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Neil & Ken

From podcasts to drunken chicanery and everything in-between, YINZBOYZ ushers the world into the life of the Western Pennsylvanian. Visit us at yinzboyz.com, watch us on YouTube and follow us on IG & Snap.
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Moronke Oluwatoyin

A writers healing, and hearing community where we share best practice resources for writers, teachers, parents, and esteemed readers.
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High-Yield Tourism

High-Yield Tourism

Hosted by Gary Bowerman and Dr. Jens Thraenhart, High-Yield Tourism discusses the complex, fast-changing global tourism landscape with a focus on rebalancing visitor economy growth and development.
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The Wid Yi Podcast


🎙️ **Wid Yi Do It?** 💸 Laugh along with us as we tackle outrageous challenges and hilarious hypotheticals! Tune in for weekly episodes filled with wit, laughter, and a wee bit of Scottish charm. Are you up for the challenge?
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Yinka Adeniyi

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/yinkasmuse/subscribe Join host Yinka, Yinka'smuse, as she shares relatable life experiences, stories and random banter on current events, entertainment, lifestyle and life in general. Tune in every Sunday for new episodes and for more content from Yinka'smuse visit the link below:
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The Yishai Fleisher Israel Podcast

Yishai Fleisher

Sharing the struggle and the miracle of Israel. The Yishai Fleisher show is a popular English-language podcast exploring Israeli life, politics, and Jewish thought. Drawing on his experience as a journalist, legal and biblical scholar, IDF soldier, and spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron, Yishai sheds light on everything from global and Middle East news to weekly Bible/Torah study, health, family, and of course, the amazing rebirth of Israel.
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Grant’s Current Yield Podcast

Grant's Interest Rate Observer

You've read their prose. Now hear their voices. Listen to Jim Grant and Evan Lorenz talk high finance, Grant's-style, with plenty of wit and historical context to enliven their discussion of today's foremost investment topics. Welcome to Grant's Radio!
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Think Mastery with Dr. Yishai

Dr. Yishai

Hi, I’m Dr. Yishai. I’m a husband, dad, doctor of psychology, and unlocking your potential is my superpower – being in that space with people is what I live for. This is my show, where I interview people from all around the world. We talk shop about life and business, ask deeper questions, and I teach about psychology and excellence. Welcome to a new world of mastery. It's closer than you think. www.DrYishai.com (Previously The Business Couch with Dr. Yishai)
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Want to build a personal brand without feeling fake as f*ck? Hosted by personal branding experts Sun Yi, Authentic As F*ck Podcast brings you behind the scenes of branding a personal brand. Tune in every Monday to get practical tips and inspiration to help build your personal brand that's authentic to YOU!
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Those Dram Yinzers

Those Dram Yinzers

Attention all yinzers and whiskey drinkers! Welcome to Those Dram Yinzers! A podcast about all things whiskey, bourbon and scotch based right here in Pittsburgh! Follow along with co-hosts Jon and Zack as they expand their whiskey knowledge and palates.
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In diesem Podcast erhälst du Impulse und Antworten auf die Fragen rund um die Themen von FrauSein, Weiblichkeit und weibliche Energien. Es erwarten dich Interviews und Eindrücke aus meiner Gedankenwelt. Mein Wunsch ist es zu inspirieren in einer Weise, die erinnert - an das was schon immer da war: die weibliche Kraft. Daniela Hutter ist Bewusstseinsforscherin und Bewusstseinstrainerin für weibliche Energien, das Yin, das Wesen der Frau. Das Mysterium Frau und die weibliche Essenz zu ergründe ...
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I'm sharing personal experiences, stories, and things that have helped me succeed in my life and get through the struggles I've gone through. My hope is that this podcast gives a voice for those who feel that they have no voice, and helps them to appreciate their lives and look forward with faith.I'll also be doing interviews with friends, professionals, and the like about what they've learned about loving what they do and making a difference in their jobs, families, and communities.
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Dive deep into the unseen psychological roadblocks that hold entrepreneurs and business owners back from achieving their true potential. I'm your host - Yisroel Wahl, and in each episode, we will uncover the secrets behind overcoming the mental obstacles that prevent brilliant ideas from becoming successful realities. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of mindset, self-doubt, and the fears that stand between you and your million-dollar breakthrough. With insightful interviews, power ...
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Cumhuriyet’in Yüzleri, bir sözlü tarih projesi. Anason koklamış her türden iz bırakmış ve bırakmakta olan insanla konuşuyoruz, kayda geçiyoruz. Amacımız Türkiye’de rakı kültürünün yazılmamış, arşivlere girememiş; konuşulmuş ama kaydedilmemiş kısmını, yaşanmışlığını belgelemek.
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Bienvenidos a este espacio en donde estare compartiendo reseñas y cositas sobre aquellos libros que dejaron una huella en mi o de aquellos que simplemente pasaron por mi vida sin son ni to.
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Welcome to Yingfluence podcast, where great cross-cultural insights will be discussed, and futuristic solution will be provided, breaking walls, building bridges, and using Cultural Intelligence to move humanity a step forward!
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Conversations With Yinka

