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Learn Russian with Dasha

Russian with Dasha

Слушай интервью с носителями русского языка, чтобы свободно и уверенно говорить по-русски. Подкаст, созданный сертифицированным преподавателем РКИ для среднего уровня (A2-B2). Учи новую лексику с транскрипциями на русском и английском. Listen to interviews with native Russian speakers to speak Russian fluently and confidently. A podcast created by a certified teacher for the intermediate level students (A2-B2). Learn new vocabulary by reading transcriptions in Russian and English patreon.com ...
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Russian Verbs from Russia

Russian from Russia

If you're at an intermediate level of Russian, this podcast will help you to keep progressing! Boost your learning with Russian Verbs from Russia! This podcast is for those who want to learn how to use Russian vocabulary with confidence and accuracy. In 2022, I launched a new podcast called Russian from Russia Podcast, which is essentially a continuation of the Russian Verbs from Russia podcast. My new podcast is available on https://www.patreon.com/RussianfromRussia
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Learn Russian and Belarusian languages in a natural and joyful way. Get to know captivating things about our culture, traditions. Watch videos on our youtube channel with quizes and educational materials!В добрый путь! Добрай дарогi!
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show series
*Watch episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/K3wVMWVt1mo * A special story about Santa Claus' appereance https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy * Our studying course https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussianSophia
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These episodes will dive you into a countryside atmosphere and give you an idea of village life in the 20th and 21st centuries. *Our group channel https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy *Our full Russian or Belarusian course https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussian *Free videolessons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4XJ8maavoBM8NmTU2l4Jig…
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This 1st episode will help you to learn the Russian and Belarusian alphabet and words. We will practise a correct letter and word pronunciation; discover the main points, which will serve as the basis for correct writing and understanding the orthography of the languages in general. To win 3 first group lessons join and read the information on our …
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🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha [email protected] . Max's website https://www.russianwithmax.com
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Interview with Ira about Ramadan and "gold diggers" in Dubai, opening a guesthouse in Sri Lanka and moving to Brazil. Practice listening in Russian for B1+ levels. 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Ira's Insta @notrussianrussian Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/Ru…
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“I fell in love with Armenia and its people.” Stephen from the USA talks about his life and work* in Yerevan. Interview with an American in Russian B1 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Our first interview with Stephen https://youtu.be/RQ93s2i6w78 Telegram t.me/russianwithdash…
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"We had to take a plane to get to the swimming pool." Roma talks about growing up in a remote Siberian village, moving to the USA and things that amaze him. Learn Russian through authentic materials. B1+ 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube…
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Глаголы движения в РКИ. About the difficulties of moving, the "betrayal" of the Motherland and cultural shock. Interview with Marina. Learn Russian verbs of motion through authentic materials. 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Марина в инсте @m_pomeshkina Telegram t.me/russia…
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Interview with Sasha in slow Russian about his work as a programmer, search for an apartment in Kazakhstan and love for Russian rock. Learn Russian through authentic materials. 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Группы, которые слушает Саша: «Дайте танк», «Краснознаменная диви…
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My boss attacked me. Ksyusha talks about the Russian event industry and the terrible things that happened to her at work. Learn Russian through podcast. B1+ 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Ксюша в Instagram* @xenia_vasilevna Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/Russ…
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Living in the moment. How Arthur left everything in Russia and moved to Thailand. Learn Russian through podcast. B1+ 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Arthur's Instagram* @ilovebags Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha https://russianwithdasha.wixsite…
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Genealogy and Cossacks. Why Russians don't know their ancestry. Arthur talks about his family search. Learn Russian through podcast. B1+ 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Arthur's Instagram* @ilovebags Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha https://russ…
