Podcast by TREND.sk
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Eine Reportage aus der Fabrik, Manager und Expertinnen im Gespräch, Hintergründe zur Globalisierung oder zur Finanzierung des Sozialstaats: Trend greift relevante Wirtschaftsthemen auf und vertieft sie in einem Schwerpunkt.
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О новых устройствах, it-новостях и трендах. Twitter: https://twitter.com/it__trend Telegram: https://t.me/it_trend_bot
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Trend Stories outside of your bubble - every Tuesday.
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A check-in on the public mood of Canadians with CTV News' pollster Nik Nanos and host Michael Stittle.
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Welcome to Big Bro Podcast. Search “Tren Genius” to find me on YouTube
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Dünya Trendleri ile teknoloji ve iş dünyasının heyecan verici dünyasını keşfediyoruz! Bu yolculukta sektörün önde gelen uzmanlarını, girişimcilerini ve öğrenmeye açık liderlerini tanıyacağız. Sizlerle bilgi dolu sohbetler gerçekleştireceğiz ve birlikte öğrenmekten keyif alacağız. Her bölümde yeni fikirlerin, yenilikçi çözümlerin ve gelecek vizyonlarının peşine düşüyoruz... Aykut Balcı ve konuklarıyla Dünya Trendleri, sizlerle buluşuyor.
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Hadir setiap hari, mengupas hal-hal yang jadi trending topic atau viral di dunia maya. Kami bahas bersama narasumber terkait supaya informasi makin lengkap. Hadir juga di 10 radio di kota besar se-Indonesia. Kunjungi kbrprime.id untuk mendengarkan berbagai podcast menarik produksi KBR.
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Türkiye'de gündemi takip etmek zor iş. Trend Topic işte tam da bunun için var. Ozan Gündoğdu Trend Topic'te haftanın en trend haberlerini, Trend Ekonomi'de de ekonomi gündemini ele alıyor. Gündeme dair daha derinlikli bir bakış yakalamaya hazırsanız başlayalım.
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Byznysový podcast o nové společenské éře, jejímž leitmotivem je ohleduplnost k okolnímu světu. Své pohledy na udržitelnou budoucnost Česka v něm představují nejen zástupci klíčových byznysových oblastí, ale také zásadní aktéři politické scény.
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Podcast prevažne o NBA, kde vám v show Buzzer Beater komik Joe Trendy spoločne s novinárom a NBA freakom Tomášom Prokopom prináš novinky z NBA, analýzy, predikcie a názory na túto hru. Počúvajte nás a váš prehľad o NBA bude lepší. Aj život samotný.
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كل ما تحتاج سماعه عن اخر الاخبار الأجتماعية واخر ما شغل مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بمكان واحد
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Trending Topics spricht täglich mit den smartesten Köpfen über die wichtigsten Trends bei Startups, AI, Fintech, Crypto, E-Mobility, Sustainability, Tech und Gründertum. Die News, Berichte und Hintergrundberichte gibt es täglich auf www.trendingtopics.eu und www.techandnature.com.
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Tune in each week for in-depth discussions on the topics we think industry leaders should be considering, along with monthly healthcare news round-ups (Trending News US and Trending News Europe).
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Through the lense of a Trendsetter: A purpose driven INSPIRATIONAL HIP HOP PODCAST that showcases creative perspectives & music dedicated to spreading positivity & inspiration. Uplifting youthful souls through stories of overcoming challenges, practical faith-based advice, and motivational music.
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Bestselling author Michael Covel is the host of Trend Following Radio with 15+ million listens. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trading -- all passionately explored and debated. Guests include Nobel Prize winners: Robert Aumann, Angus Deaton, Daniel Kahneman, Oliver Hart, Harry Markowitz & Vernon Smith. More guests: Jack Canfield, Howard Marks, James Altucher, Dan Ariely, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Marc Fab ...
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Gry & gaming: trendy, nisze i legendy
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Trends mit Teo: Heute wissen, was morgen kommt. Die spannendsten Tech- und Business Trends aus den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz, Social Media und der Creator Economy. Dazu gibt es regelmäßige Interviews mit Top-Experten aus der deutschen Digitalszene. Euer Host ist Dr. Teo Pham, Digitalexperte, LinkedIn TopVoice und Keynote Speaker.
