MaltPrat er en ufiltrert, ufarget og uavhengig whiskypodkast med Are og Stian. Tips til nye lyttere: Det er liten eller ingen kronologi i episodene. Finn et tema eller destilleri som interesserer deg og start der. Talas! Send oss gjerne mail på
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Ingen vet vem som bjöd dit dem. Ingen vet varför det var deras sista måltid. Men det spelades in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Legendary film critic Leonard Maltin and his daughter Jessie are the ultimate movie fans. They love talking about movies, especially with people who share their enthusiasm—from living legends like Mel Brooks, Al Pacino, Angela Lansbury and Quincy Jones to such contemporary artists as Amy Adams, Tim Burton, Laura Dern, and Jordan Peele. You’ll meet all kinds of interesting people and hear their recommendations of unsung movies you ought to know...
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L'humeur du jour de Tanguy Pastureau Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Ingen vet vem som bjöd dit dem. Ingen vet varför det var deras sista måltid. Men det spelades in.
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This is a podcast for those in the tabletop gaming hobby, and those wanting to get in. Games, people, and life. Sit back, relax, have a drink, and play some games. If you want to help us improve, feel free to donate through Patreon, PodPledge or Ko-Fi.
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A weekly podcast where three Bristol based runners talk about their training towards bettering themselves in the marathon - whilst drinking Scotch!
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A Times of Malta podcast that takes a closer look at the stories shaping Malta today. Hosted by award-winning journalist and assistant editor Mark Laurence Zammit.
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The Sports Desk is your main port of call for news and discussion about sports in Malta. Join Valhmor Camilleri and Gianluca Lia from Malta's number one news outlet, as they delve into the local sports scene.
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Three Yorkshire blokes planning the perfect post lockdown Beer Trip - we will be taking pubs and bars, travel and culture, heritage and local cuisine
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Historian Gareth Russell's weekly podcast with demented and delightful stories from the past
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Learn the TRUTH about ECommerce from Chris Malta. 30+ years in Online Business. Business Owner, Author, Radio Show Host, Internet Convention Speaker, Mentor and ECommerce Educator.
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Mike and Duncan host the Honest to a Malt podcast - fueled entirely by whisky and laughs! An entertaining exploration of the trials and tribulations of being hobbyists and human beings. Each episode delivers a new topic, idea, or special guest/s. Plus, the guys discuss the latest whisky in their glasses, what's been grinding their gears and share listener stories. Podcast may include slightly dodgy impressions, singing and the odd rap. Follow: Pod @honestto ...
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After 7 years of being anonymous, 1.5 million words written about beer, and preaching the gospel of Barleywine is Life, Don't Drink Beer's Alex Kidd gets into the deep, dark world of podcasting. Joining him are his co-hosts, comedy writers and performers Stephen Loh and Michael Gabriel. Together they explore the absurd underbelly of the craft beer world while also discussing movies, music, video games, pop culture, and their sad, basement dwelling lives.
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Musical history
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MaltaSajf? Smoke MaltaSajf.
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Malted! Three handsome gentlemen known as Ben, Charlie and Warrick explore glorious malted liquids, such as Whisk(e)y and Beer in podcast form.
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Welcome to the Monserrat podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Hosted by The Historical Gamer (Matt), and TortugaPower (Eric). Single Malt Strategy is a bi-weekly podcast focusing on the world of digital wargaming and strategy games.
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Kanz oder gar nicht - mit Malte Kanz I Real talk an der Aller - True Crime, Events & echte Verdener Geschichten
Malte Kanz
Der Podcast "Kanz oder gar nicht" bietet eine spannende Mischung aus True Crime, lokalen Events und authentischen Geschichten aus Verden. Moderiert von Malte Kanz, richtet sich der Podcast an eine breite Zielgruppe, die sich für die facettenreiche Kultur und Geschichte dieser charmanten Stadt interessiert. Die Hörerinnen und Hörer erwartet nicht nur kriminalistische Erzählungen, die zum Miträtseln anregen, sondern auch Einblicke in die lebendige Eventszene Verdens – von der Verdener Domweih ...
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Welcome to the Single Malt Frontier, where we explore the edge of innovation in American Single Malt Whiskey and related spirits. On this show, we do a littl...
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I drink scotch and talk hip hop. Sorry if I'm drunk at the end.
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Join us in exploring the growing craft malt movement with farmers, brewers, distillers, and lovers of tasty beverages in this podcast.
