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Cadet Vocational College Podcasts

Cadet Vocational College / Cre8media Ltd

Cadet To Career - Improving Lives Through Vocational Education: For over two decades Cadet Vocational College has been helping young people and adult volunteers in youth organisations earn valuable, internationally recognised qualifications as part of their training and activities. These qualifications deliver tangible benefits for life-long learning, employment and career progression. Vocational qualifications are more than just certificates; they are pathways to personal growth, profession ...
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In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI asked the young people of the UK "What kind of person do you want to be?" Vocationcast is a podcast to help you discover the answer to this question.
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Vocation Media

Le podcast d'une génération engagée qui veut s'épanouir dans sa carrière. Oser faire ses choix et être soi même. 📸 Retrouvez-nous sur instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vocation.co/ 💌 Et recevez notre newsletter : https://vocationpodcast.substack.com
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Vocation Creation

Jennifer Wenzel

Diving deep into the five steps of creating work that you can't wait to wake up to do. Featuring interviews with people who have created a vocation that is wildly unique to their purpose, passions, and skills, and who have found a way to earn significant income by straying off the beaten path. We'll also be talking with entrepreneurial experts sharing valuable information on starting and growing your unique vocation. Learn how to create your ideal vocation doing the work you love, with peopl ...
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My name is Tony Bellagamba and I use this podcast to help people identify and achieve their Dream Vocation! A job is just a lifeless means of making money but a vocation is a calling and a passion that allows you to earn money while living out a purpose, a passion. A vocation allows you to live a meaningful and fulfilling life while also maximizing your success. So if you want to find a career that is meaningful and fulfilling and then learn how to achieve and succeed in that career, give it ...
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Candid Catholics, hosted by Abby Normand, gets to the heart of the question: “Why Catholicism?” Why is the Catholic Community one of the largest organizations in the world? Why do people follow Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church? Find the answer as you listen to authentic, extraordinary stories of Catholics from all walks of life on Candid Catholics: Extraordinary Stories, Extraordinary Vocations.
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Vocation Soignants

Ramsay Santé

Découvrez les belles histoires des professionnels des hôpitaux et cliniques Ramsay Santé dans le nouveau podcast "Vocation Soignants". Leurs témoignages nous ouvrent les portes du monde du soin, qui nous est à la fois familier (encore plus depuis ces derniers mois), mais dont nous méconnaissons la diversité. En se confiant, les professionnels de santé de ce podcast nous font le cadeau de récits sincères où se mêlent les belles histoires de soignants engagés et des patients qu’elles soulagent ...
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Vocations and Vacations Podcast with Jason and Sam

