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The Mutant Ages

The Mutant Ages

Maddy Myers and Ryan Pagella review and break down the queer subtext of every X-Men cartoon/tv show/movie/game/book EVER. And maybe date Wolverine. E-Mail: Discord server: Voicemail: (508) 319-1668
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Full Mutuality

Full Mutuality

Inequality is everywhere. This exvangelical podcast explores areas of religion, culture, and society where justice is needed in order to bring about true mutuality. Full Mutuality is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more. Join as a partner on Patreon for exclusive content!
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Mehr Mut zum Glück

Daniel Korth

Was wäre wenn? Diese Frage hast du dir wahrscheinlich auch schon einige Male gestellt. Wo würde ich jetzt stehen, wenn ich an der einen oder anderen Stelle in meinem Leben mehr Mut bewiesen hätte. Menschen, die in ihrem Leben ihren Mut zum Glück bewiesen haben, können mit ihren etwas anderen Lebenswegen und Karrieren andere Leute inspirieren und auf neue Ideen bringen. Im Podcast „Mehr Mut zum Glück“ stelle ich inspirierende Persönlichkeiten vor und lasse sie von den entscheidenden Momenten ...
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Mutuality Matters

CBE International

Women, Men, Mutuality, and the Bible CBE’s Mutuality Matters podcast is part of CBE International’s online library of free resources! Hosts of CBE’s Mutuality Matters team offer weekly conversations with leaders, pastors, authors, scholars, activists, and humanitarians on women, men, shared leadership, and Scripture. CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) advances the gospel by equipping women and men of all cultures, races, and classes to lead and serve as equals. Founded in 1 ...
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Welcome to Life Matters: A Penn Mutual Podcast, a show dedicated to helping financial professionals tap into the latest advanced sales strategies and learn from industry experts on tips and tactics to grow their practice. With seasoned Advanced Sales VP, Bill Bell, as the podcast’s host, listeners can expect episodes packed with insight, energetic conversations, and a fun and exciting take on life insurance topics that matter most. So whether you're looking for expert perspectives on the lat ...
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Deutschland braucht Veränderung, darüber sind wir uns alle einig. Doch wie diese Veränderung aussehen soll, darauf hat die Politik derzeit keine Antwort. In diesem Video-Podcast von Tijen Onaran gemeinsam mit Focus online diskutieren wir pragmatische Lösungen für die Zukunft von Deutschland. Kein Blick zurück, keine Ego-Polit-Show: MUT- Der Deutschland Talk mit Tijen Onaran ist ein Format, das Mut machen soll – und Lust auf, das, was kommt. In zehn Folgen denken Tijen und ihre Gäste Deutschl ...
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The Mutual Audio Network

The Mutual Audio Network Limited

The Mutual Audio Network is the prime curator for modern audio drama and podcast fiction on the Internet. Audio Drama groups and creators come together from around the world to create a single spot where RSS Feeds join together to provide a plethora of audio delights. Focused into multiple genres, the Mutual Audio Network gives listeners daily entertainment that they can select on their single feed. No longer needing to seek out new shows and subscribe to hidden RSS Feeds, the Mutual Audio N ...
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Mutual Fund Minute

Sidley Austin LLP

Welcome to Sidley’s Mutual Fund Minute podcast. Join us for this series of short insights addressing issues of interest to fund directors, advisers, and other stakeholders. Each week Sidley Partner Jay Baris and guests discuss new trends, regulations, and developments and how they will affect you.
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Muturadio on tarkkanäköistä, avointa ja kuulijat haastavaa keskustelua vaihtuvin aihein. Liity seuraamme, provosoidu ja antaudu lyhyeksi hetkeksi hellään huomaamme lineaariselle aikahorisontille. Myös ammattiloukkaantujat ovat tervetulleita kelkkaamme, sillä emme ota vastuuta puheistamme. Äänessä Syke ja Hena.
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Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer stehen tagtäglich vor Herausforderungen, die eine gehörige Portion Mut erfordern. Zum Beispiel, wenn es darum geht, neue Wege zu gehen, Geschäftsmodelle zu überdenken, nach einer Krise wieder durchzustarten oder auf Nachhaltigkeit zu setzen. In dieser Podcast-Serie von ACREDIA, Österreichs führender Kreditversicherung, erzählen Führungspersönlichkeiten aus Unternehmen über ihre mutigen Entscheidungen und was daraus geworden ist.
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Mut Podcast