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Molly McAleer (Mother, May I Sleep with Podcast?) and Tiffany Maddox recap what everybody’s talking about online. From Reuters and Reddit to Twitter and TikTok, they cover it all. Twitter @trendlightlypod / Instagram @trendlightlypod. To submit a story, email trendlightlypod@gmail.com. Trend Lightly is a part of the Solid Listen Network. Visit at Patreon.com/SolidListen for more.
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Director Guillermo Diaz pase un tarde de humor con el mayor dinamismo y nuevas secciones. Conduce Antonio Casale.
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Magazine sobre emprendedores, empresas, negocios, tecnología y cultura digital. Conducen Carina Martinez, Viviana Lupi y Leandro Africano.Una vuelta a casa con onda, noticias y buena música!
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We bring you the top news stories, field reports and in-depth insights from the Middle East and beyond
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Hosted by Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal. Celente is world renowned as today's #1 Trend Forecaster, with a 40-year track record of identifying, tracking. and forecasting trends. A political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “think for yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for the way he wants ...
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Trendfrequenz: KI im Alltag Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist allgegenwärtig. Sie steckt in unseren Smartphones, unseren Autos und sogar in unseren Häusern. Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich für unser Leben? Wie verändert KI unsere Gesellschaft? In unserem Podcast Trendfrequenz: Sprechen wir mit und durch KI, mit Experten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der KI-Forschung und -Anwendung. Wir erklären, wie KI unser Leben schon heute verändert und welche ...
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Internationally-known global forecaster Gerald Celente each week breaks down the essential emerging trends in economics, geo-politics, health, aging, pop culture, education and more.
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Magazine de actualidad que incluye noticias nacionales e internacionales del ámbito político, económico, deportivo, espectáculos y lenguaje. Todos los martes y jueves a las 13hs
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Trend expert Reagan examines the problems in this year's most popular crazes.
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A daily news program covering the top stories in technology with a weekend in depth interview.
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The Weekly Trend is a conversation on various publicly-traded markets, seen through the eyes of technical analysis.
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Podcast about different topics
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Danny Reweghs, Directeur Analyse en Strategie van Trends Beleggen, gaat elke woensdag in gesprek met de journalisten van Trends en geeft u achtergrond en duiding over uw beleggingen. Hij geeft wekelijks een inkijk in de recente evoluties op de financieel economische actualiteit en neemt telkens één opmerkelijk aandeel, bedrijf of sector onder de loep. Zo kunt u de juiste keuzes maken voor uw beleggingen. Op het einde van elke aflevering geven de experts van ING hun kijk op de recente evoluti ...
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El programa periodístico de análisis político y actualidad conducido por Fernando Mauri en su 21º temporada, martes, miércoles y jueves Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/construccion-plural-radio-trend-topic--1986421/support.
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Trends Kanaal Z podcasts verzamelt alle podcasts van Trends en Kanaal Z, netjes geordend volgens publicatie. De redacties van Trends en Kanaal Z brengen u verschillende podcasts over wat onze wereld en maatschappij beheerst. Vanuit diverse invalshoeken en met een uitgesproken focus op economie en ondernemingen, op business, personal finance en beleggen. Onafhankelijk, relevant, telkens constructief en toekomstgericht.
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AI Agent Store podcast explores the explosive growth of AI agents - the breakthrough technology reshaping our digital landscape in 2025. As pioneers in the AI agent marketplace (AIAgentStore.ai), we bring you use case insights and key implementation strategies. Each episode breaks down a specific AI agent or development platform - from ready-to-use AI Agents to agentic development frameworks - exploring their capabilities, real-world applications, and how to leverage them effectively.
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My Life and My tarot experiences
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Trending with Timmerie is a nationally syndicated radio show and international podcast bringing timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thought and experience. Are you looking for relevant ways to bring together trending conversations and timeless principles? Here’s your opportunity to engage the culture head on with truth and Catholic faith. www.RadioTrending.com | www.Timmerie.com
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China biz news, industry analysis and government policy interpretation pekingensight.substack.com
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Stay on the cutting edge of technology with in-depth discussions and the latest news. From emerging trends to industry secrets, Tech Pulse brings you the heartbeat of the tech world.