Vocations and Vacations

The every other month, for the time being, podcast of Vocations and Vacations Podcast with Jason and Sam. Every other month we will talk about different vocations, vacations, and other fun things that we have enjoyed, or that a special guest has enjoyed. Our vocations are our callings or stations in life and refer to who we are in relation to one another. The vacations that we take are those thing where we get out and see this wonderful world around us. Be sure to visit us at www.vocationsan ...
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show series
A YOUNG BUSINESSWOMAN FROM THE PHILIPPINES WORKING HER WAY UP THE CORPORATE LADDER IN HONG KONG DISCOVERS HER VOCATION TO LIVE IN GREAT SIMPLICITY AND TRUE FREEDOM AS A LITTLE SISTER OF THE POOR. Sr. Marie Cecilia finds joy in being “the begging Sister” in service of the elderly who are in need andrelates some of the many spiritual and material ble…
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Episode 2 – Beyond The BTEC This episode discusses the wider portfolio of qualifications and awards available through CV College including the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), and City & Guilds (Professional Recognition Awards). CV College delivers ILM Level 3 as a follow on from the BTEC, a Level 3 in Education and Training to support t…
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Episode 1 – The Journey Begins This episode explores the vital role that Cadet Vocational College plays in delivering vocational qualifications to young people and adult volunteers in youth organisations. From BTEC Level 1 to City & Guilds Level 7, there is plenty of opportunity to earn valuable vocational qualifications. www.cvcollege.org…
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JESUS IS NOT A MATADOR: “My will is over here…no, it’s over here.” He does not trick us! In the peace and quiet of time spent with him, he reveals to us how much he loves us, and through the deepening relationship that we share with him he reveals his awesome plan for our lives. Emily Savage of Fiat Ministries speaks of the graces that shesees at w…
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One is in the first year of her college faith journey and the other is approaching the culmination of hers as she prepares to graduate later this semester. Blood sisters Anna and Emily share with religious Sisters Maria Catherine and Carolyn—and with all of our viewers and listeners--some of thepowerful graces experienced in their own lives and in …
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“AND WHY WAS I NOT CHOSEN TALK ABOUT A MORE MYSTICAL OR PENTITENTIAL TOPIC?" quips Mother Margaret Charles, who never fails to put a smile on our faces. Listen as she and Sr. Maria Lourdes, her companion in the Lord’s joy, answer the question, “What do Sisters do for fun?” and reveal the simple secrets about why religious women (and men!) are so in…
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Sister Constance--having heard Pope John Paul II quote the Gospel passage “I came that they might have life and have it to the full” during World Youth Day celebrations in Denver many years ago--relates how “the crowds of hundreds of thousands of people disappeared, and he was speaking to me.” She tells the story of her vocation and encourages disc…
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It’s a common concern of today’s discerners—and certainly a valid one: If I enter religious formation, what happens to my relationships with my family? Sr. Patrice answers that question from the lived experience of having left formation for the sake of treasured family relationships, only to find that those same God-given relationships would find t…
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VOCATION DISCERNERS: GOD WANTS YOU TO FLOURISH AND TO FIND YOUR GREATEST HAPPINESS…and there’s no better time than the Jubilee Year to discern your path to that reality. The year 2025 will be replete with special graces and opportunities for spiritual deepening and active discernment. In this episode Sr. Debbie, SS.C.M. and Sr. Carolyn, l.s.p. disc…
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RELIGIOUS SISTERHOOD, BY ITS VERY NATURE, is spiritual motherhood. So, too—in various ways in each of the many charisms and apostolates of today’s religious Sisters--does it encompass the sacred privilege of mothering God’s people to eternal life. Sr. Loretto, an Irish Little Sister of the Poor who has served for many years in the United States, sp…
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Sr. Thu T. Do, LHC, Ph.D., a research associate at CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate), highlights the many hopeful and encouraging findings that emerge from the study “Women and Men Entering Religious Life: The Entrance Class of 2023,” of which she is a coauthor. She also shares implications for vocation directors, campus minister…
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CAN YOU IMAGINE 182 PRIESTLY AND RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS COMING FROM A SINGLE COLLEGE CAMPUS??? To what might we attribute this amazing work of the Holy pirit? Check it out as Dani, Jenny, and David from the Catholic campus ministry and FOCUS team at Texas A&M University weigh in with their thoughts on this miracle of grace. Be sure not to miss these t…
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GRATITUDE FOR HAVING BEEN CHOSEN AND SENT: That is the common sentiment in these reflections by missionary Little Sisters of the Poor Sr. Joseph Marie, Sr. Stephen, and Sr. Marie Cecilia. Each describes the beauty of missionary life,in which—even as one shares the Gospel with other peoples--one can go beyond oneself and be so greatly enriched by th…
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Spenser Grandstaff, Kaleb Jeffries and Heather Servais reflect on vocational rehabilitation. The post Striking Insights – Lightning, Drones and the Clearinghouse appeared first on VR Workforce Studio.Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast
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Diplômée de la faculté de traduction et d’interprétation, Eliane Bou Khalil revient sur son parcours et nous ouvre les portes du monde de l’interprétation simultanée. De ses études au Liban à son rôle d’interprète pour des organisations internationales à Genève, elle nous raconte les étapes marquantes de son cheminement. Elle nous dévoile ainsi un …
