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Welcome to The God Mode Sessions w/ James Xander. Follow my main podcast at The James Xander Trip. Subscribe for epic upgrades at emperorjames.com RESOURCES Here are epic resources to help your spiritual journey: • Newsletter – jamesxandertrip.com • James Xander – youtube.com/@emperorjames • Unlock God Mode - unlockgodmode.org • Mushroom Trip Checklist - mushroomchecklist.com • Mushroom Trip Music - mushroomplaylist.com • James Podcast – youtube.com/@jamesxandertrip • Telegram channel – t.me ...
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Xanyland: Comedians on the Couch

Alicia Racine Fink

Xanyland is a deconstruction of the mental health world, hosted by Alicia Racine Fink, a redhead therapist with a flair for irreverence. This isn’t your typical therapy session—it’s a shrink rap experience where comedians unwind on the couch, dishing the T about their personal mental health journeys. Xanyland pulls back the curtain on the chaos and absurdity of mental health today, offering listeners a fresh perspective on the struggles we all face. Each episode is a mix of hilarious anecdot ...
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The James Xander Trip is a podcast that dives into the minds of spiritual seekers, psychonauts, and consciousness explorers to bring you the most actionable ideas around spirituality, psychedelics, plant medicine, manifestation, mindset, and self-improvement. New episode every Monday. Follow the podcast on YouTube for the video episodes at wizardjames.com Each episode is designed to connect you deeper with your soul, and to inspire and connect you with the magic and destiny of life. Connect ...
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Xantho-Audio Hörspiele und Musik

Xantho Audio

Alle unsere Hörspiele sind kostenfrei und auf allen Streamingplattformen, auf YouTube oder auf unserer Homepage als Download erhältlich. Besucht unsere Website, um Informationen zu unseren aktuellen oder weiteren Veröffentlichungen zu erhalten. Wir freuen uns über Anmerkungen, Anregungen oder Meinungen zu unseren Produktionen. Weitere Infos erhaltet ihr auf: www.xantho-audio.de
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Xano na MyTopFM

Xano - Top FM

O Xano é especialista em apanhar malta. Os apanhados pelo Xano estão sempre desprevenidos e ele testa ao máximo a paciência das suas "vítimas", ao telefone, e o resultado... vale a pena ouvir! ;)
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Conexão Xangai

Conexão Xangai

Somos quatro economistas batizados contra a doença holandesa e o liberalismo de jardim de infância e que não acreditam em destino das nações, mas em economia do projetamento para a prosperidade nacional.
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Politics, Trump, and the road to the White House. I’ve got a Vision and it’s 2020. #SeeClear Perfect Vision for a less than perfect world. Together. That’s our commitment. Now let’s take a closer look...liberal Republican commentary for the normal person.
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Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken investigate the science of exercise and the dangers of inactivity. Is modern exercise a wellness cult? Or is it a vital cure for a world that's struggling with ill health and stuck on the sofa? Most of us might like to get a bit fitter, but how easy is it to actually start exercising and give up sedentary habits? In this series Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken examine exercise and how best to do it. How much should we be doing? How does it help our bodies? And ...
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A Xanela das Fucas

A Xanela das Fucas

A Xanela das Fucas ( Area da Muller da asociación FUCO BUXAN) escomenza a sua andaina. Este espazo pretende ser un oasis de información sobre a contorna da muller, libre de toda contaminación interesada. Unha información libre do sesgo de xenero que acompaña moitas das noticias tal e como foron entendidas durante demasiado tempo . Libre das presións interesadas dos distintos lobbis da comunicación. As “xanelas” sirven para airear, iluminar, permiten a comunicación do interior co exterior, pe ...
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Xandra podcast

Celeste Huezo

Celeste is a young girl trying to figure out the podcast Experiance. During the podcast she speaking ideal topics, thoughts, and questions. Follow on IG, Twitter & YouTube IG: @cele.alexandra Twitter: @superkitty21_ YouTube: Celeste Huezo
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Xanadu Quest