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Interessantes und Informatives aus der Allgäuer Wirtschaft.
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What happens when marketing’s sharpest minds pull back the curtain? Hosted by Stephanie Postles, Marketing Trends drops listeners into the world of trailblazing CMOs, CEOs, and visionaries who share their journeys and groundbreaking strategies. From navigating the balance between automation and human touch to leading teams through unprecedented transformation, you’re getting an unfiltered look at the lessons and ideas driving the industry forward. Whether you're leading a team or aspiring to ...
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Mediante una experiencia única de narración, el podcast “Industry Trends” presenta un panorama sobre el presente y futuro de la manufactura en México y los sectores que la componen. Con un estilo documental y una producción de audio de alta calidad, el podcast cuenta con los comentarios de los principales líderes de la industria en México, quienes comparten su visión sobre este importante sector.
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Trends In Low Places is a comedic exploration of the hottest and dumbest trends of the day. Your intrepid hosts Mike and Michael – joined by friendly experts – explore social trending topics, current events and the modern era’s insatiable hunger for celebrity deaths. If you’re in desperate need for unqualified analysis of our world’s most pressing issues, these are the guys for you.
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Join the girl otakus of Anime Trending, Gracie, Isabelle, and Agnes, on their weekly roundtable discussions regarding anime! With topics ranging from character analysis, trope discussions, and personal preferences in anime, you are guaranteed to have a fun time listening to the many gossips of anime girl talk. Welcome to the Girltaku!
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Everyone has a story to tell! What’s yours? Trending Diary connects you with great ideas, storytelling, experiences, and people to give a deeper understanding of the world around you. Listen to valuable lessons and entertaining stories from great mind that add value to your life. TUNE IN! OUR AIM At Trending Diary the words are emotions, real values. “Think Bigger And Feel Deeper”. Cover different ranges of lifestyle topics, so you will stay up to date with the world. Include a variety of is ...
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A daily podcast of all the news stories that are trending on PocketPod. Download the PocketPod app today to get a fully personalized daily news podcast, made for you each morning with all the stories you care about plus your local weather and a calendar and reminders overview. https://pocketpod.app/
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Rachel and heather #coolgals
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An award-winning podcast from the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, exploring today's biggest global challenges with the world's leading experts. Listen every other week by subscribing wherever you listen to podcasts.
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El Tren Marzo 26 de 2025
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1:24:23El Tren Marzo 26 de 2025 Con Guillermo Diaz Salamanca y Antonio CasaleRCN Radio
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Your Mind is a Computer
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15:47Your mind is a computer and you have to learn to program it to get what you want out of life.
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#595: OpenAI launcht neues Bild-Generierungstool in ChatGPT
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26:02Wir sprechen über das neue KI Bild-Generierungstool von OpenAI in ChatGPT. Ist das Tool einfach nur eine nette Spielerei oder wirklich nützlich? Schaut euch die Podcast Folgen auf YouTube an: https://www.youtube.com/@teoAI_ Podcast abonnieren und bewerten ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apple: https://bit.ly/3OiVU5h Spotify: https://bit.ly/3Sl7M9j Google: https://bit.l…
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South Korea Battles Deadly Wildfires, Global Biodiversity Crisis Deepens, and Captain Planet Returns to Fight Environmental Threats
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18:08As real-world environmental catastrophes unfold from South Korean forests to endangered species habitats, humanity grapples with its impact on the natural world. Against this backdrop of ecological challenges, including political battles over wildlife protection and stark scientific warnings about biodiversity loss, the return of Captain Planet off…
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EP-208 : Openai’s Ai Image Generator Takes Over 🎨, Nvidia’s Acquisition Talks 💼, and Censorship in China 📜
welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for thursday, march 27th! today's episode dives into the latest tech news and developments: openai's new ai image generator: viral launch allows users to create ai-generated memes, raising copyright concerns regarding the training methodologies behind such technology. nvidia's acquisition talks: possible acquisit…
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Learn more about TurboDoc at AI Agent Store: https://aiagentstore.ai/ai-agent/turbodoc List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: https://aiagentstore.ai/collection/podcast-season-1-ucqthuywrwpdv Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: https://aiagentstore.ai/ecosystem. Biggest AI agents video collection: https://aiagentstore.a…
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OpenAI's New Graphics Overshadows Google Gemini Launch: Hashtag Trending For March 27, 2025
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13:14OpenAI's Stunning Graphics, Google Overshadowed Gemini, Europe’s Digital Sovereignty Push, and HP’s Printer Lawsuit Settlement In this episode of Hashtag Trending, Jim Love discusses several key tech stories: OpenAI's remarkable new image generation capabilities which overshadowed Google’s recent Gemini 2.5 launch; European countries’ growing desir…
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Kembali Menyala, Asa ke Piala Dunia
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16:39Euforia kemenangan Timnas Indonesia atas Bahrain di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Grup C masih terasa. Suporter bola masih menanti-nanti kepastian Indonesia bisa melenggang ke Piala Dunia setelah kemenangan pada 25 Maret kemarin. Eks pelatih, Shin Tae Yong bahkan ikut girang dengan kemenangan timnas yang pernah diasuhnya tersebut. Shin Tae Yong meng…
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Z 7 op 7 - Tomorrowland keert terug naar Amerika, een nieuwe laminaatpers voor Unilin en het gedrag van de Belgische belegger onderzocht
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16:08In deze aflevering van Z 7 op 7: Het iconische Sphere-theatre in Las Vegas wordt de laatste drie dagen van augustus het decor voor Unity. Een nieuwe, immersive belevingsshow. Het spektakel wordt neergezet door de Amerikaanse elektronica-organisator Insomniac, in samenwerking met de festivalorganisator achter Tomorrowland. Unilin heeft een nieuwe la…
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Sudan's armed forces have regained control of Khartoum International Airport from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. Istanbul’s city council has appointed Nuri Aslan as the temporary replacement for Ekrem Imamoglu, after Mr Imamoglu was officially suspended from his duties following his arrest on corruption charges. The UAE secured a dramatic l…
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457: Saraçhane Direnişi: 10 Soru 10 Cevap - Part II
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19:27Bu bölümde, dinleyicilerden gelen sorulara kaldığımız yerden devam ediyoruz. Saraçhane bir son mu, yoksa başlangıcın ilk halkası mıydı? Halk sokaktan neden ve nasıl çekilir? Gençlik hareketleri ne kadar sürer, maratonu kim koşar? Ve devrim kelebeği… O hiçbir zaman durmaz. Bir bakmışsınız boykottayız, bir bakmışsınız grevdeyiz. Ben Ozan Gündoğdu, ha…
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Pazarlama Teknolojilerinde Son Trendler - Konuk: Frizbit CEO'su Ata Gür
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47:57Qnb Dijital Köprü katkılarıyla hazırladığımız 251. bölümde Frizbit CEO'su ve Kurucularından Ata Gür konuğum oldu. QNB Dijital Köprü katkılarıyla... Bu bölüm QNB Dijital Köprü hakkında tanıtım içerir. https://www.qnb.com.tr/dijitalkopruutm_source=spotify&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=dunyatrendleri (00:00) – Açılış (01:30) – Ata Gür’ün ve Frizbit’…
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Incorporating Biblical prayer into fasting with triple board certified OB-GYN and functional medicine Dr. Tabitha Barber joining Trending with Timmerie. (1:19) Dr. Barber answers questions on: fasting while nursing and pregnancy and carnivore. (16:42) The boys crisis – “Adolescence” ranked number one in the US and Globally right now on Netflix. (29…
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Construcción Plural - Programa 1247
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1:00:35Radio Trend Topic
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Interessantes und Informatives aus der Allgäuer Wirtschaft – 26. März 2025.allgäu.tv Redaktion
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Borsada Nasıl Başarılı Olunur? - Konuk: Global Menkul Değerler Yurtiçi Satış Direktörü Pınar Yalın Hantal
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28:39Global Menkul Değerler katkılarıyla hazırladığımız 250. bölümde Global Menkul Değerler Yurtiçi Satış direktörlerinden Pınar Yalın Hantal konuğum oldu. Global Menkul Değerler katkılarıyla... Bu bölüm Global Menkul Değerler hakkında tanıtım içerir. https://global.com.tr/tr?utm_source=native&utm_campaign=dunya_trendleri_podcast&utm_medium=spotify (00:…