Yinka Ekungomi

“The secret of champions is in their stories” Listen to the inspiring stories of great people who have gone through challenging times and overcome them. Each episode is a huge dose of inspiration! Have you subscribed or favorited?
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Join me on a journey into finding our own authentic expressions within the Jewish tradition. We shall explore many of the greatest texts the world has ever known, always with an eye to understanding how these teachings reflect on our own personal journeys.
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Yield Hunters


Join our hosts at Bondsupermart as we explore market trends, themes and industries to do with the fixed income space. Be part of our bond investment community: https://t.me/bondsupermart
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show series
Watch Trailer: https://youtu.be/EnShcYxwGPI Authentic As F*ck is a podcast all about storytelling. I have conversations with entrepreneurs, and creators, hear their stories, and how these stories shaped the person. So excited to share in this Episode 116 of AAF podcast: Purpose of Storytelling with Joanne Molinaro aka The Korean Vegan. Don't miss t…
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Join the boays as they reminisce about the worst dates they’ve ever had, including a 2am jaunt that ended up calling a plumber, and then celebrate Caturday with a cat themed wid yi. Also, do you know how much the Titanic door sold for? Listen along and find out! 0:00 - Martyn & G’s dating game 8:46 - Wid Yi dress up as a cat and… 11:53 - Meow meow …
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音樂、電影兩棲的劉德華,同時在幕前、幕後成為華人娛樂界的超級巨星,劉德華曾說:「越基本的事其實越難做得好,也期許自己要從新人做起。」事實上,他一直是圈中最勤奮的藝人之一,每逢需要宣傳的工作,必定出席所有大、小活動,面對工作;他是屬於超級敬業樂群的天王。 在娛樂圈數十年,劉德華也曾經歷起落跌宕,他曾在訪問中說:「我也曾經試過在當紅的時候遭公司冷凍,銀行存款只有3600元,卻要用足一整年。既然沒錢就唯有去努力賺錢,只要是正經的事情我都覺得可以去做,當時辦演唱會還沒有電腦售票系統,我去幫人賣票;在酒廊唱歌,去伴舞。我不會因為名氣而不做一些我覺得應該做的事,當然有人會笑你,但也有人會認同你。名氣對於我來說,從來都不是負擔。」 劉德華很努力,別人用一天時間能做好的事,他不介意自己花十天去學習,他以自己…
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If you're willing to get into the DEEP END with God there are no limits - period. More From Me: Join the YIELD Army - https://dallincandland.substack.com/ Watch the Dallin Candland YouTube channel (for more on the podcast, behind the scenes videos, and more!): https://www.youtube.com/@dallincandland Related Books to Check Out: "$100M Offers" by Ale…
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劉德華,是華語樂壇和影壇的超級巨星,除了演員、歌手的幕前角色之外,他更在幕後擔任填詞人、電影監製及出品人。1980年劉德華為了一圓導演夢而進入無綫電視藝員訓練班,畢業後成為無綫電視台演員,劉德華出色的表現,受到TVB電視台的力捧,相繼出演了《神鵰俠侶》、《鹿鼎記》等多部很受歡迎的無綫劇集,奠定他的成功基礎。 1985年劉德華進軍香港樂壇,推出了第一張粵語專輯《只知道此刻愛你》,並與張學友、鄺美雲一起入圍最佳新人獎。1990年在進入香港「寶藝星唱片」,劉德華迎來了歌唱事業的春天,尤其是《可不可以》這張專輯為他贏得香港電台頒發的十大中文金曲獎,同年劉德華也在台灣推出華語專輯《如果你是我的傳說》熱賣四白金,成功打入華語歌壇,並擄獲無數粉絲的心。 90年代之後,劉德華相繼推出了三張華語大碟《我和我追…
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SEASON 2024 EPISODE 37: Yishai is at the Ft. Lauderdale airport and thinking about the Beeper Attack on Hezbollah and also how to serve God in joy. Then, Rafi Pinsky of the long-form and instructive Soothing Semantics podcast interviews Yishai about Israeli war policy, how to deal with the hostage situation, and much more. SPONSOR LINKS: The Israel…
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How do you build a vision for your life? Joey and I talked a LOT about it. This was another interview from June 2023. More From Joey: Joey's Website: https://www.josephadrolshagen.com/ More From Me: My Weekly Newsletter - https://dallincandland.substack.com/ "God is Trying to Talk to Me" (My First Poetry Book!) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN5WS9C…
