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The Oprah Podcast


The Oprah Podcast is home to all-new conversations featuring Oprah Winfrey and today’s foremost thought leaders, global newsmakers, best-selling authors, visionaries and cultural changemakers. Exploring timely themes, including happiness, resilience, consciousness and connection, the weekly series aims to help listeners on their journey to lead their best life. Oprah talks to people about what matters most to them in this moment. Every month, she will feature interviews with authors called ‘ ...
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Oprah's Super Soul


Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.
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Opravdový vztah

Opravdový vztah

Tak trochu jiný podcast (nejen) o vztazích. Otvíráme tabuizovaná a nepopulární témata, sdílíme příběhy ze života, vyvoláváme provokativní otázky, odlehčujeme vážná témata. Náš podcast je našlapaný energií, kterou vysíláme. Objev s námi cestu sám/sama k sobě. Zkrátka lepší ty, lepší vztahy, lepší život. Získejte svůj výtisk knihy Opravdový život. (https://www.opravdovyvztah.cz/sp/opravdovy-zivot-b/)
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Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Zvočna sekcija ŽVPL

Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju obdelujemo šesto knjigo iz trilogije v petih delih, Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?
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Opravdové zločiny

Lucie Bechynková a Bára Krčmová

První český true crime podcast o zločinech, které možná znáte, ale určitě o nich nevíte všechno. Navrch přidáváme špetku černého humoru a zákulisních detailů. Náš /Klub s prémiovým obsahem a veškeré informace najdeš na webu https://www.opravdovezlociny.cz Předplatným získáš přístup k bonusovým sériím Vaše tajemné příběhy a Blbý kecy na platformě Spotify https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/opravdovezlociny/subscribe
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Opravdové koučování

Opravdové koučování

Jak můžeme coby profesionální kouči a další pomáhající profese pomáhat lépe? Jak vybudovat milovanou značku, zůstat v integritě a zvednout laťku svojí služby vysoko nad průměr trhu? Právě tímto se zabývá podcast narvaný praktickými zkušenostmi, humorem a inspirací.
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Příběh, který se opravdu stal

Markéta Lukášková

Nejzajímavější a nejneuvěřitelnější příběhy jsou ty, které se opravdu staly. Realita je totiž vždycky zábavnější než fikce. Audio referáty o tom, co jste ani netušili, že vás bude bavit. A taky spousta věcí, co vás v dějáku nenaučili. Vyprávím to já, Markéta Lukášková aka @pandikralovna, spisovatelka a Karel Čáslavský chudých. Bonusové epizody: Herohero.co/podcastpribehy Pickey.cz/pandikralovna Podcast na sítích: Facebook.com/pribehkteryseopravdustal Instagram.com/podcastpribehy Tiktok.com/p ...
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Oprah is opening the vault of The Oprah Winfrey Show with 25 years of hand-picked legendary interviews, a-ha moments, ugly cries and unforgettable surprises. A lot has changed since she ended the show, but many of our personal struggles have stayed the same. We’re all still looking to connect, to be seen and to know that we’re not alone. We’re also looking for some joy, some laughs and some much-needed inspiration. As we head into this new decade, what better time to look back and reflect, t ...
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These pet podcasts are all about achieving harmony in the household -- for everyone: people, cats and dogs. Bolstered by a lineup of top behavior experts as guests, host Arden Moore will unlock the perplexing, puzzling and downright frustrating aspects of feline and canine actions and attitudes... on Pet Life Radio.
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Oprah’s Book Club

Oprah and Apple Books

Oprah Winfrey and author Isabel Wilkerson, take listeners through the 8 Pillars of Caste, featured in the Oprah’s Book Club selection "Caste: The Origins of our Discontents."
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Hear the greatest life lessons of some of the most respected and renowned actors, musicians, public figures and athletes. Handpicked by Oprah, these luminaries reveal their lives with candor and insight — in their own words. Listen as Jay -Z, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Shaquille O’Neal, Reba McEntire, Dwayne Johnson and Jane Fonda, (just to name a few), share what they’ve learned about life and their own insights into their personal stories.
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So eine Art Oprah...