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AI Talk #18: Microsoft Österreich CEO Hermann Erlach über Copilot, OpenAI & Plattform-Strategie
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36:05Wir haben ihn schon angeteasert, und in Folge #18 des AI Talk hat er sich nun zugeschaltet: Hermann Erlach ist seit Mai 2021 General Manager von Microsoft Österreich und spricht in der neuen Podcast-Folge nicht nur über die neue AI Innovation Factory, sondern auch die kommende Cloud-Region von Microsoft in Österreich, über die Adaption des Copilots…
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AI Transforms Medical Diagnosis, Tech Giants Race for Innovation, and Wall Street Embraces Digital Treasury Market
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16:13As artificial intelligence reshapes healthcare with breakthrough cancer detection and drug development, the technology's reach extends far beyond medicine into how we work and manage money. From Google's enhanced reasoning capabilities to the rise of AI meeting assistants and the growing adoption of tokenized treasuries, today's innovations signal …
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EP-207 : Microsoft’s Ai Research Revolution 🤖, Google Unleashes Gemini 2.5 🌌, Wwdc Buzz and 23andme’s Data Dilemma 🔒
welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for wednesday, march 26th! dive into today's exciting developments in technology: microsoft 365 copilot advancements: introduction of the “deep research” tool featuring "researcher" and "analyst," which utilizes openai's model for enhanced research and data analysis capabilities. google gemini 2.5: unveiling of a…
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Learn more about MiA Analyst at AI Agent Store: https://aiagentstore.ai/ai-agent/mia-analyst List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: https://aiagentstore.ai/collection/podcast-season-1-ucqthuywrwpdv Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: https://aiagentstore.ai/ecosystem. Biggest AI agents video collection: https://aiagents…
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Tech News Roundup: ChatGPT Addiction, OpenAI’s Leadership Shake-up, Google’s Gemini 2.5 Pro, and Canada's Starlink Reassessment In this episode of Hashtag Trending, hosted by Jim Love, we delve into several hot topics in the tech world: a study by OpenAI and MIT Media Lab reveals signs of emotional dependency among heavy ChatGPT users, significant …
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Penyelesaian Kasus Penghinaan Presiden di RUU KUHAP
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27:52Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) mengkonfirmasi bahwa perkara penghinaan terhadap presiden dapat diselesaikan melalui restorative justice (RJ) dalam RUU Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana atau KUHAP. Sebelumnya DPR telah mempublikasikan RUU KUHAP. Dalam draf tersebut, DPR mencantumkan penghinaan terhadap preside…
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Trends Beleggen Podcast #210: Holdings als eerste belegging - Aandelen: AvH & Solvay
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24:07Een van de vuistregels voor beginnende beleggers is dat holdings een goed eerste belegging zijn. Danny Reweghs vertelt waarom. Daarnaast fileert hij de recente resultaten van holding AvH en chemiespeler Solvay. De Trends Beleggen podcast is een productie van Trends en Kanaal Z. Meer info en advies voor uw beleggingen op www.trends.be/beleggen. Elke…
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Z 7 op 7 - Aandeel Ekopak keldert na twijfels over project, recordaantal octrooien in België en de beleggersdag van Shell en TUI
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17:47In deze aflevering van Z 7 op 7: Waterzuiveraar Ekopak ging dinsdag zwaar onderuit op de beurs, nadat de twijfels rond een van zijn referentieprojecten bevestigd werden. Trends maakte vorige week bekend dat Waterkracht, een belangrijk contract voor Ekopak, op losse schroeven staat. België heeft vorig jaar een recordaantal octrooien aangevraagd. Het…
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Trends Beleggen Podcast #210: Holdings als eerste belegging - Aandelen: AvH & Solvay
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24:07Een van de vuistregels voor beginnende beleggers is dat holdings een goed eerste belegging zijn. Danny Reweghs vertelt waarom. Daarnaast fileert hij de recente resultaten van holding AvH en chemiespeler Solvay. Z 7 op 7 is de nieuwe dagelijkse podcast van Kanaal Z en Trends. Elke ochtend, vanaf 5u30 uur luistert u voortaan naar een selectie van de …
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A settler attack on Oscar-winning Palestinian film director and Iranian commander visits Iraq
Witnesses have spoken to The National about what they saw after Monday’s attack on Hamdan Ballal, the Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary No Other Land. Iran’s top military commander Esmail Qaani visited Iraq last week to help maintain the unofficial truce between militant groups and the US after the collapse of the ceasefire i…
