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The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW

Nicole Sachs, LCSW

Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of MIND YOUR BODY, and the creator of the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or ...
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Diary of An Empath by Keresse Thompson, LCSW

Keresse Thompson

Keresse is a Licensed clinical social worker and an intuitive empath/professional Tarot Reader. In this podcast we will discuss topics from her life such as dating, mental health, life purpose, and spirituality. If you are on a journey of growth, then this is the podcast for you.
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This podcast will offer general information regarding symptoms and behaviors that I currently treat and have dealt with in the past. It's to help people understand and have a better grasp on diagnosis like: depression, anxiety and ADHD, along with various other conditions. More about me:
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Gay Therapy LA with Ken Howard, LCSW, CST

Ken Howard, LCSW, CST

GayTherapyLA is a private practice for psychotherapy (California) and coaching services (worldwide), with Ken Howard, LCSW, CST, as its founder and director, with over 32 years experience providing services for gay men, as individuals, couples, and polycules, from his office in Los Angeles and serving gay men all over the world via phone or webcam sessions. Ken provides help for gay men to maximize their quality of life in both their personal lives and careers. While a podcast cannot substit ...
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Turtling Your Puzzle With LCS

Wanda Lacy

Turtling Your Puzzle with LCS Welcome to Turtling Your Puzzle with LCS – a podcast dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and empowering you to live life to the fullest. My goal is to help you build confidence, inspire action, and cultivate the courage needed for long-term fulfillment, peace, and joy. Together, we’ll explore how to navigate life’s challenges by learning when to stick our necks out and when to pull them in. Join me as we Turtle our Puzzles and discover the power o ...
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LCS Radio

Zac Parnell

Welcome to LCS, a show with bite sized recaps of the LCS, as well as a more in depth break down of one match each week! Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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LCS Fantasy Zone

Slymynx, Phisher, Bbaannaannaa, and ArmadilloCowboy

Week By Week up to date info on who to Start, Sit, Teams, and streams(weekly temporary picks)for League of Legends LCS. Listening to us gives you the upper hand over your friends! Give us a shout out on twitter @LCSFantasyZone on Facebook @ LCS Fantasy Zone or email us at
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Jason Hobbs LCSW MDiv

Jason Hobbs LCSW MDiv

writer, clinical social worker, spiritual director, author, husband, father, son, and runner in Middle Georgia, Support this podcast:
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Dr. Lorraine R. Johnson, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.

Welcome to Life Coaching With Dr. J, a podcast hosted by Dr. Lorraine R. Johnson, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.. The podcast is filled with a wide range of topics from relationships to self care. Available on and on all podcast platforms.
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Mindset: The Guy Podcast Ronnie Fernandez, LCSW

