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Mazingira Leo, Dunia Yako Kesho

RFI Kiswahili

Ni Makala yanayoangazia kwa jicho la tatu mazingira halisi ya dunia yalivyo bila kusahau kile ambacho kinachangia kuyaharibu. Utapata kufahamu namna ambavyo mazingira na rasilimali zinavyoharibiwa huku pia teknolojia ikijumuishwa. Hakika mazingira mazuri ya leo ni dunia yako kesho.
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Money Maze Podcast

Money Maze Podcast

The world of finance has a huge impact on all of us. This show aims to explore and unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the investing business, via interviews with masters of the real life money maze. Expect tips for mastering capital allocation, making better business decisions, strategies for taking your career to the next level, and revelatory profiles of leading industry figures. Whether you're a current or aspiring investment professional, a regular investor, or a student exploring ...
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Bažnytinio gyvenimo naujienos. Reportažai iš krikščioniškų renginių. Įvykių komentarai. Spaudos apžvalga. Evangelijos ištraukos ir jos aiškinimas. Lietuvos bažnyčios vadovų balsas. Teologų ir dvasingumo mokytojų įžvalgos. Šeštadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
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Tai Šventojo Rašto ištrauka, kurią palydi dvasininkų ir teologų komentarai, pokalbiai apie tikėjimo kelionę ir kasdienybės stebuklus. Kasdien 05.45 ir 20.45 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Laidą rengia Julius Sasnauskas, Jūratė Kuodytė ir Jūratė Grabytė.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Sundays show deliver the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover more about tracks and artists, ON AIR every week at 22.00 CET. FOLLOW TRANCE EVOLUTION ON FACEBOOK: on facebook @AndreaMazzaOfficial on inststagram djandreamazza
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Marta Napoleone Mazzoni is host of the award winning podcast Marta on the Move. Created in 2015 the show shines light on her’s and other people’s journey through life, and what makes us human. Guests of Marta On The Move have included- Chelsea Handler, Alec Baldwin, David K Harbour, Patrick Page, Tom Savini, Paige Davis, Mayor Bill Peduto, Peter Max, and Patrick Wilson and more. You can find the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @icantfindmarta Instagram- @martasonthemove Inquiri ...
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The Baseball Hour with Tony Mazz

Beasley Media Group

The Baseball Hour with Tony Mazz airs weeknights from 6pm-7pm ET during baseball season. Hosted by Tony Massarotti, he is also joined weekly by Jen McCaffrey of The Athletic and, and Matt McCarthy & Tyler Milliken from 98.5 The Sports Hub. Download full show podcasts every weeknight right here on, bPod Studios, or wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast service.
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Mazingira yetu radio

Mazingira yetu radio

Mazingira yetu radio podcast operates under the slogan ‘’empower and inform’’ by bringing to it’s listeners educative, entertaining and informative environmental podcasts that are tailor made to suit the East African audience.
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The Maze

Pentagon Inc

You know how Seinfeld is about nothing but also everything? It's like that so grab a coffee, sit with us and let's talk about anything and everything!
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Mazel Talks Podcast

Mazel Talks

Home of Keeping It Kosher. Follow the gang as we discuss everything under the sun, tell the unapologetic truth, and share the hottest of takes! Support this podcast:
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Mathias Furch

MAZZ AB - der Interview-Podcast mit den einzigartigen Fragen, der jeden 13. Tag des Monats erscheint. Hier stelle ich ungewöhnliche Fragen an faszinierende Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in inspirierende Gespräche ein, die euch unterhalten, zum Nachdenken anregen und motivieren sollen. Seid bereit für außergewöhnliche Einblicke in die Welt meiner Gäste und in die Tiefe ihrer Gedanken. Reinhören. Abonnieren. Staunen. Ich freue mich auf euch!
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Martin, Harding & Mazzotti

Paul B. Harding

From time to time attorneys from the law offices of Martin, Harding & Mazzotti LLP in Albany, NY will share their input and insight with local media outlets to help better shine a light on the issues we all face on a day to day basis. Visit: for more information
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Greetings our precious M tube’s radio station listeners, welcome to our weekly podcast. And , in today’s podcast we will be having a discussion on any topic that comes to our minds and have fun!
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Mazzula PBS


