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Hosai Mojaddidi

Hosai Mojaddidi

Hosai Mojaddidi has been serving the Muslim community for over 25 years as a teacher, public speaker, author/writer, spiritual counselor and mental health advocate. She is actively involved with her local community and offers talks throughout the year on a range of topics including spirituality, self-development, seerah, women's issues, family/marriage, youth issues, social media literacy/safety, and mental health advocacy. She also promotes social-emotional learning and teaches about emotio ...
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Moja zgodba

Radio Ognjišče

Oddaja Moja zgodba nastaja v sodelovanju med Muzejem novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Študijskim centrom za narodno spravo, Komisijo vlade republike Slovenije za izvajanje zakona o popravi krivic in radiem Ognjišče. Gre za raziskovalno, dokumentacijsko središče, v katerem odkrivamo, zapisujemo, snemamo, raziskujemo in predstavljamo življenjske usode, ki jih je na različne načine prizadel totalitarni teror 20. stoletja in njegove posledice na slovenskem ozemlju, med izseljenci, zdomci, emigranti ...
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Moja droga

Dagmara Brzezińska i Barbara Mierzwińska

„Moja Droga” to podcast prowadzony przez Dagmarę Brzezińską i Barbarę Mierzwińską – praktyczki biznesu i przyjaciółki. Program przeznaczony jest dla ludzi ciekawych nowych wyzwań i poszukujących swojej drogi. Goście podcastu dzielą się ze słuchaczkami i słuchaczami unikalną wiedzą, opowiadając o swoich doświadczeniach zawodowych. Prowadzące dociekliwie analizują czynniki sukcesu stworzonych przez nich modeli biznesowych i karier sięgając do własnych doświadczeń. Aktualnie Dagmara i Barbara p ...
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Teachers in White Coats is a podcast series produced by the Educational Technology team at Stanford Medicine, where we sit down with doctors, faculty, and other health professionals to hear their stories on the innovative ways they’ve used education to help improve health outcomes across the globe. The show is hosted by Erfan Mojaddam, Manager of Academic Tech and Innovation at Stanford Medicine.
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The Mojave Boys

Jakob Whitehead

Welcome to The Mojave Boys, where we will be discussing all sorts of interesting things. From awkward encounters with the police, to reluctant dates with online women, and everywhere between, we'll bring you quality entertainment straight from our lives in the Mojave Desert.
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Futbol Amateur Con El Super Mojado

El_Super Mojado

El Fútbol es una de las pasiones que compartimos millones de personas en el mundo. Y por que no tener un espacio donde podamos compartir ese sentir juntos, pero no revueltos. Así que Únete al desmadre Support this podcast:
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Mojave desert talk

Trinity Bragdon

The Mojave desert talk, where we talk about random topics and get a little insight on them Cover art photo provided by Will Truettner on Unsplash:
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Moja, Twoja, Nasza... Podcast

Marek Mikołajczyk

Czyja jest Polska? Moja, twoja, nasza, ich? Zwracamy uwagę na problemy, które na jedynkach gazet pojawiają się okazjonalnie, i które każda kolejna ekipa rządząca od momentu transformacji ustrojowej w 1989 roku traktowała powierzchownie i po macoszemu. Mowa o sprawach, którymi żyła lub żyje młodzież. Słuchamy pomysłów, konfrontujemy je z opiniami innych, a także rozliczamy tych, którzy w przeszłości odpowiadali za kształt polskiej polityki młodzieżowej. Podcast realizowany przez Marka Mikołaj ...
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Moja Herbaciarnia

Moja Herbaciarnia

Zapraszam na herbatę! :) Znajdź moment dla siebie, zrelaksuj się i zanurz w kojącym świecie herbacianych doznań. W podcaście znajdziesz ciekawostki, historie i praktyczne wskazówki związane z herbatą. Całość otulona atmosferą spokoju i pozytywnej energii.
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Mojave Desert Tracks

Mojave National Preserve

Singing sand dunes, volcanic cinder cones, and the world’s largest and densest Joshua tree forest are just a few highlights of this 1.6 million-acre national parkland. Visitors to Mojave’s canyons, mountains, and mesas will encounter thousands of years of history, profound solitude, and truly dark night skies. Join the National Park Service and Partners as we explore Mojave in this series of audio and video programs from and about this special place.
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Moja priča

