Green Under Pressure was born from deep concern over how we as US citizens can protect the planet while under an administration that has de-prioritized the major environmental issues of our day. It is our goal to arm our listeners with concise, scientific information in lay-person’s language and offer actions and solutions that put the power to save our environment back in the hands of the people. Hosted by Susan Di Guilio and Produced by Flatlands Avenue Productions.
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headlines from NBC News, The Independent, CNN, Forbes, and other news outlets that point out lessons to be learned from fighting climate change from the pandemic.Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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Phoenix Celebrates Electric School Buses, Scientists release paper to help governments figure out wildlife habit preservation as nesting and migration patterns change, and more items from the Mashable, ScienMag, and LVC.orgGreen Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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The Citizens' Climate Lobby is committed to winning backing for climate action from a tough, but indispensable, room; Republican Congressional Representatives and Senators. We talk to Daniel Palken, CCL Conservative Outreach Fellow, about Conservative Lobby Day, February 4th.Green Under Pressure
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Items from Grist, TMZ, the Washington Post Eco Watch, Forbes and Fast Company. Topics include the Iowa debate and Black Rock investment dropping coal, Australian Open champs choking and more.Green Under Pressure
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Hollywood and airlines have climate change on their minds, as well as the Australian Bush Fires.Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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Kelp forests, the base of marine life on the Pacific Coast, including the seafood we eat, are disappearing. The Bay Foundation’s hands-on restoration effort might be the answer.Green Under Pressure
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Could it be the Green New Deal's Tax Code influence? Plus other items from Axios, Gizmodo, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek and more.Green Under Pressure
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From Giant Thunberg murals to President Trump saying quote, "I'm into climate," to the climate science of large, stalled high-pressure systems that bring us extreme weather to Michael Bloomberg, this week's two-minute feature has it all! Sources include E&E News,, Axios and more.Green Under Pressure
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Scientists are screaming about the untold agonies of climate change around the world, as President #45 is criticized for pulling out of the Paris Agreement, and global environmental justice is on the verge of becoming a political issue in America, if not the world.Green Under Pressure
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As Trump officially starts the US withdrawal from the #ParisClimateAccord, we discuss the link between #ClimateChange and #immigration with Dr. Adil Najam, Dean of the Boston University Pardee School of Global Studies.Green Under Pressure
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Items from the Vatican, CNN, The Hill, New York Magazine on topics from floods, fire and Greta Thunberg.Green Under Pressure
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News from NY Post, Union of Concerned Scientists, The Guardian and others about Trump Ag Dept barely providing financial help to farmers who are dealing with extreme weather; 3-D images of Earth Before Climate Change Ruins it!; warm climate mosquito-borne illnesses in Northern Europe and other headlines drowned out by the elephant in the house-Impe…
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Over-use of antibiotics in the livestock industry is a major cause of antibiotic-resistant, disease-causing bacteria spreading world-wide. An NRDC campaign is focusing on getting Wendy's to beef up their corporate policy and get the drugs out of your burger!Green Under Pressure
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Global Climate Strike 9/20/19 - the view from Los Angeles-Part 1. Students, teachers, workers, even engineers gear up to demand a serious and urgent response to climate change. What will you do?Green Under Pressure
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This is the second of a two-part series on the Global Climate Strike, September 20th. Students, teachers, workers, even engineers gear up to demand a serious and urgent response to climate change. What will you do?Green Under Pressure
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An update about teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, Amazon workers plans for September 20th, and other notable headlines. Sources include The Hill, Vox,, USA Today amongst others.Green Under Pressure
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News of tonight's Democratic Climate Forum, Electric Vehicle Tax Credit proposals in the Senate, and an assortment of other Climate Change Headlines from LifeHacker, Newsweek, Fortune, and The Conversation.Green Under Pressure
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Green Under Pressure
