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Billet retour


Retour dans les pays qui ont marqué l'actualité, les villes traumatisées par la guerre, une catastrophe naturelle ou un désastre industriel. Le dimanche à 22 h 10, et dès le vendredi sur Internet !
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Retold: A Harry Potter Podcast

Barry Watson

Welcome to Retold! A podcast where I obsess about my absolute favorite story of all time, Harry Potter. Every week, my guests and I do a chapter by chapter retelling and we discuss our favorite lines, lore, and love for this series. New episodes every Monday!
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Unterwegs mit Reto

Viamala Tourismus

Als Tourismusdirektor treffe ich immer wieder auf spannende Menschen. Ich lade Sie herzlich ein mich auf meinen Reisen durch die Region zu begleiten; ich treffe Künstler, Köchinnen, Bäuerinnen, Buchhändler und viele mehr. Wir reden über unsere Region, über Alltägliches und die Geschichten, die sich hinter den Menschen verbergen. Herzlich Willkommen in der Viamala!
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Retail Retold

DLC Management Corp.

The Retail Retold Podcast highlights community retailer stories from across the country and gives a behind-the-scenes perspective from business leaders in both retail and real estate industries. The show’s episodes contain valuable insights that help solve the needs of entrepreneurs and real estate pros. Each week our guests share stories of what worked, what didn’t, the ups and downs – giving the audience a critical set of tools needed for business success. Join host Chris Ressa and new gue ...
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Retornando a la Palabra

Joseph Ballesteros

Retornando a la Palabra is a podcast ministry focused on encouraging believers to base their life on the principals founded in the Word of God. Centro Cristiano Internacional is located in San Antonio Texas and was founded by the Late Pastor German Ballesteros. If you would like more information please visit us at: Retornando a la Palabra es un ministerio de podcasts enfocado en animar a los creyentes a basar su vida en los principios fundamentados en la Palabra de Dios. Centro ...
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Stories Of India Retold

Nivi Shetty

Indian Mythology Simplified One Story at a Time. A retelling of stories—and the stories behind the stories—from Indian epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, puranas, and folklore through the eyes of a book-loving, history buff. Find stories about fantastical creatures; mortals and immortals; or just ordinary men and women achieving extraordinary feats.
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RetornoCast é o podcast da Mais Retorno, onde Felipe Medeiros, Lucas Paulino, Danilo Ardenghi e Felipe Vieira e esporadicamente convidados especiais discutirão sobre os mais variados temas dentro do mundo dos investimentos e finanças.
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Louis Spears

Inspiring true stories about second chances, pivotal moments, and amazing circumstances, told by the person whose heart has been renovated. Moving conversations taking you along their path from ordinary to extraordinary living.
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Minority Retort Podcast

Farah Z. Ahmed

Minority Retort is a weekly film podcast by two people of colour. Each episode, co-hosts Farah and Tope alternate picking from their favourite movies to debate the question: What makes a good film?
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Reto Zarch

【瑞頭頭痛】是在討論和探索Z世代年輕人到底在想什麼,到底想幹嘛,到底想怎樣!Z 世代的我們有時詭譎多變,讓人摸不透,這個podcast 就是讓你一窺我們的腦袋裡住著什麼樣的想法,理念,和夢想。節目由身為Z世代的我來和大家分享生活大小事,也會請很多來賓上節目帶給大家豐富有趣的內容。我們聊時尚,聊生活,聊文化,無所不聊。歡迎加入我們腦部運動社,不需繳會費,只需按下播放鍵! ————————————————————————————- 找我玩: Instagram: Email: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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En podd om modern kommunikation. Barbro Fällman, Sveriges mest erfarna retoriktränare och vd för Retorikcentrum i Sverige, och Klara Härgestam, ordförande för Stora Retorikpriset och grundare av Klara Besked Retorik ger sina retorikspaningar, reflektioner och retoriktips. Du hittar oss på instagram @retoriskt där du får retoriktips varje vecka också. A podcast in Swedish about communication skills and modern rhetorics.
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R.J.'s Retort

R.J. Dickens

A confluence of news, politics, commentary and popular culture from journalist, talk show host, former political candidate and lobbyist, and PAC chair R.J. Dickens.
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Retoryczna Kofeina

Przemysław Kutnyj

Ten podcast jest dla Ciebie, jeśli: - szukasz inspiracji - chcesz zniwelować lęk przed wystąpieniami publicznymi - zależy Ci, by poznać sprawdzone sposoby na lepsze wystąpienia publiczne - pragniesz pogłębić wiedzę nt. występowania i prezentowania z humorem i dystansem Po więcej zapraszam na:
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Retour de plage