Ronnie Fernandez, LCSW

Individual interviews of Men discussing some of their life's specific challenges telling us how they were able to overcome big, small, and everyday challenges. These challenges can often lead men into Anxiety or Depression. My goal with this podcast is to help men better express their feelings and frustrations by listening to different men. Much too often men hold their feelings in and isolate themselves, drink too much, or show aggression. I hope you enjoy listening to these incredible men ...
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A New Creation Podcast is pointing women towards victory in Christ, one Jesus story at a time. Join Jemese LaChel, Christian trauma therapist and mentor for women, every other Tuesday to hear biblical truth and real-life testimonies what happens when ordinary women encounter our extraordinary God. This is for you if you've ever said "Is God even listening?" or "I just want to know Him better." We got you, girl! Subscribe and follow @jemeselachel on Instagram to stay in touch.
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show series
In Episode 4 of Turtling Your Puzzle with LCS, host Wanda Lacy delves into the essential topic of self-care in today's fast-paced, high-stress world. Discover how the pressures of our daily lives—from social media overload to work stress and uncertainty—affect our mental health, emotional well-being, and physical health. This episode breaks down wh…
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In this conversation, Justin discusses the importance of reducing stigma around mental health, the role of therapists, and the individual differences in therapy. He explores the impact of social media on mental health awareness, the intersection of politics and mental health, and the unique experiences of grief. Justin emphasizes the need for authe…
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This weeks clip is from an episode with Terri Cole Episode 158! Apple: Spotify: In this engaging conversation, Terri Cole and Keresse Thompson discuss the nuances o…
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There are few concepts that move your healing forward more powerfully than radical acceptance, yet it is so often confusing and hard to understand. Today I am inspired to highlight a story from my life that (however painfully at first) allowed radical acceptance to seep profoundly into my experience and change the trajectory of my personal growth. …
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في هذه الحلقة، يستكشف ديفيد ريسينوس مجموعة متنوعة من المهارات التي تشكل منهجًا أساسيًا لتحقيق اختراقات عاطفية. استكشف التقنيات التي تتراوح من استخدام ضوء الشمس الطبيعي لتحسين الصحة العقلية إلى تنفيذ تمارين اليقظة والتنفس. بفضل خبرته في العمل مع الأطفال والبالغين، يشارك ديفيد أفكاره حول كيفية قدرة العلاجات الشخصية على تحقيق تقدم ملموس، حتى في مواجهة…
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في هذه الحلقة المستنيرة، يستكشف ديفيد ريسينوس تعقيدات التنظيم العاطفي لدى العملاء، ويتناول القضايا التي يواجهها الأفراد الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 6 إلى 50 عامًا. يستكشف ديفيد التأثير الكبير للكيمياء الدماغية على العواطف، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على السيروتونين والأدرينالين، ويؤكد على أهمية فهم هذه التفاعلات الكيميائية. سيكتسب المستمعون نظرة ثاقبة حول ال…
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Navigating healthcare as a gay man isn’t just about checkups—it’s about self-advocacy, access, and fighting systemic bias. In this episode, I break down the clinical, financial, cultural, and emotional barriers that make medical care more challenging for gay men, from dealing with dismissive doctors to securing PrEP, HIV treatment, or mental health…
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ברוכים הבאים לפרק נוסף של "ענייני טיפול" עם המארח שלך, דיוויד רסינוס, עובד סוציאלי קליני מורשה. בפרק זה אנו מתעמקים במשמעות של פנייה לטיפול ושבירת הסטיגמה סביב בעיות וטיפול בבריאות הנפש. למרות הקבלה הגוברת, רבים עדיין רואים זאת בצורה שלילית. אנו שמים דגש על מציאת המטפל המתאים המספק סביבה בטוחה ולא שיפוטית. דוד דן בתהליך הטיפולי, ומדגיש ששינוי לוקח …
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In this conversation, Raele Altano and Keresse explore the complexities of emotional regulation, self-advocacy, and communication, particularly for women. They discuss the challenges of navigating toxic relationships, the importance of understanding the difference between persuasion and manipulation, and how to approach difficult conversations. The…
