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我是NANA濕婦 一個熱愛日本、建築、偏鄉、心理學與貓的日本線導遊(日本通譯案內士) 擅長在巴士上分享一堆有的沒的催眠大家 喜歡在正經的場合不正經 常常看似瘋癲卻很感性、也很哲學 在這裡 我希望能以自己的步調 從領路人的角度出發 用說故事的方式 帶著每一個對日本有興趣的你/妳 瞭解藏在景點與現象背後的趣事 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Nanaras Podcast

Un podcast de terror que da risa... Y ñáñaras. Paola Del Castillo y Gerudito hablan de asesinos seriales, fantasmas, aliens, monstruos, duendes, misterios sin resolver y más cosas que nos dan meyo.
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Toutes les deux semaines, les tauliers de l'équipe de se réunissent pour évoquer 3 films tellement ratés qu'ils en deviennent hilarants ou fascinants. Ninjas, zombies, Chuck Norris, requins, monstres en caoutchouc, mannequins en mousse. Aucun sujet lié aux mauvais films rigolos de ne sera épargné ! Retrouvez également Nanarland, le podcast sur podCloud : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ...
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NanaOne Anime Podcast

Gebbi, Blacky, naich und Endo

Gebbi, Muetsch, Blacky und naich schauen sich die ersten Folgen der aktuellen Animes an. Frei nach dem Motto: eine erste Folge muss genügend Motivation mit sich bringen, die gesamte Serie anzuschauen. Dabei werden die Folgen unter die Lupe genommen. Mit Hilfe der anwesenden Community kommen sie dann zu ihren Einschätzungen. Das ganze wird humoristisch in ihren individuellen Moderationen verpackt.
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Nanak Naam is a registered Charity in the UK (Charity no. 1171938) committed to helping improve lives through nonduality, mindfulness and meditation. We create inspirational videos, tutorials and guides on how to discover and be the best version of yourself as a human being. Visit our Youtube Channel:
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Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie

Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie

Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie is a man of God whose ministry has brought the divine presence into the hearts of many all over the world. He is a firebrand prophet and an apostle with deep insight into the plans and purposes of God for this generation. He is a man sent by God and approved with miracles, signs and wonders. He is the founder and leader of POTTER'S CITY which Houses the World Prayer Centre and the Praying family Chapel. He is married to Mrs. Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie, and they are blessed wit ...
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Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was written by Mahakavi (great poet) Bhai Santokh Singh Ji in 1824 (AD), and represents one of the most comprehensive and beautifully written accounts of Guru Ji’s life. It is usually associated as a part of the greater text known as Sri Gurpartap Suraj Granth (aka Suraj Prakash) which details the historical accounts of all 10 Guru Sahibs in poetic form. It is an ocean of bliss, knowledge and experience. ...
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Nana Yaa Yeboaa Podcast

Nana Yaa Yeboaa

Welcome to the Nana Yaa Yeboaa Show. I started this journey a few years back. My love for stories, inspiration and innovation drives me to seek out individuals from all corners of the world who are making social impact in their own way. The intention of this show is to inspire and motivate. I bring to you real-life experiences and challenges, finding ways to navigate challenges, tapping into the source, and keeping true to your authentic self. I interview people who have transformed their li ...
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純粹的自言自語👧🏻 以‘’生命影響生命‘’為座右銘 助人改變🔜燃點熱情🔜實踐夢想 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 生命的本質是熱情,分享是一種感染力。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Nanarland Le Podcast

Riviera Ferraille

Nanarland le Podcast, un nouveau podcast où des tauliers de Nanarland vous feront découvrir toutes les deux semaines les films et histoires incroyables du nanar, ces films tellement ratés qu’ils en deviennent hilarants et passionnants. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Nanas Madu

syahnaz fauziah

berisi bahasan-bahasan ringan yang jangan sampe baper dengernya heheh dengan teman-teman pembahas yang berbeda-beda. membahas apa saja yang bisa dibahas di muka bumi ini 🙏🏻😘
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THE PITCH with Joey Nanai

The WesWes Network

Join sales consultant Joey Nanai on his new podcast and dive into the misunderstood industry of sales as he gives advice and techniques to not only help with your sales profession but with everyday communication.
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Mykel's Grana-Nana

