Engaging in relationship with Christ through Prayer, Faith, and His Word.
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The design of this podcast is taken from the book This Day: A Wesleyan Way of Prayer by Laurence Stookey from Abingdon Press. Its format is similar to The Daily Office with a brief Christian focus for each day of the month; psalm; and scripture followed by prayers of the day, the season of the church year, the occasion, and communal creed or prayer for closing.
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Send us a text Reflection - Sanctification Psalm - 18 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Lent year C Hab. 3.1-18; Phil. 3.12-21; John 17.1-18 HH prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisday…
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Send us a text Reflection - Sanctification Psalm - 18 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Lent year C Ash Wed Amos 5.6-15; Hebrews 12.1-14; *Luke 18.9-14 mmm Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisday@gm…
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Send us a text Reflection - Holy Spirit Psalm - 89 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Fat Tuesday proverbs 30.1-4,24-33; Phil 3.1-11; John 18.28-38 Book of Uncommon - drunk Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & …
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Send us a text Reflection - Jesus Psalm - 89 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Transfiguration Proverbs 27.1-6, 10-12; *Phil 2.1-13; John 18.15-18,25-27 herald Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections …
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Send us a text Reflection - Loved by God Psalm - 16 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Transfiguration Sunday (White) Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99 (UMH 819); 2 Cor 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36 (37-43) transfiguration paryer John Wesley Saint Day Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past…
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Send us a text Reflection - New Adventures in Discipleship Psalm - 8 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 7th week after Epiphany Sat Prov 8.22-36; *2 Tim 1.1-14; *John 12.20-26 Fox Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & …
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Send us a text Reflection - monthly review Psalm - 150 Scripture - Year Two (daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 7th Week after Epiphany Prov 8.1-21; Philemon 1-25; *John 12.9-19 Evans prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections…
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is catholic Psalm - 67 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Prov 7.1-27; 1 John 5.13-21; *John 11.55-12.8 Dyck prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thew…
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is Holy Psalm - 84 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after the Epiphany; Prov 6.1-19; 1 John 5.1-12; *John 11.45-54 Deigh prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggest…
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Send us a text Reflection - Unity in the church Psalm - 133 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after Epiphany Prov 4.1-17; *1 John 4.7-21; *John 11.30-44 Davis Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & correctio…
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Send us a text Reflection - Life in Community Psalm - 115 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after Epiphany Prov 3.11-20; *1 John 3.18-4.6; *John 11.17-29 Davidson Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corre…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Persecuted Psalm - 9 Scripture - Year Two (B) - (NASB1995) 7th Sunday after the Epiphany (Green) Gen 45:3-11, 15; Ps 37:1-11, 39-40 (UMH 772); 1 Cor 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38 Clos Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: sug…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Peacemakers Psalm - 122 Scripture - Year One (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after Epiphany Sat 35.1-20; *3.11-18; *11.1-16 Cross Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - the…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Pure in heart Psalm - 86 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th after Epiphany ; Fri 32.22-33.17; *3.1-10; *10.31-42 Christie prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & …
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Merciful Psalm - 145 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6rh Sunday after Epiphany ; Thur 32.3-21; *2.18-29; *10.19=30 Cameron Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections -…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - righteousness Psalm - 143 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after the Epiphany; Wed 31.25-50; *2.12-17; *10.1-18 Ana Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - the gentle Psalm - 43 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after Epiphany Tues 31.1-24; *2.1-11; *9.18-41 Zhie Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections -…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitudes - Those who mourn Psalm - 43 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after Epiphany Genesis 30.1-24; *1 John 1.1=10; *John 9.1-17 Wilson prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: sugg…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude 1 - poor in spirit Psalm - 46 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 6th Sunday after the Epiphany (Green) *Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1 (UMH 738); 1 Cor 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26 Welhamd Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we ha…
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Send us a text Reflection - Psalm - 119 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Sunday after Epiphany Sat29.1-20; *14.1-23; *8.48-59 ware Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - [email protected]…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Gentleness Psalm - 119 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Sunday after Epiphany Fri27.46-28.4; *Rom 13.1-14; *8.33-47 Thompson prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email:…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Gentleness Psalm - 139 Scripture - Year One (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Sunday after Epiphany Thur27.30-45; *12.9-21; *8.21-32 Sims Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & correct…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Generosity Psalm - 112 Scripture - Year Two (2year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Week after the Epiphany Wed 27.1-29; *Romans 12.1-8; *8.12-20 Saaunders Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: sugg…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Generosity Psalm - 112 Scripture - Year Two (2year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Week after Epiphany year C Tues 26.1-6; 13.17-25; *7.53-8.11 Ruseki Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggesti…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Joy Psalm - 100 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 5th Week after the Epiphany Mon Genesis 25.19-34; Hebrews 13.1-16; *John 7.37-52 Richey prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Joy Psalm - 13 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) C FEB 09 | 5th Sunday after the Epiphany; Scouting Sunday (Green) *Isa 6:1-8, 9-13; Ps 138 (UMH 853); *1 Cor 15:1-11; *Luke 5:1-11 Pye Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit - Peace Psalm - 121 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th Week after Epiphany Sat 24-28-38; 12.12-29; 7.14-36, 49-51 prayer elderly Lee prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Em…
