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Truth with Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy

The media has systematically lied to you about the war in Iraq, 2008 financial crisis, Russian Collusion hoax that never was, Covid-19 origins, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the truth about January 6th, how our money is being spent in Ukraine, the transgender Nashville shooter memo…the list goes on. If you want the standard conservative talking points, this podcast isn’t for you. But if you want to go deeper, get to the bottom of what is really going on behind the media smokescreens, explore the in ...
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Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda

Alan Alda

Learn to connect better with others in every area of your life. Immerse yourself in spirited conversations with people who know how hard it is, and yet how good it feels, to really connect with other people – whether it’s one person, an audience or a whole country. You'll know many of the people in these conversations – they are luminaries in our culture. Some you may not know. But what links them all is their powerful ability to relate and communicate. It's something we need now more than ever.
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Alegria de Viver

Sérgio Duarte/Bruno Henriques

Conversas animadas e surpreendentes entre os gurus da boa disposição Sérgio Duarte e Bruno Henriques, também conhecidos como os autores do Jovem Conservador de Direita. Um original da rádio AVFM. Estamos aqui:
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Vivekananda Cultural Centre

Vivekananda Cultural Centre ( A Unit of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai )

Started in 2014, Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) offers various job oriented programmes aimed at underprivileged youth to provide them with the necessary skills and empower their lives. Courses in traditional arts are conducted which provide participants with immediate job opportunities and also a chance to learn our ancient tradition and culture. Wellness programmes for promoting a healthy society and for a healthy nation are also conducted.
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Art de Vivre

Daphné Moreau

Dans ce podcast vous trouverez de l’inspiration, des conseils, des recommandations et des stratégies concrètes pour développer une vie intentionnelle, riche, productive, créative et épanouissante, alignée avec nos propres aspirations et envies. Daphné aborde avec légèreté les thématiques du bien-être et du mieux vivre en partageant ses propres pratiques, habitudes et expériences tout en explorant avec curiosité des manières d’apprécier notre vie au quotidien et de développer notre propre pot ...
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Heard it through the grapevine, greatness takes time. ASK VIV SEASON 3 OUT NOW to submit questions anonymously visit
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un Podcast para apoyar espiritualmente y Biblicamente. Contiene predicaciones y sermones para guiar a alguien al cieloPastor Tito ha pastoreado desde 2015 y ha sido en el ministerio desde 2010. Va a tener diferente entrevistas y predicaciones.
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MediumPodden - Vivi & Camilla

Vivi Linde & Camilla Elfving

Vivi Linde och Camilla Elfving - Två välkända hardcore medium utan en massa fluff-fluff och hitte-på-spökerier. Andevärlden duger som den är, den behöver inga specialeffekter. Vi har även skrivit andliga/mediala böcker, Camilla sitter i styrelsen för Mediumförbundet och Vivi har varit med i tv. Vi delar här med oss av vår breda kunskap och har ibland även spännande gäster. Hemsidor:, Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Viviendo Desde Dentro

Ana Echeveste

Un podcast sobre vivir de otra manera... algo que llamo Vivir Desde Dentro Compartiré entrevistas con personas que me aportan, vivencias y experiencias de las que voy aprendiendo a vivir de otra manera.
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VIVE Church is a globally connected church with a local expression in 10 cities led by Pastors Adam and Keira Smallcombe. We are a spirit-empowered, passion-filled church with the mission to awaken people to the reality of Jesus. We believe that the messages on this podcast will bless you and challenge you to live a life of faith. For more information, please visit us at
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O podcast do Yoga do Relaxamento com Vivi Serretti é uma iniciativa voltada para aqueles que buscam o bem-estar por meio do relaxamento profundo. É comum ouvir brincadeiras de que muitos praticantes de yoga esperam ansiosamente pelo Shavasana, o momento de relaxamento no final da prática. Pensando nisso, decidi trazer essa experiência relaxante para o podcast, com um foco especial no Yoga Nidra, conhecido como o "yoga do sono psíquico". Se você procura uma forma de incorporar o relaxamento n ...
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Iniciativa Correr Viver - Projeto ICV

