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Savoir Manger avec Jean-Michel Cohen

Dr Jean-Michel Cohen

Deux fois par semaine, Jean-Michel Cohen aborde en direct l'actualité de la nutrition, les bases de l'équilibre alimentaire et les nouvelles tendances de consommation. Il échange en direct avec les personnes qui suivent son coaching minceur dans le cadre du programme Savoir Maigrir.
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L'informatique pour tous avec Jeanviet. Découvre chaque dimanche à 10h un tuto tech ou une interview d'une personnalité inspirante du Web. Sans connaissances techniques, grâce à mon podcast et à ma chaîne YouTube, tu vas prendre le contrôle de ton smartphone, PC ou Mac. Avec l'aide des meilleurs YouTubeurs, auteurs, créateurs du Web, entrepreneurs, je vais t'aider à progresser en informatique et en création de contenus sur Internet. Abonne-toi à mon podcast pour devenir enfin acteur de ta vi ...
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HerMoney with Jean Chatzky

Jean Chatzky Her Money

Anyone who tells you women don’t need financial advice specifically for them is wrong. Women, whether they’re the caretakers, the breadwinners, or both, face a unique set of financial challenges. That’s where HerMoney comes in. In her frank, often funny, but always compassionate way, Jean Chatzky takes every audience of women through the steps they need to take today to live comfortably (and worry-free) tomorrow, offering the latest research, expert tips and personal advice. Want more money ...
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VrijheidsOndernemers® Podcast door Jeanet Bathoorn

Jeanet Bathoorn - Business Coach, VrijheidsOndernemer® en Mastermind Expert

Ontdek de wereld van zelfstandig ondernemerschap met Jeanet Bathoorn. Als ervaren ondernemer, auteur van 9 boeken en bedenker van Vrijheidsondernemers®, deelt ze in haar podcasts waardevolle inzichten over verdienmodellen, mindset en marketing voor ervaren kennisondernemers. Begeleid door haar liefdevolle maar directe aanpak, brengt ze je naar zakelijk succes. Recht door zee en no-nonsense. Doe de quiz op haar website, ontdek jouw expert factor en versnel jouw ondernemersreis! Ga naar https: ...
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Lillee Jean TALKS Live

Lillee Jean Productions

Lillee Jean Talks! Live is a show by actress Lillee Jean, that is recognized for featuring interviews with Hollywood's most prominent actors, singers, and award-winning directors. LJ Talks focuses on a deeper perspective, rather than surface-level talk.
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Happy & Healthy with Jeanine Amapola

Jeanine Amapola

Hosted by Jeanine Amapola, a Texas-born YouTuber, speaker, author, and influencer whose authentic and positive content has captivated over 2.7 million followers across all her platforms. Whether you’re searching for advice, Christian content, a friend, or just a genuine conversation, this podcast will be sure to help you on your journey of becoming happier and healthier! Join Jeanine to hear a candid conversation on topics from her personal experiences, dating, faith, health, trending topics ...
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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Jean Symons Podcast

Jean Symons

Hi there. My name is Jean Symons. I have the privilege of leading the Doxa Deo team. We have endeavors in churches. We have endeavors in private schools, in nonprofit and for profit, and also in training institutions. And we also are part of the City Changers movement that equips and teaches and trains leaders all across the world. Leadership is such a desperate need in society today. Quality leadership is what this world really needs. So come on this journey with us as we share with you our ...
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French with Jeanne

French with Jeanne

Bonjour ! Vous étudiez le français 🇫🇷 et vous souhaitez améliorer votre compréhension orale ? Alors ce podcast est fait pour vous ! Venez m’écouter parler de sujets familiers et personnels, avec une prononciation claire et un débit adapté. 🎧 Une série correspond à un thème, et chaque série est composée de 6 épisodes. Accédez aux textes de chaque série pour seulement 6€ (l'équivalent de deux ☕), sur Bonne écoute ! ❤️ ps : pour des nouvelles plus régulière, abonnez-vou ...
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Making Sense of Work with Jean Balfour

