Nothing’s sweeter than the bonds of true friendship, and around here, friendship is what we do best! Listen to true stories of friendships young and old, and reach out to get on the schedule!
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Stories for the young - and young at heart. Let there be wonder! Support this podcast:
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This series of podcasts/dramatic readings of kids public domain literature. We present the best-- and cheapest (free)-- of any bookcast out there and we endeavor to keep high quality throughout.
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YOUNG & FREE True Stories übers Jungsein in der DDR und Heute
KOOPERATIVE BERLIN gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Young & Free ist ein 12-teiliger Podcast, der DDR-Geschichte in Geschichten erzählt, diese miteinander verknüpft, hinterfragt und Bezüge zum “Heute” herstellt. Unser Ausgangspunkt ist die Frage, was Jung- & Freisein heute ausmacht und welche Erfahrungen junge Menschen in der DDR gemacht haben, um Freiheit für sich zu finden. Wir möchten das an konkreten Beispielen, anhand von echten Biografien erzählen: niedrigschwellig, verständlich, spannend. Diese spannenden Geschichten hat unsere Redakte ...
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Sweet Sixteen Friendship: Exploring Friendship Through Life's Changes
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14:37In my first episode, my daughter-in-love, Bri, and I delve into her unique 16-year friendship with two incredible women. They've shared countless adventures and milestones, and now they're navigating the beautiful, yet challenging, journey of motherhood together. Here's what you can expect from my podcast: Heartfelt Stories: Listen to real-life exp…
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Electronic Mind Reader by John Blaine an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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The Flying Girl by L. Frank Baum an Uvula Audio Productions
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Angela: der Kampf gegen die Diktatur
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28:37YOUNG & FREE // STAFFEL 2, Episode 6 True Stories übers Jungsein in der DDR und Heute Angela ist Christin. Schon als Kind hat sie zu spüren bekommen, dass Christen in der DDR nicht gern gesehen sind. In der Schule wird sie gemobbt, nicht nur von den anderen Schülerinnen und Schülern, sondern auch von der Lehrerschaft. In Angela wächst der Wunsch au…
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Angela: in der DDR ausgegrenzt
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19:35YOUNG & FREE // STAFFEL 2, Episode 5 True Stories übers Jungsein in der DDR und Heute Angela ist Christin. Schon als Kind hat sie zu spüren bekommen, dass Christen in der DDR nicht gern gesehen sind. In der Schule wird sie gemobbt, nicht nur von den anderen Schülerinnen und Schülern, sondern auch von der Lehrerschaft. In Angela wächst der Wunsch au…
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