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Fredrik Lindfors & Erik Lidén

I podden hemmasommelieren får du följa vinentusiasten Erik Lidén som vill ta sitt vinintresse till nästa nivå. Till sin hjälp har han sommelieren Fredrik Lindfors som delar med sig av sin kunskap och ger sina bästa tips och tricks för hur man blir en vass hemmasommelier.Följ oss på insta! @hemmasommelieren
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Hemma hos Strage

Lejon Media

Sveriges mest hyllade musikpodcast. Artister hälsar på hemma hos författaren och journalisten Fredrik Strage för att dricka kaffe och lyssna på musik. Den här podcasten ger dig omistliga låttips och oförglömliga anekdoter. Gör som First Aid Kit, Michael Stipe, Little Jinder, Howlin' Pelle, Slipknot, Suede, Father John Misty, Primal Scream, Turbonegro, Ghost och Lill-Babs... knacka på hemma hos Strage. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Har du en hemmelighed, som du ikke tør sige til nogen? Så fortæl den til os, og du vil finde ud af, at du ikke er alene. Sanne og en gæst gennemgår lytternes hemmeligheder fordomsfrit og nysgerrigt - og giver de perspektiver, du ikke turde få fra din ven eller familie. Hvis du vil dele din hemmelighed, så ring eller skriv til 28 54 4000. Vi slører selvfølgelig din stemme. Vært: Sanne Cigale Benmouyal. Producer: Sarah Schwab Randeris. Produceret af P3 Podcast. Hør alle afsnit i DR Lyd.
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Det Hemmeligste Af Det Hemmelige

Det Hemmeligste

Den kolde krig var mørk og hemmelig. Hemmeligst af alt var de autonome Stay Behind-netværk, som CIA og Nato understøttede i vesteuropa og Tyrkiet. I ‘Det hemmeligste af det hemmelige’ dykker dokumentarist Christian Kirk Muff og journalist Anders Christiansen ned i en verden af gedulgt efterretningsarbejde og ‘påfaldende ulykker’. Hvis du vil lytte til episoderne i fuld længde, så besøg www.DetHemmeligste.dk Har du input, spørgsmål eller kommentarer? Skriv til support@dethemmeligste.dk
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Hematologic Oncology Update

Dr Neil Love

Featuring one-on-one interviews conducted by Dr Neil Love, this series provides medical oncologists with access to an array of important perspectives and information on relevant advances in the treatment of hematologic cancer to facilitate optimal patient care.
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HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education

American Society of Hematology

HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education is the latest podcast channel by the American Society of Hematology (ASH)! Explore educational content crafted by subject-matter experts from ASH, tailored to fulfill your professional education requirements. Whether you are a clinician or researcher, HemeTalks provides innovative education designed for every career stage and subspecialty.
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The Hematologist

The Hematologist

The Hematologist is the member newsletter of American Society of Hematology (ASH). It is designed for the broad constituency of ASH, all working toward the ultimate goal of conquering blood diseases. The Hematologist updates readers about important developments in the field of hematology and highlights what ASH is doing for its members.
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Bonnier News Local

NA:s fotbollspodd – om ÖSK! Billy Hammer programleder och Fredrik Carlsson analyserar läget, matcherna och snackisarna runt klubben. Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Nilsson. Kontakt redaktionen: fredrik.carlsson@na.se Annonsförfrågningar: podcast.sales@bonniernews.se
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Östgötsk fotboll med Andreas Hult, experter och gäster. Tankar, åsikter och idéer skickas till hemmaplan@corren.se Hemmaplan produceras av Teknomedia för Corren
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“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not” This podcast is inspired by the Dr. Seuss quote from the Lorax, which reminds us of the role we can each play in making the world a better place. So many of you wake up each day fueled by purpose and passion, knowing you have the power and skills to have impact at scale. Our guests have tackled some of the world’s most pressing issues and demonstrated the unstoppable power of resolve and determination ...
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Watch the best Europeans in biotech to grow. Hosted by Philip Hemme. 10k monthly views. Free. Guests include Antoine Papiernik @Sofinnova, Werner Lanthaler @Evotec, Ingmar Hoerr @CureVac, Bernat Olle @Vedanta, Johannes Fruehauf @BioLabs, Rodger Novak @CRISPR Tx, Agnete Fredriksen @Nykode, Mike Ward, Thomas Clozel @Owkin, Marc de Garidel @Abivax, and Sander van Deventer @VectorY & Forbion. Your host Philip animates the conversation to dig out exciting, and sometimes contrarian ideas.
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Kathi & Jacky

Hemmungslos - Freitag ist Crimetag, der Podcast für alle True Crime Fans und die, die es noch werden wollen. Neben nationalen und internationalen Kriminalfällen stehen bei Uns auch Foltermethoden, kritische Behandlungsmethoden der früheren Psychiatrie und weitere Verbrechen auf der "schwarzen Liste". Ihr findet Uns auch auf: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hemmungslos_podcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYo1zPB4vZt762SXcz7W8yA?view_as=subscriber
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C. S. W.