Lady Honest

Hallo zusammen, in meinem Podcast Kanal spreche ich offen über Beziehungen, Freundschaften, Serien, etc. Teilweise erhaltet ihr einen Einblick in meine privaten Gedanken und Gespräche mit meinen Gästen. Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß und freue mich auf euch😊😉😎 Feedback könnt ihr auf Instagram unter Benutzernamen: Lady Honest schicken.
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We weren't afraid to explore how Oprah could beat Donald Trump and we shared how Trump used Science & Energy, and how we all could too. Since it's about US and the momentum of a different kind of world, the conversation continues BEYOND! (Buy our ebooks & books on Amazon & Google Play.) EnergeticInvocations@gmail.com ©2018-2024 https://fanlink.to/EiAlliance (Disclaimer: For entertainment & conversation only; not political, or medical advice or prescription. No responsibility is assumed, as t ...
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The Oprah Rose Show

The Oprah Rose Show

The juxtaposition between being a spiritual and sexually liberated woman is that at some point you’re gonna end up on both knees. Join TT, GG & DD as they discuss sex, Drake, religion, and everything in between on The Oprah Rose Podcast. Questions, comments, feedback, and make sure to rate to show! Email - theoprahroseshow@gmail.com Instagram - @theoprahroseshow Twitter - @oprahroseshow www.theoprahroseshow.com/
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5 minute summaries of Super Soul's podcast episodes. Get the best insights and ideas in much less time, more at owltail.com Written summaries: https://www.owltail.com/summaries/90164-oprahs-supersoul-conversations Other podcast summaries in Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/5-min-summaries Other podcast summaries In other apps, search 'podcast summaries'. Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews ...
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show series
Original Air Date: October 24, 2017 Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, spiritual pioneer and founder of the renowned Agape International Spiritual Center, offers several practices for manifesting the kind of life you want. He explains that letting go, shifting your vibration and living with intention are all keys to unlocking the blessings that the univ…
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Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Oprah BUY THE BOOK! https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/720451/i-am-maria-by-maria-shriver/ https://books.apple.com/us/book/i-am-maria/id6736963057 This episode of The Oprah Podcast features special guest Maria Shriver, an Emmy and Peabody award-winning journalist, former national news anchor, seven-time New…
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From February 5, 2001: Oprah talks with author and lifestyle makeover expert, Cheryl Richardson about her New York Times Bestselling book, Life Makeovers. Cheryl explains why boundary-setting is the number one way to improve your life. She gives three components to boundary setting, tips for staying calm in confrontation and explains the importance…
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Zdravo. Tokrat začnemo s kruhom, drožmi in krušnimi pečmi in se spomnimo "zabavnih trenutkov" iz pandemičnih dni, ko smo mrzlično lovili, maslo, kvas in vece papir. Peli razkrije svoje plane za postapokaliptični bunker, Aljo pa za bananovačo. Ker se v poglavju posvečamo Vogonom in ker vemo, da imajo radi birokracijo, predvidevamo tudi, da Vogoni za…
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Sibora zmizela beze stopy. Beauty Queen Killer terorizoval Spojené státy. Záhadné zmizení slavné spisovatelky dodnes zůstává bez odpovědi. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/366/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:02:07) Sibora Gagani(00:32:10) Christopher Wilder(00:58:00) Agatha Christie(01:09:58) zprávy od vás(01:12:58) …
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Honza Zeman se tentokrát v sofistikovaném přestrojení dostává k Banderovcům, kteří se chtějí přes Československo probojovat na západ. A zatímco v seriálu stačí na rozprášení jejich jednotky pár esenbáků, v reálu na to byly třeba tisíce profesionálních vojáků a těžká technika.
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Dogs often make great travel companions, but wouldn't you like your canine pal to join you in the airplane cabin -- even if he is a big, friendly dog? Now you can! In this Oh Behave show episode, host Arden Moore chats with Adam Golder, founder of K9 Jets. This private pay-per-seat jet charter service is welcoming dogs and cats to join their people…
