Podcast om roller och spel och rollspel
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A semiprofessional sports podcast that may or may not have a gambling problem, we will touch some entertainment subjects as well & elements of general tomfoolery, also it may have a witty moment or two along the way.
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Gespräche aus dem Attraktionsgeschäft
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Reflexões sobre constelação familiar.
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From the sick and twisted mind behind Slobcore Kitchen!!!!!!!!! Just a normal weird guy talking to my normal weird friends!
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Carilah teman sebanyak mungkin, sampai akhirnya Podcast menjadi temanmu
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Together, we are going to explore different issues related to the dairy industry. We will learn, understand and analyze all of this and share with you our perspective on the dairy industry, both here at home and around the world. We look forward to talking to you about all the issues that affect the industry, for example: we will analyze market trends and international trade, we will learn about new developments in research related to dairy production and dairy products, we are going to talk ...
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gaming the best games
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Ngebacotin apa aja yang penting bahagia!
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We’re 3 podcops challenging the funny in every single moment. We are the podcops on the podcase.
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Este é o canal de podcast criado com o objetivo de ensinar, atualizar, entreter, desmitificar e divulgar tudo sobre o mundo dos bits na educação e no mercado.
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A podcast about beer, dogs, women, and life.
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Um grupo de educadores que discute um pouco de tudo, começando com educação e tudo mais desse mundo! Quem não cola, não sai da escola! Cola com a gente!
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Fala conspiradores! Somos o PodConspirar, o seu lugar na internet para conversar sobre teorias da conspiração e outras coisas estranhas. Deixe a verdade lá fora e vem conspirar com a gente! O PodConspirar é feito por @patriciaqmadeira, @tassi_queen e @roberta.alreis Música do podcast por The Asylum by RizKeyG (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/RizkeyG/56665
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Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. Eis o Podcast dedicado às histórias infantis, que pode ser ouvido por toda a família. Aos domingos haverá 1 história, 1 temática e 1 moral diferente. O Salvador, agora com 4 anos, junta-se ao momento da leitura, para dar voz e muita animação! Acompanhem-nos! Storyteller: Tiago Rodrigues. Música: Tiago Rodrigues, João Rodrigues. Capa: Copilot.
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O Pod CORRER é um podcast de corredor para corredor. Vamos falar sobre corrida e tudo que gira em torno do universo desse esporte. #corridaderua #pangaredetenis #somostodospangares #running #run #maratona #meiamaratona #halfmarathon #marathon #corredores
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BlackStereoRecord House Music ❤️
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O Podcore é um podcast voltado para o universo do hardcore, comandado pelo jornalista Fábio Forni, pelo publicitário Luis Antônio e pelo também publicitário Vinícius Pereira. Aqui temos como objetivo trazer conteúdos referentes ao gênero, entrevistas e indicações.
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پادکافیکست قصد داره مطالب مرتبط با قهوه رو خیلی ساده و روان براتون بازگو کنه من فرید هستم یک عاشق قهوه که سعی خواهم کرد شما رو به قهوهنوشی علاقهمند بکنم
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email ke (podcornid@gmail.com) tagar (#podcornreceh). instagram @podcornid.receh
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Podcast by Game Coping
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Four drunkards chatting utter tripe about sport, betting, and answering the most burning questions from their Twitter followers. Twitter: @drunkenpuntspod
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Velkommen til en række spændende podcasts i relation til kvægproduktion. Sid med til bords ved faglige diskussioner med dyrlæger og landmænd. Bliv opdateret på den seneste viden, om forebyggelse af sygdomme og få input til, hvordan du bedst muligt kombinerer dyrevelfærd og høj ydelse. PodCows er inspiration, som både du og køerne vil sætte pris på.
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The Mamelang Podcast is dedicated to the discussion of disability and disability related issues. Our aim is to inform, empower, entertain, and connect people with disabilities, their families, friends and service providers. We will also be discussing topics such as bullying, violence, self-advocacy, sexuality and any other issue relating to this group of people.