Bookings - [email protected] MAZZULA.NET "my favourite modern electro artist" - Dave Clarke The Mazzula project has been an incredible ride. It’s been great fun pushing the electro boundaries and bearing witness to reactions, good and bad over the last few years. I've always written for the love of the music and will continue to do so. I don't think you need to be making money to enjoy what you do, although it does help to concentrate the mind when people are prepared to buy your art. Keep ...
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show series
Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Monthly show delivers the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover More about tracks and artists, ON AIR every month at 21.00 CET. Don't miss the other shows live on YouTube: Every monthly 21.00 CET of eac…
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Open to Being Surprised and how it can change your life. Join me in this as I chat about staying open as we age to allow magic to flood in and more. What's Coming- There is something brewing right now as a lead up to Unleashing Creative Jou happening in April a MYSTERY OFFER! An invitation to step into my world and work with me at a fraction of the…
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VU istorijos fakulteto docentas ir humanitarinių mokslų daktaras Liudas Jovaiša pristato trejus metus vykdytą tyrimo projektą „Buvę jėzuitai Lietuvoje po 1773 metų: kolektyvinė biografija“. Pasakojama apie lūžį jėzuitų ordino istorijoje. 1773 m, popiežiui paskelbus šios vienuolijos panaikinimą, tas sprendimas nebuvo pripažintas dalyje LDK teritorij…
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Kokius gaivalus išlaisvino Trumpo išrinkimas ir apie pavojingą religijos ir politikos sąjungą Kai kurie iš tų, kurie kėlė karštas ovacijas Donaldui Trumpui atėjus į valdžią, po audringų jo kadencijos pradžios viražų pradeda susimąstyti, ką iš tiesų jie išprovokavo savo paramos balsais, teigia krikščioniško religijos ir visuomenės tyrimų centro vyre…
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This is an invitation to all of us. A permission slip to play, to be joyful, to laugh, to invest in ourselves, to make art, to be brave. TO GO ALL IN. To lead our most wildly magical lives after loss. For them, for all of us. Let's Go! What's Coming- There is something brewing right now as a lead up to Unleashing Creative Jou happening in April a M…
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Speaking today on moving with and feeling our emotions and ways to move with them. Enjoy! What's Coming- There is something brewing right now as a lead up to Unleashing Creative Jou happening in April a MYSTERY OFFER! An invitation to step into my world and work with me at a fraction of the cost of it's value. We begin March 26th to raise your ener…
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I speak today on the truth of who we are. Using our core values to align the context of our life. I share some insights and celebrations I had living now without Band-Aids and some breakthrough moments for me of aligning the truth of who I am in the hopes it speaks to someone out there resonating with this in their life. What's Coming- There is som…
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Sir Keir Starmer has called the current benefits system unsustainable, indefensible and unfair, and said it was discouraging people from working while producing a "spiralling bill". The Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has said there is a “moral case” to cut the welfare budget ahead of the Chancellor’s Spring Statement. Spending on sickness benefi…
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Per acquistare la tua copia del mio libro Fattore 1% e implementare la tua capacità di instaurare nuove abitudini, clicca qui: In questo episodio estratto dal BeMore Program di Febbraio, ti spiego due principi game-changing da applicare per migliorare nella tua comunicazione e nella tua vita. Buon ascolto ;-) (00:00:00) Intr…
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When Warren Buffet singles you out for praise, it might be fair to say you have summited the investment equivalent of K2, Annapurna and Kangchenjunga, the most challenging of mountain peaks! In a capricious investing world, where success is often transient, reputations easily tarnished and hubris punished, to have not only stayed the course for 55 …
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Binadamu hutegemea rasilimali za wanyamapori na bayoanuwai ili kukidhi mahitaji yao. Tunahitaji chakula, mafuta, makazi, na hata mavazi. Hivyo ni jukumu la kila mmoja kuhakikisha kwamba mifumo ikolojia inaweza kustawi na mimea na wanyama wanaweza kuwepo kwa ajili ya vizazi vijavyo. Machi 3 mwaka huu, ilikuwa ni fursa ya kutoa uhamasisho wa umuhimu …
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Tiek popiežius Pranciškus, tiek popiežius Benediktas XVI yra ne kartą kalbėję apie tai, kaip mūsų gyvenimą keičia technologinė pažanga. Jie ir pripažino technologijų naudą, ir įspėjo dėl gamtos ir žmogaus išnaudojimo grėsmės. Laidoje apie technologijų sėkmę ir jų kuriamas problemas filosofą, Vilniaus universiteto profesorių Naglį Kardelį kalbina Au…
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„Žinoma, kad iš anksto buvo planuota susidoroti su Zelenskiu, ir Vance'as aiškiai tam pasiruošė. Agresyvi ir pasipūtėliška teisininko laikysena, mėginimas įsiteikti savo viršininkui, reikalavimas, kad Zelenskis padėkotų prezidentui, - visos šios patyčios atrodė kaip desperatiškas siekis gauti patvirtinimą. Nepaisant visų savo turtų ir galios, Vance…
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Introduzione (00:00:00) Una coppia estremamente litigiosa (00:00:20) 👩‍❤️‍👨 Durante i miei primi anni da psicoterapeuta, ho conosciuto una coppia altamente litigiosa. Ho subito cercato di comprendere il loro "patto implicito": l'insieme di quelle aspettative, promesse e significati non detti che spinge una persona a capire come una coppia è nata e …
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed his "gratitude" for US military support. It comes after the heated exchange in the Oval Office, where President Trump and Vice-President Vance told Zelensky he was not thankful enough. Cicero referred to gratitude as "the parent of all virtues", but like all virtues, it plays a complex role in ou…
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