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Original Air Date: October 29, 2017 Benedictine monk, author and scholar Brother David Steindl-Rast guides us to the source of lasting joy and the essence of grateful living. He invites listeners to exercise gratefulness as a spiritual practice and a source of well-being that can be embraced every day. He also shares lessons on love, hope and life.…
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From October 19, 2001: Oprah talks to Mattie Stepanek, an 11-year-old boy who, despite having muscular dystrophy, has written two New York Times best-selling inspirational books of poetry, Heartsongs and Journey Through Heartsongs. He aims to help create world peace. Mattie shares his poetry, describes what he calls “Heartsongs,” and details how he…
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BUY THE BOOK! “I’ll Never Call him Dad Again” by Caroline Darian, published by Sourcebooks, is available March 18th wherever books are sold. https://www.amazon.com/Ill-Never-Call-Him-Again/dp/1464257957?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER https://books.apple.com/us/book/ill-never-call-him-dad-again/id6740407561 In…
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Zdravo. Tokrat se lotimo revolucionarne ideje: petdnevnega vikenda - ali bolje rečeno, uvedbe dvelovnika. Ker se ljudje brez strukturiranega prostega časa hitro znajdejo v težavah, predlagamo sistemski pristop k podaljšanemu vikendu: več hobijev, več druženja, več pogovorov, obvezna praksa v gostinstvu, turizmu in med ključnimi poklici. Debatiramo …
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Tammy vyrazila na večírek plný celebrit a to jí změnilo život. A může vás náramek zabít? Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/364/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:19) aktuality(00:08:26) Tammy Lynn Leppert(00:31:19) Naryeli Cacharuco Guillén(01:07:08) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě…
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Takový to, když si na převrat a nastolení socialismu vyděláte tím, že kšeftujete s kapitalisty na západě. Honza Zeman ve třetí případu odhalil doupě šmelinářů s inzulinem, historici před 20 lety odhalili, jak si KSČ vydělala 200 milionů na financování vítězného února.
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Original Air Date: October 24, 2017 Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, spiritual pioneer and founder of the renowned Agape International Spiritual Center, offers several practices for manifesting the kind of life you want. He explains that letting go, shifting your vibration and living with intention are all keys to unlocking the blessings that the univ…
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BUY THE BOOK! "The Tell: A Memoir” by Amy Griffin, is published by The Dial Press and available wherever books are sold. Link to buy "The Tell" on Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-tell/id6504264689 Link to listen to "The Tell" on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2P6CmdJvuI1KKenB0hsL4s?si=004e2885bcc14199 Subscribe: https://www…
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From May 4, 2011: Oprah celebrates the 50-year anniversary of the 1961 Freedom Riders movement with 178 surviving Freedom Riders in the audience. The American heroes share their reasons for risking their lives to defy the segregation laws of the Deep South. Congressman John Lewis is reunited with Elwin Wilson, one of the men who beat him at a bus s…
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Zdravo. Tokrat v uvodu ugotovimo, da kljub novi digitalni uri, nismo nesrečni. Ker je ura (seveda) kitajske izdelave, se ne izognemo mednarodni in domači politiki, od tam pa do osamosvojitvenih junaščin ni daleč. Spomnimo se načela "Sam', da nau bol'" in priznamo, da bi bilo včasih bolje ne spremljati dnevnih novic. V 6. poglavju 6. knjige pridemo …
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Anthony byl krásný a rád vařil. Sawney inspiroval Wese Cravena k natočení hororu Hory mají oči. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/363/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:45) Anthony Morley(00:27:36) Laura Hughes(00:37:11) Sawney Bean(00:53:02) film tipy(00:55:35) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě…