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Today on the pod we delve into the "body" of it all - how we can partner our JournalSpeak and impactful emotional work with the key aspects of physical health - nutrition, sleep, movement, and more! Dr. Erika Siegel is a integrative physician, acupuncturist, educator, and mom: by nature, a juggler of life’s abundance. She’s been practicing function…
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This weeks clip is from an episode with Scotty The Medium Episode 158! Apple: Spotify: Scott Davis is a psychic medium and is best known for his features on …
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Bienvenidos a otro episodio de Therapy Matters con su anfitrión, David Recinos, un trabajador social clínico autorizado. En este episodio, exploramos la importancia de buscar terapia en medio del estigma social y la importancia de encontrar el terapeuta adecuado que te haga sentir seguro. Haciendo hincapié en la comunicación honesta, David analiza …
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أهلاً بكم في حلقة جديدة من برنامج عيادتنا الطبية، يقدمها ديفيد ريسينوس، الخبير في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والتنظيم المهني. تتعمق نقاشية اليوم في المشهد المتطور لرعاية الصحة النفسية وأهميتها في حياتنا. نستكشف ضرورة اتباع استراتيجيات استباقية للصحة النفسية، وكيف تؤثر الأعراف المجتمعية على التعبير العاطفي، وخاصةً لدى الرجال. يُعد فهم كيمياء الدماغ وتر…
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In this conversation, Keresse and Katie Bogen delve into the complexities of collective trauma, sexual trauma, and the healing process. They explore Katie's personal journey from trauma to sexual liberation, the importance of parental support for queer youth, and the societal norms that contribute to collective trauma. The discussion emphasizes the…
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This weeks clip is from an episode with Rachel Gibler! Episode 99! Apple: Spotify: Welcome to another soul-stirring episode of "Diary of an Empath"! In this …
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I know it sounds crazy, but we aren't all totally comfortable feeling big feelings, even when they are considered "good." Sometimes, when your reservoir is near the top, even excitement over something can cause chronic symptoms. If you don't know what's up with your wily brain, you could get stuck in a pain cycle amidst the confusion. In addition, …
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In this episode of 'Diary of an Empath', Keresse discusses the evolution of friendships and the signs that indicate when it's time to let go of relationships that no longer serve our highest good. She shares her personal journey of transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship and reflects on the importance of aligning with values in friendships. The…
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What a great conversation today with Mark Groves. Mark is a human Connection Specialist, Speaker, Author, Coach, Podcast Host and founder of Create The Love. Born with an innate curiosity and a hunger for truth, Mark’s journey of self-discovery and personal liberation has led him to spend the last decade coaching and inspiring millions worldwide to…
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Too many gay men delay vital legal planning—until it’s too late. In this episode, Ken covers key protections like wills, medical directives, and financial security to safeguard your relationship from a psychotherapist's perspective. Learn how to take charge now for a secure and empowered future!Ken Howard, LCSW, CST
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This weeks clip is from an episode with Kute Blackson! Episoden139! Listen to the Full Episode here: Apple: Spotify: Welcome to today's episode of the podcast, whe…
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Hola y bienvenido. En este episodio, revisaremos las intervenciones y estrategias más útiles que han ayudado a los clientes y a las familias a utilizar para mejorar los síntomas y comportamientos del ADHD. Más sobre mí: Otras formas de escuchar: Spotify: Radio iHeart: https://www.iheart.…
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أهلاً ومرحبًا بكم. في هذه الحلقة، سنستعرض التدخلات والاستراتيجيات الأكثر إفادة التي ساعدت العملاء والأسر على استخدامها للمساعدة في تحسين أعراض وسلوكيات اضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه. المزيد عني: طرق أخرى للاستماع: Spotify: iHeart Radio: Apple Itun…
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مرحبا بكم في هذه الحلقة سوف نناقش معلومات أساسية حول اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط (ADHD). سنقوم بمراجعة ما هو عليه، وتحليل الإحصائيات، واستكشاف التدخلات. المزيد عني: طرق أخرى للاستماع: Spotify: iHeart Radio: Apple iTunes:…