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Public interview , Talk with,Tourist and diffirent topic talk with diffirent pople indoor & outdoor places. LAHORE Pakistan
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Välkommen till en serie spännande podcasts från kornas värld. Sitt med till bords vid diskussioner med veterinärer och lantbrukare. Kom med in i lagården och hör om de dagliga utmaningar och framgångar som lantbrukare upplever. Uppdatera dig på det senaste inom forskning och vetenskap och få idéer och tankar om hur man på bästa sätt kombinerar djurvälfärd och hög produktion. Med PodCows önskar vi ge inspiration som vi hoppas att både du och korna kommer att ha glädje av!
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PodCorn is a podcast where we discuss different things in pop culture such as movies, T.V shows, music videos, etc.
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Há quase 200 no mercado, a MAG Seguros é uma empresa do Grupo Mongeral Aegon que ajuda as pessoas a planejarem um futuro mais tranquilo. Grande parte desse trabalho é realizado por nossos corretores parceiros, que ganharam mais um canal de desenvolvimento: o PodCorretar. Nosso podcast quinzenal é voltado para corretores de vida e previdência. Nele, abordamos temas como atualidades e seus impactos nos negócios, técnicas de vendas e desenvolvimento profissional. A apresentação é de Carlos Cava ...
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Join the Kernels as they discuss the pros and cons of movies they force each other to watch. Featuring original songs, unique games, and some movie trivia for good measure - The Podcorn Kernels Podcast is the perfect blend of creativity, comedy, and criticism. Cosy on down, and enjoy the carnage spawned from the Kernels chaotic craniums. (Listeners beware... may contain spoilers and swears.)
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Conversation & Practice for FULLY ALIVE Living! Join Jayne Gottlieb & Marisa Hallsted, founders of the ALIVE METHOD,™ for lively conversation & dynamic practices aimed to help listeners maintain an inspired & open mindset & wider perspective. In this podcourse we ask our audience to explore their life as a journey where anything is possible & every moment has the potential to be extraordinary. Ultimately we aim to illuminate new the possibilities & hold the vision that all humans come fully ...
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The dairy market outlook in 2o25
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18:38In 2025, the Canadian dairy market faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This episode explores current trends, from fluctuating milk prices to evolving consumer expectations. With Julia Trottier, Analyst, Policy & Trade at Dairy Farmers of Canada, and Maxime Collette, Senior Analyst, Market Intelligence at DFC, we review the issues shap…
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0512 Cyrus Epiphany AVSNITT 12 - Proversum, Antiversum Och Interversum
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2:55:05CYRUS EPIPHANY AVSNITT 12: Proversum, Antiversum och Interversum.PodCon
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Getting closer to the Big Dance!
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32:35Getting closer to the Big Dance The only Tyler Peacock! Starts out the episode giving you his March Madness Final Four Tiers as we head into the month of March! After that he’ll give you your College Basketball weekend tasting menu, after a quick NASCAR Atlanta race recap & then we preview the NASCAR race at COAT & some gambling plays & leans to en…
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F around & find out Canada!
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30:03F around & find out Canada! The only Tyler Peacock! recaps all things from the Sports Weekend that was (Daytona 500, 4 Nations, NBA All Star) next we preview the 4 Nations Championship game! Next we give you your College Basketball weekend tasting menu, after that we preview the NASCAR race in the ATL & some gambling plays & leans to end the show. …
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It's time to buy Canadian!
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19:47Donald Trump’s tariff threats are causing many Canadians to react and choose Canadian products. By buying Canadian, consumers are supporting the livelihoods of farmers, factory workers, small business owners and countless jobs in every region. With our guest, Pamela Nalewajek, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Dairy Farmers of Canada, w…
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DAYTONA 500. The only Tyler Peacock! recaps all things from a lackluster Super Bowl LIX. Then it’s time to start your engines! THE DAYTONA 500 is this Sunday so we have to preview The Great American Race, also we have to preview the 2025 season to come in the sport! Finally a nice little College Basketball weekend tasting menu & some gambling plays…
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How do Canadians feel under Trump 2.0 ?