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V druhé epizodě s názvem Vyznavači ohně se Honza Zeman ocitá v ústavu pro choromyslné, kterým šéfuje napůl německý doktor Wolf. Děj se točí okolo tématu Němců v Československu po válce, jméno doktora Wolfa naznačuje i spojitost s partyzánskými oddíly nacistů, kteří si říkali Werwolfové. Podle jedné teorie to byli oni, kdo rozdělil Německo!…
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Original Air Date: October 22, 2017 Visionary thought leader and author of “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle explains his view of where we are in the state of the new Earth today. With a shift that has separated millions of Americans, Eckhart teaches us how to lift the pain that can show up for all of us. Oprah calls Eckhart Tolle one of the “greatest s…
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BUY THE BOOK! “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence” by Michael Pollan “Fire in the Hole!: The Untold Story of My Traumatic Life and Explosive Success” by Bob Parsons In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, Oprah and bestselling author Michael Pol…
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From December 2, 1992: New York Times best-selling author, counselor, motivational speaker and television host John Bradshaw discusses his book, Creating Love: The Next Great Stage of Growth. John asserts that most of us don’t even know what love really is. He explains how love can cause misery instead of pleasure in what he calls “mystified love.”…
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Zdravo. V tokratni epizodi se nadaljujemo z idejo, ki smo jo načeli že v prejšnji epizodi in to je, da je naš Bog (več kot očitno) že davno pokojen. Študiramo tudi, da se je najbrž skril že stoletja, preden je šel na oni svet. Bil je očitno že star in betežen in kličemo mu večno slavo. Toda, več kot očitno namreč je, da ga več ni. Zato debato rahlo…
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Kdo vyhrožoval Chrisově rodině? Carol se rozhodla změnit závěť a to se jí stalo osudným. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/361/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:15) Chris Coleman(00:27:59) blbý kecy(00:30:30) Carol Taggart(00:56:56) film tipy(00:57:30) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě…
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Skip Ewing has quite a country music resume. He has written 11 No. 1 top songs for artists, including Randy Travis, Clint Black and Keith Urban. And, the man is an accomplished singer himself. His newest album, Road to California, includes a great song called, "Road Dog." Join us for this lively Oh Behave show episode between host Arden Moore and S…
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Pokud vychováváte syna, zbystřete. S hostem Janem Maškem jsme otevřeli pandořinu skříňku. Jak dnes kluci získávají vzory? Jak může seznamování online pošlapat sebedůvěru? A jak ze svého syna vychovat muže, kterému se bude v novém světě dařit? #otec #syn #vzor #výchova #hodnotyOpravdový vztah
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Je tu první část nové série o seriálu, který se teď v posledních týdnech hodně skloňuje díky nové sérii Studna. Zeman ale není jen epizoda Studna, je to rozsáhlá propaganda režimu a jeho represivních složek. Je načase říct, jak to bylo doopravdy.
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Original Air Date: October 1, 2017 During her iconic 60-year Hollywood career, Oscar-winning actress Shirley MacLaine was also a pioneer by being outspoken in her beliefs about spirituality, meditation and reincarnation. Oprah calls Shirley one of her “great spiritual teachers.” This episode is a continuation of the metaphysical conversation Oprah …
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BUY THE BOOK! "Matters of the Heart: Healing Your Relationship with Yourself and Those You Love" By Thema Bryant, Ph.D. - available here. Head to myalloy.com and use code: OPRAH for $20 off your first order. In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, renowned psychologist, author, and minister Dr. Thema Bryant shares practical ways we can heal the relat…
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From November 22, 1993: Oprah reads entries from her personal journal about her emotional struggles with weight. She explains how she came to understand that her battles with weight are really internal issues that have manifested themselves physically. Oprah also reveals the deep fears that took her 15 years to face and shares the questions she had…
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