Iniciativa Correr Viver - Projeto ICV

E aí, corredor de fim de semana? Cansado de prometer pra si mesmo que vai começar a se cuidar? O Projeto ICV - Iniciativa Correr Viver te dá aquele empurrãozinho que faltava! Com o Eliton Custela como Mentor, vamos te guiar nessa jornada de superação, te mostrando que a corrida é muito mais que um exercício físico. É sobre bem-estar, saúde mental e autoconhecimento. Nossos episódios são pra você que: Não sabe por onde começar; Já tentou correr, mas desistiu no meio do caminho; Precisa de um ...
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Within (U) with Dr. Vivi Carrasco

Dr. Vivian Carrasco

This podcast explores what it means to turn inward and find the answers within us. It helps us listen to our silent voice within and let that be our guide. I’m a teacher and mentor who works with women to help them discover their unique path and learn to Love Being Human. I’m your guide to embracing your life, relationships, and meaning with beautiful, inspired action. We can work together in 1:1 mentoring or within my learning community, Within (U)niversity.
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Vivre ailleurs


La chronique d'expatriation de Corinne Mandjou, en partenariat avec Comment vivent les Français de l’étranger et quel est, plus généralement, le quotidien de ceux qui résident hors de leur pays d’origine ? Vivre ailleurs explore la vie de ces migrants : leurs difficultés, leurs ambitions, leurs réussites, mais aussi la manière dont ils s’intègrent dans leur nouvel environnement. Dans chaque chronique, une problématique spécifique est abordée avec un témoignage et les solu ...
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Viveração Podcast

Viveração Podcast

Viveração é um espaço para falar sobre saúde, sexualidade, HIV e cidadania focando especialmente em histórias e trajetórias de homens gays e HSH. Para saber mais, consulte nossas redes sociais.
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Våra sanningar med Vivi & Carin

Polpo Play | Vivi och Carin

”Våra Sanningar med Vivi & Carin” är podden som pratar om livet och allt vad det innebär. Med hög igenkänningsfaktor mycket humor och utan filter dissekerar Carin da Silva och Vivi Wallin vardagens utmaningar och glädjeämnen. Helt utan röd tråd. Och som om det inte vore nog, allt detta görs på grov göteborgska. Ni som lyssnar är en stor del av podden då ni mer än gärna får skicka in frågor, komma med synpunkter eller berätta något roligt. Det är högt och lågt, skratt och gråt. Allt i en härl ...
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Os primeiros 68 episódios são áudios comentando o livro A Chave para a Teosofia (média de 8 a 10 minutos cada). A partir do episódio 69 são os capítulos do programa "Leituras para Viver Melhor", produzido originalmente para a TV Supren, cada semana um convidado comentando alguma publicação da Editora Teosófica (um Livro, ou artigo da Revista Sophia). Autoria de Charles A. Boeira e convidados.
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Fitness Coaching

Nos dedicamos a diseñar estilos de vida saludable mediante programas personalizados de nutrición, actividad física y desarrollo mental integral.
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Viviendo En Detox - El Podcast

Aliana Acevedo / Giovanni Martínez

Te damos la bienvenida a Viviendo En Detox - El Podcast. Estaremos compartiendo herramientas para optimizar tu salud, bajar de peso, y obtener bienestar mediante una alimentación basada en plantas natural, y estilos de vida saludables. Síguenos en Instagram: @viviendo_en_detox / @datil_bizcochosveganos / @juicing_con_giova_laluz / @giova_laluz / @greenhealingsound
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Vivernele Atos