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At Malt & Brew, we sell unique glassware tailored towards whisky enthusiasts. Launched in 2020 and shipped directly from Melbourne, our glasses come packaged in beautifully designed gift boxes and wooden boxes, making them a perfect gift.
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Dedicated solely to the culture, craft and people of the emerging American Single Malt Whisky tradition. Spirits, distilleries, distillers, legislation - all things relevant to the matters of American Single Malt Whisky. Hosted by Maltster, WSET-2 and whisky student Matt Drew.
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Der Podcast zum Livestream! Alle zwei Wochen sprechen Marc, Flo und Malte über Malts. Es geht dabei aber nicht nur um den klassischen Single Malt Whisky, sondern um alles, was den Malthead interessiert!
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Causas y Consecuencias del Maltrato Animal Cover art photo provided by Christian Bisbo Johnsen on Unsplash:
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¿Cuáles son las causas del maltrato en el noviazgo? ¿Cuántas personas sufren maltrato? ¿Como prevenirlo? Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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Pints of Malt Podcast is brought to you by four Nigerian/Irish lads. They share their experiences growing up and living in Ireland. The podcast is full of laughs from the get go: from childhood memories to day-to-day shenanigans, there’s never a dull moment on the podcast with Femi, Kenny, Charlie and Jibbz. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @pintsofmalt and get involved with the discussions using #pintsofmalt
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जीवनशैली क्या हो? हम शान्त, आनन्दित कैसे रहें? ये प्रश्न सदा से मानव मन मेंं उठते रहे हैंं। विचारकों ने विचार करके, तरीक़े निकाले, उस तरह जीये। उनका जीवन शान्त, आनन्दित हो गया तो उन्होंने वे तरीके लिख दिये।भारत मेंं उन्हें शास्त्र नाम दे दिया गया। वेद, उपनिषद, गीता आदि।पूरे संसार में अनेकों व्यक्तियों ने इसके बारे मेंं लिखा। रुमी, लाओत्सू, आदि। पर, समय के बदलने के साथ-साथ उन शास्त्रों के मतलब भी बदल दिये गये। उसका परिणाम हम आज कर्मकांड, अंधविश्वास आदि के रूप मेंं देख रहे हैं।मुझे लगा उन पुस्त ...
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Study undergraduate medicine in Malta with a top UK medical school
Queen Mary University of London
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African Media Malta is a Media NGO whose aim is to Bring Africa Positively Into The News, trying to turn into a command, the wish expressed by Chinua Achebe's favorite African proverb :"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
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The podcast about helping you get out of the past, and into your future self, by creating one consciousness together through others experiences. A weekly reminder to stay connected to the now and ask the questions that can move you forward into your destiny, NOW. Heather Maltman will ask the tough questions with love and connection, so that you have a place to learn and grow. She travels all over the world finding the conversation you need.
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Podcastserien Mat og måltid blant eldre handlar om korleis kommunar kan jobbe for å skape gode måltidsopplevingar og hindre underernæring blant eldre. Vi får høyre frå fire kommunar at mat er meir enn rett ernæring. Det er også sosiale møte, sansar som vaknar til live og auka livskvalitet. Podcasten er laga av Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Senter for omsorgsforskning i samarbeid med Statsforvalteren, KS og USHT.
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Die Sustainable Development Goals der Vereinten Nationen dienen als gemeinsame Orientierungshilfe für Unternehmen, ihre Ziele und Tätigkeiten auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auszurichten. Wir besprechen in unserem Podcast die SDG´s. Die Herausforderungen die wir haben und wie man diese unserer Meinung nach lösen könnte. Die Erreichung der Global Goals ist einer der Herausforderungen der Menscheit, lasst uns zusammen nach Lösungen suchen.
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Treasures from Malta is a new podcast series produced by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti (FPM). Hosted and presented by Francesca Balzan, art historian and artist with a long connection with FPM, each podcast episode consists of individual interviews. We’re getting away from old artefacts in glass showcases and we’re going into the homes and meeting up with some of Malta’s living treasures. We dig below the surface and find out more about them. These treasures are artists, historians, art colle ...
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APOM is a weekly comedy podcast of 3 brothers talking about the weeks events, funny news stories and our opinions on each story just with our a comedic spin on each subject. Episodes often finish with a game or two - these are often the parts of the episodes which have the best content and most instantly turn into classics. Please subscribe and leave a comment if you liked it. Follow us on; Instagram - Apompodcast Twitter - @ApomPodcast Facebook - ApomPodcast Reddit - r/APOMPOD We are now on ...