I tell you these stories not with my voice, not with my words. But with my blood. SEASON 2: House of Actors, coming 2025. _________ HEMOPHOBIA is an anthology horror podcast, telling a new multi-chapter story in each season. Stories of blood, our blood, and all the pain, truth, and horror that blood embodies. Each season is unrelated to one another, and can be listened to in any order. If you enjoy HEMOPHOBIA and want free merch, early access to new episodes, or even a chance at having a min ...
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Hemmaplan Hockey

Hemmaplan Hockey

Correns hockeypodd med fokus på LHC. Per Bergsten, John Seneviratne och Hampus Evald diskuterar allt som har med LHC att göra. Hemmaplan Hockey produceras av Teknomedia för Corren och kommer ut varannan vecka.
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Kristina Sandberg & Sven Teglund

Hemmafru är en podcast med författaren Kristina Sandberg – som skrivit den uppmärksammade romantrilogin om hemmafrun Maj – och konstnären Sven Teglund, som publicerat sin mor Siri Johanssons dagböcker i boken “ensamheten värst”. Kristina och Sven låter två hemmafruar mötas, den fiktiva Maj och den verkliga Siri, i en samtalsserie om stoltheten över ett städat hem, nybakta småkakor och välartade barn. Men också om den inre oron och känslan av att aldrig riktigt duga.
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PeerView Oncology & Hematology CME/CNE/CPE Video Podcast

PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education

PeerView (PVI) is a leading provider of high-quality, innovative continuing education (CME/CE/CPE and MOC) for clinicians and their interprofessional teams. Combining evidence-based medicine and instructional expertise, PeerView activities improve the knowledge, skills, and strategies that support clinical performance and patient outcomes. PeerView makes its educational programming and expert-led presentations and symposia available through its network of popular podcast channels to support ...
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HemoLife Podcast

HemoLife Podcast

Welcome to #HemoLife Podcast , where we talk about the topics that all of us with bleeding disorders face. Hear from HemoLife leaders, and other community members talking about everything from bleeds, to treatment, to well just about everything.
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PeerView Oncology & Hematology CME/CNE/CPE Audio Podcast

PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education

PeerView (PVI) is a leading provider of high-quality, innovative continuing education (CME/CE/CPE and MOC) for clinicians and their interprofessional teams. Combining evidence-based medicine and instructional expertise, PeerView activities improve the knowledge, skills, and strategies that support clinical performance and patient outcomes. PeerView makes its educational programming and expert-led presentations and symposia available through its network of popular podcast channels to support ...
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Explore the world of classical dressage, rossfechten (mounted combat) and jousting through interviews, educational content and more. Hear from academics, horse trainers, HEMAists, and more as Liz explores both modern and historical interpretations of how to ride and fight on horseback.
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The HEMA-Cast

Patrick McCaffrey

HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts and is an activity practiced by thousands across the country and around the world. The HEMA-Cast is a podcast focused on the topics and events important to the HEMA community. By going to events and interviewing members of HEMA, we get to exchange ideas and get to know the HEMA community at large.
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Ofult hemma

Aller Media

Varför är det fint med bokhyllor men fult med porslinsfigurer? Varför dukar kvinnor av bordet och hur klär man om en möbel? Brita Zackari och Kakan Hermansson pratar om allt som ryms i ett hem i Ofult hemma. Stil, trend och inredning varvat med klass- och kulturanalys, ekonomi och personliga anekdoter. Ofta genusperspektiv, ibland DIY, mycket hemtrevligt. Klipps av: Gabriella Lahti. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Hart & Hemmungslos

