A podcast that is unscripted, organic, raw and real. A conversation geared to bring more peace, balance, happiness, health and love to your life.
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Remember a few weeks back, when I declared, “All in!”? If you’re new to my podcast, I’m talking about my recent decision to follow the Plant Paradox Diet for two months with the aim to heal myself from eczema, which I’ve had now for 8 years. Well, the day before Halloween we carved a pumpkin. And I roasted and salted the seeds, as I always do, and …
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Positive affirmations are positive statements that we can say to ourselves to help us feel connected. They uplift and empower us and they can eventually replace most of the negative thoughts that run through our brains, if we say them enough. And they are SUCH an important part of my life. I highly recommend you consider adding this life changing p…
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One morning this past week, one of the 4am mornings, I woke up exhausted. And when I wake up feeling this way, I’ll usually put a show on for the girls while I try and get another hour of sleep on the sofa. This particular morning I woke up to my youngest Quinn going through daddy’s wallet. I recall seeing it on the coffee table before lying down b…
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I honestly had no idea that parenting could be this exhausting. These little humans ask sooo many questions and they ask the same question like 4 times and they constantly do things that we ask them not to. And the way they speak to us? I’m constantly redirecting the conversation with my girls. Here’s a conversation I had with my three year old dau…
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Okay. So I know normally people keep their guilty pleasures to themselves. You know, the things they like to do that maybe they don’t want anyone to know about, or maybe feel ashamed of. Or they think others will think they’re weird if they find out. Well, I have two guilty pleasures and I want to proudly share them with you...…
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I often feel like a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to the topic of healthy eating. I talk the talk but lately I haven’t been walking the walk.Being mindful of what I’m eating has been a focus of mine for many years. It was way back in 2003 when I had a sensitivity test that showed my slight intolerance to sugar and wheat. I would always get bloat…
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There’s a quote I love and I’ve shared before by Tony Robbins that goes like this. “Trade your expectations for appreciation and your world changes instantly." Think about it for a moment while I tell you a little anecdote about my relationship. Deryk and I work opposite shifts. He’s a high school music teacher, so he works days, and I’m a server a…
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I recently hired a meal prep and delivery service to help me create healthy dinners for my family. It was an area that I’ve always struggled with, even though I love to cook. I think part of the reason is because I’ve been in the restaurant industry for so long, I’ve never been used to planning nightly meals. And the other, of course, because while…
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I had a revelation before starting this podcast that I should be sharing more personal stories. Like some pretty intimate stuff. So that you may relate AND come to know for certain that you’re not the only one having these experiences. Please know that you are not alone. And I also realized that I need to be more intentional with my message. So I’v…
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Yesterday my partner Deryk and I took the girls and our dog Pax to the park. We were heading out for a family fishing adventure and we wanted to tire our puppy out before we left. And for some reason the girls were whining like crazy and even the dog was pulling more than usual, so it could’ve been a stressful walk. But I decided to shift the focus…
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About a year ago, a girlfriend of mine was over and we did a little tour of my closet. I was looking for a more efficient way to organize it, I share a walk-in closet with my partner Deryk, and she had recently created a video to help women sort through their clothes for a more organized space. So she was just the friend to ask for help. She recomm…
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I don’t know if you have the same feelings that I do about laundry but for a very long time I felt overwhelmed by it. Especially after having children where the amount of clothes almost tripled. Even after doing a podcast called Happiness Instead Of Overwhelm, where I shared that it’s our response to it that needs to change, and I did a really good…
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I’m a big believer in the power of a positive mindset. Positive thoughts partnered with belief can manifest some really incredible things. I’ve seen some real magic happen in my life! A positive mindset or positive thinking is more than just looking at life with a positive attitude. It’s about the positive self talk. What are you telling yourself? …
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One of the things that I do when things feel uncertain in my life or I don’t feel in alignment or I feel things are hard and out of my control, is I do a card reading. I have a deck of angel tarot cards by Doreen Virtue that I’ve been using for about 10 years now and I absolutely love them. They provide me with insight, guidance, and answers and th…
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I was recently asked to share my thoughts on a book titled '365 Days of Happiness - Because happiness is a piece of cake! By Jacqueline Pirtle. And what a gem of a book!! It’s recommended to keep next to your bed so that it starts off your morning with inspiration that nourishes you on all levels...mind, body, soul and consciousness.…