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Malte (U30) und Gundula (Ü70) machen Reportagen am Limit. Sie gehen zusammen in den Sexshop, lernen Selbstverteidigung, machen Vorsorge oder planen ihre Beerdigung. Denn echte Life Lessons lernt man nicht auf TikTok, sondern im Reallife - egal in welchem Alter. "Malte und die Alte" sind die "Rick und Morty" der Podcast-Welt - immer zwischen Deep Talk und Finger im Po. Malte oft kurz vor 'ner Schelle. Und Ur-Berlinerin Gundula schlagfertiger als ein Dutzend MMA-Kämpfer.
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Hos Jonas og Malte, er du altid i godt selskab. Vi vender hele verdenssituationen, fra aktuelt til uaktuelt, fra Brexit til Amalies baby, og vi er ikke bange for at sige vores mening. Vi “hjælper” dig med dine dilemmaer, og vi har uden tvivl Danmarks sjoveste top 5. Vi anmelder film, serier, reality-TV, spil og brætspil. Nogle gange er vi to, andre gange er vi flere. Man ved aldrig hvornår der dukker en spændende gæstevært op. Velkommen til Jonas og Malte Mod Verden. Podcasten med stærke hol ...
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John, Kelly and Jamie talk through their weeks of training whilst focusing on Weston Prom, Fission 20 and other running news :-) Have a great week, Cheers, The SMM TeamSMM
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Episode 87 - All the Glens feat. Andy Goldstein
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1:29:28Mike and Duncan host a very special guest in episode 87 - the legend Andy Goldstein! You may know him from his drivetime show on TalkSPORT, The We're Not Getting Any Younger Podcast with Lisa Snowden, his semi-pro pool skills, thick head of hair, or the MBE he won. You may even know him as the host of "Win Your Own Home", but... it's unlikely he wi…
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Batch 283: Triple IPA Showdown Part 2
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2:00:40In Part 2 of the Triple IPA Showdown, Alex and Stephen try TIPAs from Alvarado Street Brewing, El Segundo Brewing, North Park Beer Company, and Tree House Brewing Company then put them through the Power Rankings treatment. In the Beer News, a Norfolk, VA brewery that's been stealing valor for years blames the "woke mob" for their closure, Canadian …
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#300 - Optimeringsfanatiker
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46:40Ashkan vill inte optimera. Omar försvarar matjättarna. Hanif vill veta hur Ashkan mår. Chang vill inte veta hur någon mår. Mustafa lyssnar. OBS. Det här är inte hela avsnittet. Vill du få tillgång till alla hela avsnitt? Bli medlem på Sista Måltiden. Som medlem får du tillgång till alla nya och gamla avsnitt i sin helhet och utan reklam. Lyssna i v…
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#300 - Optimeringsfanatiker
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1:54:55Ashkan vill inte optimera. Omar försvarar matjättarna. Hanif vill veta hur Ashkan mår. Chang vill inte veta hur någon mår. Mustafa lyssnar. Tack för att du är medlem! 💛
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durée : 00:05:06 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - Tanguy s'intéresse à une nouvelle tendance : les tutos pour se faire "des oreilles de Tchétchènes", c'est comme ça que les TikTokeurs racistes les appellent.Tanguy Pastureau
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#11 Bio, Regionalität & Leidenschaft – Katja Schwede von Biolove im Gespräch
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48:31In Verden steht Biolove für nachhaltige, regionale und hochwertige Lebensmittel. Doch was steckt eigentlich hinter dem Konzept? In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Katja Schwede, der Inhaberin von Biolove, über ihre Philosophie, die Bedeutung von Bio-Produkten und die Menschen, die hinter dem Laden stehen. Wir tauchen ein in die Welt von handverlesene…
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durée : 00:04:57 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - Tanguy parle de la faille de sécurité aux Etats-Unis, un journaliste a été ajouté par erreur à un groupe de discussion de la Défense, il a donc eu toutes les attaques en exclu !Tanguy Pastureau
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durée : 00:05:18 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - Tanguy parle de la nouvelle tendance : le stand-up à domicile. C'est comme la livraison de pizzas mais avec des blagues.Tanguy Pastureau
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durée : 00:05:16 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - Au menu du jour de Tanguy : agressions antisémites, agressions tout court, manuel de survie et heureusement, une belle histoire : celle de Cyril et Tiphaine qui s'aiment.Tanguy Pastureau
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Ever seen a home biz calendar that looks like a dumping ground for every supplier call, customer ping, and “quick check-in” that’s anything but quick? Yeah, that’s not a schedule; it’s a cry for help.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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So here we go again. Another “business opportunity,” another flashy pitch, another pile of wreckage left behind. This time, it’s Mark from Houston, who just wanted a retirement plan and got slapped with a $37,000 wake-up call.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Sending emails manually feels a lot like baking bread from scratch; satisfying once or twice, sure, but pretty exhausting if it becomes an everyday gig. Automating those emails, though, is like buying sliced bread for the first time. Once you've tried it, nobody's going back to slicing that loaf by hand.…