Gary Fisher

Gary Fisher conduz um grupinho de estudo bíblico no livro de Atos. O estudo foi gravado por pessoas nao profissionais para ajudar pessoas que gostariam de conhecer melhor a Palavra de Deus.
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show series
I denna "Veckans sanning" listar Vivi personlighetstyper och företeelser kring julen som hon anser kan "Dra åt hel****e". Man ska dock inte kasta sten i glashus visar det sig. Carin delar även med sig om en något udda julmiddagsupplevelse med släkten. Med: Vivi Wallin & Carin da Silva Produktionsbolag: Polpo Play AB…
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Andal's Thiruppavai, a collection of 30 divine hymns called Pasurams, is a masterpiece of devotion. Through vivid imagery, Andal guides us towards Krishnanubhavam, a state of blissful union with Krishna, by emphasizing love, devotion, and surrender to the divine. Narrator: Varsha Sundararajan Publisher: Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Sri Ramakrishna …
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Voltámos a receber o nosso amigo Tiago Lacerda do podcast craftpeer. Falámos sobre a iniciativa "Mãe, quero ser artista", clichés de telejornal, jantares de Natal, Natal de filhos de pais divorciados, amigo secreto, Dr. Nelson, etc. Tentámos também mostrar o nosso apreço natalício por bombeiros, profissionais de saúde, etc. Esperamos ter conseguido…
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Andal's Thiruppavai, a collection of 30 divine hymns called Pasurams, is a masterpiece of devotion. Through vivid imagery, Andal guides us towards Krishnanubhavam, a state of blissful union with Krishna, by emphasizing love, devotion, and surrender to the divine. Narrator: Varsha Sundararajan Publisher: Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Sri Ramakrishna …
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🔥 Adquira Gratuitamente o ebook "O Incrível Hábito de Correr" acessando o link a seguir: ⁠⁠ 🚀 Receba suporte emocional e orientação para que você possa superar o sedentarismo e transformar sua vida através da corrida. Clique no link a seguir e seja um dos nossos Mentorados! ⁠https://iniciativacorrerv…
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Alan’s fleeting thought while chasing a spider around the floor sparked a conversation with an animal minds expert who argues that many more creatures than we imagine are conscious. What could this mean for our relationship with the rest of the animal kingdom – including those that annoy us and those we eat?…
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Andal's Thiruppavai, a collection of 30 divine hymns called Pasurams, is a masterpiece of devotion. Through vivid imagery, Andal guides us towards Krishnanubhavam, a state of blissful union with Krishna, by emphasizing love, devotion, and surrender to the divine. Narrator: Varsha Sundararajan Publisher: Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Sri Ramakrishna …
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It's more than just Mary who is used by God to fulfill the promise of Jesus's birth. Learn how people like Elizabeth, Zechariah, Joseph, Shepards, Simeon and even the Magi are used by God and see how he is working to answer the promises for YOUR life!Vivid Church
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🎧 Dans ce 196ème épisode de La Systémique du Bonheur, Samir te dévoile 11 clés essentielles pour réussir tout ce que tu entreprends.Dans une société où tout va toujours plus vite, rester concentré et productif est un véritable défi. Pour y parvenir, adopter des habitudes efficaces et durables peut faire toute la différence. Inspiré par le livre The…
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Carin och Vivi blev bjudna till Laila Bagge på fest och inser såhär i efterhand att de kanske inte alltid uttrycker sig så politiskt korrekt i vissa sammanhang. Vivi bjuder på en lista över saker hon helst vill bojkotta med julen och det är uppenbart att vissa klassiska traditioner hänger väldigt löst i det Wallinska hemmet. Carin i sin tur har lit…
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Pastor Adam shares an inspiring message. In The Wonder of His Love, he reveals the greatest gift God offers—salvation through Christ. The question is will you open your heart to receive Him? Don’t miss out on this message.VIVE Church