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I’m a HUGE advocate for self love. I strongly believe that everyone deserves to put themselves first. And if you’re a parent, I mean even in front of your children. You might think I’m crazy but hear me out...Sandy Jamieson
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What’s changed for you since you last listened? If you’re committed to living your best life, then things have to be changing for you to learn and grow. What’s that quote? The only thing constant in life is change? It’s so true! So for me, life is changing rapidly. With a 3 year old and a 5 year old, an elderly dog and a puppy, life is pretty out o…
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A couple of weeks ago my running shoes were stolen from the gym. Now, coming from a place of trusting that everything happens for a reason, I never actually got angry. It was the second time that week I had left them overnight and I felt so lucky the first time that they were still there and the second time it happened I thought really, I should’ve…
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I was talking with a friend at work the other night about my personal life. We’re both mothers of two who don’t get a lot of sleep and I was sharing the list of things that aren’t working right now. This isn’t something that I normally do. I usually keep to myself all the stuff that isn’t working hoping that by not addressing it, I’m not drawing an…
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There is something to learn from every situation. You’ve heard me say this many times before. And I truly believe it. Things come up to teach us. And only when we’re truly ready for the message are we able to receive it. And this week something came up for me again. A situation I thought was in the past...…
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So on Tuesday this past week I had a really rough day. I also did a few things totally out of character. And because I believe everything happens the way that it’s supposed to, I trust that my day was meant to unfold in this way in order for me to learn from it. It started with an earlier waking then usual.…
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I am not an expert. And really, I don’t even know the best way to do things. Although sometimes I think I know. What I do know for sure... http://www.1010zen.com/68Sandy Jamieson
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You know it’s actually quite surprising to me that we need to teach kindness to children. At least I do. I have to constantly remind my two little girls to be kind to one another. And when I remind them, I have to be mindful of how I’m redirecting them and that I’m being kind when I do. Instead of reacting with frustration, which can totally happen…
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I’ve recently made some changes to my diet. And because of those changes we’ve been doing a lot of ordering in...which is pretty uncharacteristic for us, but I haven’t been feeling very inspired to cook lately. I found out things I believed to be healthy weren’t always healthy and that left me feeling like I didn’t really know what to make anymore.…
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I think it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s okay to let something go if we need to. Without explanation. We need to honor how we’re feeling first and show up when we can be authentic and genuine without expectation. Expectation is the wrong way to do things...Sandy Jamieson
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I think I define balance a little differently than most people. To me, balance is not about making everything equal and it’s not reaching a final destination. It’s about balancing the things you have going on in your life and giving the required time needed on a consistent basis so that you feel like you have a handle on your life. So you don’t fee…
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This is a podcast for our hearts. This topic l is especially sensitive to me since my dad had a heart attack when I was 14 years old and I thought I was going to lose him. I had been out at a party and had been drinking so when he called me to his bedroom I was a bit annoyed. Then he said “I think I’m having a heart attack”. It was so scary and I s…
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So, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to touch on something pretty important. It’s about keeping the love alive in your relationship. Now, if you don’t have a significant other and would like one, I have some tips for you also. So keep listening.Sandy Jamieson
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61. Finding Your Authentic Self
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How do you find your authentic self? This is a really interesting topic. To be your authentic self you need the courage to go within and the willingness to get to know your true self. And that can take some work but it’s truly worth it and you deserve to invest that time in yourself. So, start thinking about your life and take the time to reflect o…
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I received a book that I am absolutely in love with. "Journey To The Heart - Daily Meditations On The Path To Freeing Your Soul." By Melody Beattie. This book is about discovering who you are. It’s about finding peace and healing...about stepping into your power. And, what I especially love...Sandy Jamieson
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Do you want to know the secret to looking younger and living longer?Male or female, regardless of your age...I know the secret and I’m going to share it with you. And actually, the secret is not a secret at all. It’s common sense that these two things I’m going to share with you will help you to live a longer and more youthful life...…
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