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In this episode we speak with Tarkan and Kayhan Peksen, known as Captain T and Captain Kay. Captain T and Captain Kay are two young entrepreneurs who own a tour boat company named Paradise Cycle Boat Cruises down in Marco Island, Florida. I met Captain T and Captain Kay when my wife and I booked a sunset cruise during a recent weekend getaway. Afte…
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Pour cet épisode hors-série, Magali Bossi, Thomas Kerboul et Sylvain Leutwyler, trois diplômé-es aux parcours à la fois uniques et inspirants partagent leurs expériences de transition professionnelle, une fois leur diplôme ès lettres en poche. Quête de sens, engagement collectif, rigueur intellectuelle: autant de valeurs révélées et enrichies par l…
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We talk with Josh Cook about how vocational rehabilitation paved the way for a registered apprenticeship for Daniel at Phoenix Plumbing. The post The Owner, the Apprentice and the Expert appeared first on VR Workforce Studio.Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast
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Ancienne patineuse artistique de haut niveau, Merve Ece Akar a su transformer sa passion pour le sport en une carrière axée sur l’humain. À la suite de son Master en psychologie appliquée et affective, elle décroche un poste dans le recrutement chez Michael Page, où elle s'épanouit depuis. Elle y applique la rigueur et la résilience acquises sur la…
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In this episode we speak with Mitchell Wolfe, a video game designer out of San Diego, California. While I was growing up playing video games, and even now watching my kids play them, I always wondered, “Who are the people that have the cool job of actually creating these games?” Well, Mitchell is one of those cool people! He is a video game designe…
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DURING THIS “SEASON OF CREATION” celebrated by the Church each year, Mother Provincial Julie from the Little Sisters of the Poor shows us how the “evangelicalcounsels”, given by Christ and lived by vowed religious men and women and by many of the lay faithful, lend themselves ideally to care and respect for our commonhome and for all creation. And …
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Highlighting Vocational Rehabilitation, Destiny’s story at the hospital, and insights from Russ Thelin of the National Rehabilitation Association. The post Destiny and National Disability Employment Awareness Month appeared first on VR Workforce Studio.Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast
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VOCATIONAL DISCERNMENT is truly a burning topic today among young women and men who sense the possibility of a special call from God, but who do not know how to proceed in discerning the plan he might have for their lives—that plan which will ultimately lead to theirgreatest happiness and fulfillment. Sr. Maria Catherine from the Little Sisters of …
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In this episode we speak with Howard White, Inventor and Entrepreneur. Howard is the founder of Constant Mountain, an outdoor jacket company centered around the infinity pocket, which Howard invented and patented. Howard’s story shows us that everyday problems can be turned into career opportunities and that it’s never too late to pursue your passi…
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How is it that a young woman who majored in education because she loves children found her greatest happiness in serving Jesus in the elderly poor? How is it that a vivacious and talented young lady who loved fun and friends was inspired to give her life totally to God, finding abundant joy and friendship as a consecrated hospitaller religious and …
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In this episode we speak with Josh Elliot and Aaron White, founders of Climate Karen, a climate tech brand committed to making the planet less hot in an innovative way that allows the everyday person to get involved. Josh and Aaron are two badasses who have had experiences and careers that took them all over the world. From drilling water wells in …
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Hear Spenser’s story about spinal cord injury and how vocational rehabilitation helped him start a thriving business. The post Spenser Grandstaff: Lightning in a Bottle appeared first on VR Workforce Studio.Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast
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WHERE AM I CALLED? In discerning the consecrated religious life, people often assume that their vocation will be to a certain work or ministry, but—as awesome and as greatly needed as the “works of our hands” might be—the call is ultimately to an even broader, deeper, andmore all-encompassing reality! In drawing an individual to a religious communi…
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In this episode we speak with Tom Vrem, a music producer, guitar player, and cook book author out of Nashville, Tennessee. Tom is a renaissance man to say the least, and may I say across a variety of avenues that are all pretty awesome. Anyone that can produce a killer album, rip a guitar riff and cook up a gourmet breakfast is a cool person to han…
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As a young adult and a person of faith--however strong or weak that faith might be--do you sometimes feel confused by all of society’s pressures and expectations? Are you groping to find your way in life and to get a sense of who you were really created to be? Peter Blute, Executive Director of Young Catholic Professionals, offers insights and advi…
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THE ROSE TELLS IT ALL! From the time when Sr. Therese Marie of the Eucharist received her First Holy Communion as a little girl to the moment she saw a Little Sister of the Poor on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) to the experience of deepening her love for Our Eucharistic Lord and also her vocational discernment while studying at Francis…
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In this episode we speak with Rachel Kroll, a fashion designer out of New York City. This episode is special to me because one of my daughters loves fashion and says she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up. So, what better gift could I give her than to interview someone living the Dream Vocation she aspires to? Plus, I’m sure there are…