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456: Saraçhane Direnişi: 10 Soru 10 Cevap - Part I
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27:01Saraçhane Direnişi'nin 6. günü geride kaldı, meydanlar hâlâ dolu, sorular ise yanıt bekliyor. Bu bölümde Ekrem İmamoğlu’na yöneltilen suçlamalardan MASAK raporuna, düşman ceza hukukundan medya manipülasyonuna kadar pek çok başlığı, halkın gündemindeki “sık sorulan sorular” üzerinden ele alıyoruz. Soruların devamı 2. bölümde. Ben Ozan Gündoğdu, hazı…
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Born Gay Myth & “Conversion Therapy”
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49:24We have to be willing to tell the truth that people aren’t born gay. (1:52) Supreme Court on “conversion therapy” – Is conversion therapy helping or hurting people with same sex attraction and gender dysphoria? (25:08) The Annunciation and Incarnation. (40:54) Resources mentioned : Dr. Morse’s Website https://ruthinstitute.org/ Reintegrative Therap…
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Mierová dividenda sa minula. Koľko bude stáť Európu nezávislosť
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39:08Hamiltonov moment pre Európu – zjednotí sa kvôli demografickej kríze a obrane?TREND.sk
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19:04The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: https://trendsjournal.com/subscribe Follow…
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Radio Trend Topic
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Radio Trend Topic
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حركة مفاجئة.. ياسمين صبري تلغي متابعة محمد رمضان بعد المواجهة الحادة! بنات السياري يكشفون عن أصولهم القبلية لأول مرة.. والجمهور في صدمة! سلوى خطاب تفاجئ الجميع: لا زواج ولا عيال.. والسبب غريب!Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Girltaku 173: ESFJ Anime Characters
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1:10:12Our MBTI analysis is back! Raise your hands, ESFJs!
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Tech Leaders Flip-Flop on AI Rules, Healthcare Claims Face AI Scrutiny, and Portugal's AI Firefighters Take Flight
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18:57As Silicon Valley's stance on AI regulation shifts from advocacy to resistance, the real-world implications of automated decision-making are playing out in healthcare, where AI-powered claims processing faces mounting criticism and legal challenges. Meanwhile, in Portugal, AI takes on a potentially life-saving role as drone technology revolutionize…
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for tuesday, march 25th! in today's episode, we cover the latest developments in technology and artificial intelligence: openai updates: explore new enhancements to chatgpt's voice mode for more engaging, real-time conversations, benefiting both free and paid users. arc-agi-2 intelligence test: introduction of a …
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Trendy v udržitelnosti #10 – Jan Zápotočný, E.ON
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29:28Od poloviny loňského roku je v Česku možné vytvářet energetické komunity a sdílet energii. Tuto možnost využily tisíce subjektů, ale tyto tisíce se počítají jen v jednotkách, což neodpovídá původním představám energetiků. „V oblasti energetiky přežívá velké množství mýtů, které se týkají i sdílení energií. Zároveň se lidé obávají administrativní zá…
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Die Kryptologen #8: Dezentral vs. PR | Tether | Solana | Binance | MicroStrategy | US-Staatsanleihen
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1:04:20Die Kryptologen Alexander Kirchmaier und Lukas Leys sind zurück am Mikrofon und wühlen sich in der neuen Folge durch einige der großen Fragen der Krypto-Industrie: Was bedeutet Dezentralisierung wirklich, was steckt eigentlich wirklich in Tether, und wie funktioniert die Strategie von Michael Saylor? Die Themen im Podcast heute: 🔸 Marktanalyse & In…
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Ugly Molly McAleer Opens Her Fat Mouth About Karen Read
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1:56:00LOS ANGELES 5/8 AND BOSTON 6/25 AND 6/26 LIVE SHOW TICKETS Molly's been getting called fat and ugly by Karen Read's supporters, Tiffany updates us on our Welch Five friends, Vivian Jenna Wilson covers Teen Vogue, Netflix finally got scammed, wax-figure Brian Kohberger tried to look human in a bathroom selfie, and a mom saved her son from fully swal…
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In today's episode of Hashtag Trending, host Jim Love discusses critical developments in the tech world. Accenture reports a 5.8% drop in revenue, sparking concerns in the IT sector, especially related to US government contracts and global outsourcing dynamics. Genetic testing company 23andMe files for bankruptcy amidst financial struggles, privacy…
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Usai UU TNI, Next RUU Polri?
