Hope Sabbath School
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Loma Linda University Church is a Seventh-day Adventist church in Loma Linda, CA. This is a podcast recording of the weekly online Sabbath School service.
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Learning how we grafted into Yahushua! Learning to become Israel. Keeping the feast, keeping Shabbat, and following Torah. Getting rid of the Levan of mans teachings!
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Weekly programs in Nepali about Spiritual life
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You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to sabbathschoolfromhome@gmail.com .
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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website www.bdsda.com to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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Daily Sabbath School Lesson in Indonesian, from Adventist World Radio
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Into the Void: A Black Sabbath Podcast is a podcast discussing all things Black Sabbath and related. Interviews, guests, deep dives into albums and thought provoking discussions on the greatest band of all time Black Sabbath.
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The audio version of the Seventh-day Adventist weekly Bible study guides.
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You hear me talk about politics video games and a lot more
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Sabbath Day' on SermonAudio.
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A Sabbagraphy for the masses! Now that The End has come and gone, I’ve decided to put myself and any other willing Supernauts through Heaven & Hell! Exploring the music and impact of the band Black Sabbath. Listen in and follow on twitter @sabbathbloodypc or contact the show at sabbathbloodypodcast@gmail.com. Bog blast all of you!
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A free conversational study of the Sabbath School quarterly hosted by Jonathan Gallagher
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Listen to the commentary on the Sabbath School Quarterly by the North New South Wales Conference Sabbath School Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
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Sabbath School Shout Out gives you the opportunity to hear from local church Sabbath school leaders and teachers from around our NNSW conference.
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In this series, we're taking you through the centuries to supersonic years! We'll be going through all of the original Black Sabbath studio albums, discussing them song by song. We'll do other reactions, commentaries, analyses, and discussions as well! We want to build a community of Black Sabbath lovers, and really dive deep into why we love them so much. So take my hand and we'll go riding as we observe the Sabbath.
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Sabbathways brings you glimpses of historical religious writings from diverse traditions throughout the U.S. and beyond. It is one part religious story time, one part electric organ dreamscape with a dash of historical context. Every episode offers a different religious tradition’s texts—texts that explore the meaning of life, the presence of God, our place in society and beyond. These texts speak to current day issues and are enlivened by a song on the organ. sabbathways.org
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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a podcast encouraging listeners to think deeper about God and faith. find us on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.
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In response to the grace of God, Christ City Church is joining Christ in his work of redemption in Washington, DC, and the world. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God on display in DC, in every life and every sphere of life.
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After a long hard week at work, start your Saturday morning with the Mike Johnson and Cathy Boldeau, for the Sabbath Breakfast. From 7:00 until 9:00am, listen to the best in Gospel music, learn from the words of resident pastor, Ian Sweeney with the weekly Scripture Smash, be inspired by the Morning Message from international speakers, and hear the testimonies of a variety of guests.
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Exodus 34 - Slow to anger
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Divine wrath can be a difficult concept to put alongside a "loving God". In fact, this attribute of God is perhaps more prominent in the Bible than in many contemporary expressions of Christianity. It makes sense for us to tend to avoid thinking about it, given the abundance of situations in which human anger is unhelpful. We discuss how anger migh…
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Throughout Scripture, love and justice go together. True love requires justice, and true justice can be governed by and meted only out in love.Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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परमेश्वरको कृपा र मध्यस्थताको छातामुनि, परमेश्वरले आफ्नो प्रेमको सानो सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रियामा पनि आनन्द लिनुहुन्छ।Adventist World Radio
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Allah menyatakan murka terhadap kejahatan karena kasih-Nya. Kalau tidak ada kejahatan atau ketidakadilan, maka tidak ada murka. Murka Ilahi tidak dapat dihilangkan, namun mereka yang beriman kepada Yesus akan dibebaskan dari murka tersebut karena Kristus.Adventist World Radio
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There are places in the gospels where we can plainly see that Jesus was very much concerned about teaching us the importance of practical morality. He emphasized the actual doing of right things and the avoidance of doing wrong things. Once such example is Matthew 19:16-19, where Jesus tells a questioner, "If you want to enter into life, keep the c…
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In this week's lesson we will examine how God's wrath is different than human anger. Jesus experienced righteous indignation. So, when is wrath an appropriate response?