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DON’T MISS THEIR CHARMING COMMENTS, ON-TARGET INSIGHTS, AND GREAT ADVICE! Avid enthusiasts for vocations and ardent prayer supporters of all young men and women who are discerning their God-given calling, the elderly residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor are represented by Marge, Brother Jeff, and Dot, who have made their way to the studio to…
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Après un Bachelor en Histoire et philosophie, Valérie Marchon prend la décision de ne pas poursuivre avec un Master. Forte des expériences professionnelles acquises en cours d'études, elle finit par frayer son propre chemin dans l'événementiel. À présent cheffe de projets Events au journal Le Temps, et elle nous raconte ce parcours riche en rebondi…
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In this episode we speak with Joe Shannon, a lawyer and entrepreneur. Joe is a Personal Injury attorney who runs his own practice in the Chicago area. Truthfully, I always wondered if there were lawyers who loved their careers because outside of television courtroom scenes, it always appeared mundane to me. But, as Joe tells us, while the work does…
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Sarah Hart, a talented Catholic music artist who has performed across the country and has even sung for the pope at the Vatican, shares with us how her initial response to this calling was a definite and repeated “no.” Secular careers beckoned and greatly attracted her, but eventually she responded to her call to be God’s instrument through music, …
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COMING SOON! Sarah Hart, nationally known Catholic music artist who has sung across the country and even for the pope in Rome, will join us Little Sisters of the Poor on the next episode of our "God Calling: Vocation Vibes" podcast. Watch for "God's Instrument: A Conversation with Sarah Hart", to be released on June 25th.…
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Après un passage en école de commerce, Najma Hussein fait une passerelle pour intégrer l'Université de Genève, où elle obtient Master en droit. Passionnée par le droit des migrations et d'asile, elle nous dévoile un parcours riche, ponctué de défis et d'expériences précieuses. Elle travaille à présent en tant que juriste chez Elisa Asile, où elle c…
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In this episode we speak with Matt Parsons, founder and Managing Partner of an investment firm named Camp Lake Capital, which invests in businesses that have between $2 and $5 million of EBITDA, which is a fancy word for cashflow. I’ve known Matt for almost 20 years, as he and I started out as young Investment Bankers together in the early 2000’s, …
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In this ephemeral landscape of fleeting images we all long for happiness that lasts forever. We are wired for it, always seeking for something eternal. Sr. Sophia Peters, a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist who is a marriage and family therapist and also a formator for your women entering her religious community, walks us through the generational …
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In this episode we speak with Yvette Saba, President of Edward Hospital in Naperville. Yvette’s career story is one of pursuing what interests you and advocating for yourself. Her story shows that if you follow what interests you, what you have a passion for, you’ll be invested enough to put the time in to become great at it, and if you become grea…
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In this episode we speak with Jenna Carosio, ultramarathon and triathlon coach. I met Jenna when I was entering the ultramarathon world a few months back and looking for a coach. She did an awesome job and guided me through my first 50 mile race. But much more interesting than anything I did, was the fact that Jenna was in the middle of taking the …
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Discerning young women often hesitate to follow theircall to the religious life because they fear that their desire for motherhood will not be fulfilled—and yet it is quite the contrary! “And everyone who gave up homes, brothers or sisters, father, mother, children, or fields because of my name will receive a hundred times more and will inherit ete…
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Le programme de mentorat carrière de l'Université de Genève s'apprête à fêter sa quinzième édition! Organisé par le Centre de carrière et Alumni UNIGE, il facilite la transition des étudiant-es vers le monde du travail, en les mettant en relation avec des professionnel-les qui partageront leur expérience et expertise sur une période de 7 mois. Pour…
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In this episode we speak with Ryan Gareis, professional women’s soccer player with the Houston Dash. This was an exciting episode for me because 3 of my 4 kids play soccer, so this was like interviewing one of their heroes! Ryan’s path from club soccer to college and eventually to the pros shows what hard work can lead to. While she was blessed wit…
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In this episode we speak with Chris Cousins, Founder and CEO of Sports Recruiting USA, a soccer recruitment business with over 90 staff members helping future college players with their college and pro careers. Chris is the perfect example of turning one’s passion into their career. Originally from the UK, Chris came to the U.S. in the early 2000’s…
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MEET THE NEW LAY ASSOCIATES OF THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR who have just made their promises for the first time, and listen as they relate what drew them to the charism of this religious family--as well as the joy that they experience as they now set out upon this special “vocation within their vocation.”The Little Sisters of the Poor treasure t…
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Adrian Clark discusses her career success in advanced manufacturing and Dante Allen shares his vision for vocational rehabilitation. The post The Razor-Sharp Edge of Vocational Rehabilitation appeared first on VR Workforce Studio.Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast
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