Sylke Burger

Herzlich willkommen zum Podcast, der dir noch mehr Superheldinnen- und Superhelden-Energie in dein Leben bringt! Ich bin Sylke Burger, Mut-Coach und Keynote-Speakerin, und zeige dir, wie du trotz Selbstzweifel mutig deine Träume leben kannst. Dieser Podcast ist für alle Frauen und Männer, die: MUTIG ihre Wahrheit leben wollen, ihre PS auf die Straße bringen möchten, ihre wahre Größe, Buntheit und Verrücktheit ausleben möchten, das Leben als Abenteuer sehen, mehr „Pippi Langstrumpf“-Energie w ...
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Axis Moneynomics - By Axis Mutual Fund

Axis Moneynomics - By Axis Mutual Fund

Axis Moneynomics is an informative series by Axis Mutual Fund that aims to make money management easy and fun. Be it savings, investments, taxes, or day-to-day financial struggles, Axis Moneynomics is here for you to simplify personal finance. Axis Mutual Fund which has Axis Bank as its sponsor is one of the largest mutual funds in India. Axis Asset Management Company (Axis AMC) is the investment manager of Axis Mutual Fund which has Axis Bank and Schroders as its principal shareholders. Axi ...
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This podcast breaks up BIG health topics, like MTHFR, into small, easy bites. All in ten minutes or less. We'll talk about why folic acid can be toxic, how the MTHFR enzyme is in bed with estrogen, why you want to turn genes off, and how folate and depression are linked. Season 3 features Dr. Kate Naumes, women's health expert, to deep dive into hormones and infertility. Check the show notes at for more info and downloadable. Have MTHFR? Join genetic rockstars now at com ...
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Bist du bereit, deine Komfortzone zu verlassen und dein Leben zu transformieren? Dann lass uns zusammen auf diese aufregende Reise gehen und die beste Version deiner selbst kreieren! Wenn du dir ein Leben voller Mut, Selbstvertrauen und Leichtigkeit wünschst, dann bist du hier bei Joy up your Life genau richtig. Hier geht es um die ganzheitliche Transformation auf mentaler, emotionaler, körperlicher und spiritueller Ebene. Dieser Podcast soll dich motivieren und ebenso direkt in die Umsetzun ...
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Mutual Friends

MF Productions

Mutual Friends is your new favorite fictional mystery podcast. Fully dramatized with actors and sound effects, Mutual Friends tells the story of what happens when your past comes back in a big way. When everyone’s a suspect, is there an easy answer for what happened?
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Inside Tech Comm is a show for anyone interested in learning more about technical communication. It will also be of interest to those who are new to the field or career-switchers exploring creative ways to expand their horizon. You can write to me at I would love to hear from you.
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This series features very short episodes of unscripted - motivational dialogue for Creatives & Dreamers - alike who are passionate and committed to achieving their goals. We’ll be letting you to eve’s drop on ideas, interviews and many insightful conversations people from all walks of life. This podcast series touches on many topics from Art and Design, Self-growth, Entrepreneurship or other Cultural topics that are in the air. From this, we hope that you too will take something from the nar ...
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Pop-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics

Pulp-Culture | Tech | Metaphysics Follow Us: Support this podcast:
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Rafael Pimenta