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27:23Penolakan atas RUU TNI tak menyurutkan niat DPR mengesahkannya. Usai RUU TNI disahkan, belakangan masyarakat sipil ganti menyoroti RUU Polri. RUU Polri saat ini menunggu giliran buat dibahas DPR. Tapi, Ketua DPR Puan Maharani menyebut pembahasannya belum dapat dimulai karena pihaknya masih menunggu surat presiden atau surpres ihwal RUU Polri. Meski…
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Z 7 op 7 - Montea in de Bel20, grote kapitaalronde voor Augustine Therapeutics en een analyse van de Europese overheidsfinanciën
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14:43In deze aflevering van Z 7 op 7: Het vastgoedvennootschap Montea neemt de plaats in van het biotechbedrijf Galapagos in de Bel20. Het Leuvense biotechbedrijf Augustine Therapeutics tekent één van de grootste kapitaalrondes van de laatste jaren. En in de Kleren van de Keyzer duiken we in de overheidsfinanciën van Europa. Z 7 op 7 is de nieuwe dageli…
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Learn more about Vairo AI at AI Agent Store: https://aiagentstore.ai/ai-agent/vairo-ai List of AI Agents from Podcast Season 1: https://aiagentstore.ai/collection/podcast-season-1-ucqthuywrwpdv Find more AI Agents: AI Agent Store. AI agents ecosystem view: https://aiagentstore.ai/ecosystem. Biggest AI agents video collection: https://aiagentstore.a…
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Israel is upping pressure on Lebanon through violations of its ceasefire agreement. Iran says the nuclear deal in its original state can’t be revived. The UAE has pledged $64.5 million to a long-standing hospital in East Jerusalem. This episode features Arab Affairs Editor Vanessa Ghanem and Assistant Foreign Editor Aveen Karim.…
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Spiritual Not Religious
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48:51Spiritual Not Religious-creating your own religion – millennial Christine Flynn shares her journey from new age to atheist to Catholic. (1:43) What inspired Christine to become Catholic? (22:22) Saints Perpetua and Felicity ahead of International Women’s Day. (41:01) Resources mentioned: Book from our guest Christine: Not Just Spiritual https://sho…
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20:21The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: https://trendsjournal.com/subscribe Follow…
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El Tren Marzo 21 de 2025
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1:25:18El Tren Marzo 21 de 2025 Con Guillermo Diaz Salamanca y Antonio CasaleRCN Radio
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From Passion to Paycheck: The Independent Artist’s Grind
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26:42In this candid conversation, we dive deep into the struggles of independent music artists—navigating nepotism, industry gossip, and the hurdles that stand between dreams and reality. From breaking into the scene to fighting for recognition, our guest shares unfiltered insights on what it takes to make it without a safety net. Tune in for an honest,…
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AI Reshapes Tech Jobs, First Brain Chip Patient Speaks, and Scientists Crack Disease Detection Through Breath
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17:34As artificial intelligence transforms traditional career paths - from coding to medical diagnosis - humanity stands at a crossroads between technological empowerment and disruption. Today's stories explore this tension through OpenAI's predictions about the future of coding, a paralyzed man's groundbreaking journey with neural technology, and a rev…
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welcome to echo-pod's tech briefing for monday, march 24th! join us as we explore today's noteworthy tech developments: the bot company funding round: robotics startup founded by former cruise ceo kyle vogt secures $150 million to innovate household chore automation, following initial investments from industry leaders. bluesky welcomes barack obama…
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