiriyorlar ve yakında çıkması planlanan Geri Dönüyoruz kitabının kısa bir tanıtımını yapıyorlar. Serbest konulu…
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Bringing us part 3 of a 5 part series with an article out of the Meeting the Growing Demand for Age-Friendly Care study and investigation, Dr. Samantha Chamberlain, PT, DPT ICE certified specialist: Older adult highlights the 5 Forces Disrupting/Transforming Healthcare Today, pt. 3 - Fragmentation , High Costs, and Inequity in Health Care. Want to …
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In this episode of Geriatric Mamas, we’re diving into the hilarious highlights from a mama’s night out—you won’t want to miss these, but if you need to get right into the topic… skip ahead, we get it! We chat about the ups and downs of parenting, like tackling the not-so-fun world of double ear infections. Plus, we navigate the crazy dynamics of pl…
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A pragmatic trial evaluates the effectiveness of a treatment or intervention in “real-world” clinical practice. Outcomes are typically assessed from available records. Eligibility in pragmatic trials are often broad, and don’t have the exclusions of efficacy studies, which examine treatment effects under highly controlled conditions in highly selec…
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In Hamburg-Tonndorf wird ein Audi von Pistolenkugeln durchsiebt. Der Beifahrer überlebt - und landet selbst wegen Waffenbesitzes vor Gericht. Führt er die Beamten zu Hamburgs Drogenpaten Mansour Ismail? Warum stand er auf seiner Todesliste? Und hätte die Polizei ihn vielleicht sogar schützen müssen? Anna Rüter und Elke Spanner heften sich an die Fe…
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Before we had the internet in our pockets, life was… different. This week, Beth and Jayme take a nostalgic look back at the last analog generation—when we had to memorize phone numbers, and use actual maps to get places. From encyclopedias to card catalogs to calling businesses to ask basic questions, they revisit the weird and sometimes wonderful …
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Ein 31-jähriger Mann hat eine Beziehung mit einem Kind. Auch das Mädchen spricht von Liebe. Die Eltern des Kindes sind gegen diese Beziehung. Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann und Redakteur Oliver Gussor erzählen in dieser Folge, warum sich sowohl der Mann als auch die Eltern strafbar gemacht haben und welche Strafe der Angeklagte bekommen hat.…
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Join @jmusgravept as he discusses a recent randomized control trial, comparing aerobic & cognitive outcomes for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) compared to moderate-intensity interval training (MIIT) for older adult adults with no training history. Aerobic outcomes were similar measured by peak VO2 max, however working memory & peak knee ex…
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In this episode, we're telling you all about our microphone deciding to throw a temper tantrum, resulting in no episode last week… and the hilariously messy reality of family vacations and playdates. Then, we're diving into the debate of the cry it out method vs. co-sleeping and the emotional roller coaster they bring. Plus, we're chatting about ho…
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Eric and Alex have featured discussions about complex bioethical concepts around caring for people at the end of life, including voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED), and multiple episodes about the ethical issues surrounding medical aid in dying (MAID). Recently, discussion has emerged about how these issues intertwine in caring for pat…
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Hogyan fejleszthetjük kreatív gondolkodásunkat, és milyen szerepet játszik ebben a technológia? Ebben az epizódban Szlafkai Éva, kreativ mindset trénerrel beszélgetünk arról, hogyan építhető be a kreativitás a mindennapokba és a munkába, hogyan segíthet a kreatív problémamegoldás a kihívások leküzdésében, és milyen hatása van a Mesterséges Intellig…
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Am 8. Oktober 1994 gehen Yvonne und Jasmin feiern. Die 16-Jährigen besuchen eine Diskothek in Elz zwischen Frankfurt und Koblenz. In dieser Nacht kommen sie nicht mehr nach Hause. Ein Holzhändler findet 2 Tage später ihre Leichen im Wald. Und dann vergehen sieben Jahre, in denen die Ermittelnden fieberhaft nach dem Täter suchen. Ein Strumpf, der au…
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This week, Beth and Jayme have a bestie catch up session, covering everything from mammograms to restaurant fails. But it’s not all grievances and mishaps. They also dive into the simple joys of pajama parties, the struggle of bouncing back after being sick, and the dream of finding the perfect brunch spot. Whether you’re here for the relatable fru…
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💪 Can older adults get stronger with less? YES! Join @dustinjones.dpt as he dives into NEW research on how low-dose resistance training can improve strength, function, and quality of life. Referenced article: Pearson LT, Pönitzová A, Stelling M, et al. A randomised comparative effectiveness trial exploring two lower-dose resistance training modalit…
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Join @trisaleehutch today to learn how to increase patient participation in your sessions, specifically with folks who have dementia or just dislike exercise. Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectures, & the MMOA Digest!…