O Mutare Cast é apresentado por Rafael Pimenta todas as semanas, onde você vai ver o melhor conteúdo sobre marketing digital, vendas, copywriting e muito mais. O que você verá no Mutare Cast, não encontrará em nenhum lugar na internet, porque nossos conteúdos são totalmente diferenciados para te dar as melhores estratégias, insights e aprendizados que você já colocará em prática. Assine o podcast da Mutare Cast para não perder nenhum conteúdo!
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show series
Olaf Scholz hat seinen Kanzler-Traum 2021 platzen lassen. Heute sagt Armin Laschet: „Ich hätte einiges gemacht wie Scholz – vor allem im Umgang mit Russland“. Ein Szenario für das Ende des Ukraine-Krieges hält der CDU-Mann für realistisch. Im „MUT-Talk“ mit Tijen Onaran reflektiert Armin Laschet über prägende Momente seiner politischen Laufbahn, äu…
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Hält dich manchmal der Gedanke zurück, dass du „nicht gut genug“ bist? In dieser Solo-Folge teile ich meinen Drei-Schritte-Plan, um genau diese Zweifel zu überwinden und endlich mutig für deine Träume loszugehen. Ich zeige dir, wie du deinen persönlichen Superhelden aktivierst und warum „F**k Perfekt“ der Schlüssel zu einem erfüllten Leben ist. Mit…
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In der heutigen Podcastfolge dreht sich alles um das Thema Selbstsabotage und wie sie uns davon abhalten kann, unser bestes Ich zu leben. Denn oft haben wir diese innere Vorstellung von unserem besten Selbst. Doch genauso häufig sabotieren wir unbewusst unsere Träume, dieses wirklich erreichen. Diese Folge soll dir dabei helfen, Bewusstsein für die…
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In dieser Episode von "Mehr Mut zum Glück" spricht Daniel mit Dr. Albert Kitzler über seinen vielfältigen Werdegang vom Anwalt zum Filmproduzenten bis hin zum Philosophen. Albert teilt seine persönlichen Ansichten zum Glück und innerer Harmonie und erläutert, wie ihn großartige Denker wie Sokrates beeinflusst haben. Außerdem gibt er Einblicke in se…
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Westport is shaken by a devastating attack. Nicholas receives an unexpected gift from his past that puts his Guardian skills to the test. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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It's the dark season so come listen to Quiet Please- Victims of Higher Space, We're Alive: Descendants- Chapter 1- The Walls Between Us Part 2, and Horror Story Collection 5- An Old Woman's Tale! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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A silly take on the original radio series Flash Gordon. #FlashGordon #vintageradio Starting April 22, 1935, and again in May 2022 the strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip f…
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Life is full of stories, and whether we like it or not, they happen to us every day. Yes, these stories might sometimes turn out to be life changing events by themselves, but most of the time their impact is felt much smaller. This does not however lessen their importance. In fact, wouldn’t it be correct to say that these ‘small stories’ are the bu…
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This week Jack and David don their musketeer uniforms as Durham University Audio Drama Society brings us “The Three Musketeers”! All for one, one for all! Two episodes of this classic tale! D’Artagnan has always wanted to be a Musketeer. When he travels to Paris on his quest, he befriends three of the most formidable swordsmen of the age, meets the…
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It's the holiday month! Federal Stonecipher opens up the Matinee with Sonic Society #692, The Jeannie McGinnis Podcast, and Flash Gordon Radio Episode 5 from Mindspring! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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In dieser allerersten Folge nehme ich dich mit auf meine Reise – von der Idee bis zum Start meines eigenen Podcasts. Gemeinsam mit meiner Podcast-Mentorin Anika Bors von Podcastwonder spreche ich darüber, warum Mut für mich der Schlüssel zu einem freien Leben ist und was mich dazu bewegt hat, diesen Schritt zu gehen. Du erfährst, warum es sich lohn…
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Jeff Parker ETA IVtet - Late Autumn - International Anthem Mystery Tiime - Not Your Fault (Generalisation Dub) - Vicious Charm Mudd - Eighty Three (Uppity Again Dub) - Claremont 56 The Emperor Machine - S-S-S Single Bed (Instrumental) - Leng Max Essa & David Harks - Lobster Boys (Hifi Sean Remix) - Paper Reuben Vaun Smith - Colours In Sky - Ubiquit…
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Old-Time Radio Essentials' fourth season continues with our annual Thanksgiving Special, which is Patte's pick, an episode of "Fountain of Fun", a weekly comedy-variety series that ran on Cincinnati station W-L-W from 1942 to 1944. Will co-hosts Paul and Pete survive the onslaught of corny jokes? Will they swear off Milky Way bars forever? TUNE IN …
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Saturn Space Station's top Operations crew is space-napped across the solar system to an unknown location. With little to go on, Chief Dolly Hadershorn and Colonel Grey Midlan work feverishly to find and rescue them. Meanwhile, Space Station Commander Paul Dukoe, his sister, Bette, and the other Saturn ringer kidnap victims struggle to solve the my…
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Welcome to Sunday Showcase for Thanksgiving Sunday! This week we've got Sonic Society #838, Tales from the Mutual Basement: World's Greatest Magician, The Haunted Diner, and Old-Time Radio Essentials Episode 45! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: The Octopus Continues Plans! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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The Dynamic Duo are still trapped in Room Zero and are almost out of time! Superman has launched himself into the air on a desperate search for his friends. Will he make it in time? Will Room Zero claim two victims? Is this the actual end of Batman and Robin? Find out in this exciting episode of Bat-Supe! Plus: There’s a new update about the Swell …