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Interview with Daniil about his childhood in Kamchatka and travels around Ukraine. Philosophy and the meaning of life 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 Выпуск отредактирован по просьбе гостя. The episode has been edited at the request of the guest. Даниил в инсте @danielkim_a…
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Moving without stress. Kaya from Japan shares her experience. Interview in slow Russian. 🔥 PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha 🔥 English with Kaya podcast, episode 21 https://podcasts.apple.com/kh/podcast/english-with-kaya/id1622323745 // Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/…
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Amir from Kazakhstan shares tips on how to become a polyglot. Podcast in slow Russian for foreigners with transcriptions. // PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha // Amir's channel https://www.youtube.com/c/AmirOrdabayev Amir's conversation on the Russian Twist podcast https://russia…
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Repairing and buying second-hand furniture: Valya talks about moving to her new apartment. Interview in slow Russian for foreigners // PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha // Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha https://russianwithdasha.wixsite.com/website r…
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About the love of books and the flea market. Interview with Valya in slow Russian. Russian as a foreign language // PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates // Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha russianwithdasha.c…
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I almost died at 23. About the year that changed my life. Russian as a foreign language // PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates // Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha russianwithdasha.com russianwithdaria@gmail…
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Languages and cuisine of Dagestan. Podcast in slow Russian with my friend Muhammad. PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates ______________ Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha russianwithdasha.com russianwithdaria@…
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Ghost village, Ramadan and lezginka. Muhammad talks about Dagestan. Podcast in slow Russian PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates ______________ Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha russianwithdasha.com russianwi…
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Сhildhood in the Russian countryside. Nikita shares memories. Podcast in slow Russian PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates ______________ Telegram t.me/russianwithdasha youtube.com/c/RussianwithDasha russianwithdasha.com russianwithdari…
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Being an engineer in Russia: specifics of work, difficulties and salary level. Nikita talks about his profession and hobbies in slow Russian. Learn Russian as a second language. PDF and DOCX transcripts in Russian and English & Check my homework option patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/debates ______________ Instag…
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Этот выпуск мы с Татьяной записали один месяц назад. Это продолжение выпуска номер 6. В выпуске номер 7 мы говорим о горевании, похоронных традициях, российских и зарубежных кладбищах, а также общении патологоанатома с родственниками умерших. О смерти говорить нелегко, но в тяжелые времена, как сейчас, разговоры о смерти напоминают нам, как важно ж…
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Pathologist: visual, investigator and mystic. My friend Tanya talks about her profession, hobbies and fears. Russian for B2 level and medical students. В этом выпуске вы узнаете, чем занимается патологоанатом, что вдохновило Таню пойти в эту профессию, почему она считает её красивой и с какими мистическими случаями сталкивалась. Транскрипции и опци…
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10 symptoms of burnout. Listen to a slow Russian podcast for intermediate students Всем приве́т, с ва́ми сно́ва Russian with Dasha – подка́ст для тех, кто хо́чет говори́ть по-ру́сски. Наде́юсь, что но́вый 2022 год принесёт вам мно́го ра́дости и сча́стья. В сего́дняшнем вы́пуске вы услы́шите слова́ с части́цами не и ни. Транскри́пцию э́того вы́пуска…
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Zarina and I talked about learning foreign languages, family relationships in Russia and Europe, and the difference in mentality. В этом выпуске мы с Зариной поговорили об изучении иностранных языков, семейных отношениях в России и Европе, а также разнице в менталитете. PATREON patreon.com/russianwithdasha CONVERSATION CLUB russianwithdasha.com/deb…
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Tajik or Russian? Talking with Zarina about xenophobia, life in Russia, Spain and France. Slow Russian podcast for intermediate level. Зари́на, как и я, родила́сь в Новосиби́рске, но сейча́с живёт и рабо́тает в Барсело́не. Cего́дня мы с Зари́ной поговори́м о её жи́зни в Росси́и и в други́х стра́нах, а в сле́дующем вы́пуске затро́нем те́му изуче́ния…