Matters of the Heart

Create a positive atmosphere to discuss biblical principles, current events, and stirrings from the heart. Cover art photo provided by Tobias van Schneider on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanschneider
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xandthesinglemom's podcast

Yasmin Thomas

This podcast is for and about single mothers, to assist them with choosing their direction, supporting them to rise above any circumstances, while providing insight on their path of raising our future generation. Welcome to our intro podcast.
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A Xanela Podcast

A Xanela

A Xanela é un medio de comunicación audiovisual, democrático e colectivo, orientado á promoción de contido social, político e cultural. A Xanela es un medio de comunicación audiovisual, democrático y colectivo, orientado a la promoción de contenido social, político y cultural.
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The Zara & Xander Studio

Mommy Madz, Zara, & Xander Lim

A 'happy medium' where kids can be expressive and learn new skills :)Nothing too fancy, just our everyday kulitan, letting them share their thoughts and be heard... and maybe some homeschooling along the way
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I am Aditya, a brand designer and content creator. I'm also the founder, CEO and Creative Director of XAXs Corps. Basically, I'm a creative entrepreneur. I take a keen interest in philosophy, psychology, film making, exploring new experiences and seeking the truth.... Besides that, I'm an irreligious secular left-leaning egalitarian centrist atheist who believes in egoistic altruism and the power of science. you'll probably notice this in the podcast episodes I hope you'll listen to....
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Xanthe Briefly

Chrysanthe Tan

Composer, violinist, and singer-songwriter Chrysanthe Tan speaks in 3-minute bursts on the introverted creative life. Or rather...what it's really like to be an independent, autistic artist in LA. (sigh)
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You're Wrong with Xan and Christine

Xan and Christine

Xan and Christine tell you why you're wrong about everything from online trends to historical figures. Tune in once a week for a ranty, laughter-filled episode from two chicks who don't know what the heck they're doing. Plus, listen to the girls talk about their own personal problems in We're Wrong Minisodes. Feel free to send comments, questions, and hate mail to yourwrongpodcast@gmail.com. Follow the instagram @yourewrongpodcast for updates and more content between episodes.
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Vibes With Xander

Chidubem Nnamani (Uncle_Xander)

If you’re reading this, welcome to my podcast. More like my podcast description, since you have taken your time to click on this, and have read up till this point this is the best time to let you know that i don’t have a perfect description for you, all i can promise you is vibes, vibes and more vibes Bi-weekly. Trust me, you will have the time of your life listening to our take on life matters. sha, support and subscribe, share with friends and families thanks and GOD bless.@vibeswithxander ...
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Disk-Date Xanadu

