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show episodes

The Book Pile

Kellen Erskine and David Vance

A podcast where comedians tell you about books so you never have to read! (Now including fiction!) Kellen does standup; Dave writes ads; together they highlight lessons from the world’s best books--and some of the worst. New episode every Monday!
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Berlingskes nyhedspodcast. Siden 1765 har avisen holdt til i Pilestræde, så lyden af Pilestræde er lyden af Berlingske. Her udfordrer vært Kaare Svejstrup magt, viden og holdninger til aktuelle emner. Udkommer mandag til torsdag kl. 05.00.
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The Rock Pile Podcast

Rocky Corigliano

Welcome to The Rock Pile Podcast, where we share inspiring stories and insights from athletes, coaches, and more. Hosted by Coach Rocky Corigliano, each episode dives into the journeys, challenges, and triumphs that shape success in sports and life. Whether you're an athlete or just love a good story, The Rock Pile has something for you. Tune in, get motivated, and join the conversation!
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”Rooted and Built Up” is a podcast in which Debra and Peggy explore the teachings of the Bible to strengthen and expand the community of believers. In each episode, they dive into various scriptures, discussing themes that range from foundational Christian beliefs to practical applications in everyday life.
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Pushing the Pile moves the NFL conversation across the line, led by former All Pro offensive lineman Kyle Long and longtime football analyst Mike Renner, as they combine analytics and football passion for 4 episodes a week. It’s like hanging with your buddies and talking ball…If your buddies were 8-year NFL vets and analytics experts who helped develop player evaluation systems that every NFL team uses to this day. Here’s what to expect during the football season… Mondays: Full weekend recap ...
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Gold Star Media

Welcome to PILEDRIVER!, a wrestling podcast where we deep dive into the business, with maybe a rant or two. Listen up!! With your hosts Mockaveli and Bill Thigpen.
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Leave the Pile Higher, Grow Your Legacy

Bryan T. Savage

In 1983, my father, a hardworking blue-collar worker, made a life-altering decision for our family. Faced with the choice of my education, he chose to send me to a private Catholic high school, despite the financial challenges. His reason was simple yet profound: “My job is to leave the pile higher for you and your sister.” This statement, a guiding principle of his life, didn't fully resonate with me until after his untimely passing in 2018. It's this legacy of selflessness and commitment t ...
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Survivor Pile

Angela Kneale

surviving domestic terrorism, racism, hate crimes, mind control, entrainment, targeted individuals, perpetrators, toxic mold, electromagnetic frequency, and just being called wetware in the electromagnetic spectrum of 5D. And touching on electromagnetic Warfare tactics used against the public. interviews with Targeted individuals who have stories to share.
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Pile Of Fit

Justin Sevakis

The official podcast of Nela Crossfit Eagle Rock, in Los Angeles. More than just Crossfit and workouts, we dive into everything you need to live a healthy lifestyle.
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La pile

Mathieu Fosse

La pile, un podcast pour les développeurs qui aiment aller plus loins que le code. Présenté par Mathieu Fosse et Jimmy Oliger.
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Robot Pile

Tanner Bowen

Join @tannerfbowen for a podcast that delves into important topics, always with a sense of humor. You can expect jokes, games, and stories that make you laugh-out-loud. New episodes drop monthly with a sprinkling of shorter segments coming at you sporadically.
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RC Scrap Pile

RC Scrap Pile

RC Scrap Pile is a podcast about anything RC that flies! We have by-weekly episodes where we discuss what’s on the bench, our current beverage of choice, food, or current events. You never know what you might find in the “Scrap Pile”!
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Under a Pile of Books

Calvin Park

A podcast for lovers of science fiction and fantasy books. Join host and reviewer Calvin Park for his thoughts on recent reads and releases. You'll also find interviews with authors, reviewers, and others involved in the fantasy community.
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The Rock Pile

Rocky Corigliano

If you like sports and story telling then you have come to the right podcast. This is a podcast that will have a variety of different guests on throughout the sports world. I will cover local NY sports as well as the collegiate and national scene.
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PA Piledriver Podcast