Mykel Lovv

If you've never known some one who will be themselves with no filter. Say hello to grana-nana Support this podcast:
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Moments With Nana

Aishat Abubakar

The Moments With Nana podcast has evolved from sharing life experiences and inspiring ideas to focusing on the unique journeys of Black Professional Muslim women. Hosted by Aishat Abubakar, this season spotlights the challenges and successes of Black Muslim women in the corporate world. We’ll explore topics like workplace culture, faith, and the intersectionality of our identities, all while breaking down stereotypes. I’m thrilled to bring you insightful conversations with remarkable women, ...
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Mandarin with Nana

Nana Nie

🥰 This is a podcast in pure Mandarin for Mandarin learners! 💕 Hi! I'm Nana, a Chinese teacher from China. Follow me to keep on improving! ✌ 一起听中文吧! Ep 1 - 20 free transcripts and English translation are available! 😚 My website: 😛 My Patreon: Subscribe to get transcripts of all episodes! ❤️ My Instagram: 👩‍🏫 My online class:
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Arthur & Nunu

歡迎來到NANA星球,我們是Arthur跟Nunu。 20後半的叔叔阿姨日常牢騷小星球 社畜人生不孤單,我們與你同行! 周四更新 主頻道 不定期更新 閒聊、AA誌 合作邀約 追蹤我們👇🏻 Facebook: Instagram: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Conversations with Nana