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Daniela Hutter über die Verbindung der ZeitQualität der Herbst-Tagundnachtgleiche hin zum Yin-Prinzip In der aktuellen Podcast-Episode erfährst du, wie du zur Herbst-Tagundnachtgleiche deine Weiblichkeit leben und stärken kannst. Die Herbst-Tagundnachtgleiche, die dieses Jahr am 22. September stattfindet, markiert einen bedeutsamen Wendepunkt im Ja…
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This is probably the simplest but most practical advice I could give people who feel they are waiting for something to happen. Yes, it may feel forever, but trust me, it will eventually end - so cherish the time you have! As I am moving from one season of my life to another I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. I hope that it's helpful for you! :…
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You're always asked to choose the best and correct grammar when writing your story. I agree good grammar is important but mastering and using complex grammatical rule would not help you much. Listen to my short podcast on why strict adhere to grammar won't help your story. Why you should care about your story.…
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Have you given up on giving birth to your first novel? As humans we make mistakes but it's wise to learn from experienced professionals that have been in your shoes so you can avoid repeating the same errors. In this short podcast, I pointed five myths that can hinder your writing. It's worth hearing. Why you should care about your story.…
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華語樂壇的音樂才子-童安格,父親是位知名藝術家,童安格不但學過美術,而且還迷戀於歌唱和樂器,學校畢業後隨著當兵生涯的磨練,他的性格逐步成熟起來,退伍後仍然對音樂創作情有獨鍾。到八十年代初時,被唱片公司慧眼識才,從製作助理工作開始,一路締造了他的音樂事業。 帥氣斯文的臉龐、深情溫柔的迷人外表,加上其深情款款的歌聲,令人如癡如醉,他的特殊共鳴,頗具特色的嗓音,一直是許多人模仿的對象,柔情又悲壯的歌聲,擄獲許多樂迷的心。 #午夜的收音機_輕輕傳來一首歌 豐音樂—華語流行音樂|青春小傳 【由台灣資深唱片人熊儒賢、民謠歌手陳永龍主持】 〖每週六、日晚上10點 準時上線〗 關注我们:野火乐集微信公众号、野火乐集微博、豐音樂Facebook、豐音樂Mixcloud…
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This week’s Torah portion is entitled Kee Taytzay, which means, “when you go out,” and covers Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19. This passage deals with issues related to morality, marriage, divorce, following through on vows, and other issues. We will not be able to cover every topic presented in this passage, so I would suggest that […] Source…
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童安格,從一九八五年出版首張個人專輯《想妳》開始到一九九O年代之間,多張專輯及傳唱度極高的歌曲,確立童安格在華語流行樂壇的地位。他當年也以歌曲《耶利亞女郎》得到香港無線電台十大勁歌金曲,九O年代也在大陸舉辦多場個人巡迴演唱會,在華語音樂的黃金年代,童安格與齊秦、周華健、王傑並稱「臺灣四大天王」。 童安格演唱的〈其實你不懂我的心〉,把許多人都經歷過卻說不明白的感情淺顯地表露出來。此外,它還有一種包容的態度,使詞意更加寬闊!好詞配上優美的曲,和他柔情大器的詮釋,讓這首歌成為流行歌曲的愛情經典。 豐音樂—華語流行音樂|青春小傳 【由台灣資深唱片人熊儒賢、民謠歌手陳永龍主持】 〖每週六、日晚上10點 準時上線〗 關注我们:野火乐集微信公众号、野火乐集微博、豐音樂Facebook、豐音樂Mixclou…
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I know that the Lord is setting me up SUPER WELL for my future, but I need to lean on Him for His peace. There are times where it's easy to stress out, but I just need to go deeper with Him into His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3) that He has for my life. Here's three ways that I can do that: 1. Lean on Him for His peace (prayer, scriptures, stillness)…
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Daniela Hutter spricht über die Bedeutung des Grenzen wahrens für female Empowerment Daniela Hutter spricht in dieser Podcastfolge über ein zentrales Thema in der Gemeinschaft von Frauen: das Setzen und Wahren von Grenzen. Oft wird betont, wie wichtig es ist, dass Frauen ihre Weiblichkeit leben und Weiblichkeit stärken. Doch was passiert, wenn wir …
