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Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Young and Profiting with Hala Taha is the must-listen podcast for anyone who is hardcore into entrepreneurship. Hosted by Hala Taha, a self-made entrepreneur and marketing expert, this top-ranked show features mini-masterclasses with business icons and entrepreneurs like GaryVee, Alex Hormozi, Mel Robbins, Tom Bilyeu and Codie Sanchez. Listen to YAP to profit in all aspects of life - from boosting sales and beating algorithms, to brain hacks and biohacking. Whether you’re launching a startup ...
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Tahmina Talks Immigration®

Tahmina Watson

Tahmina Talks Immigration® is your go-to talk show for breaking down U.S. immigration laws with clarity and passion! Hosted by the unstoppable Tahmina Watson—founder of Watson Immigration Law, fierce immigration lawyer, and dedicated reform advocate—this show delivers fresh insights, real-life success stories, and cutting-edge legal updates. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a future immigrant, or just curious about the law, join Tahmina as she combines expert analysis with her unique, energet ...
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A maverick is someone who breaks away from conventional thinking or behavior to create their own way. This whole podcast is centered around me having conversations with people I want to learn from regarding business, marketing, branding, leadership, and growth! People that stand out to me as mavericks. So feel free to listen in, and let's grow together into the mavericks this culture needs. https://www.maverickculture.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tahegovernor LinkedIn: https://w ...
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Máy Rửa Xe Tahico

Máy Rửa Xe Tahico

Máy rửa xe Tahico chính hãng, Công ty cung cấp, báo giá, mua các dòng máy rửa xe ô tô, máy rửa xe cao áp, máy rửa xe dây đai, máy rửa xe mini, máy rửa xe gia đình, máy rửa xe cầm tay, máy rửa xe công nghiệp, máy rửa xe cũ, máy rửa xe tự động. Đến từ các thương hiệu Lutian, Kokoro, Jetman, Ý, italy, Nhật bãi...
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Belum Tahu

Bunga & Matthew

Hello! Ini adalah podcast dimana @matthewpradipta & @bunga.c sharing pengalaman dan cerita hidup mereka, either to entertain you atau bahkan buat kami look back nantinya. Jangan terlalu dianggap serius yaaa kami cuma mau berbagi, simply karna setiap perjalanan dan musim hidup itu berarti eaaaa .Semoga terhibur!
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Tahitian Talk

Tahiti Podcast

Ia Ora na, Bienvenue sur Tahitian Talk, le podcast dédié à la création à Tahiti, mais pas seulement Initialement axé sur le processus créatif des artistes polynésiens le champs d’intérêt du podcast s’étend désormais de la création artistique aux initiatives individuelles remarquables. L’objectif reste de partager des parcours inspirants, témoins de la diversité et de la richesse de nos îles Vous écoutez Tahitian Talk un Podcast co-animé par Miriama Bono et Benjamin Brillouet. Hébergé par Aus ...
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The Audio Newsroom with Hala Taha

Hala Taha

Join celebrity podcaster, Hala Taha, and friends for the latest in podcast industry news! Hear from app executives on product updates and top podcasters on the latest trends. Stay abreast of everything going on in the fast-moving podcast world.
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iddaa tahminleri

iddaabilir Digital Media

Yorumcumuz Şükrü ÖĞÜTLÜ iddaa tahminleri iddaa programından güvendiği maçların analizlerini yaptı ve iddaa tahminlerini paylaştı. Umarım videoları beğenir ve destek olursunuz. 💥📲 Şükrü ÖĞÜTLÜ Ücretli Whats App Grubu için [email protected] e-mail adresine mailinizi gönderip bilgi alabilirsiniz 💥📲İDDAABİLİR MOBİL UYGULAMASI!! 💥GOOGLE PLAY'DEN İNDİRMEK İÇİN💥 https://bit.ly/3zVnrBf 💥📲İDDAABİLİR MOBİL UYGULAMASI!! 💥APPLE STORE'DEN İNDİRMEK İÇİN💥 https://apple.co/3Ace3cJ 💥📲İddaabilir TV Kanal ...
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Taha's Thoughts

Taha Abbasi

Welcome to the Taha's Thoughts Podcast, where I share some of my thoughts on topics ranging from leadership, organizational development, technology, motivation, and more. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thoughts-from-taha/support
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المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم http://www.mp3quran.net Mp3 Quran Shirazad Taher - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem
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Tahuhu Korero Podcast