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How they drive a car in the Caucasus. Slow Russian podcast for intermediate level. Caucasus music playlist. Приве́т, с ва́ми Russian with Dasha, подка́ст для тех, кто хо́чет говори́ть по-ру́сски. В э́том подка́сте я расска́зываю исто́рии из свое́й жи́зни и делю́сь поле́зной ле́ксикой. Сего́дня мы поговори́м о вожде́нии, а и́менно о безба́шенных вод…
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О чём подкаст. Trailer. About this podcast Приве́т, меня́ зову́т Да́ша, и вы слу́шаете Russian with Dasha — подка́ст для тех, кто хо́чет говори́ть по-ру́сски. Во второ́м сезо́не я продо́лжу расска́зывать исто́рии из свое́й жи́зни, наполня́я вы́пуски поле́зной ле́ксикой, а в интервью́ с приглашёнными гостя́ми мы поговори́м об их профе́ссиях и отноше…
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Phrases to use to share your opinion in Russian. Learn Russian through content A2 B1 Всем приве́т! Добро́ пожа́ловать во второ́й сезо́н Russian with Dasha, подка́ста для тех, кто хо́чет говори́ть по-ру́сски. Меня́ зову́т Да́ша, я преподава́тель ру́сского как иностра́нного. Сего́дня я расскажу́ вам о том, каки́е слова́ и фра́зы испо́льзовать, что́бы…
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Working from home and work-life balance. Some idioms about work. PDF and DOC transcriptions of my podcasts and videos with accented text and ENGLISH translation for $5 a month. Check my homework option for $10 a month. Транскрипция подкаста и видео с ударениями и переводом на английский язык, а также опция проверки домашнего задания. https://www.pa…
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An interview with my friend Elena about her work at CERN, Switzerland. Moving to Germany from Russia at the age of 15. Studying physics and computer science. International conferences. PDF and DOC transcriptions of my podcasts and videos with accented text and ENGLISH translation for $5 a month. Check my homework option for $10 a month. Транскрипци…
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An interview with my mother about her life in the 90s. Unemployment and poverty. Pension payments in Russia. Learn Russian through content. PDF and DOC transcriptions of my podcasts and videos with accented text and ENGLISH translation for $5 a month. Check my homework option for $10 a month. Транскрипция подкаста и видео с ударениями и переводом н…
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An interview with my mother about her life in the Soviet Union. Living in a closed town where uranium was mined. What Komsomol is. Learn Russian through content. PDF and DOC transcriptions of my podcasts and videos with accented text and ENGLISH translation for $5 a month. Check my homework option for $10 a month. Транскрипция подкаста и видео с уд…
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My best friend Slav talks about his life in Georgia, learning languages, working at a cooking school and making leather bags. PDF and DOC transcriptions of my podcasts and videos with accented text and ENGLISH translation for $5 a month. Check my homework option for $10 a month. Транскрипция подкаста и видео с ударениями и переводом на английский я…
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My podcast is 1 year old. Why there was a break, how my life has changed. Some News and plans. Приве́т! Э́то Russian with Dasha — подка́ст для тех, кто хо́чет говори́ть по-ру́сски. Транскри́пцию вы́пуска и о́пцию прове́рки дома́шнего зада́ния вы, как всегда́, найдёте на Patreon по ссы́лке в описа́нии. Домашку озву́чу в конце́ вы́пуска. Да, я немно́…
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Welcome to the 77th episode of the Russian Verbs from Russia podcast for intermediate learners of the Russian language! Добро пожаловать на семьдесят седьмой выпуск моего подкаста для тех, кто продолжает учить русский язык! These are some words and expressions which you'll hear in this episode (это некоторые слова и выражения, которые вы услышите в…
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How to feel rich. Personal finances and keeping your house in order. Learn Russian through content. Как вы счита́ете, обяза́тельно ли быть бога́тым, что́бы чу́вствовать себя́ счастли́вым? Мо́жно ли купи́ть сча́стье? Неда́вно я посмотре́ла интере́сное ви́део на кана́ле The Financial Diet. Челси, а́втор кана́ла, расска́зывала о том, как почу́вствоват…
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The cities in which I lived. Russian comparative adjectives and adverbs. Я заме́тила, что у изуча́ющих ру́сский как иностра́нный возника́ют тру́дности с запомина́нием и примене́нием сравни́тельных степене́й прилага́тельных и наре́чий, осо́бенно слов "бо́льше", "ме́ньше", "ча́ще", "ре́же", "лу́чше", "ху́же", "доро́же", "деше́вле", "да́льше", "бли́же…
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30 things that I have learnt before turning 30. Russian imperative. Делюсь своими (не очень умными) мыслями. Транскрипция подкаста с ударениями, опция проверки домашнего задания. PDF and DOC transcription with accents and useful phrases https://www.patreon.com/russianwithdasha Russian imperative with Monetochka. 22 things that I've learnt. Монеточк…
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Welcome to the 76th episode of the Russian Verbs from Russia podcast for intermediate learners of the Russian language! Добро пожаловать на семьдесят шестой выпуск моего подкаста для тех, кто продолжает учить русский язык! These are some words and expressions which you'll hear in this episode (это некоторые слова и выражения, которые вы услышите в …
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