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Send us a text Reflection - Fruit of the Spirit = Joy Psalm - 95 Scripture - Year One (C) - (NASB1995) 4th week after Epiphany Fri 24.1-27; 12.3-11; *7.1-13 pennyworth prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisday@gma…
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Send us a text Reflection - Sanctification Psalm - 18 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th week after the Epiphany year C Thur 23.1-20; *11.32-12.2; *6 60-71 Maartin's prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & co…
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Send us a text Reflection - Sanctification Psalm - 18 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th week after the Epiphany Wed 22.1-18; *11.23-31; *6.52-59 Larkinson Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisday…
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Send us a text Reflection - Holy Spirit Psalm - 89 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th Week after the Epiphany Tues 21.1-21; *11.13-22; *6.41-51 Kirck Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewa…
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Send us a text Reflection - Jesus Psalm - 89 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th Week after the Epiphany Genesis 19.1-23; *Hebrews 11.1-12; john 5.27-40 H Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - t…
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Send us a text Reflection - Loved by God Psalm - 16 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 4th Sunday after the Epiphany (Green) Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6 (UMH 794); *1 Cor 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30 Hustler Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: sugges…
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Send us a text Reflection - New Adventures in Discipleship Psalm - 8 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd week after Epiphany Sat 18.1-16; 10.26-39; *6.16-27 Guatem Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections -…
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Send us a text Reflection - monthly review Psalm - 150 Scripture - Year Two (daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Week after Epiphany Fri 17.15-27;*10.11-25; *6.1-15 Ginn Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisday@g…
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Send us a text Reflection - thanksgiving in word and deed Psalm - 96 Scripture - Year Two (daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Week after Epiphany Thurs 16. 15-17.14; 10.1-10; *5.30-47 Fairhust Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corre…
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is apostolic Psalm - 46 Scripture - Year Two (daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Ordinary Wed 16.1-14; 9.15-28; *5.19-29 Dwyer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - [email protected]…
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is apostolic Psalm - 96 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) Epiphany 15.1-21; *9.1-14;v *5.1-18 Coffee prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisd…
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is catholic Psalm - 67 Scripture - Year One (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) genesis 14.1-24; *Hebrews 8.1-13; *john 4. 43-54 Chito prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - …
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Send us a text Reflection - the church is Holy Psalm - 84 Scripture - Year One (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany; Ecumenical Sunday (Green) Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19 (UMH 750); 1 Cor 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21 Cameron prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can fi…
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Send us a text Reflection - Unity in the church Psalm - 133 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Sat 12.9-13.1; *7.18-28; 4.27-42 carhill Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thew…
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Send us a text Reflection - Life in Community Psalm - 115 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Fri 11.27-12.8; *7. 1-17; 4.16-26 Brydon Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - theway…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Persecuted Psalm - 9 Scripture - Year Two (B) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 11.1-9; *6.13-20; 4.1-15 Balston Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - [email protected] Purchase your own…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Peacemakers Psalm - 122 Scripture - Year One (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9.18-29; *6.1-12; *3.22-36 Bales Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewayth…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Pure in heart Psalm - 86 Scripture - Year One (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd after Epiphany ; 9.1-17; *5.7-14; *3.16-21 Baker prayer Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections -…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - Merciful Psalm - 145 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany ; gen 8.6-22; *heb 4.14-5.6; *john 2 23-3.15 Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections …
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - righteousness Psalm - 143 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany; Human Relations Day (Green) Isa 62:1-5; Ps 36:5-10 (UMH 771); 1 Cor 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past p…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude - the gentle Psalm - 43 Scripture - Year Two (2-year daily lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 6.9-22; 4.1-13; *2.13-22 Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & corrections - thewaythisd…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitudes - Those who mourn Psalm - 43 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Zach 2.1-13; Rev 3.14-22; Matt 24.32-44 Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & correction…
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Send us a text Reflection - Beatitude 1 - poor in spirit Psalm - 46 Scripture - Year Two (2-year lectionary) (C RCL) - (NASB1995) 3rd Sunday after Epiphany ; Genesis 4.17-26; Hebrews *3.1-11; John *1.43-51 Lord's Prayer Closing Communal Prayer/Creed Follow us on Facebook where you can find many of the past prayers we have used Email: suggestions & …
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