PA Piledriver Podcast

PA Piledriver nation! This podcast has something for every single wrestling fan! If you're a wrestling fan you must listen to this show! We discuss everything from WWE, AEW, ROH, IMPACT, and the independent scene! We also have a lot of content with the greatest promotion in our area PPW! Take a listen to any of our episodes! Click the link for everything PA Piledriver! https://linktr.ee/PAPiledriver
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The Piledriver Podcast

The Wrestling Chronicle

Erik Vasquez brings you his thoughts on everything going on in the world of professional wrestling. Events, matches, news, rumors from all major national and independent wrestling promotions.
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Big Streaming Pile

Project Derailed

A Project Derailed podcast about bad movies available on streaming services. Join our hosts as we discuss bad movies beyond just what makes them bad. Find out why the Tall Girl is the most horrifying cryptid and what is really going on with Bee Movie. Join us for the hotest of takes about the worst of what Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ has to offer!
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Mom’s Pile of Stuff

Daily Commute

Mom’s Pile of Stuff is about everything And anything. 🔥WARNING My favorite expression’s are “Whhaat!” & “Are You Fucken Kidding Me” & “What in Da World” Please Subscribe and Share . You can also listen on your favorite podcast platform!! Thank you !!! Don’t forget to share!! 🗣🗣🗣 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/MomsPile_ofstuff/support
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In ”Unplayed Games Anonymous - My Pile of Shame,” we play one game from our unplayed pile in each episode. We must have played it for less than an hour or not at all before the episode. We’ll give you a summary, interesting facts, and our thoughts. Come join us as we play through some unloved games in our collection. We won’t start new games until our pile is down to zero.
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Vous aimez lire, mais vous ne savez pas toujours quoi ? Vous n'aimez pas lire, mais vous adorez écouter ? Avec PILE, trouvez le livre parfait pour partir en week-end à Londres, bouquiner au bord d'une piscine ou vous morfondre sous la couette. PILE, un podcast à découvrir un mardi sur deux ici et sur Facebook/Instagram (@pile_le_podcast) PILE, un programme créé par Claire Jéhanno, réalisé par Matthieu Pichard-Rivalan, avec une musique de Jean-Christophe Valleran et une identité graphique de ...
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Steaming Pile of Picks

Matt and Steve

Here is the perfect podcast if you need a little assistance in placing your wagers on the upcoming slate of NFL and NCAA football games. Matt and Steve are your average degenerate handicappers who live for college and pro football and are always looking for that edge in the numbers. Each week they break down a mix of at least 12 games. The only catch - their numbers don’t always add up, so you should probably go against their advice. Touting pick percentages in the 30’s, watch your step in t ...
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Pile It On with Grace Helbig & Elliott Morgan

Pile It On with Grace Helbig & Elliott Morgan

A much-needed podcast where Grace Helbig and Elliott Morgan sit at the kitchen counter and gab about whatever crap they're consuming! Married At First Sight? Sure. Survivor? Why not. Documentaries about cults and/or crimes? Sure, pile it on!
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Piled high and Deep

Ted Conti

I love talking to people with PhDs. To me someone with a PhD is not that far removed from say an artist, musician or writer. They have chosen to explore a topic in-depth and become the leading authority in the world on that subject. So join me as we Pile it high and Deep with doctorates from around around the world as we explore their journey's their research and what they have done with all that knowledge they shoved into their brains.
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N'avez-vous jamais eu du mal à distinguer l'imaginaire du réel ? Ne vous a-t-on jamais raconté une histoire vraie si rocambolesque que vous la pensiez imaginée alors qu'elle n'était que réalité ? Avec (Grand) Paris Pile & Face, nous avons eu envie de mettre des mots sur des histoires singulières inspirées par nos projets et nos réalisations concrètes. Un podcast, deux épisodes à découvrir toutes les semaines, qui parlent de nous tous qui incarnons ensemble le formidable concentré de vie, d'é ...
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Steaming Piles of Science

