Tate Frazier and guests all come together to crack the many mysteries in the world of basketball and beyond!
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A musician, singer, songwriter and dreamer obsessed with soundscapes, deeper stuff and bright and shiny things. We're talking Queen, music in general and the human psyche.
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Phóng sự đặc biệt về nhiều đề tài khác nhau. Thế giới quanh ta. Các vấn đề chính trị, kinh tế, đời sống, xã hội và văn hóa của nước Mỹ và thế giới.
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Shiri ne na musamman, da kan tattaunawa da bangarori daban-daban na Al’umma da ke sauraren Shirye shiryen RFI Hausa daga kowane kusurwa na fadin duniya, kan muhimman batutuwa, da suka shafi siyasa Tattalin’ariziki, al’adu da dai sauransu…
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Todo domingo uma nova história para repreender! Aqui falamos de fantasmas, true crime, mistérios não solucionados e teorias absurdas, mas sempre com um bom humor! E é por isso que Tá Repreendido!
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Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarja Andreja Počkaj (do 48. epizode je bila gostiteljica tudi Nina Puhek). V njem z gosti potuje po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje.
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Babbling Tat is your go-to podcast for raw and real conversations on growth, healing, and mental health—helping you be your best despite your mess. Join me, Tat, the voice behind Tat’s Corner, Royalty Design Co., and The Pinky Promise Project, as I dive into life’s messy moments with expert interviews, personal stories, and a “learn with me, come with me” vibe. Whether you're navigating struggles or seeking guidance, this podcast is all about sticking together, healing together, and moving f ...
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"Tati & Elas" é um espaço dedicado às mulheres cristãs, abordando suas dores e necessidades espirituais. Inspirado em exemplos bíblicos e histórias e personagens atuais, o programa traz ensino bíblico, meditações e "insights" que fortalecem a fé e promovem a participação ativa na igreja e na comunidade para viver e compartilhar uma vida plena que só Cristo pode dar.
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C'est dans ta nature, le rendez-vous hebdomadaire de RFI avec la biodiversité. Reportages et infos sur les végétaux et les animaux, leurs comportements, leurs secrets, leurs rôles dans les écosystèmes et dans la mondialisation. Tout ce dont on parle ici, C'est dans ta nature !
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A drag queen, a gay man, and a straight producer start a podcast. The Tit For Tat Show is the result of that unholy union. We bring you celebrity interviews, our take on current events, and games with prizes.
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Noen kriminalsaker ryster hele landet, andre får politietterforskerne til å klø seg i hodet. I «TA Dokumentar» fordyper journalistene Juni Wendelin Fasting og Erik Edvardsen seg i noen av sakene som har engasjert, sjokkert og overrasket. Men «TA Dokumentar» er ikke bare krim, vi møter også mennesker med helt spesielle historier.
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Ici, on parle entrepreneuriat, psychologie et sciences humaines. J’y partage des ressources, conseils et connaissances pour que les entrepreneurs puissent véritablement se comprendre, travailler sur eux, communiquer avec les autres et réfléchir sur leur entrepreneuriat. Par Laura Besson, fondatrice de Bien dans ta Boite, coach & praticienne systémique, spécialisée des problématiques entrepreneuriales
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Écoute ta fac est une émission de Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM. Retrouvez toutes les informations autour de ce programme à l'adresse suivante : https://orleans.radiocampus.org/emission/ecoute-ta-fac/
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Go to the roots, not to the fruits. I’m your host, Stef Bastiàn, tattooer with over twenty years of experience, traveler, painter, coach. Join me to improve your artistic, personal and professional journey through the stories and insights of inspiring guests, within and outside the tattoo world. Learn more about my different projects and classes at https://www.stefbastian.com/
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Shamis Tate is a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and entrepreneur based in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is well known not only for her professionalism, but also her compassion. Shamis and her team regularly executes philanthropic initiatives such as organizing food donations, clothing drives, and in person volunteering at homeless shelters.
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Jake Meeks' mostly weekly tattoo podcast answering viewer questions, interviewing artists and waxing philosophical to promote better tattooing and more informed collectors. He is often joined by fellow tattooers, artists of other mediums, professionals in other fields and collectors. We hope you enjoy! Also, we offer courses from artists on the show at firesidetattoo.com if you are interested! Thanks for supporting our show!
