Game development stories, fun theory discussion, and advice on how to get in the game industry.
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Whether you are an established professional, a passionate entrepreneur, or simply someone looking for guidance on how to make a change, The Salazar Method is a path of self-awareness that will teach you to bridge the gap between motivation and execution. The Salazar Method is practical, replicable, and necessary. Approach it with courage and humility, and it will teach you to confidently identify and provide your greatest value, in return for the opportunity to live the life you envision. I ...
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Making our dreams a reality forces us to walk into the unknown. Push hard and work even harder. Make peace when you can, apologize if necessary, but keep the love in your heart and forgive yourself along the way. --- Send in a voice message:…
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Arriving at the moment that we all have waited for can be just as scary as not having a dream. Learn to be practiced in facing the moment, and the experience will carry you through every opportunity. Be in it for real. --- Send in a voice message:…
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Although most people think that there is no difference between the many of the words used in the world of self-help, knowing the distinction gives you a powerful road map to make the changes you desire.--- Send in a voice message:
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You can do it. We can do it - and some of us are. --- Send in a voice message:
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"Personal Pitch" allows you achieve fulfillment and success by teaching to identify and offer your greatest value to the world - in return for the opportunity to live the life you want. --- Send in a voice message:
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This concept has been the focus of almost everyone at some point in their life. You will know it when you feel it, because you will be driven to improve the quality of life for someone other than yourself, and you will find yourself acting in ways that you will be proud of. --- Send in a voice message:…
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No more discovering. It's about creating your life. Overcome self-esteem to maintain your vision over time - and cross the finish line with others who have earned that right.--- Send in a voice message:
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It's not just about who you want to be, it's about how you manifest that in the real world. Yet even if the two don't match up, it's never too late to move forward.--- Send in a voice message:
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The concept that started it all. Whatever you do, and if ever you speak, always ask: Do you have a message? And will you stand alone to defend it?--- Send in a voice message:
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By exercising good judgment, we can avoid a life of pain. But not all justifications for our beliefs are created equal. The ones you choose not only say something about your beliefs, but you as well.--- Send in a voice message:
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It's not just about recognizing the biological traits that will provide you with an advantage in the world, it's also about accepting the traits you need to engage in order to be fulfilled.--- Send in a voice message:
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My responses to call-ins asking about affirmations and morning routines.--- Send in a voice message:
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My responses to call-ins asking about self-doubt and mistakes.--- Send in a voice message:
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The story of Personal Pitch and how one late night conversation helped a girl change her own life. She identified her value. She developed her "Personal Pitch," and she discovered herself. --- Send in a voice message:
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While many people claim to have "changed," the statement is more to soothe the concerns of those around them and to disconnect from a personal sense of guilt. Yet, if you do change, then you have no right to the lessons and wisdom that is earned from experience. My recommendation: Grow. Own your past and move forward with the wisdom you now possess…
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Sharing your perspective and information is part of the plan. Yet, to offer real value, you must apply that to the person opposite you, resulting in a unique takeaway that is purpose built for them. Go the extra step.--- Send in a voice message:…
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The big Hello!!! It isn't about sharing tips and tricks, it's about lessons and insights. "Know your convictions and the world will know you."--- Send in a voice message:
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Actor Samm Levine and I talk about acting, how he got his break in showbusiness and what kind of movies we like. Before the interview, I talk about myupcoming kickstarter project and how it expands on my fun theory. I also givemy opinion on why I think figuring out what “fun” is, is such an importantendeavor. Check out Samm on the Kevin Pollak Chat…
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Jim Walls is coming out of retirement to design one moregame, the spiritual successor to the legendary Police Quest series. Fellow Sierra alum Robert Lindsley is the executiveproducer of this game which is currently undergoing funding via Kickstarter.Jim and Robert talk about working at Sierra, how they got their start in thegame industry, advice o…
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Jonnytalks about starting out in the game industry as a game tester, going to schoolfor game art and design, his time working at Machinima and about his new Kickstartercampaign. Before that I give a couple of tips on game development and how tobalance slow and fast gameplay as well give tips on building tension versusboring your audience. Check out…
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Lauren and I talk about the creative and developmentchallenges of producing a stage/movie project and how they correlate to videogame development. We touch on almost every topic possible from gamification, tocreating and finishing ideas to why some people’s careers take off and others’don’t. It’s a really fun and interesting interview. Before the i…
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This entire episode is dedicated to my Fun Theory and whereI’m at with it. My Friend Dr. Eric Garcia and I discuss how much engagement istoo much, how safety is important in an experience and we try and narrow donewhat fun is. In a related subject, we also dive into the subject of whathappiness is. Here is the official site of the psychotherapist t…
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I talk a little about my updated fun theory and then I interview Rick Bassman who is writing a book about his life and experiences. Rick was the owner of the wrestling school I went to, he was also an NFL agent, movie producer, and lots more. It’s a very inspirational and motivating story about taking risks, and he’s got a Kickstarter out there to …