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January 25, 2025: God Is Passionate and Compassionate
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Join Miguel Mendez and Chris Stanley for the lesson study this week.Loma Linda University Church
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Tracy G. Interview "Angry Machines"- Dio
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Former Dio band guitarist Tracy G. joins us to discuss his time with the band and the writing and recording of the "Angry Machines" Album, John and Darin also share their thoughts on the album. Make a donation at: https://ko-fi.com/intothevoidablacksabbathpodcast More metal content visit "Lair of the Alchemist" on youtube. Check out "Kicked in the …
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Revelation 21 part 2, The New Heaven, New Earth & New Jerusalem.
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In this episode, we explore the powerful biblical passage that speaks of a new heaven and new earth, the glorious New Jerusalem, and the joy and peace it brings. Learn about God's promises, His presence in the holy city, and the purification of both the land and His people. The city is depicted as a place of purity and glory, with gates open to all…
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1 Corinthians 13 - Not jealous
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God is passionate and compassionate. We (meaning humans in general and Seventh-day Adventists in particular) tend to be somewhat distrustful of emotions, but it turns out that similar critiques can be applied to reason and other aspects of human experience. One intriguing emotional word used in the Bible to describe God is "jealous", but elsewhere …
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हामी पतित, पापी प्राणीको रूपमा, कसरी पवित्र परमेश्वरलाई प्रसन्न पार्न सक्छौं?Adventist World Radio
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Jika tidak ada kejahatan, Allah tidak akan marah. Kemarahan Allah senantiasa hanya terhadap apa yang merugikan ciptaan-Nya. Allah tidak menindas atas kemauan sendiri, kasih pda akhirnya membutuhkan keadilan.Adventist World Radio
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भगवानलाई खुशी पार्ने?Adventist World Radio
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Yesus menunjukkan kemarahan yang benar terhadap orang-orang yang memperlakukan Bait Allah sebagai sesuatu yang biasa dan yang mengubahnya menjadi "sarang penyamun" untuk mengambil keuntungan dari para janda, anak yatim, dan orang miskin.Adventist World Radio
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Luke 15 - We had to celebrate
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This belated episode explores what it means to "be pleasing to God". Some disruptions are referenced at the start of the conversation, and others persisted long enough to delay this episode by more than a week (sorry)! Thinking about pleasing God often leads Christians to ponder the corruption of sin - but the Parable of the Lost Sons in Luke 15 is…
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Allah menjadi marah terhadap kejahatan karena Allah itu kasih. Allah begitu berbelas kasihan, murah hati, Allah lambat marah dan sangat panjang sabar, mencurahkan rahmat secara limpah, namun tanpa membenarkan dosa atau menutup mata terhadap ketidakadilan.Adventist World Radio
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हाम्रो लागि यो कल्पना गर्न गाह्रो छ, भगवानले प्रत्येक व्यक्तिलाई अगणित मूल्यको मान्नुहुन्छ, त्यसैले उहाँ एक आत्माको मुक्तिमा पनि आनन्दित हुनुहुन्छ।Adventist World Radio
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जसरी हामीले अघिल्लो पाठमा देख्यौं, त्यहाँ कोही पनि छैन - सबैभन्दा खराब पापी वा सबैभन्दा खराब दुष्ट पनि - जसलाई परमेश्वरले प्रेम नगर्नु हुन्छ।Adventist World Radio
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Kemarahan Ilahi adalah respons kasih yang tepat terhadap kejahatan karena kejahatan selalu menyakiti orang yang dikasihi Allah. Tidak ada contoh dalam Kitab Suci di mana Allah murka atau marah secara sewenang-wenang atau tidak adil.Adventist World Radio
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Revelation 21 part 1, The New Heaven, New Earth & New Jerusalem.
