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Endgame with Gita Wirjawan

Endgame Podcast

Join entrepreneur, educator, and proud Indonesian, Gita Wirjawan in exploring the ways forward for our society through stories and experiences by thought leaders, trailblazers, and opinion-makers from Indonesia and the region.
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Gitaarmannen, de podcast

Ed Struijlaart

In 'Gitaarmannen, de podcast' praat gitarist Ed Struijlaart met zijn favoriete NL gitaristen (m/v) over hun leven en muziek, met de liefde voor de gitaar als rode draad. Word Gitaarvriend voor extra afleveringen:
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GITA Podcast

Jai and Gaura Sharan

This podcast exists to systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world....Lets dive into the Gita
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Gita In Action Podcast


Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times-- Join us on a fun and enlightening journey through The Bhagavad Gita, one of the oldest and coolest yogic texts around. We’ll dive into its ancient wisdom and find ways to make it totally relevant to your life today. Starting from page one, we’ll uncover practical lessons that’ll uplift, entertain, and inspire you. By the end of each episode, you’ll be ready to live a more connected, empowered life—Gita inspired! ht ...
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यदि कोई भगवद् गीता का सारांश यथार्थ रूप से समझने में सक्षम हो तो वह परम सत्य का अनुभव कर बंधन की भ्रान्ति व संसार के दुखों से मुक्त हो सकता है। अर्जुन ने भी महाभारत का युद्ध लड़ते हुए सांसारिक दुखों से मुक्ति प्राप्त की थी। भगवान श्री कृष्ण के द्वारा दिए गए दिव्यचक्षु के कारण ही यह संभव हो सका और इसी दिव्यचक्षु के कारण अर्जुन कोई भी कर्म बाँधे बिना युद्ध लड़ने में सक्षम बने और उसी जीवन में मोक्ष प्राप्त किया। This Satsang is conducted by Mona Mahajan Sharma. To get in touch: sharmavatsal2705@g ...
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Bhagavad Gita For Women


Bhagavad Gita has always been male oriented since every character therein is male. From Arjuna to Shri Krishna, Duryodhan to Karna, Bhima to Dushyasan and even the Masters are male, Women would find it extremely difficult to correlate to it since it is the battlefield and men fought the wars. This is a spiritual masterpiece which needs to be deciphered. Our Master KrsnaG or fondly called Krsna Guruji also goes by the name Krsnaknows decodes this wonderful journey from the beginning to the en ...
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Kopflastig. Gitarre & Bass im Gespräch

Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke

Frank Zappa sagte einst: "Über Musik zu reden ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen." Ungeachtet dessen trauen sich Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke in ihrem Podcast über alle Themen rund um die Musik zu sprechen: Gibt es Talent? Was ist Erfolg? Kann man in jedem Alter noch ein Instrument lernen? Wozu braucht man Musiktheorie? Wie richtet man einen Proberaum ein? In ihren Gesprächen vermischen die beiden Berufsmusiker persönliche Erfahrungen, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und nützliche Tip ...
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Our mission is to share the wisdom of Vedanta (the knowledge of universal oneness) and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness - enabling people to become positive contributors to society. The Podcast features the teachers of Chinmaya Mission, who capture the essence of the Bhagavad Geeta, the Upanishads and other ancient Hindu scriptures and bring them to us in a contemporary language with messages relevant to our times. Find more Geeta treasures including access to an exclus ...
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Gitarowy Podcast Bazoka

Bartosz Zelek

Gitarowe rozmowy z ludźmi z branży muzycznej. Znajdziecie tutaj tematy związane z pracą muzyczną, produkcją sprzętu, realizacją nagrań itd. Podcasty pojawiają się na moim kanale YouTube w formie filmów wideo (nagrywamy obraz w trakcie rozmowy) -
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Bhagavad Gita Marathi

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Hindi

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Punjabi

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Malayalam

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Kannada

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Bengali

Yatharth Geeta

This podcasts covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Tamil

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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Bhagavad Gita Telugu

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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The GITA Interviews