Papier Podcast - Edu

Disk-Date Xanadu é um podcast de ficção que mostra a rotina de uma agência de encontros a partir de suas ligações telefônicas. Cada episódio é independente, e revela um pouco da relação das atendentes com sua clientela, seja para encontrar seu par ideal, realizar as mais diversas fantasias e, até mesmo, resolver seus problemas. Disk-Date Xanadu retrata, de forma excêntrica, as diversas facetas do amor contemporâneo. Criação, roteiro e atuação: Carolina Holly, Paula Silvestre e Rhena de Faria ...
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show series
Ryan Muldoon—aka RyDoon, Vine OG and stand-up comic—was once the guy who could make millions laugh in six seconds. In this episode of Xanyland, Ryan gets honest about what it really took to survive himself: getting sober, digging deep into AA and Al-Anon, screaming along to Nine Inch Nails, and surrendering to the power of hypnotherapy. Now a pract…
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Episode 56 — In this deeply expansive episode, I sit down with spiritual teacher and freedom-guide Iggy Garcia (@awakenwithiggy) for a raw, soul-nourishing conversation on living a life led by trust, intuition, and full-body yeses. We explore what it truly means to live in full trust, how to recognize when you're creating from fear or control, and …
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Programa nº121 - (20-3-21) A Xanela das Fucas recibe a Raquel Veiga Teijeiro para presentar o Xogo Feminismo no tempo. Relatanos como comenzou este proxecto e como foi o seu desenrolo . Nos comenta as persoas que compoñen o grupo de traballo que fixeron posible esta maravilla de instrumento educativo. Elas son: Tania Merelas Iglesias ( Avelar), Noe…
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Programa: Autocuidado para emprendedoras ( 16-3-25) Ante a proposta de Esperanza Vázquez Dopico, ca celebración da xornada “Porque te lo mereces.... Autocuidado para emprendedoras”, acudimos a sua invitación para compartir este espacio. Conversamos con parte das emprendedoras que impatiron talleres. Nos contaron coma se sinten, cales foron os motio…
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Comedian, actor, and all-around brilliant mind Baron Vaughn joins us to talk about something deeply personal—his journey of self-discovery after his son’s autism diagnosis. In this episode, Baron generously shares what it’s like to question your own neurodivergence as an adult, the compassion he’s learning along the way, and what “being a person” e…
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Resumen: Programa Nº 120 (6-3-25) Hoxe temos o gosto que nos acompañe Chus Díaz Anca, para recordar xuntas a Lola Ferreiro. Nos relatou dende cando foi a sua relación e os programas nos que participaron xuntas asi coma as distintas publicaions no ambito da educaión afectivo sexual. Nos leeu parte dun poema de Charo Lopes, que se fixo para o día do …
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Episode 55 — In this episode of The James Xander Trip, we dive deep into channeling, intuition, and the healing process with Suzette Shahmoon—a psychologist, cognitive hypnotherapist, and intuitive channel. Suzette shares her spiritual awakening, her early experiences with intuitive downloads, and how she learned to trust and develop her channeling…
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Mesa redonda: O Patronato de Protección á Muller (1941-1985). Espazo de control e represión das mulleres . Acto organizado o 27-2-25 no Centro Civico de Canido , pola asociación cultural Fuco Buxan e coordinado por Laura Couto Vilches. Participan as investigadoras Pilar Iglesias Aparicio, Catedrática de Lingua Inglesa e Montse Fajardo, Xornalista e…
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If your meds are working, maybe don’t ghost them. In this episode, stand-up comedian Jessica Michelle Singleton shares the story of her mom quitting her meds cold turkey (it was a ride). We also talk about her journey with ADHD meds, while Alicia Racine Fink’s husband, Mike, spills on his medication adventures—including multiple rounds in an oxygen…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- How to deal with resistance during a psychedelic trip. LINKS • Listen to The James Xander T…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- Every day holds a secret—an invitation to see the world through a different lens. In this v…
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Episode 54 — In this transformative episode, James Xander sits down with intuitive manifestation coach and energy healer Micki Morris. Micki shares her raw, unfiltered journey—from hitting rock bottom financially and spiritually to declaring 2024 as her "quantum leap year" and manifesting unimaginable abundance. This conversation dives deep into ma…
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Programa nº 119- (13- 2--2025) Convidamos a Mª Carmen Tapia Gómez para comentar a nova publicacion de Critica Urbana , Revista de Estudos Urbanos e Territoriais, que en iste numero ten o seguinte sumario: MARICARMEN TAPIA Desactivar o pensamento hexemónico ; NEUS CASAJUANA ¿Como protexer os dereitos das xeracións futuras?; SIMONE TULUMELLO Direito/…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- My recent Ayahuasca journey revealed something unexpected—something that completely shifted…