Jean Balfour - Master Certified Coach, Speaker

How’s Work at the Moment? We all work - and yet we often struggle with work. Even very ambitious people find parts of work difficult. This podcast is for you if you'd like to build a new and better relationship with your working life. We explore everything to do with our working lives, starting with how do we find our purpose, how do make sense of our organisations and what can we do to work in our zone of genius? Do you have topic you'd like me to cover? Send me a note on Linkedin https://w ...
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The Welch Report With Jean-Luke Welch

Jean-Luke Welch

From the latest breaking news to hard-hitting debates in the sports world. I got you covered. Listen to The Welch Report hosted by Jean-Luke Welch where I give my takes and opinions on everything from the NBA, Boxing, and much more! You’ll laugh, you’ll think, and you’ll definitely enjoy every second of the show. Listen, Share and LET’S BUILD A COMMUNITY TOGETHER!!
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The Jeanius

Money making Marc

Welcome to The Jeanius podcast! Let's talk, about any and everything! Motivational talk. Trending topics. World news. Entertainment and sports.
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療癒英語的故事 英語是一個心靈的課題。早期與學英文的感覺,會影響一生跟英文的關係。Jean老師分享學員們,有的是青少年,或已步入中年,或是已退休,如何面對英文的創傷, 破除恐懼,在英文中做回自己,勇於開口說英文的感人故事。 (內容稍有改編,以保護學員隱私) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Jeankarl Records Radio

Jeankarl Lattán

Conoce al artista de reggaeton Jeankarl. Entrevistas, noticias y novedades. Todo lo que tiene que ver con el mundo de la música, diseño gráfico, marketing y audiovisual. Support this podcast:
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De Thomas Dutronc à Chantal Ladesou, en passant par Harry Connick Jr ou encore Diana Krall, ils passent tous par le micro de Crooner and Friends, le rendez-vous, Talk Show, de Jean-Baptiste TUZET, à 8h15h et 18h15. L’esprit de « Crooner and Friend’s » quand nos invités prestigieux se déclarent comme amis véritable de notre station. Chanteurs, acteurs, humoristes, hommes et femmes aimant nos artistes programmés, la passion pour cet art de vivre musical nous vaut des amitiés. Ces merveilleux t ...
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JeanBookNerd Podcast

Jean Vallesteros

JeanBookNerd Podcast is an episodic series promoting multi-media contents from television, movies, and books. The JBN Team talks to creators, authors, writers, storytellers, and actors from the entertainment world.
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Liftoff Journeys with Jeanniey Walden

LiftOff Enterprises

Liftoff Journeys with Jeanniey Walden is the companion podcast to the nationally broadcast TV show Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden, which reaches over 85 million households monthly. Hosted by award-winning business executive Jeanniey Walden, this podcast offers in-depth conversations with inspiring guests—CEOs, entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives—who share their stories of success, resilience, and transformation. Each episode dives into actionable insights and authentic discussions that em ...
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Healing Her Story with Riva Jean-Paul

Riva Jean-Paul

Are you feeling overwhelmed, disconnected from your body, or stuck in cycles of stress and trauma? Healing Her Story is here to guide you from feeling lost, isolated, and exhausted to feeling empowered, grounded, and deeply connected to yourself. This transformative podcast dives into trauma recovery, somatic healing, creativity, and the profound wisdom of trauma-informed menstrual cycle awareness. Each episode offers practical tools, inspiring stories of resilience, and insightful conversat ...
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Jeanz - N - Tingz Podcast