Emery Geosits

The GITA Interviews talks to some of today's top CEOS to discuss how they're working on a global scale by utilizing GITA. GITA is an alliance of carefully selected and OEM validated, professional IT partners. They open the door for companies to an international landscape, serving multinational organizations, no matter where on the globe they do business.
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Bhagavad Gita lessons are a mirror to the self (you), revealing the nature of reality, the mind, and our place in the grand order of existence. It presents a step-by-step method to help seekers refine their thinking, emotions, and decision-making, guiding them toward freedom from limitation (moksha, or enlightenment) and a deep, unshakable clarity about life. This podcast is rooted in the Arsha Vidya tradition of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, offering a direct, nuanced, and highly relevant appr ...
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Immerse yourself in the transformative teachings of Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita, known as Dhyana-Yoga or the Path of Meditation. This profound teaching reveals the non-dual (Advaita) reality underlying all existence while offering practical guidance for serious spiritual seekers. In this illuminating exploration, we uncover how Lord Krishna guides Arjuna through the subtleties of true meditation—not merely as a technique, but as a direct pathway to Self-realization. Discover the essential ...
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Janvi Kapdi

महाभारत युद्ध आरम्भ होने के ठीक पहले भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को जो उपदेश दिया वह श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। यह महाभारत के भीष्मपर्व का अंग है। गीता में 18 अध्याय और 700 श्लोक हैं।आज से (सन 2022) लगभग 5560 वर्ष पहले गीता जी का ज्ञान बोला गया था|
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Come, step into the warm embrace of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12, lovingly called Bhakti Yoga - the "Yoga of Devotion" - and let its timeless wisdom touch your heart through the gentle lens of Advaita Vedanta. This beautiful chapter feels like a whispered secret from Lord Krishna to Arjuna, and to you too, showing how bhakti (devotion) and jnana (self-knowledge) aren’t distant cousins but soulmates on the journey to moksha (liberation). Can you imagine? Even the wise Advaita Vedanta masters, lik ...
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Starting a journey to calm mind and trying to help through scriptures. Believe me it will be a good decision and it is not at all related to a certain caste, religion, etc It is purely a book on management and will be helpful in clearing brain fog. Join me in search of your answers.
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Bhagavad Gita

Spydor Studios

You can help us grow our studios grow more by clicking hereShrimad Bhagwat Gita is a sacred Hindu scripture that is widely revered for its spiritual and philosophical teachings. It is considered one of the most important texts in Hinduism and is often referred to simply as the "Gita".The Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and his disciple Arjuna on a battlefield, where Arjuna is faced with the dilemma of fighting his own relatives in a war. Through their conversation, Lord Krishna offer ...
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Bhagavad Gita - in Telugu by Mantra to Dham