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34:45The arrival of Donald Trump at the White House and the announced departure of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are shaking things up. Public opinion is changing as we navigate in an atmosphere of uncertainty and anticipation. Compounded with the the threats of tariffs, there has been a noticeable change in how people feel about the current environment…
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PC087 – Lutz Bayer und Simon Hübner von aufwind RIDES
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36:33Seit einiger Zeit sorgt Aufwind Rides für einiges an Furore unter den Attraktionsherstellern in Deutschland. Hans und Basti sprechen mit Lutz Bayer und Simon Hübner über ihren überraschenden Erfolg im hart umkämpften Markt. Denkt man an Attraktionsbauer aus der Nähe von Freiburg, kommen einem vielleicht zunächst Mack Rides als internationaler Playe…
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Super Bowl LIX (& UFC 312)
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32:57Super Bowl LIX (& UFC 312) The only Tyler Peacock! Will preview & break down all things Super Bowl LIX, the matchup, the keys, betting angles & much more! Also there’s a UFC 312 PPV this weekend so we have to preview & break it down as well! Thanks for listening! RATE REVIEW SUBSCRIBE! Follow the show on X @podcockpeacast & Facebook also @ PodCock …
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Lessons for the End of the World by Hanif Abdurraqib read by me
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30:31You can watch the video of this reading on my Youtube or InstagramBryn Nilsen
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Navigating Economic Turmoil: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
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39:46Uncertainty has been the name of the game since the American election, and the months ahead could be challenging. In this episode, we break down the unpredictable political landscape, the trade turmoil, and the economic perspectives in the coming months. With our guest, Vincent Cloutier, Senior Director, Agriculture Strategy at the National Bank, w…
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A choose your own adventure weekend of sports
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42:42A choose your own adventure weekend of sports The only Tyler Peacock! will have his reactions to the NFL NFC & AFC Championship Games, next he’ll give you a College Basketball tasting menu with a loaded weekend of games, also touch on some other things like this weekend’s UFC card, The Royal Rumble, & NASCAR is back with the Clash @ Bowman Gray & o…
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Championship Sunday! The only Tyler Peacock! will have his reactions to the CFP National Championship Game & the entire NFL Divisional Round weekend, next he’ll preview both NFC & AFC Championship Games & finally a College Basketball tasting menu of games, & of course some Best Bets! Thanks for listening! RATE REVIEW SUBSCRIBE! Follow the show on X…
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PC086 – Philipp Gamper von den Swarovski Kristallwelten
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17:46Eine Erlebniswelt rund um Kristalle – dass so ein enges Thema dennoch äußerst spannend umgesetzt werden kann, besprechen Hans und Basti mit dem Marketingchef der Swarovski Kristallwelten, Philipp Gamper. Momente des Staunens, das versprechen die Swarovski Kristallwelten im österreichischen Wattens. Swarovski, das kennen viele als Luxus-Label für Kr…
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See ya CFB (CFP National Championship x NFL Divisional Round x UFC 311)
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36:54See ya CFB (CFP National Championship x NFL Divisional Round x UFC 311) The only Tyler Peacock! will preview the CFP National Championship Game. Then he’ll preview the NFL Division Round slate of contest, after that a little College Basketball tasting menu of games, & the final segment a UFC 311 preview & of course some Best Bets! Thanks for listen…
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5:14:15Kära Podconiter!Vi följer Atepa, Carlton och Sally under de sista skälvande dagarna innan den stora öppnelsen. I slingrande färd mot Estero och samtidigt i hård kamp mot dåtidens minnen, nutidens strapatser och framtidens fasor.Samtidigt vävs en allt tätare väv runt våra hjältar, vilken försvårar, förleder och fördunklar dem med sina illasinnade ag…
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New Year New Episode (CFP Final Four x NFL Wildcard)
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25:32New Year New Episode (CFP Final Four x NFL Wildcard) The only Tyler Peacock! will preview two national semifinal CFP games. Then he’ll preview the NFL Wildcard slate, potentially maybe some Best Bets & more thanks for listening! RATE REVIEW SUBSCRIBE! Follow the show on X @podcockpeacast & Facebook also @ PodCock PeaCast, Available on Apple Podcast…