Tahuhu Korero

Tāhuhu kōrero is a blog and podcast founded by Kathryn Cammell, Michaela Selway and the University of Auckland History Society. The purpose of this podcast is to increase the accessibility and inclusivity of the study of history and promote the research completed by staff and students at the University of Auckland. Podcasts will be released fortnightly - generally in the first and third weeks of the month. All references and material discussed in the podcast can be found on the related blogp ...
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فاطمه برغانی قزوینی ملقب به زرین تاج، زَکیّه، اُم سَلَمه و مشهور به طاهره و قره‌العِیّن، شاعر، خطیب، عارف، محدث ایرانی بود، نام کامل او فاطمه زرین تاج برغانی قزوینی‌ست، پدر و مادرش هر دو مسلمان و مجتهد بودند، اما با علنی شدن دعوت سید علی محمد باب، طاهره به ایشان ایمان آورده و در زمره نزدیک‌ترین یاران ایشان در آمد.
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Welcome to Organize Your Life Show with Assil Taha. Assil is the author of the book Organize Your Life, and she is also a blogger. Organize Your Life with Assil Taha covers motivational subjects. Each episode is planned to give you inspirational boost to develop a happier life. Thank you for listening and enjoy the podcast. If you want to know more about Assil visit her blog at assiltaha.com
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Dibs Wa Tahineh Podcast - بودكاست دبس و طحينة

Dibs Wa Tahineh Podcast - بودكاست دبس و طحينة

دقّ/ـي الدّبس بطحينة... نحن مجموعة أصدقاء نهتم بالتعمّق بالقضايا التي تمسّ المجتمع، وتحديدًا البعيدة منها عن ساحات النّقاش. نشارككن/ـم هذا الشّغف من خلال هذه المدوّنة الصّوتيّة في الجمعة الأخيرة من كل شهر لنفكّر معًا بقصص، وتجارب، ومواقف نعيشها جميعًا في مجتمعاتنا ولكن لا نتوقّف عندها، إمّا بسبب الخجل، أو قلّة الوقت، أو الخوف. متأمّلات/ـين ن أن نخلق بذلك مساحة للاستماع، والاستكشاف، والتّعلّم، والتّقرّب من ذواتنا، ومن أجسادنا، والآخر. We are a group of friends who are interested in deepening ...
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Native Americans and Technology Integration: TAH

Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.