Salatschüssel Productions

Nach dem vermeintlichen Ende von Sanft und Sorgfältig haben wir uns entschlossen unseren und vielleicht auch euren Sonntagnachmittag mit unserem eigenen Machwerk - frei nach Herrn Böhmermann: "selbst machen statt meckern" - zu füllen. Nun hat es eine Weile gedauert bis wir es zum Upload geschafft haben und in der Zwischenzeit sind wir schlauer - Jan und Olli machen weiter! Die Daseinsberechtigung erloschen? Abbruch? Wir haben uns letztendlich entschieden das Projekt Podcast dennoch weiter zu ...
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show series
In this episode, Hemma visits with Roxanne Bras Petraeus, entrepreneur super mom, U.S. Army veteran, McKinsey alum, and CEO co-founder of Ethena. Tune in to hear about Roxanne’s remarkable journey from serving in the US Army and at consulting giant McKinsey to tech entrepreneur designing a product to reimagine the future of culture building at work…
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En lytter er ked af sin kærestes pornoforbrug, og en anden lytter har solgt en fake designertaske som ægte på et loppemarked. Sådan lyder det, når Sanne Cigale Benmouyal aflytter telefonsvareren med Liva Manghezi, som deler en hemmelig følelse i sine venskaber.Hvis du vil dele din hemmelighed, så ring eller skriv til 28 54 4000. Vi slører selvfølge…
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I årtier har Ulla Jones påstået, at en hemmelig Säpomand fortalte hende indgående detaljer om veninderne Cats Falck og Lena Gräns' død. Men hvem er den hemmelige Säpomand? Findes han overhovedet? Vi kontakter i dagens afsnit Ulla Jones, viser hende et billede af Lennart Nordenswan, læser hans breve op, og sammen løser vi et mysterium, der opstod i …
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2024 war ein spannendes Jahr für die deutschsprachige HEMA-Welt: Neuen Events bis hin zu spannenden Turnieren und der wachsenden Community in Deutschland und Österreich! In dieser Folge blicken wir auf Highlights, Trends und eure Lieblingsfolgen zurück. Du erfährst, welche Folgen besonders gut ankamen, wie sich die Szene weiterentwickelt hat und we…
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Dr Jennifer Crombie from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Prof Martin Hutchings from Copenhagen University Hospital, Dr Matthew Lunning from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Dr Tycel Phillips from City of Hope and moderator Dr Jeremy S Abramson from Massachusetts General Hospital discuss recently updated data on the role of CAR T-cell therap…
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Dr. Rahma Warsame (@RWarsameMD) sits down with Dr. Margo Rollins to explore the critical clinical importance of diverse blood donors and unique challenges faced in recruiting and retaining a diverse donor pool. They then delve into practical strategies and opportunities to overcome these barriers. Join us to gain valuable insights into how enhancin…
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I det här avsnittet dyker vi ner i Jura och fördjupar oss i regionens druvsorter och vad regionen har för förutsättningar. Dessutom snackar vi om vilka maträtter som man ska äta till vinerna härifrån. Vet du förresten hur stort Jura är? Det och mycket mer får man veta i avsnittet. Vinerna som provas i avsnittet: Art nr. 76573 Berthet Bondet Savagni…
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För 50 år sedan bildade en tolvårig Peo Thyrén ett band med sina kompisar i Gustavsberg. Han och trummisen Robert Klasen spelar fortfarande i Noice där de sedan länge är de enda originalmedlemmarna. Peo Thyrén är aktuell med en uppdaterad utgåva av sin självbiografi "Från Noice till nu" och med en jubileumsturné under våren. Hemma hos Strage berätt…
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Carl Freer afslutter sin boksekamp med James Hunt på en måde, så alle bliver glade - bortset fra, at kun Carl burde være glad. Samtidig begynder han at få brug for Stein Baggers penge. Du kan tegne abonnement på Det Hemmeligste Af Det Hemmelige her: https://dethemmeligste.dk/tilmeldingDet Hemmeligste
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Dr Prithviraj Bose from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Dr Angela G Fleischman from UC Irvine Health in Irvine, California, Dr Abdulraheem Yacoub from The University of Kansas Cancer Center in Westwood and Dr Andrew T Kuykendall from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, discuss recent updates on available and novel…
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En gravid lytter hader sin krop, og en anden lytter har en stor gæld, kæresten ikke kender til. De hemmeligheder deler lytterne med Sanne Cigale Benmouyal og Barbara Gjerluff Nyholm, som deler en hemmelig impuls hendes kæreste ikke kender til.Hvis du vil dele din hemmelighed, så ring eller skriv til 28 54 4000. Vi slører selvfølgelig din stemme. Væ…
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Lennart Nordenswans efterladte papirer indeholder en kølig og grum beskrivelse af, hvordan journalisten Cats Falck og hendes veninde Lena Gräns døde - men han efterlader også et bestemt ord, som kan være nøglen til et af de største mysterier vedrørende de to kvinders død. Vores svenske ven og researchkollega Karl er på besøg i vores studie for at f…
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Prof Andreas Hochhaus from Jena University Hospital in Germany, Dr B Douglas Smith from the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at John Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, and Dr Michael J Mauro from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, New York, discuss recent updates on available and novel treatment strategies for chronic myeloid…