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Stay current with all things Moffet! See what the Moffet Community is doing including special events, concerts, field trips, and cutting edge lessons. Interviews with STEAM professionals, as well as a focus on urban agriculture and Nature STEM, & environmental action plans.
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Espen Thoresen snakker med ulike kjente menn om hvordan det er å leve med ADHD
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Raciocínio diagnóstico, evidências científicas e clinicagens! Voltado para médicos, estudantes de medicina e outros profissionais de saúde, com o objetivo de discutir temas importantes da Clínica Médica. 🚨 www.tadeclinicagem.com.br/guia - Conheça o Guia TdC com 7 dias grátis 🔴 Junte-se aos mais de 2.000 assinantes. Assine o Guia, ganhe tempo e atualize-se sem esforço. 🟠 Um serviço de revisão e atualização continuados em clínica médica. A informação que você precisa, do jeito que você prefere.
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Bringing you recent lectures, classes, and programs from the Hadar Institute, Ta Shma is where you get to listen in on the beit midrash. Come and listen on the go, at home, or wherever you are. Hosted by Rabbi Avi Killip of the Hadar Institute.
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Chats & Tatts host, Aaron Della Vedova, is known for pushing the creative boundaries with every artistic medium he works in. However, his full coverage back pieces, rib to legs, and torso tattoos are definitely his specialty. With long hours tattooing well known musicians, athletes, public figures, influencers and many others, Aaron knows that tattooing heavily involves building a relationship, a bond, with his clients. On Chats & Tatts, he dives into those relationships with his clients, he ...
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Salaam aleykoum ma copineeeeee!!!🫶🏻 Moi, c'est Sarah, Ta Sadiqah!❤️ C'est quoi la DA de mon podcast?! C'est tout simplement des épisodes où je te partage mes connaissances, mes expériences et tout ça, dans la bienveillance. ✨ Rejoins moi chaque semaine (ou presque oops...) pour parler de diverses sujets. 📚💕💭 - Rejoins moi sur: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ta_sadiqah/ - YouTube: https://youtube.com/@TaSadiqah Pinterest: https://pin.it/5ZOpeOzLg - Adresse email: tasadiqahpodcast@gmail.com
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Welcome to the Tattoo Budcast, the hilarious podcast where tattoo artists and buds Sanae Garcia and Jimmy Jam blend their love for tattoos with their knack for storytelling. Broadcasting from their cozy tattoo shop, they bring you a unique and hearty dose of humor and unfiltered shop banter. Think of it as eavesdropping on a tattoo session, but with fewer needles and more laughs. Each week, Jimmy Jam and Sanae tackle everything from the wildest tattoo requests they’ve ever gotten, to bizarre ...
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Mum! Dad’s Got Another Tattoo - The Mid life Crisis Podcast. Buiding a community of men trying navigate midlife. We navigate the ups, downs, and ridiculousness of midlife—tattoos, fitness, mental health, family chaos, and everything else life throws at you after 40.
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IdahoSports.com has you covered when it comes to high school sports, but what about the next level? Lucas Gebhart and Ryan Luke break down the biggest stories from Idaho's college athletes and beyond, and explore the top recruiting storylines each week.
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Bienvenue sur "Ta Face B", où nos invités, Fondateurs/trices et Dirigeant(e)s des industries Retail, Tech & Numérique, partagent, chaque semaine, leurs passions, des histoires personnelles, et tout ce qui les anime à côté de leur job! --- Welcome to your "Your B-Side", where our guests, Founders and Executives from the Retail, Tech & Digital industries, share each week, their passions, personal stories, and everything that makes them thrill next to their job!
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Le podcast qui vous parle du 9ème Art et d’Animation, avec ceux et pour ceux qui aiment rêver à travers les planches de Bandes Dessinées et les Dessins Animés.