Studio 1850

This is a podcast documenting the friendship between a grandson and his Nana. Riddled with health problems, a forgetful memory and traumas of the past, Nana still carries on with the strength of an army. Listen in every week as we explore life through hilarious stories, tears and love.
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Believe&Succeed ist ein wöchentlicher Podcast, der uns die Möglichkeit gibt, unsere eigene Meinung zu verschiedenen Themen und Zitaten zu äußern. Ihr Gastgeber Nana ist auf dem Weg, sich seine Träume zu erfüllen... Lasst uns körperlich und geistig so wachsen, dass uns niemand aufhalten kann! #believeandsucceed Hier findest du meine Socials and Instagram nanakevin_official
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show series
覺得生活中有太多荒謬的事想吐槽嗎?來聽《我們抱怨的事》(Things We Bitch About)吧!每週,我會和你一起幽默地討論那些讓人抓狂的問題,像是算命、囤積症、新婚後的豬隊友,以及更多生活中“機車”的事。如果你也喜歡抱怨,這就是你不容錯過的節目!快來訂閱我們,一起發洩心中的不滿吧! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 這一次,我們要來介紹星野集團中的最後一個系列品牌-OMO。有別於過去星野集團的其他品牌多給人一種高不可攀的感覺,OMO系列應該可以算是在地點與價格上,都相對親民的系列,非常適合獨旅、年輕朋友、家族,又或是第一次接觸星野集團的入門飯店選擇。目前全日本的OMO系列飯店共有17間,主要分布於北海…
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Don't forget to join our growing community by subscribing to the channel ⁨@Philjoe⁩ Enjoy this inspiring interview, we sit down with Joe Davis, a celebrated poet, spoken word artist, and storyteller, to explore the transformative power of poetry, theatre, and music in teaching resilience. From mental health to African American and Jamaican ancestry…
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J us for an inspiring conversation with Ansa Akyea, a seasoned actor, director, and advocate for the intersection of theatre and health. In this exclusive interview, we explore his journey in the performing arts, the impact of storytelling on mental and emotional well-being, and how acting can be a powerful tool for h…
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DEVON TAYLOR Devon Taylor is an American Novelist raising his four foster children with his loving partner in Riverside County. His inspirations for the shop are deeply rooted in children's novels and his aspiration to build a unique brand . I had the beautiful opportunity to sit and have this wonderful conversation with the author on his journey t…
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Peer Dastgeer, in an attempt to overpower Guru Nanak Dev Ji with his spiritual powers, finds himself helpless as none of his efforts succeed. Despite his ego-driven questions, Guru Ji answers them all and, at Dastgeer’s request, takes his son on a divine journey to witness the countless realms of heavens and hells that Guru Ji speaks of. Sri Nanak …
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On the land of Baghdad, Guru Nanak Dev Ji sings the Eternal Gurbani, expressing profound truths that challenged long-held beliefs rooted in the Quran. Upon hearing these words, Dastageer ordered the people of Bagdad to stone Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his companions to death. Who was Dastageer ? Did the people truly succeed in their attempt to stone Gur…
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【新碩永傳】要換就換最好的! 換個家,裝下更大的夢想。 新北市永和中正大道上,稀有千坪大基地,雙棟28層凌空鋼骨制震地標,約30%左右低公設比,42-60坪寬裕空間,永和唯一認同精華好地段。 了解更多: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 上一回我們大致上認識了山口縣的長門湯本溫泉區的改造之路之後,這次我們就繼續帶大家進到界長門中看看、也到溫泉區上走走,或許下次有機會造訪時,不一定要選擇住在界長門,即便是住在別的旅宿,也能在漫步的過程中,發現長門湯本溫泉區的改變與嫻靜之美。 -- (00:00:00)前言 (00:01:26)界長門中的在地元素 (00:14:59)界長門外的星野流改造:不只掃門前雪、還要雞婆地掃…
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Dans une revisite navrante de leurs oraux du bac, vos chroniqueurs n'ont rien préparé et vous proposent un épisode "au talent", sans thème, entre souvenirs et coups de coeurs recents. C'est octogone sans règles autour du micro ! Est ce que finalement ça n'est pas ça, l'audace ? Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour p…
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Der siebte Podcast zur Winterseason 2025 Animes in dieser Folge: Honey Lemon Soda / I Have a Crush at Work / Farmagia / I’m Living with an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? / Magic Maker: How to Make Magic in Another World / Baban Baban Ban VampireGebbi und Endo
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Sheikh Brahm, eager to meet Vaheguru by any means, seeks guidance from Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Ji lovingly explains the virtues a true soul-bride must embody to win Vaheguru’s love. With each answer, Guru Nanak Dev Ji clears Sheikh Brahm’s doubts, leaving him in a state of bliss , as Guru Ji journeys onward to Baghdad. Sri Nanak Prakash is a detail…
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Sheikh Brahm loves his religion, Islam, but now also has deep faith and love for Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Who should he choose? The dilemma unfolds..... Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was written by Mahakavi (great poet) Bhai Santokh Singh Ji in 1824 (AD), and represents one of the most comprehensi…
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覺得生活中有太多荒謬的事想吐槽嗎?來聽《我們抱怨的事》(Things We Bitch About)吧!每週,我會和你一起幽默地討論那些讓人抓狂的問題,像是算命、囤積症、新婚後的豬隊友,以及更多生活中“機車”的事。如果你也喜歡抱怨,這就是你不容錯過的節目!快來訂閱我們,一起發洩心中的不滿吧! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 本集內容會以位於山口縣的界 長門為案例,先帶著大家看看日本溫泉旅館的轉型之路,以及長門湯本溫泉過往的發展概況;下一集則會再介紹星野集團在這一系列旅宿的經營理念與特性,希望大家往後有機會在入住界系列的旅宿之時,能看見許多星野集團不僅是在自己的旅館內用心,更能走出旅館,看看星野集團在整個溫泉區…
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Artificial Intelligence is here to stay, no matter the nay sayers, it is not going anywhere. Machine learning has impacted every aspect of our lives. When social media started, there were the nay sayers, AI, the fourth industrial revolution is here, there is resistance. The early adopters always emerge at the top. This conversation with Andre Smith…