Fabrika kreativnosti

Donosimo vam priče o inspirativnim ženama koje su svojim znanjem, upornošću, radom i profesionalnošću doprinele da današnji svet bude bolji. U svakoj epizodi našeg podkasta, susrešćete se sa pričama o hrabrim ženama iz različitih oblasti – od poslovnog sveta, preko nauke, umetnosti, pa sve do aktivizma. Sa žarom istražujemo njihove izazove, trijumfe i neizmernu posvećenost svojim ciljevima. Ovo je njihova, ali i naša priča. Produkcija: Fabrika kreativnosti
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show series
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti je pripravila znanstveni posvet ob stoti obletnici rojstva akademika Alojza Rebule z naslovom Alojz Rebula: Slovenec med zgodovino in nadčasnim. V tretji oddaji iz niza ste lahko prisluhnili prispevkoma akademikov dr. Milčka Komelja, ki je predstavil Rebulove najzgodnejše dnevnike in ddr. Marije Stanonik, k…
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Dagmara Brzezińska i Barbara Mierzwińska w pierwszym odcinku „Mojej drogi” w nowym roku podsumowującbiznesowe trendy 2024 roku i szukają świeżych inspiracji. Zwracają uwagę na rozkręcony wyścig technologiczny – od sztucznej inteligencji po biotechnologię (nadal przewodzą w nim Stany Zjednoczone, choć gonione i podgryzane przez Chiny), przypominają …
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We all deal with disappointment and heartbreak differently, but how can we cope with the world and the trials of life in a way that is pleasing to Allah ﷻ and our Beloved Prophet ﷺ? Tune in to learn more in sha Allah! Stay updated!…
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Pripravili smo pogovor o aktualnem dogajanju pri nas. Pred nekaj dnevi je bila spet spominska slovesnost v Dražgošah, kjer je bila slavnostna govornica predsednica Državnega zbora Urška Klakočar Zupančič. Letos mineva 80 let od konca druge sv. vojne in v tem letu spomina bomo pripravili več oddaj, ki se bodo dotaknile te pomembne obletnice.…
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V začetku leta 2024 je bil sodelavec SCNR dr. Renato Podbersič na delovnem obisku med Slovenci v Avstraliji in je tam posnel več pričevanj. Tokrat sta o boleči ločitvi od rodne domovine Slovenije, vznemirljivi begunski poti, prihodu v Avstralijo in tamkajšnjih začetkih novega življenja spregovorili Vida Tončič Kravos in Romana Žetko.…
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V Trstu v tamkajšnji Peterlinovi dvorani je septembra lani, potekal znanstveni posvet z naslovom Franc Jeza (1916–1984): pisatelj, publicist in borec za samostojno in demokratično Slovenijo. Ob 40-letnici njegove smrti sta ga pripravila Študijski center za narodno spravo in Društvo slovenskih izobražencev iz Trsta. V 3. oddaji s tega posveta ste la…
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Ob 80. obletnici mučeniške smrti častitljivega p. Placida Corteseja je izšla dvojezična knjiga Elene Blancato Ruah. Vetje Duha. O knjigi in p. Corteseju so na predstavitvi v Ljubljani poleg avtorice Elene Blancato in piscev spremnih besedil Vlaste Polojaz in Iva Jevnikarja spregovorili ljubljanski nadškof Stanislav Zore, provincialni minister slove…
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V začetku leta 2024 je bil sodelavec SCNR dr. Renato Podbersič na delovnem obisku med Slovenci v Avstraliji in je tam posnel več pričevanj. Tokrat nam je svojo zanimivo izkušnjo poti v Avstralijo predstavil Peter Mandelj, predsednik Urada za Slovence v Melbournu ter spoštovan član slovenske skupnosti, rojen leta 1935 v Šmartnem pri Litiji. Leta 195…
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All aboard for Ryan and Brant's top releases of 2024!...YOU DON’T KNOW MOJACK is a podcast dedicated to exploring the entire SST catalogue, in order, from start to finish. During the podcast we will discuss all the releases that are part of our core DNA, as well as many lesser-known releases that deserve a second chance, or releases that we are dis…
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How we wished we could... move to Hollywood! w/ Pleasant Gehman...YOU DON’T KNOW MOJACK is a podcast dedicated to exploring the entire SST catalogue, in order, from start to finish. During the podcast we will discuss all the releases that are part of our core DNA, as well as many lesser-known releases that deserve a second chance, or releases that …
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Spotykamy się z Katarzyną Godlewską, o której można powiedzieć, że jest „seryjną przedsiębiorczynią”, która kreuje i prowadzi kolejne firmy w różnych obszarach – od branży HR po rynek suplementów i odnoszącą sukcesy markę Nikalab. Rozmawiamy o odwadze wchodzenia w nowe obszary, o rosnącym w Polsce rynku suplementów i o tym, jak z sukcesem tworzyć f…
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Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti je pripravila znanstveni posvet ob stoti obletnici rojstva akademika Alojza Rebule z naslovom Alojz Rebula: Slovenec med zgodovino in nadčasnim. V drugi oddaji iz niza ste lahko prisluhnili prispevkom: Alojz Rebula kot pedagog in mentor, ki ga je pripravil Tomaž Simčič, Sejati iz sejalskega imperativa Erike…