This podcast was developed as part of an elementary-level Clark County School District Teaching American History Grant. The three-year grant will fund six modules per year with each module focusing on a different era of American history and a different pedagogical theme. This podcast focuses on Native Americans of the Colonial Era and Technology Integration in Elementary Schools. Participants in the grant are third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers in Clark County (the greater Las Vegas area ...
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show series
Young and Profiting with Hala Taha is the must-listen podcast for anyone who is hardcore into entrepreneurship. Hosted by Hala Taha, a self-made entrepreneur and marketing expert, this top-ranked show features mini-masterclasses with business icons and entrepreneurs like GaryVee, Alex Hormozi, Mel Robbins, Tom Bilyeu, and Codie Sanchez. Listen to Y…
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When New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur Rory Vaden wanted to get better at public speaking, he went out and spoke 304 times… for free. It was perhaps the best investment he could have made in himself and his abilities. In this episode, Rory will explain how to communicate effectively and show off your authentic self while building t…
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When Adam Schafer launched Mind Pump, the fitness space on social media was flooded with fake success and viral fame. But he chose loyalty over hype by helping a few people deeply, replying to every DM, and turning down quick brand deals to protect his audience's trust. That approach built Mind Pump into a multi-million-dollar business, with brands…
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"Õhtumaa allakäigu" autori Oswald Spengleri sõnul hingestab iga kultuuri poeetiliselt vahendatud algilmutus – die Ursymbole –, mille vägi aja jooksul paratamatult maha käib. Kultuuri lõppu tähistab Spengleri järgi kantseleiliku proosa laviin. "Kui tema ajajärgu inimene meid praegu vaataks, näeks ta väikeste kabinetitekstide vorpijate armaadat, kes …
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In this episode, Jordan Lawrence is the EB5AN Director of Business Development. In this role, he structures EB-5 project offerings and develops new strategic relationships. Jordan most recently served as the Director of Operations at Houston EB5. He has over five years of experience in the real estate finance and development industries, online mark…
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At a pool party, little Lori Harder got up on the diving board only to hear her peers chanting “Whale!” And just like that, she went from a bubbly child to one who hid because of her body. Refusing to accept that her size was genetic, she threw herself into the world of fitness. Through relentless hard work, she became a 3-time fitness world champi…
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27 years ago, entrepreneur Dean Graziosi had to max out his credit cards and spend over $200,000 just to get his product on TV. Today, AI can help you launch a business in a matter of hours, for the cost of a few cups of coffee. In the sixth and final episode of the YAPCreator Series, Hala explores how AI is revolutionizing content creation and ent…
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Adam Schafer’s childhood was marked by poverty, the tragic loss of his father, and the presence of an abusive stepfather. At just 15 years old, he became an entrepreneur, mowing lawns to afford the life he wanted. By  21, he was already leading a team of fitness trainers despite having less experience. Years later, he co-founded Mind Pump Media, tr…
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„Rooma kultuur on seega olemuslik üleminek, ülepääs või ehk koguni akvedukt – veel üks Rooma kohaloleku käegakatsutav märk maastikul. Akveduktil on kujundina maantee ees muide see eelis, et ta kätkeb endas tasemevahe vajalikkust. Sellal kui maantee on seda parem, mida ühetasasem, pole akvedukt ilma languseta mõeldav. Täpselt samamoodi on rooma kult…
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Morgan Housel made his first investment at 18, putting $1,000 into a certificate of deposit at his local bank. When he started earning interest on that saving, he was hooked. He dove into books on finance, investing, and wealth building, eventually becoming a financial columnist for The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal. In today’s episode, M…
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In this episode of Tahmina Talks Immigration, I speak with Clive Stafford Smith- British American Human Rights Lawyer who is an expert on Guantanamo Bay detained cases having represented over 80 detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He specialises in the areas of civil rights and working against the death penalty in the United States…
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Morgan Housel once looked back at his twenties as a carefree, simple time, living in a beautiful apartment with his wife. But she quickly reminded him how anxious he truly was. His nostalgia had erased the uncertainty he once felt, just like how investors look back at past market growth and assume success was inevitable. In this episode, Morgan exp…
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Trong thời đại hiện đại, việc làm sạch xe không chỉ yêu cầu tính hiệu quả cao mà còn phải tối ưu hóa thời gian, công sức và chi phí.Máy rửa xe đầu liền chính là giải pháp tuyệt vời mang đến hiệu suất làm sạch mạnh mẽ, độ bền bỉ và tính đa dụng cao. Hãy cùng chúng tôi khám phá những mãu máy rửa xe đầu liền đạt chuẩn chất lượng tốt nhất hiện nay! Ngu…
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Kordame saadet, mis oli Kuku eetris 2020. aasta 25. oktoobril. Vestlusringis osalesid Henri Laupmaa ja Toomas Trapido. Selle vestluse lähtepunktiks on USA filosoofi Charles Eisensteini essee "Kroonimine". Mina kuulsin Charles Eisensteinist esimest korda 2020. aasta 11. aprillil, kui meediaplatvormi Rebel Wisdom eestvedaja David Fuller avaldas video…
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Máy rửa xe không chổi than với động cơ lõi đồng đã và đang trở thành lựa chọn phổ biến cho nhiều người tiêu dùng, nhờ vào khả năng hoạt động mạnh mẽ, tiết kiệm năng lượng và độ bền ấn tượng. Sản phẩm này không chỉ giúp việc làm sạch trở nên nhanh chóng, mà còn đáp ứng nhu cầu cao về chất lượng và hiệu quả của người sử dụng. Cùng khám phá lý do vì s…