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Efia Tekyi-Annan – Social Entrepreneur & Advocate & Cultural Leader Efia Tekyi-Annan is a dedicated social entrepreneur and advocate committed to uplifting Black communities. She is the founder of Roots of Empowerment (ROE), empowering Black youth through identity-affirming programs, and African Royalty, celebrating African heritage through cultura…
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Der fünfte Podcast zur Winterseason 2025 Animes in dieser Folge: Übel Blatt / I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time / Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest / I Left My A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths! / Mashin Creator Wataru…
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Der vierte Podcast zur Winterseason 2025 Animes in dieser Folge: I’m Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class / The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World / Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective / From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad’s Been Reincarnated / I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic…
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講講自己的故事系列的內容 將會不定期地以這樣的方式 分享NANA自己的生活與帶團故事、工作感想與其他543等等 如果想要跟我告白 或是有甚麼想聽的日本床邊故事 也歡迎大家多多來這裡留言 跟NANA分享你/妳的想法 雖然我可能無法及時回覆 但我都很高興認識你/妳 「最美的不是風景,而是陪你看風景的人。 希望我的podcast能成為將來陪伴你們看風景的聲音。」~NANA濕婦 感謝您的收聽 如果想聽NANA用白話文 說說與濃縮日本的小故事 非常歡迎您投零錢到我的小貓撲滿裡 給予NANA更多的鼓勵 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Thank you all for watching this channel. My intention on the show is to bring you the best of transformative concersations that you can apply to your life. Prosperity preaching in many African countires is destorying people. Most of the time people need to spend creating and trading or doing business is spent praying to God. This needs to stop. Dr.…
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覺得生活中有太多荒謬的事想吐槽嗎?來聽《我們抱怨的事》(Things We Bitch About)吧!每週,我會和你一起幽默地討論那些讓人抓狂的問題,像是算命、囤積症、新婚後的豬隊友,以及更多生活中“機車”的事。如果你也喜歡抱怨,這就是你不容錯過的節目!快來訂閱我們,一起發洩心中的不滿吧! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我們這次要來看看星野集團是如何透過各種硬體的改造,巧妙地將青森在地元素濃縮到旅館的空間裡,並將整間旅宿打造成「青森主題樂園」,讓旅客只要來這裏住一個晚上,就彷彿跑完了一年四季的青森。建議大家可以在實際入住的時候,重新回來看這一篇的內容,就能邊看邊尋寶嘍。 -- (00:00:00)前言 (…
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Guru Nanak Dev Ji moves to Pak Patan, where a profound interaction unfolds between Guru Ji, Sheikh Brahm, and his servant. Through divine wisdom and Gurbani, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reveals the essence of the One Eternal Creator and answers life’s deepest questions about existence, meditation, and the illusion of duality. Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed …
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We may wonder why didn't everyone travel with Guru Nanak Dev Ji? It is responsibilities and worldly attachments that can create these barriers, even for us today! The Jalal learns a big lesson to not blame God and to not think he knows more than God, while on his way to Mecca. Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru N…
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Der dritte Podcast zur Winterseason 2025 Animes in dieser Folge: Sakamoto Days / Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! / Momentary Lily / Anyway, I’m Falling in Love with You. / Bogus Skill <>: About That Time I Became Able to Eat Unlimited Numbers of Skill FruitsGebbi und Endo
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Welcome to another episode of the podcast! In this solo episode, I, Aishat Abubakar, share my thoughts on taking breaks and, more importantly, managing burnout at work. I hope you find valuable insights and take away a lesson or two from this discussion. Your support means the world—please don’t forge…
  continue reading What the devil makes for evil, the most high makes it good" Hezzy Ysrayl Hezzy's Bio Hezzy is an accomplished Educator with over 20 years of experience. He is a passionate advocate for inclusive, decolonized learning and integrates Artificial Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Ancient Intelligence into the design…
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Guru Nanak Dev Ji isn't just a saint or just a revolutionary. Unlike others, Guru Nanak Dev Ji is beyond ego. Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was written by Mahakavi (great poet) Bhai Santokh Singh Ji in 1824 (AD), and represents one of the most comprehensive and beautifully written accounts o…
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While Guru Nanak Dev Ji recites Japji Sahib, a Sindhi individual walks by and is struck by a particular pangti (ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਾਦੰ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਵੇਦੰ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਰਹਿਆ ਸਮਾਈ ॥) and wanted to learn more about what it meant. Sri Nanak Prakash is a detailed historical account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was written by Mahakavi (great poet) Bhai Santokh Singh J…
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Der zweite Podcast zur Winterseason 2025 Animes in dieser Folge: The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World / Tasokare Hotel / Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions / Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time / Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My CharmsGebbi und Endo
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