Savannah Barnett: researcher and PhD candidate

My goal is to provide audience-driven discussion about basic science and scientific headlines we see in the media. Do you want to know about space travel? How are scientists studying addiction? What are some advances in climate research? Let me know what you are interested in by commenting on my website, or on my Facebook page, and I will get an answer for any science question you may have. Not satisfied with our expertise? In addition our discussions about science, we will be interviewing t ...
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show series
Mike Renner and Kyle Long discuss Russel Wilson signing with the Giants and the Patriots getting Drake Maye some help with Stefon Diggs, Then, they identify each NFC team's biggest remaining need and try to plug that hole with a draft prospect. Intro (0:00) Russell Wilson to the Giants (2:18) Patriots Sign Stefon Diggs (6:02) NFC North Biggest Need…
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Send us a text Basketball's brightest minds gather to dissect the Sweet 16 matchups in a tournament that's breaking tradition. This year's bracket features zero mid-major Cinderella stories – a direct consequence of NIL money and transfer portal dynamics reshaping college basketball's competitive landscape. The coaching carousel takes center stage …
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Tune in and see how others work to turn prayer into a powerful, everyday strategy for life with this discussion into 1 Thessalonians 5:17-22. Paul's words, from "pray without ceasing" to "test everything; hold fast what is good," offer more than inspiration—they're a battle plan for new and seasoned believers alike. Join us as we discuss practical …
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SUMMARY: Fight Club is a story with one of the most famous twist endings in book and movie history (they find out violence is good...) But before it was a hit movie, did you know it was also a disgusting book? Join Kellen and Dave as they complain about this well-written book they both kind of hate. WATCH KELLEN'S NEW COMEDY SPECIAL ON YOUTUBE! htt…
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Schick uns eine Nachricht! In dieser Folge tauchen wir in die Welt der Krimi- und Rätselspiele ein. Ob knifflige Deduktionsfälle, spannende Ermittlungen oder immersive Story-Erlebnisse – wir haben verschiedene Spiele ausprobiert und teilen unsere Eindrücke. Welche Spiele fordern unseren Spürsinn heraus, welche überraschen mit innovativen Mechaniken…
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Send us a text What happens when life forces you to rewrite your financial story? For Shakira "Sam the Agent" Moran, financial empowerment wasn’t just a career choice—it was survival. As a young single mom, she found herself drowning in overdraft fees after an unexpected auto-pay mishap. A tearful call to the bank resulted in a rare moment of mercy…
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Er det en eskalering eller det modsatte, at det »private besøg« er aflyst og det nu er vicepræsident JD Vance og konen, der skal til Grønland? Vi står i den alvorligste krise i forholdet mellem Danmark og USA siden årene efter Anden Verdenskrig. Og Mette Frederiksens håndtering af den krise vil definere hende i historien, skriver Bent Winther i Ber…
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Fredag kunne Berlingske fortælle, at en tidligere minister og nuværende topchef i erhvervslivet er tiltalt for besiddelse af ulovligt materiale, der viser overgreb på børn. Søndag blev der sat navn på manden. Og mandag fik vi så indblik i anklageskriftet: Henrik Sass Larsen er tiltalt for besiddelse af 6242 billeder og 2231 videoer med krænkelser a…
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Mike Renner is joined by Bryant McFadden to discuss potential No.1 Overall Pick Cam Ward's Pro Day performance. Then they'll identify each AFC team's biggest remaining need and try to plug that hole with a draft prospect. Intro (0:00) Cam Ward's Pro Day (1:20) AFC North Biggest Needs (15:30) AFC South Biggest Needs (33:35) AFC East Biggest Needs (4…
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Det er ikke første gang, at vi hører historier om, hvad kvindelige ansatte udsættes for på Mærsks skibe rundt omkring på verdens have. Mærsk selv er ikke ret glade for at fortælle om det, men nu har Berlingskes journalister Lasse Friis og Sarah Vinten Møbius fået fat i hidtil ukendte dokumenter, der fortæller nye detaljer om en sag om grænseoverskr…