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Malheureusement dans notre société tant que nous ne sommes pas confrontés à la dépression, nous n’y prêtons pas attention. C’est pourtant une maladie très répandue ayant ses propres codes et modifiant au plus profond le comportement des personnes touchées. Peu importe ce que la dépression, vous dit, il est possible d’arriver au bout du tunnel et avoir une vie pleine de sens. Chaque vendredi j’aborderai des solutions à mettre en place pour garde joie et motivation. De plus je proposerai des c ...
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Welcome to the official Tattooing 101 Podcast, with your host Brandon Over. Follow us as we’re joined by special guests every episode, sharing their personal experiences, knowledge, stories, and advice while we take a journey into the exclusive world of the Tattooing Industry.
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Are you sick of "fitness influencers," training fads, and crappy advice that barely applies inside the gym or on the field? Then sit down with elitefts CEO Dave Tate as he interviews the strongest & smartest minds across the strength sports community to talk real, hardcore training, business, life, and more. If you're looking for real, applicable information on all things training, join the crew.
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Um podcast apresentado pelas primas Alana Azevedo e Raíla Azevedo, com histórias desinteressantes pra ouvir a caminho da clínica. Sim, aqui, você é uma Helena do Maneco. Apoie e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: orelo.cc/donahelenapodcast Instagram: instagram.com/donahelenapodcast
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne de NV Jeunes Adultes ! Chaque mois, retrouve la prédication de notre réunion du vendredi ainsi que le nouvel épisode de notre podcast Dieu. Ta vie. Tes choix. Si tu es encouragé par le contenu, partage-le autour de toi! NV Jeunes Adultes, ça ne se passe pas juste en ligne! Joins-toi à nos événements et reste informé de tout ce qui se passe sur notre compte Instagram :) : instagram.com/nv_jeunesadultes.
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Podcast Ta Đi Tây là một album các câu chuyện thực tế và lời khuyên về đi du học và sống và làm việc ở nước ngoài. Chúng mình muốn đưa đến các bạn một bức tranh đầy đủ về việc đi Tây - thử thách, thành công, từ lúc chuẩn bị hồ sơ đến khi về nước hay ở lại và hơn thế. Qua đó, chúng mình mong rằng những ai đang ước mơ du học & sống ở nước ngoài sẽ được trang bị thêm kiến thức và những con người xa quê nào đang gặp khó khăn sẽ có cảm hứng để vượt qua thử thách.
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Welcome to Own It - the podcast - with Tatiana Amico!! Tatiana is an Intuitive Business Coach and best-selling author who concentrates on helping impact driven women unlock their potential, create offers that sell, attract aligned-dream clients, and build a business that has them lit up inside!How? By teaching them how to OWN IT! With each episode, Tatiana is going to take you on an adventure. Buckle up and get ready because she goes full throttle in episode 1! Each episode after that only e ...
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Tattoos and Telehealth Hosted by Nicole Baldwin, APRN & Kelli White, APRN Not your typical health podcast. Tattoos and Telehealth is where two badass nurse practitioners get real about all things telehealth—no scrubs required. Nicole and Kelli dish on the highs, lows, and hilarious moments of virtual care, all while keeping it light, unfiltered, and totally not medical advice. Just two gals with ink, insight, and a lot to say. Pull up a chair, grab your coffee (or wine), and let’s talk teleh ...
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Un autre regard sur la différence : Saison 1 Mieux comprendre les personnes atypiques Animé par Mathieu Gratton «Un autre regard sur la différence» est un balado unique en son genre qui plonge au cœur des réalités vécues par les personnes atypiques. Présenté par l’organisme l’Académie des arts Trouve ta voie et animé par Mathieu Gratton, chaque épisode aborde un enjeu clé lié à la neurodivergence, aux différences invisibles et aux défis du quotidien, tout en mettant en lumière les forces et ...
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B day
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Dem Tod auf der Spur - Der True Crime-Podcast Erleben Sie spannende und tiefgründige Einblicke in die Welt der Kriminalistik mit "Dem Tod auf der Spur - Die Jagd nach dem Täter" vom Hamburger Abendblatt. Jede Folge wird moderiert von Deutschlands bekanntestem Gerichtsmediziner, Prof. Klaus Püschel, und unserer erfahrenen Gerichtsreporterin Bettina Mittelacher. Was erwartet Sie? Neue Fälle alle 14 Tage: Tauchen Sie ein in komplexe Mordermittlungen, grausame Verbrechen, und die Welt der Serien ...