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Sahil Bloom felt empty despite crushing his career and financial goals. His health, relationships, and well-being were crumbling, until one conversation made him realize that at his current pace, he might see his parents only 15 more times before they passed. This realization hit like a punch in the gut. Within 45 days, Sahil quit his job, sold his…
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Trong thế giới máy rửa xe, máy rửa xe lõi đồng đang ngày càng chiếm ưu thế nhờ vào hiệu suất làm việc mạnh mẽ và độ bền vượt trội. Với cấu tạo motor đặc biệt, loại máy này không chỉ giúp làm sạch hiệu quả mà còn mang lại trải nghiệm sử dụng lâu dài và tiết kiệm năng lượng. Cùng tìm hiểu lý do tại sao máy rửa xe lõi đồng lại được ưa chuộng và điểm q…
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Máy rửa xe hiện đại không chỉ đơn thuần là công cụ làm sạch mà còn góp phần bảo vệ, duy trì vẻ đẹp lâu dài của chiếc xe. Các dòng máy rửa xe nhập khẩu từ Đức, Nhật Bản và Hàn Quốc được ưa chuộng nhờ vào hiệu suất mạnh mẽ, độ bền vượt trội và thiết kế tinh tế. Dưới đây là top 10 máy rửa xe nhập khẩu giá chỉ từ 1.5 triệu đồng, phù hợp với nhu cầu của…
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If you’ve ever felt like your content just isn’t sticking, you might not be speaking your audience’s language. But figuring out what resonates isn’t a guessing game. There are real strategies to find what connects, cut what doesn’t, and adjust on the fly. In this episode of the YAPCreator Series, presented by OpusClip, Hala Taha breaks down why ana…
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Máy rửa xe Hàn Quốc từ lâu đã chiếm được sự tin tưởng của người tiêu dùng Việt Nam nhờ vào chất lượng xuất sắc, thiết kế bền bỉ và hiệu suất làm việc ấn tượng. Không chỉ đơn giản là công cụ để làm sạch xe, các máy rửa xe này còn mang lại sự tiện lợi tối đa, đáp ứng nhu cầu sử dụng đa dạng từ gia đình đến các cơ sở kinh doanh. Điểm mạnh của máy rửa …
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Top 5+ model máy rửa xe của Đức tốt nhất giá từ 2 triệu đồng Máy rửa xe Đức đang trở thành lựa chọn hàng đầu của người tiêu dùng Việt Nam nhờ vào chất lượng vượt trội và hiệu suất làm việc mạnh mẽ. Được biết đến với thiết kế tinh tế, khả năng làm sạch hiệu quả và độ bền cao, các sản phẩm máy rửa xe từ các thương hiệu Đức luôn đáp ứng được những yêu…
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Amanda DuBois is the founder and managing partner of DuBois Levias Law Group, a woman-owned boutique family law firm in Seattle. Before practicing law, she was a high-risk labor and delivery nurse at the University of Washington Medical Center, a background that informs her legal work and fuels her passion for social justice. Over the past thirty y…
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Starting as an early AI enthusiast during his Stanford days, Reid Hoffman was eager to explore the potential of artificial intelligence, but the technology wasn’t ready, so he shifted his focus. Years later, inspired by conversations with top tech innovators, he recognized AI’s potential and seized the moment. He became a founding investor in OpenA…
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Donald Miller once lost all of his life savings to a bad investment. But after he decided to start taking 100% ownership of his life and business, everything changed. In this episode, Donald is back on YAP to focus on how to grow a small business! Donald will explain why we should think of our business as an airplane and why most small businesses t…
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Do you struggle with selling because you see it as manipulative and it goes against your values and business ethos? Or maybe you're on the other end and you don't mind being pushy and talkative but you're still not closing? Carlos Garcia is a Sales Coach for Financial Professionals. In this conversation, Carlos Garcia shares his journey from a comf…
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Despite having a strong product idea, Reid Hoffman’s first startup collapsed, forcing him to return investors’ capital. This tough experience reshaped his approach to entrepreneurship. By embracing failure, iterating quickly, and adapting relentlessly, he went on to become a leader at PayPal and later, the co-founder of LinkedIn. In this episode, R…
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Khám phá máy rửa xe Nhật Bản – giải pháp ưu việt cho việc chăm sóc xe toàn diện Máy rửa xe Nhật Bản luôn được biết đến nhờ hiệu suất mạnh mẽ, công nghệ tiên tiến và độ bền vượt trội. Được thiết kế với sự tinh tế và tính toán kỹ lưỡng, các dòng máy này không chỉ làm sạch tối ưu mà còn mang lại sự tiện lợi và dễ sử dụng cho người dùng. Chính nhờ vậy,…
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Trong chăn nuôi hiện đại, duy trì vệ sinh chuồng trại là yếu tố then chốt để bảo vệ sức khỏe vật nuôi và tăng hiệu quả kinh tế. Máy xịt rửa chuồng trại cao áp hiện đang là lựa chọn hàng đầu, giúp giảm tải công việc, tối ưu hóa năng suất và mang đến môi trường an toàn. Với khả năng làm sạch mạnh mẽ, thiết bị này loại bỏ hiệu quả bụi bẩn và mầm bệnh …
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Heather Monahan was at the top of her career when she was blindsided and fired after 14 years as Chief Revenue Officer. Instead of letting it define her, she walked away with her head held high and rebuilt her life on her own terms. Heather turned her setback into a springboard for success, becoming a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and confid…
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Quý khách hàng đang tìm kiếm một thiết bị rửa xe cao áp mạnh mẽ, bền bỉ và tối ưu hoá chi phí vận hành? Máy rửa xe Mazzoni – thương hiệu danh tiếng đến từ Italia – chính là lựa chọn hoàn hảo, đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu từ rửa xe, vệ sinh nhà xưởng đến làm sạch công trình xây dựng. Với công nghệ hiện đại, khả năng vận hành ổn định cùng áp lực nước mạnh mẽ,…
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When Hala started podcasting, everyone told her it was too late to enter the market. But today, she is known as the Podcast Princess. With creativity and great content, anyone can build a powerful brand and make an impact. While the endless opportunities to create and connect can feel overwhelming, there are proven strategies to help you get starte…
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