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Stand up-komikeren Sofie Hagen har været i »ufrivillig cølibat« i ni år og fire måneder. Altså: hun har ikke haft sex, men gerne ville have det. Det skriver hun i sin nye bog ‘Får jeg nogensinde sex igen?’ I bogen stiller hun spørgsmålet: Hvad er det, der gør sex så kompliceret, når det burde være sjovt og simpelt? Men er sex virkelig så komplicere…
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Send us a text When championship success comes to the Mohawk Valley, we celebrate the coaches who make it happen. This episode features exclusive conversations with two local coaches who have climbed to the pinnacle of their sports. Mohawk Valley Community College men's basketball coach Harlan Fuller joins us fresh off a national championship seaso…
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To betjente blev dræbt, og hele Frankrig blev til grin, da en sværtbevæbnet forbryderkommando befriede gangsteren Mohamed Amra - bedre kendt under sit alias "Fluen". Nu sidder narkobossen igen bag lås og slå, men de kriminelle grupperinger i Frankrig bliver stadig mere organiserede og mafia-lignende. Derfor skal en ny lov, inspireret af den spektak…
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For et år siden solgte serieiværksætteren Mik Strøyberg og familien alle deres ejendele og flyttede til Sri Lanka. Nu, et år senere, står han med sand mellem tæerne og et særligt budskab til alle udbrændte danskere. Artiklen er skrevet og læst højt af journalist på Berlingske Signe Westermann Kühn. Producer: Frederik Riis-Jacobsen Redaktør: Ida Has…
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In today’s episode, we go through all 32 first-round picks in our latest 2025 NFL Mock Draft. 2-time Super Bowl Champion Bryant McFadden joins Ryan Wilson to discuss how free agency has impacted who each team selects. (00:00) Intro (1:00) 1. Tennessee Titans (2:08) 2. Cleveland Browns (3:28) 3. New York Giants (5:14) 4. New England Patriots (7:30) …
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Vores niveau af lykke bliver ofte beskrevet som en U-kurve. Vi er glade i ungdommen, mens livskvaliteten falder i 40'erne for at stige langsomt efter »midtvejskrisen«. Den fortælling vender en ny, stor undersøgelse imidlertid om på. Den viser nemlig, at vi danskere er allermest lykkelige i 70'erne. Derfor har vi på Berlingske snakket med tre kendte…
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Sjældne jordartsmetaller og andre mineraler er blevet storpolitik. Trump vil have dem, både i Grønland og i Ukraine. Der bliver talt om råstoffer for billioner af dollars, men det er noget vrøvl, siger dagens gæst i Pilestræde. Gæst: Per Kalvig, råstofgeolog og seniorforsker på GEUS Vært: Anne Sofie Allarp See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy in…
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Mike Renner and Kyle Long give out grades for every NFC team after the first round of free agency. Which teams aced free agency, and which teams failed the assignment? Intro (0:00) NFC North Grades (1:00) NFC South Grades (19:54) NFC East Grades (37:03) NFC West Grades (50:07) Superlatives (59:54) Pushing the Pile is available for free on the Audac…
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Sign up for our Bracket Challenge Ladies and Gentlemen. We made it. The all-encompassing NCAA Tournament preview that will take you from Dayton all the way to San Antonio. Gary Parrish and Matt Norlander guide you through all 67 games and gives you an idea of the team that can win it all! 07:00 - South Region Breakdown 14:40 - Stay Or Hit Presented…
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Lasse havde længe glædet sig til at blive far. Men da han blev det, var han ikke glad. Tværtimod. Alt gik galt og han endte liggende på gulvet med en massiv fødselsdepression og en masse indestængt vrede. I dag har han opfordring til andre fædre. Gæst: Lasse Skjoldan, far til to Vært: Anne Sofie Allarp Læs interview med Lasse Skjoldan i Berlingske …
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Mike Renner is joined by Bryant McFadden to give out grades for every AFC team after the first round of free agency. Which teams got steals and which teams overpaid? Intro (0:00) AFC North Grades (:38) AFC South Grades (19:49) AFC East Grades (34:53) AFC West Grades (49:33) Superlatives (1:04:17) Pushing the Pile is available for free on the Audacy…
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Our friend Candace will join us for her first podcast appearance in this episode. We’ll unpack the call to break free from the ways of our parents—those inherited patterns and habits that can hold us back—while emphasizing the need to stay vigilant, resisting the pull to slip into old, familiar ruts. Join us for a fresh look at living boldly in God…
