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Vale a pena com Mariana Alvim

Mariana Alvim

Todas as semanas a Mariana Alvim entrevista pessoas enquanto leitores. Ficamos a saber que livros recomendam e onde as suas vidas se cruzaram com algumas histórias. Vamos da ficção para a realidade e acabamos com aquela sugestão de leitura que... Vale a pena.
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The Drew Mariani Show

Relevant Radio

The Drew Mariani Show™ tackles the hottest news and issues of the day through the lens of our Catholic Faith. Host Drew Mariani keeps listeners up-to-date with news from the Church and around the world, and prays the Chaplet of Divine Mercy LIVE every weekday
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Keeping it Marian

Marian Press

Join two Marian priests, Fr. Timothy Childers, MIC, and Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, as they talk about “Keeping it Marian,” showing how we can best imitate Our Lady and her virtues amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, meditating on the Word of God and pondering it in our hearts. As they study and dialogue about the Scriptures, this dynamic priestly duo shares the riches of the charism, patrimony, and history of their Congregation, the Marians of the Immaculate Conception of the Ble ...
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Moments with Marianne

Marianne Pestana

In a single moment your life can change! “Moments with Marianne” is a transformative hour that covers an endless array of topics with the ‘best of the best.’ Her guest are leaders in their fields, ranging from inspirational, mindful, spirituality & consciousness authors, top industry leaders, business and spiritual entrepreneurs. Each guest is gifted, and a true visionary! A recognized leader in her own work, and while teaching others to develop, refocus, and grow; Marianne will bring the be ...
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3 Fattori è un Podcast nato dalla rubrica di Mariangela Pira, giornalista di Sky Tg24, su Linkedin. Il proposito è quello di raccontare a chiunque, anche al lattaio dell'Ohio, ciò che accade in finanza, economia e in geopolitica economica. In ogni puntata, con un linguaggio chiaro e semplice, vengono snocciolate le tematiche di attualità: dall'energia all'inflazione, dalle banche centrali ai programmi economici del governo, dal commercio globale a ciò che banalmente accade alle nostre impres ...
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Do you want to build your brand online and become influential in your industry? The Brand Up Podcast ( previously Momentum Podcast ) helps you design your ultimate playbook for building a 7 figure personal or business brand from scratch. Each week host Marian Esanu, author of Brand UP, brings you the stories, strategies & lessons learned from interviewing thought leaders in marketing, sales & personal branding. For show notes and to download your Brand Up playbook, please visit www.thebrandu ...
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Life with Marianna

Life with Marianna

Marianna Hewitt is a leading voice in social media with over 1 million followers and also the co-founder of skincare line, Summer Fridays. Each week on Life With Marianna, you’ll hear from her network of influencers, brand founders, and personalities to inspire YOU to live your best life.
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Mariana Barão

Mariana Almeida Barão

🎶 Músicas autorais 🎙. pensamentos ,e poesias 💡♥️ Cover art photo provided by Belen Garrido on Unsplash:
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Marian Keyes and Tara Flynn want to solve your problems. Or try, at the very least. Join Marian and Tara as they dig into their own life experience to find advice for all of us. Marian Keyes is a multi award-winning writer, with a total of over 30 million of her books sold to date in 33 languages. Her close friend Tara Flynn is an actress, comedian, and writer. Together, these two friends have been through a lot, and now want to use their own life experience to help solve your biggest - and ...
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Križovatky s Mariánom Balázsom

Dobré médiá

Skutočné osudy skutočných osobností a len tie najdôležitejšie spoločenské témy. To je relácia Križovatky v ktorej Marián Balázs od roku 2018 spovedá známych, ale aj neznámych hostí. Po novom ju môžete počúvať aj ako podcast.
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Contemplaciones marianas de Adrienne von Speyr

Hans Urs von Balthasar, Adrienne von Speyr, Comunidad San Juan,

El sí de la Virgen María y su entrega sin límites nos presenta el modelo de la actitud cristiana. Este podcast profundiza en esta realidad a través de la lectura y la meditación del libro Ancilla Domini, de la mística suiza Adrienne von Speyr. Las Contemplaciones marianas de Adrienne von Speyr han sido transmitidas semanalmente en el marco del programa «Vida consagrada» de Radio María España entre noviembre 2022 y octubre 2024. Todas ellas, como también las emisiones siguientes distribuidas ...
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Experiencing Jesus with Bishop Mariann

Bishop Mariann Budde

Season 1: The Way of Love Join Bishop Mariann, Bishop of Washington, on an 8-week journey of experiencing Jesus through a rule of life known as The Way of Love. Bishop Mariann will share with you an 8 part sermon series on how experiencing Jesus through intentional spiritual practices will transform you and those around you.
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Folhetim da Mariana