France Musique

Jazz, soul, funk, airs latins, pop, musique brésilienne, chanson française, standards revisités… par Thierry Jousse en juillet et Laurent Valero en août. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Stories Retold Podcast

Skylar Resna

Welcome to Stories Retold, where we highlight amazing stories told by women and people of color. Own your own story and read to expand your mind! Facebook/IG: @storiesretoldpodcast Support this podcast:
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Le retour du Jeudi

Le retour du Jeudi

Tous les mois Le retour du Jeudi vous présente un film avec beaucoup de mauvaise foi et très peu de culture ciné. Suivez nous sur Twitter @retourdu_jeudi, @kalkulmatriciel et @juuniperus.
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Cheers & Tiers welcomes you into a circle of design leaders whose bonds were forged during iconic AIGA design leadership retreats and conferences. These gatherings were more than just strategic sessions with the nation’s chapter leaders—they were moments of shared growth, laughter, and camaraderie that shaped careers and lives, blending organizational development with celebratory toasts and even the occasional human pyramid. Fellow design leaders Erik and Rachel as they reconnect with friend ...
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St. Louis Retold

Longform podcast by St. Louis Magazine

Each month, St. Louis Magazine investigates some of the most compelling people, events, and more in the region. Now, you can hear these award-winning features from the writers who crafted them.
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Fika - Retour sur soi