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Andal's Thiruppavai, a collection of 30 divine hymns called Pasurams, is a masterpiece of devotion. Through vivid imagery, Andal guides us towards Krishnanubhavam, a state of blissful union with Krishna, by emphasizing love, devotion, and surrender to the divine. Narrator: Varsha Sundararajan Publisher: Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Sri Ramakrishna …
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Varför är siandet, kanalisering och att vara häxa så viktigt för Vivi? Vi tittar närmare på egenskaper som gynnat Vivis mediala utveckling Hur fungerar dagens budskap? Hur kan man finna försvunna djur eller saker? Astrologi som terapi Tre tips & råd för utveckling Med mera... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Tema A Divindade de Cristo. Domingo – 15/12/2024 Pregador: Ap. Miguel Ângelo O vídeo apresenta uma profunda reflexão sobre a divindade e a soberania de Jesus Cristo, destacando-o como o único Deus verdadeiro, mediador e justificador. O Ap. Miguel Ângelo confronta teorias que tentam excluir Deus da criação e enfatiza que a Graça de Deus é a chave pa…
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Comment est calculée la retraite des Français qui travaillent ou ont travaillé à l’étranger ? La prise en compte de ces périodes internationales pour la retraite varie selon les pays d’expatriation, mais pas seulement. Me Charles-Henry Chenut est spécialiste de l’expatriation au cabinet « Chenut Oliveira Santiago ». Explications.…
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Créé il y a tout juste un an par Melissa Medeiros, « VIA Expats » a pour ambition d’aider les candidats à l’expatriation au Québec à réaliser leur rêve. Tous les aspects personnels du projet de mobilité sont pris en charge, depuis le pays d’origine du postulant jusqu’à son arrivée et son installation dans la région de Montréal. Retrouvez plus d'inf…
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Neste episódio Charles Boeira e J. Morrameds refletem sobre o artigo "O Processo de Autotransformação", de Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.📖 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Link para a aquisição do Livro⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Tema – Jesus é o Único Deus. Quarta-feira – 11/12/2024 Pregador : Ap. Miguel Ângelo O vídeo aborda a centralidade da divindade de Cristo no cristianismo. Utilizando passagens como Apocalipse 1:8 e João 1:1, enfatiza que Jesus é o único Deus verdadeiro, manifestado como Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo. Destaca-se o "Logos" como expressão eterna de Deus …
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Bem-vindos ao Podcast Yoga do Relaxamento! Aqui, incentivo você a incorporar a prática regular de meditação e relaxamento em sua rotina. Descubra como esses momentos de pausa podem transformar positivamente sua vida diária, trazendo mais equilíbrio, clareza e bem-estar.
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Dans cet épisode, je partage avec vous comment j’ai appris à aimer la discipline et pourquoi elle peut devenir votre meilleur allié pour vivre une vie intentionnelle et alignée. Nous explorons la différence fondamentale entre motivation et discipline, et je vous propose 10 astuces concrètes pour cultiver et entretenir cette compétence précieuse. Qu…
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It's the eve of the Feast of Our Lady and the beginning of our Novena - our 9-day walk together in contemplation as we access our insight and cultivate our Wise Heart, the organ of spiritual perception, and learn to see more clearly seeing things that are physically invisible to the senses alone or the rational and intuitive mind seeing a fuller pi…
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Vi fortsätter att botanisera bland era annorlunda jultraditioner. Det blir bla otraditionellt julbord, skenande hästar, snöbollskrig med farmor och operasjungande papegojor. Med: Vivi Wallin & Carin da Silva Produktionsbolag: Polpo Play AB Vill du göra reklam i en Polpo-podd? Maila Hosted on Aca…
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Hey, beautiful teachers! Welcome back to Vivid Practice. I'm Nicola Cantan, and today we're shining the spotlight on Note Rush 🎶, a fantastic app for drilling note recognition in a fun and effective way. Learn why this simple yet powerful app stands out, from its customizable levels and playful themes to its unique feature of answering by playing y…
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En este episodio hablamos de los condicionamientos externos e internos que afectan nuestra vida: algoritmos, medios, cultura, educación, familia... ¿Qué pasaría si fueras consciente de cómo influyen en ti? Te invito a reflexionar sobre quién podrías ser si te liberas de ellos y cómo dar ese primer paso hacia la verdadera libertad personal. 🌟…