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T3_Ep.20 - 31/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro deste último dia de 2024 é “Damião, a Toupeira Furacão” de Anna Llenas, da Editora Nuvem de Letras. Chegamos ao último episódio do ano e ao final da 3.ª temporada. Damião a Toupeira Furacão é a celebração perfeita para este momento de transição, mostrando-nos a dualidade entre…
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T3_Ep.19 - 29/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “Uma Doninha preocupada”, de Ciara Gavin e ilustrado por Tim Warnes, da Editora Minutos de Leitura. Esta é a história ideal para todos aqueles que se preocupam de mais! Com a chegada de um novo ano, é natural refletirmos sobre o ano que finda e sobre os objetivo…
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T3_Ep.18 - 25/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O episódio especial deste dia de Natal é “A Loja Mágica de Natal” de Maudie Powell-Tuck e Hoang Giang, da Editora Jacarandá. Hoje é dia de Natal, um dia em que os laços de amor e partilha ganham um brilho especial. Por isso, guardamos este conto, que nos lembra que a verdadeira riquez…
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PC085 – Sebastian Drechsler vom Miniatur Wunderland
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32:44Diesmal sitzen Hans und Basti in einer der meistbesuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands und sprechen ausführlich mit dem "Außenminister" des Miniatur Wunderlands in Hamburg! Das Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg ist nicht nur die größte Modelleisenbahnanlage der Welt, sondern auch eine hochkomplexe Miniatur-Ausstellung mit eigener Lebenswelt samt Ta…
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (CFP Quarterfinals & More Bowls x NFL Week 17)
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27:12Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (CFP Quarterfinals & More Bowls x NFL Week 17) The only Tyler Peacock! First order of business we’ll give out a Bowl Game tasting menu then the CFP marches on to it’s Quarterfinals so we must preview all 4 games! & possibly give out any gambling plays/ leans! After that he will also run through the Week 17 NFL slate…
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T3_Ep.17 - 24/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta véspera de Natal é “Abrigo” de Céline Claire e ilustrado por Qin Leng, da Editora Baduga. Na véspera de Natal, uma noite de luz, calor e partilha, trazemos uma história profundamente tocante sobre empatia, acolhimento e o verdadeiro significado de abrigar aquilo que impo…
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Electrical Safety and Prevention on the Farm
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45:22Whether you’re running a large operation or a small family farm, electrical safety and prevention is key. This week, we’re tackling one of the most important topics in farming: keeping your electrical systems and equipment safe, well-maintained, and hazard-free. Join us as we explore how to properly inspect and maintain electrical equipment. We wil…
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T3_Ep.16 - 22/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “Red & Lulu” de Matt Tavares, da Editora The Poets And Dragons Society. Às portas do Natal, partilhamos uma história que é um verdadeiro abraço caloroso, cheio de amor, resiliência e a magia do reencontro. Red e Lulu são dois cardeais que vivem felizes num abeto…
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Never Forgive Them by Ed Zitron, first half of the essay read by me
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29:26Read the article here: https://www.wheresyoured.at/never-forgive-them/Bryn Nilsen
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Playoffs are here of the collegiate variety! Week 16 of the NFL & a little bit of College Hoops
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31:32Playoffs are here of the collegiate variety! Week 16 of the NFL & a little bit of College Hoops The only Tyler Peacock! The CFP start this weekend so we must preview all 4 first round games! Also we will look at the two FCS Semifinal games & give out any gambling plays/ leans! After that he will also run through the Week 16 NFL slate, breaking down…
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T3_Ep.15 - 15/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “A que sabe a lua?” de Michael Grejniec, da Editora Kalandraka. Nesta época mágica do ano, quando a última lua cheia de 2024 – a enigmática lua fria – ilumina os céus, trazemos uma história que nos convida a sonhar e a refletir sobre a partilha, a união e o trab…
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We have a bracket x NFL Week 15
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37:56We have a bracket x NFL Week 15 The only Tyler Peacock! The CFP Bracket is out! I’ll give you my reactions Navy vs Army is this weekend & FCS Playoff Quarterfinals as well so we’ll touch of those games & give out any gambling plays/ leans! After that he will also run through the Week 15 NFL slate, breaking down the big games of this week & ripping …