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In this video, we explore the powerful biblical passage that speaks of a new heaven and new earth, the glorious New Jerusalem, and the joy and peace it brings. Learn about God's promises, His presence in the holy city, and the purification of both the land and His people. The city is depicted as a place of purity and glory, with gates open to all w…
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निम्न परिदृश्यको कल्पना गर्नुहोस्: एक पाँच वर्षको बच्चा बुबाको दिनमा खराब बेरिएको उपहार लिएर आफ्नो बुबाकहाँ आउँछ। हर्षोल्लासका साथ, उसले आफ्नो बुबालाई उपहार दिन्छ।Adventist World Radio
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Murka Ilahi merupakan ekspresi lain dari kasih Ilahi, kemarahan yang benar yang dimotivasi oleh kebaikan & kasih yang sempurna. Respon kasih Allah terhadap kejahatan & ketidakadilan, demi kepentingan para korban kejahatan dan terhadap para pelakunya.Adventist World Radio
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Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Tatkala iblis dengan teriakan keras menuntut jiwa kita, mempersalahkan kita karena dosa, dan mengklaim kita sebagai mangsanya, darah Kristus membela kita dengan kuasa yang lebih besar."Adventist World Radio
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Though God’s compassion is often celebrated, many find the idea of His wrath disturbing. If God is love, they think He should never express wrath. That notion, however, is false. His wrath arises directly from His love.Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Allah Kitab Suci itu penuh kasih sayang dan penuh hasrat, dan emosi Ilahi ini dicontohkan dengan jelas dalam diri Yesus Kristus. Kita dapat merespons dan memantulkan, kasih Allah yang sangat emosional, namun selalu benar dan rasional.Adventist World Radio
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Kecemburuan Allah sering disalahpahami. Cemburu Ilahi tidak memiliki konotasi negatif, dan merupakan satu-satunya jenis yang benar, sebagai kasih Allah yang penuh hasrat terhadap umat-Nya.Adventist World Radio
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Allah itu penyayang, namun tidak pernah mengesampingkan keadilan. Kasih dan keadilan berjalan beriringan.Adventist World Radio
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Old Testament prophets revealed God's passion and even jealousy for us. How did God demonstrate this love through the ministry of Jesus?
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Allah memperlakukan kita sebagai anak-anak-Nya yang terkasih, mengasihi kita seperti ayah & ibu yang baik menyayangi anak-anaknya. Allah memandang umat perjanjian-Nya sebagai "anak kesayangan", "anak kesukaan," meski sering memberontak & mendukakan Dia.Adventist World Radio
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January 18, 2025: To Be Pleasing to God
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Join Miguel Mendez and Joey Oh for the lesson study this week.Loma Linda University Church
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The Final Victory: Satan Bound, The Judgment, and The Fiery Lake, Revelation 20.
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In Revelation 20, an angel chains Satan for 1,000 years while the faithful reign with Messiah. After this period, Satan is released, but his defeat is certain. The dead are judged, and those not found in the Book of Life are cast into the fiery lake. Join us as we break down this powerful chapter and explore the ultimate triumph of good over evil i…
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Allah menciptakan manusia dengan kemampuan emosi. Di seluruh Kitab Suci Allah digambarkan sebagai Allah yang mengalami emosi mendalam. Emosi tidak bisa dianggap buruk atau tidak rasional, karena Allah sangat baik, memiliki hikmat yang sempurna.Adventist World Radio
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Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Semua penurutan sejati berasal dari dalam hati. Itulah pekerjaan hati bersama Kristus. Dengan menghargai tabiat Kristus, melalui hubungan dengan Allah, dosa akan menjadi yang kita benci.Adventist World Radio
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How can we model our lives after the life of Christ, focusing on the felt needs of others, and, thus, not merely preaching God’s love but showing it in tangible ways?Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Yesus menerima iman yang terkecil sekalipun dan, dengan iman melalui pengantaraan Kristus, kita dapat menyenangkan Allah. Jika Allah menerima kita melalui Kristus, betapa lebih lagi kita harus menerima orang lain.Adventist World Radio
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Sebelum kita berkata atau melakukan apa pun, Allah menjangkau kita dan memberi kita kesempatan untuk menerima atau menolak kasih-Nya. Mereka yang menyambut Allah dengan iman dianggap benar dan layak, melalui pengantaraan Kristus.Adventist World Radio
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Betapa eratnya ikatan antara surga dan bumi sehingga Allah, Pencipta alam semesta, bisa begitu erat terlibat, bahkan secara emosional, dengan kita.Adventist World Radio
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Revelation 19, The Fall of Babylon and God's Vengeance, Key Bible Verses Explained.
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Revelation 19 is a powerful celebration that unfolds in heaven as the fall of Babylon is commemorated and Yah's servants are vindicated. The Lamb's wedding symbolizes the ultimate union, marking a significant moment in biblical prophecy. The victorious rider, named Faithful and True, leads an army to triumph over the nations, assuring us of God's u…
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Allah menganggap setiap orang sangat berharga, itulah sebabnya Allah bersukacita sekalipun atas keselamatan satu jiwa saja.Adventist World Radio
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