Élodie Morin

Fika est une plateforme tout en douceur traitant de sujets vrais, profonds et humains. Je m'appelle Élodie Morin, kinésiologue et passionnée de développement personnel, et je serai l'hôte de ce podcast.
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show series
Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on April 17, 2011, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to seek t…
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The second half of my discussion with Jessie where we cover Chapter 6! We duel some more in trivia, talk about anime, and we take the train to Hogwarts! Chapters 0:00 intro 2:22 Theme Song 3:03 Quizzitch 9:27 Retelling of Chapter 6 35:33 Favorite Lines 38:01 Transfiguration Section 39:30 Golden Snitch Section 41:39 Restricted Section 47:41 Goobye t…
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In this episode of Cheers & Tiers, hosts Erik Cargill and Rachel Elnar catch up with design powerhouse Christine Sheller. From leading UX teams to shaping AIGA Philly, Christine has done it all—and she’s got the wild leadership retreat stories to prove it! We chat about her journey in design, the magic of community, and how a chance encounter at a …
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Près de trois ans après le drame de Melilla, à la frontière entre le Maroc et l'enclave espagnole, lorsqu'une tentative de passage en force en Europe a conduit à la mort de dizaines de migrants, les routes migratoires se sont redessinées. Enquête de nos correspondantes.FRANCE 24
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Retour sur les coulisses de Didier, le premier film réalisé par Alain Chabat avec Jean-Pierre Bacri, Isabelle Gelinas et lui-même. Entre humour absurde et tendresse, le film relève le défi technique de rendre crédible son postulat farfelu. Accueilli chaleureusement, Didier attire plus de deux millions de spectateurs et reçoit le César du meilleur p…
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Ce mois-ci, le RdJ donne des cours d’histoire parcellaires derrière les cascades. On sera même un peu kinky dans la Batcave, mais peut-on nous le reprocher lorsque C A T H E R I N E se confesse ? Retrouvez le Calvinball Consortium : Le discord : Patreon :…
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Have you ever thought about real estate beneath the stores where you shop? Evan Mouhalis does, and he does it well. In this conversation, Chris Ressa and Evan, a real estate entrepreneur and managing partner of Mahalas Capital Management, discuss Evan's journey from commercial real estate finance to developing retail properties and venturing into t…
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Luiz Cezar dispensa apresentações, e sua história profissional é profundamente entremeada à própria história de formação do mercado financeiro no Brasil. Co-fundador do Garantia e do Pactual, ele também foi a mente empreendedora por trás de iniciativas como a Selic, a Cetip e a Andima. Nesta conversa, exploramos desde sua adolescência conturbada, s…
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Danielle goes big for St. Patrick’s Day with the (probably mildly offensive to Irish everywhere) 1999 mini-series, The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns. When American, Randy Quaid, heads to Ireland on a mysterious work trip, he gets more than he bargained for when he realizes he’s sharing a home with a leprechaun (Colm Meaney, obviously). He makes…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on December 13, 2009, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to see…
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Join me and Jessie this week for part 1 of our discussion as we cover chapter 5 of Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. In this episode we get into some extra trivia, owl issues, and much more! Chapters 0:00 Opening 2:55 Theme song 3:41 Introduction to Jessie 10:40 Quizzitch/trivia 17:00 Chapter five retelling 50:20 favorite lines 53:30 Transfigu…
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In this episode of Cheers & Tiers, hosts Erik Cargill and Rachel Elnar sit down with design veteran Josh Silverman to discuss his 30-year career spanning entrepreneurship, education, and community leadership. Josh reflects on how volunteering with AIGA Boston early in his career transformed his professional journey. What started as a simple act of …
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It'Sugar is more than just a candy store. It's an immersive experience. In this episode of Retail Retold, Chris Ressa interviews Jonathan Schwartz, the Vice President of It'Sugar. Jonathan shares his journey in real estate, detailing his experiences from corporate real estate to leading the real estate department at It's Sugar. He discusses the uni…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on April 05, 2009, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to seek t…
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Join us this week as my friend Jonathan and I discuss chapters 3 and 4 of The Sorcerer's Stone. We talk about Vernon's decent into madness, Hagrid's duality, and so much more! 0:00 Intro 1:31 Theme song 2:11 Discussion start and introduction to Jonathan 10:18 Quizzitch/trivia 15:54 Chapter three discussion 44:33 Favorite Lines of chapter three 47:2…
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En mai 2017, la mission catholique de Bangassou, en Centrafrique, était devenue un symbole de résistance. Les prêtres avaient constitué une chaîne humaine pour défendre les musulmans, lorsque les miliciens Anti-balaka à majorité chrétienne avaient attaqué la cathédrale. Ils ont ensuite hébergé pendant quatre ans la communauté musulmane persécutée. …
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In this episode of Retail Retold, host Chris Ressa speaks with Aaron Harris, Vice President of Real Estate and Construction for Dutch Bros Coffee. They discuss the unique drive-thru experience at Dutch Bros, the company's rapid expansion plans, and how they navigated the challenges of the pandemic. Aaron shares insights on the Albuquerque store's o…
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Retour sur « Nos Jours Heureux », second long métrage de Olivier Nakache et Eric Toledano, le duo de réalisateurs le plus bankable des 20 dernières années. Inspiré de souvenirs personnels des réalisateurs qui ont tous deux été animateurs, « Nos Jours Heureux » nous plonge dans l’univers des colonies de vacances avec humour et tendresse dans lequel …
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Welcome back to The Rise of Endymion where everything is made up and the plot doesn’t matter. This week, Sam regales Danielle, and Filip of Mind Duck Books, with the penultimate episode of the Hyperion saga by greatest troll of the sci-fi world, Dan Simmons. Filip is still reeling from the last episode where he settled soundly in the anger stage of…
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Maria Silvia Bastos Marques é uma das executivas mais reconhecidas do país. Sua carreira vai dos corredores da Fundação Getulio Vargas à indústria, o mercado financeiro e o setor público. Ocupando cargos de liderança na prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, no BNDES, na CSN, na Icatu Seguros e no Goldman Sachs, Maria Silvia viveu e impactou a economia bras…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on August 30, 2009, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to seek …