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Welcome to Saturday Story Circle! This week Captain Radio brings us Bat-Super #1.12, Speed Gibson #1.41, and Tom Swift and his Motor-Boat- Chapter 6: Towing Some Girls. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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First, Mr. Bell immerses himself in 60�s TV shows to escape the terror of his upcoming prostate biopsy procedure. Then, Mr. Bell experiences the terror of his prostate biopsy procedure! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Fool's Gold Rush It appears Brax Higgins may have figured out a way to get into Chasm Valley. But how? There is a huge police roadblock covering the one and only road into and out of the valley. Did Bad Note Billy give him some advice? That's doubtful. Regardless, if the disgraced former Little Wicker Baskets executive makes it through, he could ge…
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The freshest up-front techno from Spektre and their guests... We welcome Shay De Castro back to Mutual Respekt to coincide with the release of her "Endless Days Remix" on Respekt Reworks Vol.4. Get the release here: Visit for more info.Spektre
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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and that deals with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness. Alexandre Dumas' celebrated classic continues with Part 82- "The Burglary"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Rebecca makes a discovery that might save Helen's life. Bauer and his contact are mystified about Helen's attacker, and the FBI rescue an old friend -- who might be facing his own criminal misdeeds! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Scarlett moves to San Antonio to assist Sam per Pearman’s instructions. The team in Houston is in place and preparing to jam any transmission attempt from Bishop’s crew. Gabby, JoMac and Marko are tracking the Mercury’s shuttle beacon while on board the Mercury, Hanaka and his guard make plans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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The biggest Broadway musical adaptation has hit the big screen, and for some reason Evangelicals have some thoughts on it. Our dear friend Jessica Goforth from the Leaving the Village podcast sat down with us to chat about the new movie, Wicked: Part 1. We spend a chunk of the episode talking about musical theatre in general, along with some other …
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D’aakor and his band travel south of the Frozen Lands and come upon a desperate clan of people fighting a deadly flying creature. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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A science fiction radio serial from the 1950s, featuring Captain Jet Morgan and his crew. Jet Morgan and his team continue Operation Luna, man's first trip to the Moon. This week we have episode #12! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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In der heutigen Folge erfährst du, warum deine Intuition so stark ist und wie sie dir helfen kann, die richtigen Entscheidungen für dein Leben zu treffen. Sie ist dein wertvollster Kompass, vor allem in der heutigen Zeit. Wir leben in einer Welt voller Reize und es wird zunehmend schwieriger, die eigene innere Stimme zu hören. So verlieren wir leic…
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For the latest market movements and key company updates, listen to Portfolio Manager Peter Brooke’s interview on The Money Show, where he unpacked the following key issues: 📈 Super Group's surge: A potential sale of their Australian unit sparks a 14% share price increase. 📊 Boxer listing: A promising new market entrant valued at R54/share, showcasi…
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Nicholas Tink graduates from Westport Military Academy. Rising tensions outside the walls bubble to the surface, while unbeknownst to anyone in Westport, a new darkness is set loose. 18 years after the original STORY OF SURVIVAL, a new generation is forced to grow up in the post-apocalypse. The Infected have evolved into new deadly varieties, and h…
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It's the year 2000, and a middle aged woman's boring life is about to change. This version has no CBSRMT host segments or other elements, nor copyrighted soundtrack elements, nor commercial breaks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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This week in horror, host Jeff brings us Quiet Please Originals- The Circle of Life, We're Alive: Descendents- Chapter 1.1, and Horror Story Collection 5- The Hidden Beast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Rezession und Regierungskrise: Deutschland steckt im doppelten Schlamassel. Doch DIW-Chef Marcel Fratzscher glaubt fest daran, dass wir den Turnaround schaffen, wenn wir jetzt einen großen Fehler nicht begehen. Marcel Fratzscher, Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), spricht im „MUT-Talk“ mit Tijen Onaran über die dränge…
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In this episode of Mutuality Matters, Dr. Mimi Haddad and Dr. Hélène Dallaire engage in a rich discussion on women's roles in biblical scholarship, the challenges faced in male-dominated fields, the impact of flawed Bible translations on women, and the crucial need for translating Scripture accurately to empower women. They explore stories of women…
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A story so sweeping it must be told in two parts. In Part 1, Spencer Knightbridge is transformed into a quixotic one-man holocaust, bent on avenging horrible wrongs done him while growing up in Quayment's Neon Bowery. In Part 2, Knightbridge discovers that the brutal ghosts of his past have robbed him of all that he hoped to be or love. Will it be …
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