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I Donald Trumps verden findes der et ord, der er smukkere end alle andre: Tariffer. Han elsker at tale om dem og bruge dem som et America First-værktøj. Senest har han lagt nye toldsatser på alle varer fra Kina, Canada og Mexico, samt 25 procent told på al import af aluminium og stål. Og han lover nye tariffer mod Europa til april. Hvad er planen e…
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Mike Renner is joined by Kyle Long to discuss the Bengals breaking the bank to return Ja'Marr Chase and Tee Higgins. Then they'll talk about Derek Stingely Jr. resetting the CB market. Finally they'll continue their quest to scout every position before the 2025 NFL Draft. This week they're diving deep into the OL. They'll rank the options, teach yo…
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Donald Trump har givet Elon Musk og hans DOGE-drenge grønt lys til at barbere USAID helt ned. Det amerikanske agentur er verdens største bistandsdonor og nedlukningen har sendt chokbølger gennem bistandsorganistioner verden over. Også herhjemme, hvor Dansk Flygtningehjælp - indtil nu - har modtaget omkring 20 procent af deres midler fra USAID. Hvad…
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Send us a text Damien Call's basketball journey reads like a local sports fairy tale - from RFA standout to college champion, all while staying true to his hometown roots. In this revealing conversation, Call takes us inside his decision to remain close to home at Utica University rather than pursuing opportunities elsewhere. "I wanted to stay loca…
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Kinas arm er lang. Kritikere af Xi Jinping og kommunistpartiet oplever i stigende grad at blive undertrykt, også i de demokratiske lande i Vesten. For 19-årige Chloe og 23-årige Tony har det haft voldsomme personlige konsekvenser: De må nu leve med, at der er sat en pris på deres hoveder. Artiklen er skrevet af Berlingskes asienskorrespondent, Alex…
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Fem år efter covid-19 brød ud, husker Berlingskes USA-korrespondent tilbage på tre oplevelser, der gjorde det klart, at pandemien ikke handler om sundhed, men om politik, konspirationsteorier og alt derimellem. Covid-19 sugede amerikanerne ind i skærmene - og man kan stadig se sporene i dag. Artiklen er skrevet og læst af Jacob Heinel Jensen, Berli…
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Kolonitiden er tilbage som en uvelkommen gæst fra en fjern fortid. Heldigvis ikke den grumme virkelighed, tiden på mange måder var, men i vores bevidsthed. Og hvad stiller det moderne menneske op med den? Lad være med at gøre som "Africa museum" i Belgien. Her er kun spildte muligheder for at fortælle hele historien. Artiklen er skrevet og læst høj…
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Mike and Kyle break down the first week of Free Agency as options begin to dwindle. Who's the "Best of What's Left" and where will they land? Then they end with some storylines to follow as the offseason continues. Intro (0:00) Big Free Agency Signings (2:50) Best of What's Left (28:20) Browns Eyeing Kirk Cousins (39:07) Eagles have Signed 0 Free A…
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Det grønlandske valg tirsdag resulterede i en overraskende storsejr til det socialliberale parti Demokraatit, der fik knap hver tredje grønlænders stemme. Den siddende regering - bestående af venstrefløjspartiet IA og det socialdemokratiske Siumut - fik til gengæld en massiv vælgerlussing. Formand for Demokraatit, Jens-Frederik Nielsen, siger, at m…
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Tirsdag gik grønlænderne til valg, efter en vinter præget af krav om selvstændighed og vilde udmeldinger og krav fra den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump. Mens vi ventede på udfaldet af det grønlandske valg, ringede Pilestræde til Thorshavn, hvor Heini í Skorini, der er lektor i international politik, bor. For der er jo også et tredje land i Rigs…
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Mike and Kyle break down all the agreements of the first 24 hours of the NFL's Legal Tampering Period. Which big players are on the move and which teams will splash the cash to entice them? Intro (0:00) Grading Top 25 Free Agent Deals (2:30) Grading the Rest of the Free Agent Deals (16:17) Trades (25:00) Re-Signings (35:15) Best Signings So Far (43…
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Explore what it means to live a faith that moves beyond words into real, everyday impact. Inspired by James 3, Faith in Action dives into the power of the tongue, the pursuit of heavenly wisdom, and the call to align our lives with what we believe. Join us for conversations that challenge, inspire, and equip you to live boldly for what matters most…
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