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Au commencement est une expérience Mojadrama de la Bible du Roi Jacques présentée dans les studios Augie, traduite en Gemini avec des images et de la musique de Pixabay sous licence et utilisée par le Projet Gutenberg. Votre discrétion est conseillée. Soyez féconds et multipliez. Genesis 1:28 ❤️
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In the Beginning es una ]]hexperiencia Mojadrama de la Biblia King James presentada en Augie Studio y con licencia para su uso por parte del Proyecto Gutenberg. En Desarrollo, marcar como favorito para ver el progreso. Este Episodio ha sido traducido en Google al idioma español y adaptado usando Augie Studio. Por favor, comprenda que aunque puedan …
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Should we Pull the Plug or Force the Issue? Are we SWA or non-SWA? Join Ryan and Brant as they attempt to answer these questions and more on the final SWA release....YOU DON’T KNOW MOJACK is a podcast dedicated to exploring the entire SST catalogue, in order, from start to finish. During the podcast we will discuss all the releases that are part of…
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Publicist in urednik Metod Berlec je avtor znanstvene monografije z naslovom Nacionalne države na udaru globalizacije. Knjiga pred bralce prinaša njegovo doktorsko disertacijo, ki smo jo predstavili skupaj z dr. Jožetom Dežmanom.Jože Bartolj
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Chapter 35 : Phileas Fogg in person. The reader will remember that at five minutes past eight in the evening—about five and twenty hours after the arrival of the travelers in London—Passepartout had been sent by his master to engage the services of the Reverend Samuel Wilson in a certain marriage ceremony, which was to take place the next day. Musi…
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Chapter 34 : It is time to relate what a change took place in English public opinion when it transpired that the real bankrobber, a certain James Strand, had been arrested, on the 17th day of December, at Edinburgh. Three days before, Phileas Fogg had been a criminal, who was being desperately followed up by the police; now he was an honourable gen…
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Chapter 33 : The dwellers in Saville Row would have been surprised the next day, if they had been told that Phileas Fogg had returned home. His doors and windows were still closed, no appearance of change was visible. Preview of "In The Beginning" is Audible and Visible after the license of "Around the World in 80 Days" is announced.Music from #Upp…
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Chapter 32 : IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG AT LAST REACHES LONDON Phileas Fogg was in prison. He had been shut up in the Custom House, and he was to be transferred to London the next day. (2) Chapters RemainMusic from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: SW2G2R5PVND6QISKCover Art with Title Made in Bing…
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Chapter 31 : An hour after, the “Henrietta” passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. During the day she skirted Long Island, passed Fire Island, and directed her course rapidly eastward.IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG SHOWS HIMSELF EQUAL TO THE OCCASION #aroundtheworldin80days…
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Chapter 30 : The “China,” in leaving, seemed to have carried off Phileas Fogg’s last hope. None of the other steamers were able to serve his projects. Created in ⁠Augx Labs⁠, made possible with ⁠Project Gutenberg⁠License has been made Audible and Visible in Description.Cover Art Generated in Bing Image Creator from TitleMusic from #Uppbeat (free fo…
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Chapter 29 : Phileas Fogg found himself twenty hours behind time. Passepartout, the involuntary cause of this delay, was desperate. He had ruined his master! Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: 83ODQKFXKNTOUDTQ WHICH FIX, THE DETECTIVE, CONSIDERABLY FURTHERS INTERESTS OF PHILEAS …
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Chapter 28 : Three passengers including Passepartout had disappeared. Had they been killed in the struggle? Were they taken prisoners by the Sioux? It was impossible to tell. There were many wounded, but none mortally. Written and Performed in AugXLabs made for Spotify music by #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):…
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Chapter 27 : The train pursued its course, that evening, without interruption, passing Fort Saunders, crossing Cheyne Pass, and reaching Evans Pass. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ "In Which Certain Incidents are Narrated Which are Only to be Met with on American Railroads."ParodyFalls E5 "That You Pooh" Follow ⁠ Jay…
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Chapter 26 : The train, on leaving Great Salt Lake at Ogden, passed northward for an hour as far as Weber River, having completed nearly nine hundred miles from San Francisco. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ MauiCallToAction, Maui Fire People Locator ParodyFalls E4: "Tacos by Force" Mapel discovers Who? Music by Lesf…
