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Frustrated, unfulfilled, or just ok? You’re not alone. Life on this broken planet can sometimes be good and often be bad. Either way, it will always leave us wanting more. How do we live with that tension? Don’t miss the start of our new series as we learn the best way to increasingly flourish in the ugly beautiful of life. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lea…
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Setting the right pace isn’t easy. How do you decide when it’s time to speed up, slow down, stop, or push through? Don't miss the next talk in Simplify as Eric shares a simple approach to help navigate the complexity of life’s different rhythms. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions…
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God is not silent. But in our noise-filled lives, are we giving ourselves the time and space to hear him speak? Join us for the next talk in our series Simplify as Ryan helps us explore the surprising power and wisdom of stillness. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching PastorRyan Leak, Teaching Pastor
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We’re all wired for more. But more stuff and happier circumstances will never be enough to satisfy us. So how can we find real contentment? Don’t miss the next talk in our series Simplify as Jeff shares two key life hacks to help us get there. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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You can’t do it all — and you’re not supposed to. We aren’t meant to do anything and everything, because we’re each designed to shine at something. Join us to explore how our gifts and calling can help us say “yes” and “no” in a way that maximizes our effectiveness. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Feeling empty, overwhelmed, or pulled in too many directions at once? Jesus shared a simple but profound discipline which can transform the way we approach every moment, day, and season. Don’t miss the start our series Simplify as we talk about the practice of focusing on one thing. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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How do we navigate a world filled with misinformation and fake news, especially when it comes to what we believe? Join us this weekend as we talk about our unique responsibility – and opportunity – to stay grounded and confident in our faith. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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We’re each going to have lots of conversations in 2025. The most important ones? The ones we have with ourselves, because they continually shape and steer us. Don’t miss it as Ryan shares three key conversations for our internal dialogue that can transform the year ahead. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching Pastor…
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Sometimes, the most freeing way to start fresh is to end well. Join us for a special online message from Andy Stanley about forgiving others – even if they haven’t asked for it – as we wrap up 2024 and prepare for the new year ahead. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor and Andy StanleyJeff Jones, Lead Pastor and Andy Stanley
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It’s all wrapped up in a single gift. What the world really needs and what our souls ultimately crave are connected, and we’ve been given access to both. Don’t miss our Christmas message as we celebrate the enormity of the free gift God offers to each of us. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time. So why is joy sometimes so hard to find? Don’t miss this weekend’s Christmas at the Movies as we uncover surprising truths around the deeper theme of joy in the classic movie Elf. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative ExpressionsEric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions
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There’s room at the table. In our age of disconnection and loneliness, inviting new people into our homes to share a meal is a simple way to introduce them to God’s bigger invitation. Don’t miss the last talk in our series Ripple Effect as we explore the power of hospitality over time. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor and Gene Getz, Pastor Emeritus…
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Who we are compels us to live the way we do. Don’t miss the next message in Ripple Effect as we explore how our knowing our identity as children of God leads us to bring light and restoration to others, right where we live. Speaker: Peter Park, Legacy Campus PastorPeter Park, Legacy Campus Pastor
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God’s mission of restoration isn’t limited by geography. His heart is for the world, and he calls us to align our own hearts with his. Join us to learn more about Chase Oaks’ global strategy and initiatives as we work to create an international ripple effect. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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What if people didn’t realize they were on the guest list? No one can join the party if they aren’t asked to be there. Don’t miss the next talk in Ripple Effect as April shares how God can use the power of our invitations to bring about his plans for transformation. Speaker: April Farmer, Guest Speaker…
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Everyone loves a good story... and no matter where you've come from, yours is one worth telling. Join us for the next talk in Ripple Effect as we explore how our own story can show others how to have a life-changing relationship with God. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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It’s urgent. God is intent on bringing hope and healing to our world, and he’s chosen a specific way to do it: through his church. Don’t miss the first talk in our series Ripple Effect as we look at our part in God’s restorative mission. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Let’s face it: people are complicated. And complicated people are everywhere. So how can we best live with, work with, learn from, and love them? Join us as Ryan shares three sound strategies for dealing with the complicated people in our lives. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching PastorRyan Leak, Teaching Pastor
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Some of Jesus’ most surprising words led to one of the biggest events of his life. And they were spoken with us in mind. Don’t miss the final talk in our series Record Scratch as we explore what Jesus not only said, but did, about baptism. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Jesus’ statement about lust was jarringly different than expected. He used the shock it created to reveal something much deeper about us and our desires. Don’t miss the next talk in our series Record Scratch as we dig into Jesus’ words to find what God values about not just our bodies, but our hearts. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching Pastor…
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It doesn’t mean what you probably think it means. But if we can get these words of Jesus right, they will help transform every one of our relationships. Don’t miss our next talk in Record Scratch as we explore the wisdom behind Jesus’ most misunderstood – and perhaps most timely – saying. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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Isn’t “be judgmental” part of the Christian job description? Jesus had some surprising things to say about that, and his words are more relevant for us than ever. Join us for the second talk in our series Record Scratch for a fresh take from Jesus on dealing with a very old problem. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions…
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Few things can polarize like politics. That was certainly true in Jesus’ day – yet with one startling statement, he laid out a brilliant guide for how to navigate this issue well. Join us for our new series Record Scratch to see how Jesus’ words offer profound clarity and wisdom in our current political climate. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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Who's your family? Jesus' answer to a seemingly simple question is surprising. Join us as we talk about Jesus' vision for relationships that go beyond our blood families and towards something way richer. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Deep connections don’t form overnight. They take time, effort, and an additional skill that guided Jesus in all of his relationships. Join us for a closer look at what it really takes to have relational staying power, for the long haul. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Connection and conflict go hand-in-hand. The good news? We can handle it in a way that adds value and brings us closer in our relationships. Join us as we learn how to get good at conflict. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching PastorRyan Leak, Teaching Pastor