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We examine how two states are preparing for rising tides and climate change as we keep a wary eye on the burning Amazon. Susan interviews a couple of representatives from the Waterfront Alliance.Green Under Pressure
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Climate Change could cost the U.S. 10-point-5 percent of his Gross Domestic Product by the year 2100, the EPA gets knocked for not doing enough to clear the air after releasing guidance to the states on how to get rid of haze, Greenland mourns the loss of a glacier and more!Green Under Pressure
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Most of the toilet tissue used in our homes is made from 100% virgin, old-growth forests, but it doesn’t need to be. We explore NRDC & StandEarth’s Issue with Tissue report and why we all need to go online to "Tell Charmin that Nature’s Calling." Much thanks to NRDC's Shelley Vineyard.Green Under Pressure
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News about the manifesto written by the El Paso, Walmart mass shooter, The Smithsonian, Fast Company, the Edmonton Journal, and NBC News. iNaturalist Smithsonianmag.comGreen Under Pressure
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An alarming conversation with Bonnie Roundtree, Legislative Chair of the Smart Pesticide Campaign from the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association. A ban on pesticides doesn't happen, a bee count losses funding, and our food supply is poisoned and in peril.Green Under Pressure
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Bad News for Bees, The Red Cross warns we should brace for more heatwaves, and Lindsey Graham says Trump needs to admit that Climate Change is Real!Green Under Pressure
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Do you know how much carbon it takes to make, package, and ship your favorite glass of wine? Hear more about a free Internet-based database that launched after Prince Charles and his mum, The Queen of England, made an inquiry of their Royal Port maker, Adrian Bridge, of Taylor-Fladgate the 300-year-old Portuguese winery. You too can drink greener a…
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Featuring headlines from Quartz, Ecowatch, the New York Times, and the DNC about a new term, eco-anxiety, emissions standards and more.Green Under Pressure
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WNAV Radio Annapolis reporter Donna Cole is featured in this report which won her awards and honors from the Associated Press and the Society of Professional Journalists. Learn about a banned toxic pesticide that hunt clubs on Maryland's Eastern Shore are still using to poison predator animals.Green Under Pressure
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Includes items from E&E News, Inside Climate News, CNN, including the two Democratic debates this week, Climate Emergency declared down under and Defense funding from the U.S. SenateGreen Under Pressure
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Our guest is Maryland based Neighborhood Sun CEO and Founder Gary Skulnik.Green Under Pressure
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A new documentary, The River and The Wall, explores the river and the land that will be lost to US citizens and all the other creatures that call it home if Trump builds his wall. With filmmaker Hillary Pierce.Green Under Pressure
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The plan to re-open wetlands and smaller streams and tributaries to uncontrolled pollution could take our favorite riverwalks and waterfronts back to the dirty old days of our national treasures being treated like toilets, toxic great lakes, burning rivers, and fish kills. With Charleston-based Brad Holman, managing attorney of the Southern Environ…
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What's making Brilliant Coral Fizzle and our Favorite Seafood Harder to Find and Hurting Other Ocean Critters?
We get the low-down and find out what carbon has to do with it with Dr. Sarah Cooley of the Ocean ConservancyGreen Under Pressure
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Wish it were seagrass Sunday. That's my Blue Carbon Fun Day-with a wink and a nod to the 80's band The Bangles, Susan Di Giulio gets the low down from Dr. Emily Pidgeon of Conservation International, about damage that's been done to the true heroes of sucking carbon out of the air we breathe and trapping it below marshes and oceans. Pidgeon is the …
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A Talk with a coalition of religious organizations in the Washington, DC area on how it’s organizing to get places of worship to take steps to shrink their carbon footprint and reuse resources, with the Co-Chair of the Montgomery County Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Walter Weiss. Rita Rich is the host.…
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Oceans are our best defense against climate chaos, but they are under siege in so many ways that we are giving them a multi-episode series. Dr. George Leonard, a chief scientist of the Ocean Conservancy, lays out some basics.Green Under Pressure
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Sunrise Movement Co-founder Stephen O’Hanlon: For this generation, Climate Change is personal!
The Sunrise Movement, whose members are in their teens and 20s, is a major force behind the Green New Deal. We talk about the resolution and the movement’s message.Green Under Pressure
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