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#10 „Verden, Worte und Wahrheiten“ – mit Buchautor Alexander Krützfeldt
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1:06:55In dieser Folge haben wir einen besonderen Gast: Alexander Krützfeldt, Buchautor und echter Verdener. Er spricht mit uns über seine Wurzeln, seine Kindheit und Jugend in Verden und darüber, wie ihn die Stadt geprägt hat. 🌍✍️ Wir tauchen ein in seine Leidenschaft für das Schreiben, seine Inspirationsquellen und natürlich sein neues Buch „Gib mir das…
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Funny thing about instincts. They’re supposed to protect people from danger, right? But when a scam is in the air, that same gut turns into a full-blown cheerleader, waving pom-poms and chanting, “Do it!”Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Imagine a home biz setup where the desk looks like a paper avalanche met a coffee spill, emails are stacking up like digital tumbleweeds, and random junk’s sprawled out like it’s auditioning for a hoarder’s reality show. That’s not just a vibe killer; it’s a straight-up efficiency assassin.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Malta's not-so-secret cocaine scene
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39:05Malta’s nightlife is fueling a rise in cocaine use, with Valletta emerging as a hotspot for open drug consumption. Times of Malta investigation reveals how the drug culture has seeped into bars, bathrooms, and beyond. Mark Laurence Zammit speaks to Times of Malta journalists Marc Galdes and Emma Borg as well as medical experts Anton Grech and Godwi…
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Ever get that itch to skip the hard part and just scoop up the wins? That little voice whispering there’s gotta be a shortcut to the online business jackpot? That’s not just wishful thinking. That’s your brain pulling a fast one.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Episode 53 Glenfiddikj - Glenfiddick - samma det
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46:43På polet i Løten og sampleflasker i lomma på destilleribesøk.MaltPrat - en whiskypodkast
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#299 - Garden of Pain (Gäst: Patrik Jarenius)
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1:02:12Patrik Jarenius var fram till nyligen säkerhetschef för Strängnäs kommun men fick sparken efter att han publicerade bilder på stenkastande ungdomar på Facebook. OBS. Det här är inte hela avsnittet. Vill du få tillgång till alla hela avsnitt? Bli medlem på Sista Måltiden. Som medlem får du tillgång till alla nya och gamla avsnitt i sin helhet och ut…
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#299 - Garden of Pain (Gäst: Patrik Jarenius)
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1:58:13Patrik Jarenius var fram till nyligen säkerhetschef för Strängnäs kommun men fick sparken efter att han publicerade bilder på stenkastande ungdomar på Facebook. Tack för att du är medlem! 💛
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durée : 00:05:17 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - On parle de plus en plus du retour du service militaire et Tanguy est contre ! parce qu'il l'a fait !Tanguy Pastureau
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Episode 241 - Bath Half 2025 Debrief
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43:42John, Kelly and Jamie debrief their weeks whilst focusing on the Street 5K and Bath Half Marathon. Have a great week,If you're running Prom or Fission20, come say HI! Cheers, The SMM TeamSMM
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durée : 00:05:21 - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - par : Tanguy Pastureau - Elon Musk est en train de couler sa marque tout seul comme un grand. Tanguy a pris un taxi Tesla hier et le chauffeur s'est presque excusé.Tanguy Pastureau
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Some pitch enlightenment. Others pitch success. But the worst ones pitch a mentorship that costs more than a used car and delivers less than a fortune cookie.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Sending identical emails to every subscriber is like shouting random pickup lines into a crowded coffee shop. Sure, someone might bite, but mostly you’re just creeping everybody out.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Ever feel your wallet quake when a scam’s breathing down your neck? That’s fear, the con artist’s skeleton key, and it’s why savvy people still get fleeced. It’s not cowardice, it’s human nature, and scammers have that figured out.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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Ever notice how some people morph into habit-sticking champs while others fizzle out faster than a cheap candle? No pixie dust or VIP club involved. It’s all about a motivation that punches straight to the gut, the kind that’d drag anyone off the couch and into the ecommerce grind.Chris Malta | 30+ Years In Online Business
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