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We are writers, activists, and leftists who come from two of the reddest states in the country, Oklahoma and Idaho. Red, in this sense, may refer to the indigenous, socialist, and labor histories of these states, as well as the right-wing fascism that they’re known for today. As rebels, we use a class-based, leftist lens to analyze current events and political issues. We talk about the many ways neoliberalism provides a breeding ground for fascism, and we examine revolutionary frameworks and ...
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Learn the Samarpan Dhyanyog Technique of meditation from the founder Baba Swami
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Welcome to Tatiana Sastoque, where amazing things happen.
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WELCOME, music lovers! WAX CHATTY brings together three dear friends who listen to an album - chew on it - then gather to have a lively discussion about it - while having a whole lotta fun in the process. Our tastes are varied and our music selections span a myriad of genres and decades. All of our selections can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, Discogs, YouTube, and most places you find your ear candy, as well as good old-fashioned brick-and-mortar music stores. Please rate us and hit "sub ...
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56: 🇱🇧 Libanon s Tinkaro Oblak
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1:09:10Mrhban, tokrat se bomo podali na potovanje po Libanonu, deželi, ki jo zaznamujejo kontrasti – od sodobnega urbanega življenja v Bejrutu do mirnih gorskih vasice, ki skrbno ohranjajo tradicije. 🇱🇧 V tokratni epizodi podkasta "Ta nori svet" gostimo Tinkaro Oblak, popotnico, vsestransko športnico in raziskovalko, ki svoje življenje in potovanja gradi …
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TdC 276: Insulina de ação semanal
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10:53Esse tópico foi abordado na edição 50 do Guia TdC. Para saber mais, acesse: https://www.tadeclinicagem.com.br/guia/171/insulina-de-acao-semanal/TdC
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Hva skjedde med Kine og Stig? Del 5
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26:05Hva forteller naboene om hva de observerte natt til 9. september 2022? Deres forklaringer har vi fått høre i retten denne uka. TA Dokumentar følger saken. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Telemarksavisa
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Écoute ta fac du 26/03/2025
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59:51Emission du 26/03/2025Erwann Cochery
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Human beings love to make idols of our dead. Desperate to keep our lost loved ones within reach, we create forms that we can cling to in their stead. We name buildings and mark park benches; install portraits and keep voicenotes on our phones. We believe, somewhere in our hearts, that if we can create the right form, capture the right image, wear t…
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[#109 Proche] : Pourquoi être là est plus important que parler ?
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24:18Dans cet épisode, on explore pourquoi ta simple présence peut avoir bien plus de valeur que n’importe quel mot face à un proche en dépression. 💛 Tu découvriras des actions concrètes pour soutenir sans t’épuiser, et surtout, comment offrir un espace où l’autre peut respirer, sans devoir aller mieux tout de suite. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°…
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Trouver ton positionnement commence par trouver ta place
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12:39Tu changes de positionnement tous les 4 matins ? Tu as peur de faire “le mauvais choix” ou de perdre en légitimité ? ➡️ Tout ça, c’est souvent la manifestation d’un territoire psychique trop ouvert. Et ça se travaille. Dans cet épisode, on va parler : du territoire psychique de poser ses limites de prendre sa place Bonne écoute, Laura Liens mention…
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petites sunnan du quotidien
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30:30Salaaaam copineeee 🫶🏻✨ Dans cet épisode, je te partage quelques sunnan ultra simples à appliquer au quotidien ! Des petites habitudes qui peuvent faire toute la différence dans ta vie et te rapprocher d’Allah.✨ Enjoyyy ❤️ Sarah Instagram du podcast 🎙️ : @ta_sadiqah - https://www.instagram.com/ta_sadiqah/ Voici tous les épisodes mentionner: Podcast …