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Welcome to the very first full-length episode of Retold! This week our guest host is Emily. Join us as we cover chapters one and two of the Sorcerer's Stone! So excited for you to finally hear the first episode! Let me know what you think or if you have any questions by sending an email to or by following me on instagram …
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In this episode of Cheers and Tiers, hosts Erik Cargill and Rachel Elnar welcome Amanda Hovest, a seasoned graphic designer with over 18 years of experience. The conversation explores Amanda's journey in design leadership, her impactful role at AIGA Los Angeles, and the importance of networking and mentorship in the design community. They discuss t…
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Ricardo se ve obligado a recorrer dimensiones monstruosas, para limpiar sus culpas. Esta búsqueda terminará en el fondo más obscuro del multiverso. Este es el tercero de los doce episodios de la audioserie de ciencia ficción El retorno de Saturno. Guion: Andrés Bustamante Ortiz y Miguel Ángel Ayala Mondragón. Diseño sonoro y música: Isaac Sáenz Enr…
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Can two retail real estate thought leaders really pick five "favorite" retailers? It's like picking a favorite kid! In this episode of 'What's in Store,' hosts Chris Ressa and Karly Iacono do pick some favorites, spotlighting innovative retailers across various categories. They explore the performance of general merchandisers, grocery stores, soft …
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Ab Ende März ist die Viamala-Schlucht für Besucher wieder geöffnet. Im Gespräch mit Rudi Küntzel bekomme ich Lust, so bald wie möglich wieder zu den tosenden Wassern hinabzusteigen. Er berichtet über die Bedeutung als Handelsweg und wie sich der Verkehr und Tourismus in der Region entwickelt hat.
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Meet Erik and Rachel as they introduce the Cheers & Tiers podcast, where AIGA chapter leadership stories come alive. Discover how design community bonds formed at leadership retreats shaped careers and created lasting friendships. Pour yourself something nice and join us for these tales of triumph, growth, and occasional shenanigans. What’s in this…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on November 29, 2009, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to see…
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Le presque 69eme (nice) épisode du RdJ est sous le signe du voyage. On passera dans le frigo voir s’il reste des yaourts, puis on ira au nord chez les Gorons avant de se retrouver avec un doigt dans le cul d’un mec constipé. Retrouvez le Calvinball Consortium : Le discord : Patreon :…
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In this episode of Retail Retold, host Chris Ressa speaks with Peyton Thomas, Vice President of Construction at Renovo Construction. They discuss Peyton's unique journey from a career in acting to construction, the innovative approaches Renovo takes in the general contracting industry, and the challenges faced during the construction of a Dick's Sp…
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Danielle pulls a Spook Retorts in February as she recaps the “best horror movie of 2024,” Abigail. Cue a mysterious stranger who has put together what Sam argues is definitely not a heist team to kidnap a ballerina child for a ransom amount that makes no sense. Stolen from her home, Abigail (titular ballerina child) is taken to a gothic mansion in …
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Neste episódio, Julio Vasconcellos conversa com Mike Krieger, cofundador do Instagram e atual Chief Product Officer da Anthropic, uma das empresas liderando a revolução de inteligência artificial. Mike compartilha sua filosofia e aprendizados como investidor anjo, sua visão sobre o futuro da Inteligência Artificial e como sua experiência como empre…
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An exciting week for Tom, who tells Nate about his company Hortus AI, whose mission is to make AI accountable to local communities. We cover a lot of classic Retort themes as Tom makes a case for what's missing from AI development, and how models could be more healthily integrated into everyday people's lives. Press release:…
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Im Landhus Almens kann man richtig gut essen und vor allem auch trinken. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Amanda Theiler führt Urs Reichen das Restaurant mit Blick über das Domleschg. Er hat 40 Jahre im Käsehandel gearbeitet und kennt manche gute Weinkombination. Unser Gespräch hat etwas sinnliches, und zwischendurch fühlen wir uns fast wie Mönche...…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on December 12, 2007, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to see…
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Trente ans après la découverte des horreurs de la dictature Ceaușescu, en Roumanie, nos reporters ont enquêté sur l'un des épisodes les plus sombres de l’histoire du pays, celle des "foyers-hôpitaux", où des milliers d'enfants ont été placés et maltraités. Alors qu’une partie de la société est nostalgique de l'époque communiste, le travail de mémoi…
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The Suras (Gods/good) and Asuras (Anti-god/evil) must work together to obtain the precious nectar of immortality, Amrita; in a process called Samudra Manthana or Churning of the Ocean. Along the way, they face many obstacles and even a deadly poison that threatens to destroy the world. From the appearance of divine treasures to Vishnu's clever tric…
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In this episode of Retail Retold, host Chris Ressa speaks with bankruptcy counsel Scott Fleischer , partner at Barclay Damon, about the intricacies of retail bankruptcies, focusing on the Chuck E. Cheese case during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the unique challenges faced by retailers, the role of landlords, and the impact of lender support …
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Lena Aebli aus Seewis GR ist 21-jährig und steuert jede Nacht einen 10-Tonnen-Pistenbully über die Skipisten des Gebietes Splügen-Tambo. Das Gespräch gibt Einblick in eine unbekannte Welt, wo man viel Zeit zum Studieren hat und meistens allein unterwegs ist. Dafür bekommt man ungeahnte und spektakuläre Eindrücke.…
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Hello and welcome to the program Retornando a la Palabra. In today’s sermon originally recorded on October 18, 2009, we listen to the founding pastor of Centro Cristiano Internacíonal, Pastor German Ballesteros. I’d like to encourage you to pull out your bible and continue listening to today’s sermon. We hope this message has encouraged you to seek…
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In this episode of Retail Retold, host Chris Ressa and Travis Farren, Vice President of Leasing at DLC are feeling the vibes of a unique coffee shop that opened at La Frontera Village, just outside of Austin, TX. Putting the customer experience at the center of the shop, the owner was executing on a robust business plan that has set him up for succ…
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