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Connecting deeply with others takes more than just intention. It takes a specific skill that Jesus himself exercised constantly. Don’t miss the next talk in our new series IRL as we learn how to value—and practice—this skill in our own lives. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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We all want to be known and loved as we are. So why do so many of us feel so lonely? It takes both work and risk to open up to others. Don’t miss the first talk in our new series IRL as we learn from Jesus and his earliest followers how to be known. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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What would you love to see happen in your life over the next year? We can each take significant steps toward real transformation, starting right now. Don’t miss our fall kick-off as we look at what it will take to experience lasting growth and change over time. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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We need to talk about guilt…and the two very different directions it can take us. Don’t miss the final message in our series Meltdown as we explore what it looks like to own our past mistakes and move toward a life of freedom. Speaker: Peter Park, Legacy Campus PastorPeter Park, Legacy Campus Pastor
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Fear drives a lot of the choices we make. Sometimes it keeps us safe…but too often, it can control us or cause meltdowns. Don’t miss the next talk in our current series as we explore what it means to put fear in its rightful place. Speaker: Ashlyn Stanley, Student Ministry PastorAshlyn Stanley, Student Ministry Pastor
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Do you have a hold on anger, or does it have a hold on you? Don’t miss the next talk in our series Meltdown as we learn how to get a handle this powerful emotion… before it does damage to ourselves and others. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching PastorRyan Leak, Teaching Pastor
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Everyone plays, but no one wins. The comparison game just leaves us distracted and dissatisfied. So how do we stop the benchmarking? Don’t miss the next talk in our series Meltdown as we learn how to guard our hearts from envy and focus on what really matters. Speaker: April FarmerApril Farmer
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Feeling the heat? Or are the people around you feeling your heat? Join us as we start our new series Meltdown with a look at how whatever comes out of us in hard moments reveals what’s inside of us, at the heart level. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative ExpressionsEric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions
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What were we made for? Who are we? And in the end, what makes our lives meaningful? Don’t miss the final talk in At the Movies as we explore at how the blockbuster movie “Barbie” confronts some of our most universal – and profound ­– questions about identity and purpose. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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Want to know how to become more effective in your life and relationships? Don’t just settle for what is – strive for what can be. Join us for At the Movies as we explore what the hit movie “Air” can teach us about bridging the gap between possibility and reality. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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How do we use whatever influence we’ve each been given? The answer has huge implications in our post-Christian culture. Don’t miss the next talk in our series At the Movies as we explore the themes of religion and power from this week’s hit movie. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions…
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We are living in a much bigger adventure than we realize. It’s one with high stakes…and the potential to change lives and destinies. Join us for the first talk in our new series At the Movies as we explore the deeper themes found in a recent family-friendly blockbuster. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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We may not like feeling needy. But our need is a daily invitation to connect with God and experience his provision and grace. Don’t miss the last talk in our series on prayer as we explore the way Jesus showed us how to ask for what we need. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Ready…set…reset. Prayer helps us to reorient our lives around God’s character and his will, giving us peace and joy no matter what happens in our day. Don’t miss the next talk in our new series on prayer as we learn how to make that perspective shift, together. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Talking with God isn’t about trying to impress him or the people around us. It’s about an intimate conversation with the one who knows and loves us best. Don’t miss the start of our new series as we explore the freedom and confidence God wants us to experience in prayer. Speaker: Ryan Leak, Teaching Pastor…
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What do you do when you’re desperate and out of options? Where do you turn, and more importantly, who do you trust? Join us for a very special message as April Farmer explores how our last resort can become our first step into an incredible new reality. Speaker: April Farmer, Guest SpeakerApril Farmer, Guest Speaker
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No one starts out with big faith. We develop it by following God’s lead, one (scary) step at a time. Don’t miss the final talk in our Reimagine series as we explore a clear biblical pattern for approaching big faith steps and growing into big faith people. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Jesus was very clear: we won’t find the life we really want through consumption. It’s found in generosity. So how do we make that a reality? Don’t miss the next talk in Reimagine as we examine what it looks like to let God guide our giving in practical ways. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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We don’t get a redo on this one. God calls us to pass on our faith to younger generations because they matter deeply to him. Join us for the next talk in Reimagine as we learn what it takes to value and nurture the faith of those who come after us. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Wondering if church is still relevant today? It is – but it will need to look different in our post-church culture. And we each have an indispensable role in making that happen. Join us for the next talk in Reimagine as we explore what it looks like to reimagine church for a whole new reality. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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PIVOT! When life doesn’t go as planned or a big change happens, we have a choice. We can either adapt to the new chapter or resist the newness. We’re learning from Joseph that how we transition determines in large part whether we join in or miss out on what God is up to in our lives. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead Pastor…
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In a world where so much is uncertain, we can count on this: when God makes a promise, he keeps it. Join us for Easter at Chase Oaks 2024, as we celebrate the monumental promise behind the most pivotal moment in history. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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Things can get blurry, quick – especially after a major success. How do we not lose sight of what’s important over time? Join us for the final talk in our series The Power of Everybody as we learn from Nehemiah how to stay focused for the long haul. Speaker: Eric Torrence, Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions…
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What does the color green have to do with one of the world’s greatest missionaries? Both are tied to Irish history. Join us as we explore the incredible story of Patrick, the former slave whose life 1600 years ago has surprising relevance to us today. Speaker: Jeff Jones, Lead PastorJeff Jones, Lead Pastor
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