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Say these words with me, and let them sink deep into your subconscious. I am a perfect non-resistant instrument for God to work through, and His perfect plan for me now comes to pass in a magic way. All channels are free and all doors fly open for my immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply. Let the Divine Design of my life flash into my con…
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Episode 53 – What if you could reprogram your reality like software, unlocking limitless possibilities in your life? What if psychedelics were the missing key to breaking free from limitations, revealing your true purpose, and amplifying your manifestation power? In this mind-expanding episode, Chris Appelgren sits down with James Xander—a spiritua…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- In this episode, I explore the profound potential of psychedelics to break us out of limiti…
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Programa nº 118- (13- 2--2025) A Xanela das Fucas convida as persoas que ganaron o Hackathon: Diego Pérez (Mallorca, 2006), Irene Rodiles (Santiago de Compostela, 2006), Gabriel Pita (Ferrol, 2000), Clara Ventura (Fene, 2003) e Lydia Fernandez (Ferrol, 2000) que serán os encargados de facer un viaxe de 3.000 kilómetros para dar a conocer a web EcoR…
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For the very first episode of Xanyland, I’m joined by comedian, actress, and singer Jordana Lilly—who I met doing improv at Groundlings (so you already know this will be fun). We’re diving into the surprisingly tricky world of finding a therapist: where to look, how to figure out what you actually need, and how to get the most out of it once you're…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- My 5th Ayahuasca Trip Stunned Me - Wow LINKS • Listen to The James Xander Trip podcast • Jo…
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Welcome to Xanyland, a deconstruction of the mental health world, hosted by Alicia Racine Fink, a redhead therapist with a flair for irreverence. This isn’t your typical therapy session—it’s a shrink rap experience where comedians unwind on the couch, dishing the T about their personal mental health journeys. Xanyland pulls back the curtain on the …
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A Xanela das Fuca s Nº 117 ( 30-1-25) Recordamos eventos dos últimos dias: a conferencia de Mohamed Safa : ano e medio de Xenocicidio na Palestina , 76 anos de colonización Israelí; o homenaxe a Amada García no cemitereio de Serantese e as persoas que estan na fosa común para pasar a falar da celebración do día da no- violencia na escola e a cultur…
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Episode 52 – In this transformative episode, James Xander and Naresh Shan dive into the power of consciousness, manifestation, and personal growth. This conversation explores the foundational principles of manifestation, how individuals can shift from scarcity to abundance, and why some people struggle to see results. James discusses the power of p…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- How to Integrate After a Mushroom Trip + Lessons From My Latest Trip (Psychedelics) LINKS •…
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Lisa saß auf einer Parkbank, wie immer in den Vollmondnächten. Warum? Und, was geschah mit ihr? Was waren das für seltsame Gestalten, die sich ihr plötzlich näherten? Es wirkten mit: Erzählerin/Lisa: Sharina KristofLara: Sabine SchmittArzt: Andreas JohrenCredits gesprochen von Andreas Johren #Gruselstunde #Gruselminuten #Gruselserie #Spotify #YouTu…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- In this transformative episode, James Xander sits down with Brazilian spiritual leader Nata…
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Episode 51 — In this transformative episode, James Xander sits down with Brazilian spiritual leader Natalia Walter to explore the profound lessons and challenges of Ayahuasca. With over 1,000 ceremonies facilitated, Natalia shares her journey from fear to surrender, the importance of integration, and how Ayahuasca can help uncover your true gifts. …
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A Xanela das Fuca s Nº 115 ( 9-01-25) Facemos un recorrido por sucesos dos ultimos dias e recurrimos a distintos audios para poñerle voz a ditos sucesos. Audios: Ana Pardo de Vera; Esther Palomera da jaque a Miguel Ángel Rodríguez ; Avalancha de machistas en 2024, por Ana Bernal Triviño; Del Eta,Eta, eta, as mentiras do PP na Dana, os mellores mome…
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A Xanela das Fuca s Nº 115 ( 9-01-25) Facemos un recorrido por sucesos dos ultimos dias e recurrimos a distintos audios para poñerle voz a ditos sucesos. Audios: Ana Pardo de Vera; Esther Palomera da jaque a Miguel Ángel Rodríguez ; Avalancha de machistas en 2024, por Ana Bernal Triviño; Del Eta,Eta, eta, as mentiras do PP na Dana, os mellores mome…
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Episode 50 – In this expansive episode of The James Xander Trip, I get interviewed by Chelsi Pugliese. We dive into the transformative power of psychedelics and their role in deep spiritual healing, exploring how psilocybin can unlock hidden parts of the soul and illuminate the path to emotional and mental freedom. Together, we discuss the profound…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- The Art of Unconditional Asking (Manifestation, Law of Assumption) LINKS • Listen to The Ja…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- The Ultimate Guide to Solo Mushroom Trips: How to Trip Alone on Psilocybin & Psychedelics L…