Prahlad Jivan das

Bhagavad Gita - You listen or You read Bhagavad Gita is the best. Because in this world all literature is framed by human beings Except Bhagavad Gita. This is a Song of Supreme Personality of Godhead. So please take advantage of this opportunity in this Podcast. This is spoken in the Telugu language. We also have a YouTube channel, Request to you all pls support by subscribing and sharing this channel, for those who do not have knowledge of podcasts. ...
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show series
How one can overcome disturbances of the mind? What can help you attain peace? Listen to the satsang by Krsnaknows on the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 67 Onwards. For more details click the link below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:
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Do hear HG Gaurmandal Das, Vice-President Hare Krishna Movement- Mumbai giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the …
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Verse 1: Krishna defines a true sannyasi or yogi as one who performs necessary actions without attachment to specific results. This person understands that actions can bring four types of results: more than expected, equal to expected, less than expected, or opposite of expected. The verse emphasizes intelligent living by understanding and working …
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Bhagavad Gita Ch. 11 “Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form” Verses 50, 51, & 52 The lecture discusses Arjuna’s request to see Krishna in the form of Vishnu. Instead, Krishna showed him his gentle human form as Vasudeva, son of Vasudev, and why. Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt -…
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Education, economy, and sustainability—where do we start to achieve Indonesia Emas 2045?Dominic Jermey (British Ambassador to Indonesia) emphasizes that collaboration is the key. From increasing the number of Indonesian students in the UK, tackling energy transition challenges, to attracting foreign investment, everything revolves around one thing:…
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Chapter 2, Verse 54: Arjuna asks Krishna to describe the characteristics and behavior of a sthita-prajna – one whose knowledge of reality is fully assimilated and who lives with firm wisdom. After understanding that moksha (liberation) is the only true goal and that objects cannot provide lasting fulfillment, Arjuna seeks to understand how someone …
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Introduction: The Bhagavad Gita, while not part of the Vedas, presents Upanishadic knowledge through Krishna's teachings to Arjuna, addressing both practical challenges of living and the path to permanent fulfillment. Upanishads has two meanings, literal (“sitting near a teacher”) and deeper meaning (destroying ignorance to realize the Self). Chapt…
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'I've got the power', sang einst die Dance-Gruppe Snap! Und auch im heutigen, kopflastigen Gespräch dreht sich alles um Power – die Kraft der Powerchords. Sebastian beleuchtet den historischen Ursprung dieser Akkorde sowie ihre musikalischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Allerdings stellen Powerchords die Gitarristen vor gewisse technische Herausforderunge…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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In dieser Folge nehmen euch Sandra, Philipp und Tony mit auf eine Zeitreise zu ihren allerersten Anime-Erfahrungen. Welche Filme und Serien haben sie in die bunte Welt des Anime eingeführt? Freut euch auf nostalgische Erinnerungen an Klassiker wie Digimon Adventure, Ghost in the Shell, Detective Conan, Die Kickers und natürlich Sailor Moon! Taucht …
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🎸 Welkom bij Gitaarmannen, de podcast – dit keer vanaf de grootste vintage gitaarbeurs van Nederland: VINTAGE VEENENDAAL! In dit sfeerverslag neem ik je mee langs prachtige gitaren, bijzondere standhouders én een onverwachte ontmoeting met een vrouwelijke gitarist. Dit filmpje wordt mogelijk gemaakt door sponsor Glenn van Never Enough Strats / Neve…
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📌 🚀 JOIN THE GITAARMANNEN WHATSAPP COMMUNITY!🔗 van Leeuwen, gitarist van Kane, raakte zijn gitaar 10 jaar niet aan. Maar nu is hij terug. We praten over zijn comeback, hoe zijn sound is veranderd, en wat we van Kane in 2025 kunnen verwachten. Ook duiken we in zijn favoriete gitaren en gear.🚨 Ch…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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Discussion begins with the Vedantic definition of meditation and how to bring Ishvara (the divine) into one's life. It outlines three steps: removing incorrect notions about Ishvara, understanding the right definition, and using this understanding to transform one's life positively. The session then delves into the practical aspects of meditation, …
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In this session, we explore the difference between meditation and contemplation as discussed in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verses 14-17. Meditation (dhyānam) is described as a mental action for purifying the mind, while contemplation (nididhyasanam) is a means of knowledge to reveal the already true limitlessness. The session delves into the res…
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In this session, we explore the concept of a mature mind as described in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verses 18-25. The discussion focuses on managing desires responsibly, distinguishing between binding and non-binding desires, and the importance of developing emotional and mental maturity. The session delves into the indicators of a mature mind, …
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In this session, we explore verses 27-47 from Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita, focusing on the nature of the mind, yoga practice, and the relationship with Ishvara (the divine). The text discusses the challenges of controlling the restless mind and offers solutions through practice (abhyasa) and objectivity (vairagya). It addresses Arjuna's concerns…