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SEASON 2024 EPISODE 36: Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss why Israel's PR efforts seem to fail to attract support and how to fix the weak-Jew approach. Yishai gives a good example of a strong narrative by sparring with a Spanish TV reporter. Then, the debate between Trump and Harris and how their policy ideas could affect Israel. Finally, Ben Bres…
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“What sets the highest-performing teams apart? It’s not just talent—it’s the ability to turn that talent into unstoppable momentum.” Today, Dr. Yishai uncovers the secret to building high-impact teams by mastering three critical levels: the individual, the team, and the business. He also reveals actionable strategies for balancing growth and worklo…
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There's a LOT on my mind as I plan to leave home for Utah on the 26th. There are a LOT of things I would still like to get done. I am comforted in knowing that I just need to focus on the present moment and it'll ALL work out. I hope that this is helpful for you. :) More From Me: Join the YIELD Army - https://dallincandland.substack.com/ Check out …
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Watch Trailer Episode 115: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIX8zYEN19Q Watch Full Episode 115: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-9ovZ3zjkY Chapters 00:00 Balancing Work and Content Creation 02:10 Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Personal Time 09:09 Improving Content Quality and Engagement 18:32 Starting from Scratch: Building an Instagram Follow…
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There are NO DEPTHS to what you can learn with God. Keep going deeper and learning more and more about Him. For me this has led to deeper and deeper joy than I have ability to express. God's timing is supreme - keep trusting Him! More From Me: Join the YIELD Army - https://dallincandland.substack.com/ Check out my second book, "Patience in These Pa…
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God is FAITHFUL. He made a BIG move in my life yesterday. I am moving to Utah on September 26, 2024. The Lord has made this way for me as a result of prayer, fasting, and the faith and love of family and friends. Keep looking to God, especially when you are hurting. He's got you. The BEST is yet to come. Keep looking to God. I testify that doing th…
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21歲的陳百強正式踏入五光十色的娛樂圈,展開了燦爛的歌唱生涯。他除了感動人心的音樂創作與歌聲之外,還有俊朗的外表,以及能夠駕馭各種風格的時尚氣質。1982年,陳百強在樂壇風格上逐漸脫離初出道時清新質樸、豆芽夢式歌路,轉而嘗試中西合璧或較成熟的音樂風格,他所演譯的歌曲,獲得商業市場的成功,也奪得第一屆十大勁歌金曲獎,同年10月他接受著名法國時裝設計師Pierre Cardin邀請,成為首位華人於巴黎Espace Cardin藝術中心表演,隨後到美國深造聲樂。 1983年,推出由陳百強作曲的《偏偏喜歡你》繼續得到各個年齡階層的追捧,專輯中收錄的內《相思河畔》亦相當有中式復古的曲調風韻。1983年9月於剛落成的香港紅磡體育館舉行兩場個人演唱會,成為最早於紅館演唱的極少數歌手之一(當年在紅館開個唱只…
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This week’s parasha is titled Shoftim which means “Judges.” It takes us from Deuteronomy 16:18 through 21:9. Moses was instructed to select men to be judges and officers for every town that Adonai had given to Israel. These men were to be fair in judging, always, so that controversies might be settled, injustices made right, […] Source…
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