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As far as we’ve come in the 50 years since Balfour Mount and Sue Britton opened the first palliative care at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Quebec, have we lost something along the way? In today’s podcast we welcome some of the early pioneers in palliative care to talk about the roots of palliative care. Sue Britton was the first nurse hired on tha…
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Ein Mann wird skrupellos in einer Hamburger Shisha-Bar ermordet. Trotz stichhaltiger Hinweise, die in eine andere Richtung weisen, legt sich die Staatsanwaltschaft auf einen Verdächtigen fest und prügelt den Prozess mit ihm durch. Doch: Ist er wirklich der Täter oder steckt hinter der öffentlichen Hinrichtung jemand völlig anderes? Anna Rüter und E…
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Ein angesehener Mann missbraucht mehrere Jugendlich aus dem Feuerwehrverein. Jahrelang passiert nichts. In dieser Folge sprechen MDR THÜRINGEN Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann, Redakteur Oliver Gussor und Reporterin Bettina darüber, was die Opfer nach dem Urteil gesagt haben. Und wie sie sich die letzten Jahre fühlten.…
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Some things in life are minor inconveniences—others feel like personal attacks. This week, Beth and Jayme are diving into the everyday annoyances that test their patience, from the mysterious case of the disappearing phone chargers to the ongoing chaos of gender reveal parties. But not all gripes are created equal. Some are just funny, some are wil…
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered how a relationship that began with overwhelming affection and promises of a perfect future could slowly morph into a suffocating web of control and fear? Dr. Geri Lynn Utter and Dr. Trisha Gratson discuss the insidious nature of coercive control, revealing how abusers skillfully mask their true intentions behin…
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Dr. Christina Prevett as she explores the concept of being "old school" in the medical and rehabilitation fields. She discusses the implications of adhering to outdated practices despite the presence of new evidence and protocols. Christina emphasizes the importance of valuing the experience of veteran clinicians while navigating the challenges of …
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Join Kay Mayordomo, PT, DPT (@kaym23) as she dives into how hiking can benefit inactive older adults and how we can recommend this to our patients to get them closer to meeting their physical activity requirements for the week. Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectur…
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I was very proud to use the word “apotheosis” on today’s podcast. See if you can pick out the moment. I say something like, “Palliative care for people experiencing homelessness is, in many ways, the apotheosis of great palliative care.” And I believe that to be true. When you think about the early concepts that shaped the field, you can see how pa…
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Ebben az epizódban Görög Ibolyával, Magyarország legismertebb protokollszakértőjével beszélgetünk a legfontosabb munkahelyi illemszabályokról. Hasznos tippeket adunk, amelyek segítenek sikeresebbé tenni az állásinterjúkat és elősegítik a munkahelyi előrejutást. Témák, amelyeket az adásban átbeszélünk: Mi a különbség protokoll, etikett és viselkedés…
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Ein Sommertag im Juli 2010. Ein Frankfurter Pärchen streitet sich an einem Kiosk im Westend, weil der 49jährige Mann mal wieder eifersüchtig ist. Er beschimpft und beleidigt seine Freundin. Auch zuhause geht der Streit weiter, eskaliert schließlich. Der 49-Jährige gerät so in Rage, dass er die Katze seiner Freundin angreift und misshandelt. Daraufh…
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From beauty splurges to comforting hobbies, this week we're sharing all the little joys getting us through March! Beth and Jayme dive into their latest obsessions—whether it’s skincare wins, DIY hair color, favorite snacks, or unexpected finds. Join in for a fun, lighthearted catch-up on what’s bringing us joy this month—and maybe find a new favori…
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@jmusgravept discusses the role of gut microbiome in nutrient absorption, inflammatory processes and how this shifts with aging as well as the role of exercise in making positive shifts to promote healthy aging & fight chronic disease. “Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on the Gut Microbiome of Older Adults” DOI: ht…
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This week @sbship8_dpt discusses how we can expand our subjective assessment to ensure we are encompassing the whole individual from initial evaluation to optimize their course of care. Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectures, & the MMOA Digest!…
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In this week's episode, we're celebrating Jessica's birthday in Salem, MA! Join us as we share our spooky adventures, hilarious moments with tour guide Angela, delicious food, encounters with psychic mediums, past life insights, life purpose revelations, and the amazing connections we made. Enjoy! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe & tell a fri…
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Much like deprescribing, we plan to revisit certain high impact and dynamic topics frequently. Substance use disorder is one of those complex issues in which clinical practice is changing rapidly. You can listen to our prior podcasts on substance use disorder here, here, here, and here. Today we talk with experts Janet Ho, Sach Kale, and Julie Chil…
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