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T3_Ep.14 - 08/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso.O livro desta semana é "Natalossauro - Descobre a Magia de Acreditar...", de Tom Fletcher e ilustrado por Shane Devries, da Editora Nuvem de Letras.O Natalossauro sonha em puxar o trenó do Pai Natal e entregar presentes de chaminé em chaminé, mas aprender a voar é muito mais difícil do…
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CFB Champ Week! (CFB Week 15 x NFL Week 14 x UFC 310)
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46:04CFB Champ Week! (CFB Week 15 x NFL Week 14 x UFC 310) The only Tyler Peacock! will go through CFB’s Conference Championship Game Week. breaking down all the games & giving out all of his gambling plays/ leans! After that he will also run through the Week 14 NFL slate, breaking down the big games of this week & ripping through the rest of the schedu…
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T3_Ep.13 - 01/12/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso.O livro desta semana é “5 noites até ao Natal” de Jimmy Fallon e ilustrado por Rich Deas, da Editora Nuvem de Letras.Começa hoje o Advento, começa hoje a contagem decrescente para o tão aguardado dia de Natal...Quem nunca sentiu a emoção da chegada do Natal? A magia da época, o desejo …
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Happy Thanksgiving with a whole heaping of RIVALRY WEEK!!! (CFB Week 14 NFL Week 13)
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33:59Happy Thanksgiving with a whole heaping of RIVALRY WEEK!!! (CFB Week 14 NFL Week 13) The only Tyler Peacock! will rapidly go through the notable CFB RIVALRY Week 14 Games with a bit of a tasting menu, giving out a few things too watch, some big game breakdowns & gambling plays/ leans & a few games to watch from an entertaining point of view. & he w…
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The Canadian Dairy Hub
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40:37The Canadian Dairy Hub is a new tool to support Canadian dairy farmers through industry changes. Users of the hub will have access to free science-based, practical expertise to accelerate awareness and adoption of best practices and innovations. With our guest Vicki Brisson, National Knowledge Mobilization Manager at Lactanet, we explore what will …
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O Rapaz Natal da Loja dos Brinquedos dos Irmãos Claus
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13:45T3_Ep.12 - 24/11/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “O Rapaz Natal da Loja dos Brinquedos dos Irmãos Claus” de David Litchfield, da Editora Fábula. Falta apenas um mês para o Natal e abrimos esta época com um livro de Natal irresistível! Um livro maravilhoso, do premiado autor David Litchfield, sobre a bondade, a…
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PC084 – Fantasiana-Special mit Simon Spitzbart
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33:15In dieser Episode sprechen Basti und Hans mit Simon Spitzbart vom Fantasiana über den Generationenwechsel, den der liebevoll geführte Park gerade vollzieht, die neue Helios-Achterbahn und die weiteren Pläne, die man in Straßwalchen schmiedet. Den kleinen, aber mittlerweile weit über seine Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannten Themenpark „Fantasiana” haben…
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Hoosiers biggest game ever. (CFB Week 13 x NFL Week 12)
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27:42Hoosiers biggest game ever. (CFB Week 13 x NFL Week 12) The only Tyler Peacock! will rapidly go through the notable CFB Week 13 Games with a bit of a tasting menu, giving out a few things too watch, some big game breakdowns & gambling plays/ leans & a few games to watch from an entertaining point of view. & he will also run through the Week 12 NFL …
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T3_Ep.11 - 17/11/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “Ovelhinha dá-me lã” de Isabel Minhós Martins e ilustrado por Yara Kono, da Editora Kalandraka. Um texto rimado para primeiros leitores, de estrutura encadeada, repetitiva e acumulativa; um recurso utilizado nos contos de tradição oral. Uma história de Inverno, …
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NFL Heavyweight Weekend, Bones Jones is back! (CFB Week 12 x NFL Week 11 x UFC 309)
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42:51NFL Heavyweight Weekend, Bones Jones is back! (CFB Week 12 x NFL Week 11 x UFC 309) The only Tyler Peacock! will rapidly go through the notable CFB Week 12 Games with a bit of a tasting menu, giving out a few things too watch, some big game breakdowns & gambling plays/ leans & a few games to watch from an entertaining point of view. & he will also …
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T3_Ep.10 - 10/11/2024 | Podcontar uma história? Claro que posso. O livro desta semana é “Inventando números” de Gianni Rodari e ilustrado por Alessandro Sanna, da Editora Kalandraka. No dia 10 lançamos o 10.º episódio desta Temporada III e brincamos com os números. «– Vamos inventar números? – Vamos. Começo eu. Quase um, quase dois, Quase três, Qua…
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