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Hola, en este episodio analizaremos información esencial sobre el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ADHD). Repasaremos qué es, analizaremos estadísticas y exploraremos intervenciones. Más sobre mí: Otras formas de escuchar: Spotify: iHeart Radio:…
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In this episode of Diary of an Empath, host Keresse Thompson, LCSW, sits down with the multifaceted entertainer Mandy Brooke. Known for her relatable comedy and viral social media presence, Mandy delves into a wide array of topics, offering both humor and profound insights. Key Discussion Points: • Trusting Your Intuition: Mandy shares personal sto…
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NEW MOMENT ALERT - As I record this podcast, I'm recording a video too! After years of you guys asking me to make the videos of these podcasts available, I’ve finally (with the help and support of Lisa) gotten my shit together to do it. And… we’ve launched a brand new level of membership to allow you access to an exclusive backlog of them and so mu…
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This weeks clip is from a recent episode with Dr Josh Coleman! Episoden170! In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Josh Coleman, a renowned psychologist and author of Rules of Estrangement, to explore the complex and often painful topic of family estrangement. Dr. Coleman shares invaluable insights into why adult children may choose to go no contact …
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Join me as I sit down with Angela Jia Kim, the founder of Savor Beauty, to delve into the world of self care and skin care rituals. In this episode, we explore the connection between self care, skin care rituals, and self love, and how these practices can lead to a more fulfilling and radiant life. Angela shares her personal journey and the insight…
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এই পর্বে, ডেভিড রেকিনোস, একজন লাইসেন্সপ্রাপ্ত ক্লিনিকাল সমাজকর্মী, সকল বয়সের গোষ্ঠীর জন্য মোকাবেলা করার দক্ষতার গুরুত্ব এবং এর সার্বজনীন কার্যকারিতা সম্পর্কে গভীরভাবে আলোচনা করেছেন। ব্যায়াম, ধ্যান এবং মননশীলতার মতো কৌশলগুলি কীভাবে একজন ব্যক্তির মানসিক এবং শারীরিক রসায়নকে পরিবর্তন করতে পারে, মানসিক স্থিতিশীলতা বৃদ্ধি করতে পারে সে সম্পর্কে অন্তর্দ…
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Присоединяйтесь к Дэвиду Ресиносу, лицензированному клиническому социальному работнику, который исследует сложности депрессии — состояния, которое поражает людей всех возрастов. В этом эпизоде ​​Дэвид делится своим опытом работы с клиентами в возрасте от 6 до 50 лет и старше, подчеркивая распространенные симптомы, такие как плохое настроение, груст…
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लाइसेंस प्राप्त क्लिनिकल सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता डेविड रेसिनोस के साथ जुड़ें, क्योंकि वे अवसाद की जटिलताओं का पता लगा रहे हैं, जो एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो सभी उम्र के लोगों को प्रभावित करती है। इस एपिसोड में डेविड 6 से 50+ वर्ष की आयु वाले ग्राहकों के साथ अपने अनुभव साझा करते हैं, तथा उदास मनोदशा, उदासी और अकेलेपन जैसे सामान्य लक्षणों पर प्रकाश डालते हैं। यह…
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Ungana na David Recinos, mfanyakazi wa kijamii aliyeidhinishwa na kliniki, anapochunguza matatizo ya mfadhaiko, hali ambayo huathiri watu wa rika zote. Katika kipindi hiki, David anashiriki uzoefu wake na wateja walio na umri wa kuanzia 6 hadi 50+, akiangazia dalili za kawaida kama vile hali ya chini, huzuni na kutengwa. Inaangazia umuhimu wa ushir…
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It's always such a pleasure to sit down and be in person for a conversation. During MIND YOUR BODY book launch week in NYC, Elizabeth Endres of the Wellness Process Pod and I sat down in studio to talk about the book, pelvic pain, JournalSpeak, and so much more. Now that the book is finally out there, I can't wait to start hearing from you about ho…
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In a society where "pretty privilege" often dictates social dynamics, many gay men confront the challenge of not fitting conventional beauty standards. In this frank episode, Ken delves into embracing one's identity beyond physical appearance, highlighting the power of charm, confidence, and kindness. Listen in to discover strategies for building e…