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Donald Trumps utvetydige ambitioner om at overtage Grønland rejser en lang række problemstillinger og bekymringer, som vi diskuterer i årets første nyhedsbrev. Du kan tegne abonnement på Det Hemmeligste Af Det Hemmelige her: https://dethemmeligste.dk/tilmeldingDet Hemmeligste
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Dr Alexander Perl from Abramson Cancer Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr Richard M Stone from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, Dr Eunice S Wang from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York, Prof Andrew H Wei from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, and moder…
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In this episode, Hemma visits with June Benjamin, a  peace warrior, attorney, former entrepreneur in residence at the Stanford Peace Innovation Institute, and founder of Peace IQ, a technology company leveraging the power of AI to offer strategic insights, predictive analytics, and conflict resolution tools, creating pathways to enduring peace. As …
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/BPS865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/XNT865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/EMK865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/WHH865. C…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete NCPD/ILNA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/XRZ865. NCPD/ILNA…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/BPS865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/XNT865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/EMK865. CME/MO…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/WHH865. C…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete NCPD/ILNA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/XRZ865. NCPD/ILNA…
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En lytter fantaserer om incest og pædofili, og en anden lytter snyder i scan-selv i supermarkedet. De hemmeligheder deler lytterne med Sanne Cigale Benmouyal og Marie Hobitz, som selv deler en hemmelighed fra soveværelset.Hvis du vil dele din hemmelighed, så ring eller skriv til 28 54 4000. Vi slører selvfølgelig din stemme. Vært: Sanne Cigale Benm…
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Vores svenske ven og researchkollega Karl er på besøg i vores studie for at fortælle om arbejdet med den største hemligtomte, Lennart Nordenswans omfattende manuskript, brevsamling, tegninger m.m. Du kan tegne abonnement på Det Hemmeligste Af Det Hemmelige her: https://dethemmeligste.dk/tilmeldingDet Hemmeligste
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/GZE865. CME/MOC cre…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/QXP865. CME/AAPA c…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/AAPA information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/QXP865. CME/AAPA c…
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This content has been developed for healthcare professionals only. Patients who seek health information should consult with their physician or relevant patient advocacy groups. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, slides, and complete CME/MOC information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at PeerView.com/GZE865. CME/MOC cre…
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Willst du 2025 im historischen Fechten voll durchstarten? In dieser Folge geben wir dir 20 Tipps, die dich als Fechterin und Teil der HEMA-Community weiterbringen. Von klar formulierten Zielen über Trainingsoptimierung bis hin zu Turnierplanung ist alles dabei. Außerdem erfährst du, warum offene Hallen, Feedback und Kampfrichterausbildung echte Gam…
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Anna Järvinen är musiker, författare och konstnär. Hon är aktuell med sin andra bok "Otrygg" där hon skriver om att hantera en dement mor som en gång var "Helsingfors svar på Jackie Kennedy". Hemma hos Strage pratar Anna Järvinen också om sitt senaste album "Sex", om synestesi (hon ser musik som färger), om blyghet, om att komma till Sverige som se…
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Anden del af samtalen med 'Fordelingshatten', som forsøger at svare på Politikommissær Gorm Lauridsen spørgsmål. Men det er svært for hende, især at forklare, hvorfor hun pludselig skulle til London weekenden efter Palmemordet. Du kan tegne abonnement på Det Hemmeligste Af Det Hemmelige her: https://dethemmeligste.dk/tilmelding…
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Henning Haslund-Christensen kommer med på en lang videnskabelig ekspedition i det vestligste Kina med den verdensberømte svenske opdagelsesrejsende Sven Hedin. Men hvad er ekspeditionens egentlige formål? Hvem betaler? Og hvem tjener hvem? I skyggen af telegrafpæle, Den Russiske Revolution og Det Britiske Imperiums bestræbelser på at beholde dets m…
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En lytter har planlagt et hotelophold med sin affære nytårsaften, og en anden lytter har ikke fortalt sine venner, at nytårsaften står på take away alene derhjemme. Det fortæller lytterne i denne særudgave om nytårshemmeligheder, hvor Sanne Cigale Benmouyal har besøg af Mikkel Lind Sorgenfrey og Helin Erdem.Ring ind med din hemmelighed på 28544000.…
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Livet på gården i Mongoliet byder for Henning Haslund-Christensen på strykninsmugleri og drabelige bagholdsangreb i sneklædte landskaber, som taget ud af cowboyfilm. Men da eventyret slutter, begynder et nyt liv som tobakssælger og informant for en efterretningstjeneste. I skyggen af telegrafpæle, Den Russiske Revolution og Det Britiske Imperiums b…
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