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Continuer de vivre sans plus pouvoir se reproduire est une anomalie dans le monde animal. C'est le cas pour les humaines et cinq espèces de baleine à dents. Ces grands-mères assurent la protection des plus jeunes jusqu'à l'âge adulte. C’est une nouvelle vie qui commence pour les femmes autour de la cinquantaine, quand elles ne sont plus capables de…
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Ta Face B : Christel Durand, Fondatrice @Le festival nordique FIKA(S)
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23:17Dans cet épisode de Ta Face B, Christel nous parle de son amour pour la Formule 1, de la série qui l’a tenue en haleine pendant 11 saisons et d’un dessert auquel elle ne peut jamais résister. Elle partage aussi un voyage époustouflant au cœur des Rocheuses et l’incroyable histoire derrière la création de son festival. Support the show Listen to all…
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Các công ty trí tuệ nhân tạo đào tạo mô hình AI của họ bằng cách sử dụng các tác phẩm của các nhà văn, nghệ sĩ và nhà sáng tạo nội dung, mà thường không ghi nhận hoặc trả công. Thay vì chống lại AI, một số công ty công nghệ đang khuyến khích những người làm trong ngành sáng tạo tận dụng lợi thế của nó.…
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#61🇺🇸: 10 năm về nước & Networking cho người "hướng nội"
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1:00:49Năm ngoái, có 1 lần mình "cố" đi tham dự 1 sự kiện networking mà 1 người bạn mới gặp tổ chức. Là một người hơi "hướng nội", mình rủ 1 người bạn "hướng nội" khác đi cùng. Thế mà, bọn mình lượn 3-4 lần quanh nhà hàng đó mà chả dám vào. Networking (tạo các mối quan hệ) có thật sự là chỉ dành cho người hướng ngoại? Mình nghĩ rất nhiều người trong chúng…
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L’impact de l’art sur les personnes atypiques
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57:38Dans cet épisode, on aborde le rôle central de l'art dans la vie des personnes atypiques. Les invités partagent comment l'art est devenu un moyen d'expression, de compréhension de soi et de gestion de leurs émotions. Une art-thérapeute explique les bienfaits thérapeutiques de l'art et comment il contribue à changer les perceptions sur la neurodiver…
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Suivre Dieu, peu importe la saison | Emmanuel Hyppolite
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44:38Pas toujours facile de garder la foi en Jésus lorsqu'on passe au travers une saison difficile, n'est-ce pas? Dans son message "Suivre Dieu, peu importe la saison" pasteur Emmanuel Hyppolite nous ouvre son cœur sur comment rester ancré dans la foi au travers trois grandes saisons de notre vie.Église Nouvelle Vie
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Hukumar Yaƙi da Rashawa a Najeriya EFCC, ta ce a cikin shekarar ta 2024 da ta gabata, ta yi nasarar ƙwato kusan Naira tiriliyan ɗaya daga hannun barayi da masu handame dukiyar al’umma. EFCC ta ce ko a gaban kotu ma, ta samu nasarori sama da sau dubu huɗu akan masu cin rashawa da kuma ƴan damfara cikin shekarar da ta gabata. Abin tambayar shine, ko …
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E117# Atualizações Caso Gabby Petito
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47:07Neste episódio, mergulhamos nos detalhes do caso que chocou os Estados Unidos e o mundo: o desaparecimento e assassinato de Gabby Petito.
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Tommy Flåten, kjent under artistnavnene Tommy Tee og Father Blanco, er en norsk hiphop-DJ, graffitimaler og produsent.Espen og Tommy mimrer over nærradioens historie, og diskuterer moral og umoral i Hollywood. Tommy synes det er lettere å deale med folk som er litt mer til venstre for A4.På skolen var han en nysgjerrig kverulant og et uromoment, og…
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Bouillon de Bulles 10 - Bilan 2024 - Thomas Croisière
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1:09:07Bienvenue dans ce Décoince Ta Bulle spécial Bilan 2024 ! Aux côtés du Tom Cruise français et parrain de l’émission, Thomas Croisière, nous vous embarquons sur un océan de rires pour un tour d’horizon de nos coups de cœur de l’année. Installez-vous bien, ça va décoiffer ! TOP 3 : Thomas : · Revoir Commanche de Romain Renard aux Editions Le Lombard :…
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