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與執業臨床社會工作者大衛·雷西諾斯 (David Recinos) 一起探索憂鬱症的複雜性,這種疾病影響著各個年齡層的人。在本集中,大衛分享了他與 6 歲至 50 歲以上客戶的經歷,強調了情緒低落、悲傷和孤立等常見症狀。 他強調了父母參與治療的重要性,目的是創造一個讓兒童和青少年能夠表達自己擔憂的支持性環境。在探索了改善溝通和應對技巧等其他選擇之後,大衛也向父母介紹了導致憂鬱症的化學失衡以及藥物的潛在作用。 聽眾將學習各種應對憂鬱症的策略,包括運動、冥想和寫日記。大衛分享了他的個人想法,即這些做法如何改變了他和他的客戶的生活,幫助他們培養耐心、控制力和更好的身心連結。 了解更多關於我的資訊 其他收聽方式: Spotify:https://open.s…
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Rejoignez David Recinos, un travailleur social clinique agréé, alors qu'il explore les complexités de la dépression, une condition qui touche des personnes de tous âges. Dans cet épisode, David partage ses expériences avec des clients âgés de 6 à 50 ans et plus, soulignant des symptômes courants tels que la mauvaise humeur, la tristesse et l'isolem…
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Kristen Schwartz Is a Mental Health practitioner with degrees in both Counseling and Psychology and a certification in Trauma Recovery. She’s also an author and podcaster, and is the Empath GURU To order Kristen’s book, workbooks or for more information on her courses and services: To follow Kristen: https://instag…
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مرحباً بكم في حلقة اليوم مع ديفيد ريسينوس، وهو أخصائي اجتماعي سريري معتمد متخصص في الاكتئاب. تعرف على المشاكل النموذجية التي يواجهها العملاء من الأطفال الصغار إلى كبار السن، وأهمية مشاركة الوالدين في العلاج. تعرف على اختلالات التوازن الكيميائي التي تساهم في الاكتئاب ولماذا يعد الوعي والتواصل من المكونات الأساسية للتعامل معه. تعرف على دور المواد الك…
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הצטרף לדיוויד רסינוס, עובד סוציאלי קליני מורשה, כשהוא בוחן את המורכבות של דיכאון, מצב המשפיע על אנשים בכל הגילאים. בפרק זה, דיוויד חולק את חוויותיו עם לקוחות מגיל 6 עד 50+, תוך הדגשת תסמינים נפוצים כגון מצב רוח ירוד, עצב ובידוד. הוא מדגיש את החשיבות של מעורבות ההורים בטיפול, במטרה ליצור סביבה תומכת שבה ילדים ובני נוער יכולים להביע את חששותיהם. דוד …
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Willkommen zur heutigen Folge mit David Recinos, einem zertifizierten klinischen Sozialarbeiter mit Schwerpunkt Depressionen. Informieren Sie sich über die typischen Probleme, mit denen Klienten vom Kleinkind bis zum älteren Erwachsenen konfrontiert sind, und erfahren Sie, wie wichtig die Mitwirkung der Eltern bei der Behandlung ist. Informieren Si…
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Únase a David Recinos, un trabajador social clínico autorizado, mientras explora las complejidades de la depresión, una condición que afecta a personas de todas las edades. En este episodio, David comparte sus experiencias con clientes de entre 6 y más de 50 años, destacando síntomas comunes como bajo estado de ánimo, tristeza y aislamiento. Destac…
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There are no adequate words for the feeling of this book launch week. It began with the TODAY show, and then rolled into a ton of in-person media. Of all the things we've done, I must say the 92nd Street Y was the highlight of our week. Lisa, Christina, and I were able to welcome friends, family, and all of our amazing TCFCP fans to an incredible N…
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Ken discusses the often-overlooked role of therapy in supporting gay men through legal battles. From workplace discrimination to hate crimes, gay men can face legal challenges that demand both legal representation and emotional resilience. Therapy can prepare clients for high-stress situations like depositions and cross-examinations, build psycholo…
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In this conversation, Cory Richards shares his journey through personal loss, mental health struggles, and the power of storytelling. He discusses the complexities of survivor's guilt, the importance of feeling seen and validated, and the impact of childhood dynamics on emotional health. Cory reflects on his experiences with bipolar disorder, traum…
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在本集中,執業臨床社會工作者 David Recinos 詳細闡述了應對技巧的重要性及其對所有年齡層的普遍有效性。分享有關運動、冥想和全神貫注等技巧如何改變一個人的心理和身體化學反應、促進情緒穩定的想法。 David強調透過認知行為治療(CBT)消除負面想法的重要性,並提供實際例子來說明想法對情緒和行為的影響。本集也介紹了各種應對策略,從寫日記、聽音樂到呼吸練習以及注重感官意識的 5、4、3、2、1 接地方法。 它鼓勵聽眾持續練習這些技巧,以看到壓力和創傷管理方面取得顯著改善。大衛指出,創傷會影響情緒發展,並建議進一步探索其影響。這有趣的討論為任何想要改善情緒健康和復原力的人提供了寶貴的工具。 冥想連結:…
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In dieser Folge befasst sich David Recinos, ein staatlich anerkannter klinischer Sozialarbeiter, mit der Bedeutung von Bewältigungsstrategien und ihrer universellen Wirksamkeit in allen Altersgruppen. Gibt Einblicke darüber, wie Techniken wie Bewegung, Meditation und Achtsamkeit die geistige und körperliche Chemie einer Person verändern und so die …
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