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Teamwork! This episode is all about creatively working on ateam and how to facilitate said creativity. Awesome interview with Sean Monahanwho is the Creative Director at Westside Corporate Creativity and who is an 18year, veteran improviser. Check out the Westside Corporate Creativity website here: Westside Corporate Creativity Follow them on twitt…
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I talk about “yes and-ing” during creative development and howit helps facilitate collaboration, I also talk a little bit about the rule of 3and my theory on why it exists. Then I interview improviser James Heaney about whatmakes a comedy improv scene fun and how it can relate to video game design. Check out his regular series on Game Front: James …
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I go over a few game design tips I posted on twitter, I alsotalk about Indie Game the Movie. Then I have an interview with SeniorArtist/Industry Veteran, Scott Butler. Scott talks about his experience in thegame industry and gives advice on how to get your start as an artist doing artfor games. Check out his site here: Scott Butler Site I started a…
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In this episode I compile all the advice from various guestson how to get your start in the game industry, including a guest that was neverposted before as well as my own advice on how to get your start. Also, the quoteI mentioned at the end of the podcast was from James Allen, and I paraphrasedit, the actual quote is “We do not attract that which …
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David and I talk about the difference between designingtable top games and video games. We also talk about our favorite games and giveadvice on how to get your start in the game industry. Before all that I talkabout a game design technique I use that I never talked about before for somereason. Check out EVERYTHING he’s working on here: I…
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This episode is mostly a post mortem for a game Wellingtonand I worked on called Booga Booga! For Facebook. I talk about what worked,what didn’t work and what I learned developing this game. Wellington talksabout making all assets from characters and environments to user interface andparticle effects. I started a firstgiving page for Child’s Play C…
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Jason and I talk about game design techniques and ourfavorite games. I also go on a rant about how much I love the newest DoubleDragon remake. Check out a couple of the games Jason worked on here: XCOM: ENEMY UNKNOWN And here: Playstation All Star Battle Royale Check out the New Double Dragon game I was raving abouthere: Double Dragon Neon I starte…
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Chris and I talk about how he got his start in gamedevelopment, going to school for game design and we discuss best practices ongetting your foot in the door of the industry. This really is the “Making gamesis not all fun and games” episode, some good reality checks for young studentswho think they have what it takes to be game developers. I starte…
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Jesse and I talk about his latest project, Puzzle Clubhouse,which is a crowd design and supported video game development project (launchingAugust 30th). We also talk about favorite games, what a game designer does, andgive advice on how to get your foot in the door of the game industry. Check out Puzzle Clubhouse here: Puzzle Clubhouse Buy his book…
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Technical Designer Ben Vaccaro talks about his role in thegame industry and his time working at Machinima. We also talk about ourfavorite games and give advice on how to get your start in the game industry. I started a firstgiving page for Child’s Play Charity.Donate anything you can give if you feel inclined to do so. I give all donatorsa shout ou…
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Pro wrestler/stuntman/reality show star/crazy man LeroyPatterson and I talk about the similarities about what makes something fun in awrestling match and in a video game. We also talk about the dark side of beinga game tester. He is currently performing at Freakshow Wrestling, check it outhere: Freakshow Wrestling Here is the music video that we we…
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I talk to a former student of mine, Robert Fauver. Robert istransitioning from student to peer, so he has a unique view on going to schoolfor game design. We talk about engagement and tension in games, a gamedesigners’ role, and we give advice for new game design students. EDIT: The indie game he was working on is called "VICTIM" not "VINDICTUS". I…
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Tom (of Tiny Build Games) and I talk about humor in games, and what it’s likebeing an indie game developer. Check out his latest game, which is really funnyand I highly recommend checking out to see how humor in games is properly done,“No Time to Explain” here: TINY BUILD GAMES I also talk about getting my copy of Swipe This! Definitelyworth every …
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I talk to legendary Game Designer, Scott Rogers. We talkabout what a game designer does, our favorite games, and give advice on gettingyour start in the game industry. We also talk about the two books he releasedon game design, I highly recommend them. Check out Level Up! Here: Level Up! Check out Swipe This! Here: Swipe This! Check out his persona…
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Sean McNamara and I talk about game development stories,favorite games and tips on getting your start in the game industry. I also talkabout engagement strategies for your game. Check out Sean’s latest game here: Survival Run with Bear Grylls I started a firstgiving page for Child’s Play Charity. Donateanything you can give if you feel inclined to …
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I pontificate about a few engagement tools for video games.Also, I’m a huge geek, so every once in a while I need to geek out andGeekyGlamorous knows all about the latest in Geek culture. We talk about ourfavorite games, game development, and the Mass Effect 3 ending (SPOILER ALERT).Check out her site GeekyGlamorous I started a firstgiving page for…
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Game Designer Calix and I pontificate on the principals ofgood (and bad) game design and try to answer the question, can you have funwithout progression? We also give out tips on how to be a game designer. Also,I just started a firstgiving page for Child’s Play Charity, which you can checkout here: Child's Play Charity…
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I talk about how I write my game design documents and the importance of even having one. Then I interview the founders of indie game developer, Adversary Games. They talk about the pros and cons of going Indie, their favorite game moments and give advice on developing your own indie game. Check out their site here Adversary Games…
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I interview Senior Artist, Hugo Beyer. We talk about whatmakes a game fun, how he broke into the game industry as an artist and a littleabout developing his own indie title in which he did all the 2d/3d/ui art for.Check it out here: Holy Moly DragonsJoe.Method
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