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Verse 6: This verse discusses self-mastery. For those who have mastered themselves, the self becomes a friend. For those who haven't, the self remains an enemy. It emphasizes the importance of self-control in spiritual growth. Verse 7: Describes the qualities of a self-mastered person. They remain tranquil and composed in the face of opposites like…
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Welcome to episode 88 where I share with you a simple exercise I use to increase productivity and profitability in my fashion business when I feel stuck | Membership | Free guides | Facebook group | Questions | Donations | Instagram | | #fashionbusiness #fashionentrepreneur #fashionstartup #howtostartafashionbusiness #profitab…
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Tony stellt in dieser Folge drei besondere Songs vor, die 2025 ein Jubiläum feiern: Monster Magnet – Negasonic Teenage Warhead (30 Jahre, 1995) Alice Cooper – House of Fire (35 Jahre, 1990) The Cure – Pictures of You (35 Jahre, 1990) Diese Songs sind nicht nur Meilensteine der Rock- und Alternative-Geschichte, sondern auch prägend für Tonys ganz pe…
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Small Talk ist wichtig. Die lockere Plauderei kann den Einstieg in ein Gespräch erleichtern und eine Grundlage für intensivere Unterhaltungen bilden. In diesem Sinne small-talken die beiden unterhaltsam drauflos. Es wird zunächst auf ältere Kommentare und Fragen eingegangen, und fast schon mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit wird das aktuelle „ii V Li…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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How to control the senses so that you can control the mind is discussed here in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 67 Onwards by Krsnaknows. For more details click the link below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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Do hear HG Gaurmandal Das, Vice-President Hare Krishna Movement- Mumbai giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the …
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🔥 Join the Gitaarmannen WhatsApp Community! 👉 🔔 Subscribe for more legendary guitar interviews! 👉 🟡 Why is Tommy Emmanuel STILL the greatest acoustic guitarist in the world? In this episode of Gitaarmannen, de podcast, I sit down with the legendary Tommy Emmanuel…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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In dieser Folge reisen Sandra, Flori, Basti und Tony zurück ins Jahr 2005 und schauen sich die damals bestbewerteten Spiele auf Metacritic an! Welche Titel haben sie besonders geliebt? Welche Überraschungen gibt es? Und wie sieht die Top 10 der bestbewerteten Spiele des Jahres aus? Freut euch auf Nostalgie, spannende Einblicke und jede Menge Gaming…
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Do hear HG Gaurmandal Das, Vice-President Hare Krishna Movement- Mumbai giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the …
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Chapter 2, Verse 47: Humans have free will (purushartha) in actions but not in results. Results are governed by Ishvara's impartial laws, not personal wishes. Your free will gives you three choices: do, not do, or do differently. Common misinterpretation of verse suggests indifference to results. Correct understanding is that expectations and desir…
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Chapter 2, Verse 50 (revision): Karma-yoga requires discrimination (kaushalam) in action through three aspects of dharma: ahimsa (minimizing harm), bharana (sustaining wellbeing), and prabhava (creating growth and harmony). Chapter 2, Verse 51: Karma-yoga comprises two essential attitudes: Arpana Buddhi (consider the well-being of your and other si…
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Chapter 2, Verse 41: Verse introduces vyavasāyātmikā buddhi (resolute understanding) as the key differentiator between ordinary karma and karma–yoga. A karma–yogi actively uses life situations to gain clarity about reality and connect with Ishvara for moksha. Simply following dharma or improving the mind isn't karma–yoga unless it becomes a means t…
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Chapter 2, Verse 31: Varna-ashrama dharma comprises four categories: Brahmana (thinkers), Ksatriya (rulers), Vaishya (commerce), Shudra (supporters). Each role vital like body parts. Krishna instructs Arjuna to fulfill kshatriya dharma despite discomfort. Avoiding duties brings shame, low self-esteem. Varna determined by actions, not birth. Verse e…
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Chapter 2, Verse 35: Avoiding battle due to fear will cause warriors to lose respect for Arjuna. A damaged reputation persists across roles. When highly esteemed, perceived falls become more memorable as people judge visible actions over invisible reasoning. The right action should align with core values and samanya-dharma, coming from strength rat…
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Chapter 2, Verse 49: Karma-yoga (action with proper attitude) is superior to action driven by desire for results. The verse contrasts two approaches: those who act for results become entangled in disappointment and judgment, while karma-yogis maintain composure by recognizing Ishvara's laws govern results. A karma-yogi sees every action as an oppor…
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Chapter 2, Verse 53: The verse explains the transition from karma-kanda (Vedic rituals) to self-knowledge through karma-yoga. When the mind transcends the various goals presented in the Vedas (artha, kāma, dharma), it becomes steady in recognizing the ultimate goal – moksha. Karma-yoga serves as a bridge, transforming worldly pursuits into spiritua…
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