Antena1 - RTP

Com base em reportório popular de tradição oral colhido no Norte de Portugal, o Folhetim da Mariana recria uma conversa entre duas mulheres que se reencontram, na aldeia das suas infâncias.
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show series
Your accent tells a story—so why hide it? In this episode of Brand Up Podcast, we dive deep into the power of authenticity and why embracing your unique voice can be your greatest asset in business. 🔹 Why an accent makes you more relatable, not less 🔹 How to confidently create content in a second language 🔹 Overcoming fear of judgment from peers an…
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Parto dalla settimana appena conclusa, guardando alla prossima. Una settimana caratterizzata dai dazi e dall’enorme incertezza creata sui mercati. “Tanti 2 aprile ci saranno”, questo mi dicono dalle sale operative. Vado poi sulla questione del debito. E finisco con la sanità Usa. Come funziona? Vi aspetto.…
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On this episode of Kirk and Marianne we talk about AI helping us with our mental health. Tune in to hear Kirk and Marianne in the Boom Boom Room talk about how Chat GPT can be used for therapy. What did it tell us about ourselves and how did it make us feel? One way to find out. Hit play!98 Rock Online
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Hour 1 for 3/27/25 Drew welcomed Clemente Lisi to discuss the NPR and PBS grilling on Capital Hill (19:56), PBS and NPR rebrand? (26:40), state-sponsored media (29:28), and I used to support NPR; no more (32:57). Then, Shalya Elm covered the important work Christ in the City does with the homeless (37:22). Link: @clementelisi https://religionunplug…
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Hour 2 for 3/27/25 Drew prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Helen (1:00). Then, Dr. John Bergsma broke down the potential findings underneath the pyramids in Giza (32:11). Callers: I think there is potential for misuse (43:00) and a physicist shares his view (46:08).Relevant Radio
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Hour 3 for 3/27/25 Drew welcomed Dr. Andrew V. Abela to the show to discuss how the virtues are super habits (1:00). Topics: Aristotle and Aquinas (5:55), temperance (8:58), virtue and drinking wine (14:53), why virtues go hand in hand with each other (27:44), humility (28:57), Dr. Abela's book (32:09), virtue and cognitive behavioral therapy (33:4…
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El sí de la Virgen María y su entrega sin límites nos presenta el modelo de la actitud cristiana. Este podcast profundiza en esta realidad a través de la lectura y la meditación del libro Ancilla Domini, de la mística suiza Adrienne von Speyr. –––––––––– A: Muy buenas. B: Muy buenas. ¿Me podrías recordar lo que comentamos la semana pasada? A: Creo …
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Mészáros Blanka színész és Nagygyörgy András, a Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület külső kapcsolatok igazgatója a pontjókor! vendégei egy a Radnóti Színház által szervezett jótékonysági online aukció kapcsán, amelyen sikeres darabjaikhoz köthető ikonikus kellékeket árvereznek el. A befolyt összegből olyan egyesületeknek nyújtanak támogatást, amelyek t…
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On this episode of Kirk and Marianne, Marianne talks about her most recent venture allowing her dog to relieve himself while out for a walk. Tune in to her Kirk, Marianne and our listeners discuss etiquette when it comes to allowing your dog to do 1 and 2. What are the does and the don't of walking your dog, and what did Marianne deal with on her w…
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Hour 1 for 3/26/25 Dr. James Robbins joined Drew to break down the Signal Group Chat story (10:46). Then, Fr. Paul Sullins broke down why fewer women choose to get married (25:04). Topics: the single life (35:26), trade schools (41:09), left and right brain integration (43:35), and single siblings (46:41). Links:…
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Hour 2 or 3/26/25 Drew prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Brooke Taylor (1:00). Then, Dr. Kenneth Craycraft discussed concerns with 23&Me (26:27), owning DNA (35:43), national security risks (40:56), (43:33), and insurance companies (47:31).Relevant Radio
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Hour 3 for 3/26/25 Drew was joined by Deacon Ernie Martinez to discuss the rise in popularity of True Crime content (5:17), ethical concerns (7:50), fascination with criminals (18:02), and women and crime (19:58). Then, Dr. Jeff Gardner covered media manipulation and environmentalism (26:10), anti-human agenda (32:54), getting outside (39:23), and …
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Kisgyörgy Ilka jazzénekes a pontjókor! vendége, akivel egyrészt a saját útjáról beszélgetünk, ami annak idején Kézdivásárhelyről indult, és atyai örökségként benne volt a zene. Aztán kiderül, hogy lett a jazz szerelmese, és mi vezette a budapesti Bartók konziig. Másrészt pedig a Budapest Ritmo Fesztivál Filmnapok hétvégéjéről, ami megelőzi a feszti…
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On this episode of Kirk and Marianne we have a conversation about ironing clothes. Yeah, you read that right Ironing clothes. Tune in to hear Kirk, Marianne, and Producer Kobe talk about how often we iron clothes, sheets, or even curtains. What are we ironing? One way to find out. Hit play!98 Rock Online