Empresz Li

Welcome to Empresz Li’s Jeanz - N - Tingz Podcast! Where we come together to have fun, create, relate, relax, unwind, kick back and share so many ideas, topics of conversation in an OPEN SPACE! Welcome to the Journey of NEW TINGZ to come!
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show series
Are you constantly chasing the next big achievement, but still feeling unfulfilled? You’re not alone. This week, we’re diving into the concept of empty ambition—that relentless pursuit of success that often leaves high achievers burnt out, anxious, and wondering, “Is this all there is?” Our guest, Keren Eldad, executive coach, TEDx speaker, and the…
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Send us a text If you’ve ever felt like your own worst critic, you’re not alone. Many of us grew up with critical parents or caregivers, and as a result, we’ve internalized that voice—leading to self-judgment, perfectionism, and never feeling "good enough." But the good news? You can change this. In this episode of Healing Her Story, I share a pers…
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This was a fine Tuesday-level crossword, the fourth (on the 4th!) for Hanh Huynh. The theme shone, the rest of the fill was quite good, and the end result was, as you will hear in today's episode, highly satisfying. In addition to our usual banter (including the accidental discovery of the world's first chameleon word™️), we also have our Triplet T…
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Ramadan et Eaux minérales : Tout ce qu'il faut savoir Vous vous demandez comment concilier jeûne et bien-être pendant le Ramadan ou quelle eau minérale choisir selon vos intérêts ? En tant qu'expert en nutrition, je vous accompagne pendant le Ramadan pour vous partager mes connaissances et mes conseils pour une alimentation équilibrée et adaptée au…
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In this episode, we uncover the truth that you were MADE for more—just as the inspiring South African rugby team redefined their roles to achieve consistent success, your personal journey can spark transformative change in your organization and community. 🌟💪 Drawing inspiration from timeless biblical heroes and modern-day stories, discover how risi…
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Charlie Allan, known as Chick Allan in the industry, talks with Lillee Jean about his new medieval Scottish village, Duncarron, his favorite roles he choreographed for major films, and upcoming projects. Films such as Gladiator, Robin Hood, Outlaw King, The Last Duel, and the use of Duncarron as a film set in Outlander Season 7 are all covered in t…
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In this inspiring episode of Making Sense of Work, I sit down with the incredible Punita Lal, a distinguished business leader, board director, and executive coach. With a career spanning over 35 years in leadership, strategy, and marketing, Punita has held executive roles at PepsiCo and Coca-Cola and now serves on multiple global corporate boards, …
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Tijdens de succesvolle boeklancering van het boek Premium Freedom Formula van Jeanet Bathoorn en Sandra Derksen ontkrachten wij de grootste mythe rondom premium werken. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Welkom bij een nieuwe aflevering van VrijheidsOndernemers. In deze mini-sessie bespreken wij de grootste mythe d…
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Finally announcing where we’ve moved to…. Thank you for being patient with us. We are so excited for this next chapter and we’ll be sharing all of it with y’all! Check out all the moving vlogs and hour tour soon on Sponsors: Glorify App - Start your 14-day free trial when you visit right now to…
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If you didn't know anything about today's constructor, you'd likely conclude, as did we, that this was a fine Monday crossword. But then, if you discovered that the constructor was 13 years old, you might be tempted to reflect that a) PRODIGY does not often show up in the grid, and b) it certainly applies to Harrison Walden, the aforementioned 13-y…
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Send us a text Love, have you been feeling the shift in energy this week? As the moon moves from new to full, the waxing moon invites us to step into action—but in a way that is intentional, balanced, and sustainable. In this Weekly Cycle Check-In, I’m sharing The 3 Ps - a simple yet powerful framework to help you work with this week’s lunar energy…
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Even a casual glance at today's grid will reveal that something's up - seven vertical colored lines that, unsurprisingly, play a huge role in today's theme. The cost of that theme was complexity, but both cohosts agreed that it was worth the effort, as the payoff was huge. Deets inside. A reminder that the NYTimes Crossword makes a great present, a…
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Éxodo 14:15 “Entonces Jehová dijo a Moisés: ¿Por qué clamas a mí? Di a los hijos de Israel que marchen”. ¿Tiene Dios un plan para mi vida mejor que el mío? Veamos que dice Jeremías 29:11 “Porque yo se los Planes que tengo acerca de vosotros, dice Jehová, Planes, de paz, y no de mal, para daros el fin que esperáis”; Desde el inicio Dios ya tenia un …