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🎧 Dans ce 195ème épisode de La Systémique du Bonheur, Samir t'invite à un voyage intérieur.T’es-tu déjà demandé quelle est ta place dans cet immense univers ?À l’échelle cosmique, nous sommes plus petits qu’un atome, et notre planète, un grain de sable. Si elle disparaissait demain, l’univers n’en serait pas affecté. Pourtant, reconnaître notre ins…
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You may think it’s your light that gives you power. When actually it’s your ability to see in the dark I’m offering a Novena this season to help us Embrace the Light in the Darkness The Novena* begins on the Feast of Our Lady and ends the day before Winter Solstice Enter your email in the form linked below to subscribe to the daily emails. https://…
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Breaking News!!! Äntligen kan vi avslöja en fantastisk nyhet! Ja, in å lyssna!!! Dessutom pratar vi om hur Anders flygrädsla, åtminstone delvis, blev botad av fantastisk personal på en flygning häromdagen. Samma personal som även berättade om en rätt komisk situation just angående flygrädsla. Carins son säljer Bingolotter för sin fotbollsklubb och …
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Tune in to our annual family Christmas production, Bedtime Stories! Inspired by Romans 3, this play explores what happens when Santa Claus himself lands on the naughty list. After the performance, Pastor Adam Smallcombe teaches us that no amount of good deeds can secure our place on the righteous list. Instead, true righteousness comes from accepti…
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Shared death experience, delad dödsupplevelse, är ett hett samtalsämne just nu som många studerar närmare. Både Ronnit Hasson och Camilla Elfving har haft förmånen att uppleva detta personligen. Hör Ronnits otroliga berättelse när hennes pappa lämnade jordelivet och gav henne unik inblick i det som tidigare varit gåtfullt och dolt för människor. Ro…
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Tema Cristo é Deus: A Doutrina mais poderosa. Domingo - Manhã – 08/12/2024 Pregador: Ap. Miguel Ângelo Neste sermão, o Apóstolo Miguel Ângelo explora o mistério da piedade, destacando a centralidade de Jesus Cristo como Deus encarnado, reconciliador e salvador da humanidade. Ele enfatiza que Cristo é a imagem do Deus invisível, no qual habita toda …
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Expat Communication a organisé cette semaine un Webinaire sur les écarts culturels en entreprise, entre la France et l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Une occasion de relever les pièges de ces relations interculturelles, mais aussi de proposer des solutions pour faciliter la collaboration internationale. Alix Carnot est directrice associée chez Expat Communica…
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I Love You (Karney Extended Dark Dub) Key4050 & Plumb ARMIND Without U LSRCITY GE Club Mix Barton Springs Solarstone & Farius Extended Mix Shine A Light (Sean Tyas Extended Remix) Bryan Kearney & Bo Bruce SUBCULTURE Miss You (Extended Mix) Craig Connelly & Nicholas Gunn Feat. Alina Renae BLUE DOT TRANCE It Was Love Darren Porter & That Girl Extende…
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As the Kings struggle through an injury-filled opening third of the season, Dave finds a potential turning point on the Golden 1 jumbotron, and Mike mourns the premature end of the Roy Al era.Visit the homepage: the show at: joiedevivek@gmail.comCollect JDV episode art NFTs:…
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La réouverture de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris a lieu ce samedi, cinq ans après l’incendie qui l’a ravagée. Le président Emmanuel Macron a convié une centaine de personnalités, dont plusieurs chefs d’États, à cet événement qu’il qualifie de « fierté nationale ». Qu’en pensent les expatriés ? Toute l'actualité sur la réouverture de Notre-Dame d…
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🔥 Adquira Gratuitamente o ebook "O Incrível Hábito de Correr" acessando o link a seguir: 🚀 Receba suporte emocional e orientação para que você possa superar o sedentarismo e transformar sua vida através da corrida. Clique no link a seguir e seja um dos nossos Mentorados! https://iniciativacorrervive…
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