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Chapter 25 : During the night of the 5th of December, the train ran south-easterly for about fifty miles; then rose an equal distance in a north-easterly direction, towards the Great Salt Lake. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ Narrator : Now with the ability to create by mere thoughts, out of concern Mapel thought it …
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Chapter 24 : ...The signals made by the Tankadere had been seen by the captain of the Yokohama steamer, who, espying the flag at half–mast, had directed his course towards the little craft. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️✨️ | ParodyFalls S1:E2 "DesertSkies" Tipper learns overthinking has consequences unfores…
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Chapter 23 : The next morning poor, jaded, famished Passepartout said to himself that he must get something to eat at all hazards, and the sooner he did so the better.(NEW SERIES) ParodyFalls is a new series inspired from GravityFalls, made for Podcast and Fans. Tipper and Mapel were in flight home when an unsettling feeling emerged. Music by Lesfm…
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Chapter 22 (File corrupted : Chapter partial) Welcome to our first episode, I’m a Poohbear and I’ll be hosting as it seems. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ Based on my experiences as a bear I (think) and John’s point of view there’s just no telling what may be. So I suppose let’s touch base about the topic of M P G t…
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Chapter 21 "This voyage of eight hundred miles was a perilous venture on a craft of twenty tons, and at that season of the year. Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and multiply⁠⁠ MiniAd "Introducing Augie" Minisode "Single Word" was inspired from AugXLabs as (Make a Short Story from a Single Word.) I took this literally and present a …
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Chapter 20 : Minisode Chapter 1 : IN WHICH WE ARE INTRODUCED TO WINNIE-THE-POOH AND SOME BEES, AND THE STORIES BEGIN Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 9JUQX8QXWND2CTAF along with our continuation of AroundTheWorldin80Days While these events were passing at the opi…
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Chapter 19 : Passepartout wandered, with his hands in his pockets, towards the Victoria port, gazing as he went at the curious palanquins and other modes of conveyance, and the groups of Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans who passed to and fro in the streets. Project Gutenberg License made Audible and Visible. Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!)…
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Chapter 18 : Minisode "MaleficentKingdom" A Fallen Kingdom in disarray seeks to overthrow an Evil OverLord with the help of a fairy. Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: BQDBKY7NG5TGSRZH Designed with Augie. The weather was bad during the latter days of the voyage. The wind, obstinately rem…
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Chapter 17 : The detective and Passepartout met often on deck after this interview, though Fix was reserved, and did not attempt to induce his companion to divulge any more facts concerning Mr. Fogg. YourMyAd "ParallelWorlds" Season 5 Fringe Parody. Presented by AllianceAirLines & AugX Labs Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.…
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Chapter 16 : THE “Rangoon”—one of the Peninsular and Oriental Company’s boats plying in the Chinese and Japanese seas— was a screw steamer, built of iron, weighing about seventeen hundred and seventy tons. Featured YourMyAd "PodLottery" Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):…
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Chapter 15 : The train entered the station, and Passepartout, jumping out first.. along with "Your My Ad" featuring "Jackson Hewitt" Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: D8VJQN6OCQCXLN6PMade for Spotify! ⁠Follow Us⁠⁠⁠❤️ ⁠⁠Be fruitful, and mu…
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Chapter 14 : The rash exploit had been accomplished. and for an hour Passepartout laughed gaily at his success. Includes "YourMyAd" featuring "Vintage Video Podcast" Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: DRT6DBBYMUYDKVKZ "Your My Ad" Made for Spotify! ⁠Follow U…
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Chapter 13: The project was a bold one, full of difficulty, perhaps impracticable. Mr. Fogg was going to risk life, or at least liberty, and therefore the success of his tour. Includes YourMyAd "The Liminal Lands" and "April's Story" Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: A…
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Chapter 12 : In order to shorten the journey, the guide passed to the left of the line where the railway was still in process of being built. This line, owing to the capricious turnings of the Vindhia Mountains, did not pursue a straight course. StreamRing Launch : Mentally Gill trailer used with permission and April's Story. Music by UppBeat Made …
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