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» Unlock God Mode: 2025 New Year's Special - Claim It Here « Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and purpose. » Learn more at unlockgo…
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» Unlock God Mode: 2024 New Year's Eve Special - Claim It Here « Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and purpose. » Learn more at unlo…
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Hello Queens aka Single Moms: As we wrap up 2024, this episode takes a thoughtful look back at the experiences, challenges, and triumphs that shaped the year. Please, join us for an introspective conversation about lessons learned, personal growth, and the connections that mattered most. Together, let’s reflect on the year behind us and prepare for…
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» Unlock God Mode: 2024 Holidays Special Deal - Claim It Here « Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and purpose. » Learn more at unloc…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- Your Success Is Guaranteed: Here’s How to Claim It LINKS • Listen to The James Xander Trip …
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» BOXING DAY DEAL - Claim It Here « Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and purpose. » Learn more at unlockgodmode.org « * * * ABOUT T…
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The Playlist The Episode: Summary In this episode, Xander and Bobby B discuss the latest happenings in the wrestling world, including the upcoming holidays, injury reports from recent matches, and the return of Saturday Night's Main Event. They delve into the compelling feud between Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens, the return of Drew McIntyre, and the …
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Back at it! The boys are back and better in this new season of the first episode. This time, we're exploring the unseen burdens placed on boys from a young age, delving into the societal pressures that shape the modern Nigerian man. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe on all platforms and also rate the pod <3.…
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A Xanela das Fuca s Nº 114 ( 19-12-24) Recordamos cousas que pasarón dende que fixemos o ultimo programa . Nos visita Beatriz una amiga e por outro lado o grupo da plataforma Agora souto de Leixa para contarnos da problematica que se vive no centro. Audios: La izquierda contra vox Convidados : Plataforma AGORA ; Maria Muiño ( Teima Down-Ferrol); Pe…
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Episode 49 – In this expansive episode of The James Xander Trip, I sit down with Lion Carew, a divine masculine coach and embodiment guide who brings deep wisdom to the intersections of masculinity, sexuality, human design, and personal growth. Together, we explore the depths of masculine and feminine energy, sexual healing, relationships, and the …
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Episode 48 – In this transformative episode of The James Xander Trip, I’m joined by Ebrahim Turner (@ebrahimturner) to unravel the mysteries of abundance, wealth energetics, and the mindset required to live a life of prosperity. This is not just a conversation—it’s a blueprint for reprogramming your relationship with wealth and embodying abundance …
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Hello Queens aka Single Moms: In this episode, we dive deeper into the art of creating a strong support system and mastering life balance. Learn practical strategies for navigating single motherhood with grace, leaning into your network, and finding harmony in your daily routine. Let's build a foundation for success together! Thank you for listenin…
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Episode 47 – In this powerful and reflective episode, I sit down with Jamie White, an entrepreneur, coach, and returning guest from Episode 35. Together, we explore the profound lessons of 2024 as Jamie shares his journey of reclaiming self-worth, navigating challenging relationships, and embracing growth. From personal reflections on loneliness an…
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Follow my new podcast here: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | All platforms This month, come join me each morning in a daily morning prayer & activation, designed to align your soul, mind, and body with the Infinite Spirit. 🤍✨🙏 ------------------------------------- Don't miss my free guide 'The Mushroom Trip Checklist' & sacred psychedelic playlists – mus…
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» MARCH 2025 Early Bird Offer: Get the 30-Day Unlock God Mode Program « Unlock God Mode is a 30-day program designed to deepen your spiritual connection, align you with synchronicities and blessings, and unlock the keys to your highest timeline. Join my course and community to connect with other like-minded spiritual seekers & connect deeper with y…
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