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March reputedly comes in like a lion, and today's crossword does the same -- parts of it are ferocious, and it seems to have lots of claws. OK, that last bit might not be true, but it certainly was a challenge, especially those clues in the northern areas of the crossword - above the equator, so to speak. But this was a Saturday, and so we expect c…
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Michael Lieberman is an accomplished crossword constructor, having written 27 for the NYTimes. Today's oeuvre had some great clues, including 63A, People may visit them just for kicks, SHOESTORES (ha!); 27D, Like Olympic tracks, LANED (duh!); and 10D, "Enjoy the spread!", LETSEAT (yum!). All in all a great crossword, definitely worth 5 squares on t…
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Perte de poids: gardez la motivation ! La motivation pour une perte de poids peut être difficile à maintenir. C'est pourquoi des lives hebdomadaires (et parfois plus !) sont proposés pour vous soutenir et vous encourager à chaque étape. Des conseils pratiques et infos fiables sont fournis, des réponses aux questions sont apportées, et une aide est …
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What does it truly mean to live a wealthy life? If you think it’s all about money, think again. On the most recent episode of Your Money Map, our weekly show with the Alliance for Lifetime Income, we sit down with Sahil Bloom, entrepreneur, writer, and author of The Five Types of Wealth, to explore a new, holistic approach to wealth-building. Sahil…
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In this thought-provoking episode, we navigate through thought-provoking discussions surrounding identity, technology, and history. We start by exploring the fascinating world of eyeglasses, examining how they influence our perception of ourselves and how others see us. This leads us to reflect on significant historical events, notably the mass sui…
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It's been over a year since David Steinberg last graced the pages of the NYTimes crossword, and from our perspective it's been just over a year too long. David always crafts whip-smart puzzles, and today's is a perfect example. We have all the deets inside, so check it out! Also, as long as you're following our admonitions, we would be delighted if…
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Both cohosts found today's crossword to be a wee bit crunchier than usual (to use a technical cruciverbial term meaning, loosely translated, "really, really hard" 😀). This was, no doubt, in service to a fantabulous theme that is slyly referred to in the episode title, and explored at length in today's podcast. Show note imagery: Need a WRAP? First,…
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Motivation, diversité et minceur réussie avec Savoir Maigrir Reprenez le contrôle de votre parcours minceur avec cette nouvelle session de motivation, pour vous redonner l'élan nécessaire - redécouvrir comment éviter la monotonie, comment maigrir sans faim, et maîtriser les écarts grâce à des conseils pratiques. Ensemble, transformons votre régime …
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As we close out Black History Month, we wanted to shine a spotlight on one sector of the population we’re truly in awe of: Black female business owners. Although Black women make up less than 10% of the U.S. population, they’ve emerged as the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the country. Today we’re joined by Tiffany Dufu, president of the…
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This marks Greg Snitkin's second NYTimes crossword, almost one year, to the day, since his debut. The crossword had some fun entries, including 63A, Call it an early night?, DUSK ; 46A, "Who's interested?", ANYONE; and the memorable 30A, Call after last call?, DRUNKDIAL. In today's episode, Jean tackles the theme, both cohosts take a trek through t…
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Rena Cohen, who we just saw in the NYTimes crossword last month is back again, and she remains at the top of her game. For proof -- OK, for strong anecdotal evidence -- check out today's podcast. Bonus points if you can guess, in advance, which Spanish museum Mike was thoroughly unable to pronounce. Show note imagery: Dost thine eyes deceive thee? …
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Today, Jeanine reacts to Emma Chamberlain’s episode on “Do We Need Religion” and she breaks down Emma’s pros and cons from a Christian perspective! This was such a fun and different type of video to do, but it hopefully helps you understand many of the misconceptions about God and Christianity. Let me know what you think! Other resources: 1. Case f…
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Dans cet épisode, je vous parle de ce que je fais pour limiter l'utilisation des écrans, de mes dernières lectures, de mes cours en ligne et du prochain atelier en ligne ! Pour participer à l'atelier sur les émotions positives, c'est ici :…
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