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Hour 1 for 3/25/25 Drew welcomed Steve Cortes to discuss the pivotal Wisconsin Supreme Court Race (15:53). Then, Brigitte Gabriel broke down the growing number of coverts to Islam in prisons (28:19). Callers: I am an ex-Muslim Christian (41:34) and caller: I work in prisons and I disagree with the guests (44:00). Links: @CortesSteve https://catholi…
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Hour 2 for 3/25/25 Drew prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Brooke Taylor (1:00). Then, Dr. Mark Miravalle covered the great solemnity of the Annunciation (27:06) and Scripture and Our Lady (39:20). Topics: Celebrating March 25 (41:37), I'm a Lutheran and I'm celebrating today (43:11), and is it possible that God asked another woman before Mary…
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Hour 3 for 3/25/25 Drew was joined by Theo McManigal to discuss why some men prefer pornography to sex and real relationships (1:00). Topics: how porn robs ambition (9:00), Theo's story of recovery (11:25), dystopian future (17:55). Then, Lacy Bentley joined Drew to discuss pornography recovery for women (26:50), the Road the Purity (36:50), and ca…
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പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട വിശ്വാസികളേ, ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട VP Joseph അച്ചൻ്റെ പഴയ ( November 2016 മുതലുള്ള ) ഉടമ്പടി ധ്യാനങ്ങളുടെയും, കൃപാസനം അനുദിന അനുഗ്രഹ പ്രാർത്ഥനയുടെയും (Our Daily Bread), podcast ലഭ്യമാണ്. ഈ podcast കേൾക്കുന്നതിനായി, Please install any Podcast apps on your phone ( Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music/Audible, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Boo…
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Formada em Filosofia Política, assim que se estreou na escrita ganhou vários prémios de Literatura. Continuou a escrever e recentemente veio a Portugal para falar do também premiado bestseller, traduzido para mais de 20 línguas: “A Água do Lago nunca é doce”. Vamos conhecer a leitora por trás destas obras? Trouxe leituras que valem a pena. Os livro…
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On this episode of Kirk and Marianne, Marianne tell a tale of her most recent trip to the movies where she was met with a conflict over seats SHE PAID FOR. Tune in to hear Kirk, Marianne, and Producer Kobe talk about how Marianne should've handled the situation. What did she do? One way to find out. Hit play!…
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Hour 1 for 3/24/25 Lawyer Richard Craig joined Drew to discuss the lawsuit against an abortionist who left baby parts in a woman's body (15:57). Then, Dr. Charles Camosy discussed a recent ruling that frozen embryos aren't property (31:05) and the connections between IVF and slavery (41:36). Link:…
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Hour 3 for 3/24/25 Drew was joined by Paul Oster to discuss avoiding tax scams and identity theft (1:25). Topics: the dark web (11:50), IRS issues (16:57), IRS pin (19:50), getting rid of the dark web (21:58), crypto issues (29:01), LifeLock (31:54), husband stole my identity (35:36), stolen vehicle (41:23), food stamp hacks (43:00), and text messa…
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Have you ever felt like life is giving you exactly what you put into it—good or bad? What if karma was a powerful tool you can use to bring more peace and positivity into your life? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Venerable Lama Lhanang Rinpoche & Mordy Levine on their new book The Beginner’s Guide to Karma: How to Live with Less Negativit…
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Has a new frontier in healing been uncovered? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Shamini Jain, PhD, on her upcoming documentary The Energy That Heals, award-winning book Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, and her new album Kaliyuga Blues. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.…
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Kiss Mari Jászai Mari- és Psota Irén-díjas színésznő a pontjókor! vendége, aki mögött csodás évtizedek vannak mind filmes, mind pedig színpadi karrierjét tekintve. A szombathelyi Weöres Sándor Színház alapító és örökös tagja, a mai napig játszik, és csakis előre tekint. A Halhatatlanok Társulatának idei jelöltjei között szerepel, május 31-ig lehet …
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Is there a hero’s journey specifically designed for women? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Joan Perry on her new book The Heroine’s Journey: The Art of Becoming the Heroine of Your Own Life. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET 1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio Affiliate! Joan Perry is a best-selling au…
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Are you experiencing the lingering impact of sexual trauma in your life and wondering how to truly heal? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Erika Shershun on her book and work Healing Sexual Trauma Guided Journal: Writing and Somatic Practices to Help You Process, Heal, and Feel Safe. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area…
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Hour 1 for 3/21/25 Drew covered Trump's recent tussle with the judiciary (2:01), judicial impeachments (11:28), and the Supreme Court (15:35). Then, Shari Few covered Trump's executive order about closing the Department of Education (28:23), and plan for state and education (39:07. Link: @thejimjams…
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