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Sales School A daily podcast hosted by Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street. You ask, he answers. The Wolf's secrets to selling any product, anywhere in the world, to any person. With new episodes premiering daily, Monday through Friday. Like and subscribe to hear the Wolf of Wall Street's priceless advice on how to become self-made. This is Sales School.
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How do you deal with negativity? Whether it's business, or any other profession, you're going to have negative experiences and situations. Being successful doesn't mean you never have bad moments. However, successful people are able to take negative moments and instead use them for their gain, by harnessing the energy from these experiences and usi…
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How do you communicate with your clients? I'm sure you've done a bunch of readings on the best ways to communicate in business. I've put multiple lessons that touch one the same ideas: focus on your body language, make sure you're using proper tonality, etc. These are important and need to be strategized before you begin using them in the field but…
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You get 4 seconds to make an impactful impression. What makes a good first impression? A firm handshake? Nice shoes? Luckily for you I've done years of research into this and found a clip explaining exactly what you need to do. There are three main components you want to make sure you're doing: be sharp as a tack, enthusiastic as hell, and being an…
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Dress for success. I'm sure you've heard this at least a few times in your life, and for good reason. Dressing yourself like an expert in your field does a few things for you. People naturally defer to authority, and sometimes that means looking the part. Dressing like an expert causes those around you to see you as an expert. They're more willing …
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Not all customers are created equal. For every potential client you come into contact with you'll see just as many curveballs. People have different pain points, different values, different beliefs, you get the idea. You want to be prepared if you come across a unique customer, and the best way to do that is to have alternative scripts. What do you…
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There are two types of people in the world. Reason people, the ones who give you every excuse, I mean reason, in the world on why they can't do something: It's not the right time, they're not smart enough, they're afraid of failing. I call these people ducks. Ducks always find a way to rationalize their fears. The other type of person cares about r…
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Success isn't randomized. You listen to any successful person, regardless of their industry, and you'll quickly learn that their good fortune is the result of an overall plan they had. The problem I see in a lot of entrepreneurs these days is they lack a vision and lack a disciplined system that will help them reach that vision. If you want to be s…
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How are you building your script? By now I hope you know to not just wing it. There's a formula for the perfect sales script, that is built strategically to maximize your success, and I'm gonna give it to you. I found an old clip from a seminar in which I walk you through the best way to create your script. There are 4 core parts to your script tha…
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How do you get the client to buy now? Relax don't freak out, I'm here to help. A trick I use is to approach each encounter as if there were a scale the client is standing on, and I need to get them to my side of it to make the sale. Your job is to transfer the feeling of certainty to your client so your reasons for purchasing outweigh their reasons…
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How do you rank your personal success? Do your goals bring you to where you want to eventually be? Are you happy with your clientele? How does the reality of your life compare with the standard you've set for yourself? Your standards are compiled of a mix of elements, and since you’re growing and learning every day (or well you should be, at least!…
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How do you use your conscious and unconscious mind? We all have patterns for how we expect the world to act and react to us. When you brush your teeth you're fully prepared for water to come out of the faucet, your sales patterns should be just as natural of a reaction. You don't have to consider your morning routine, you just execute it. When it c…
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What do you want? This is a genuine question. It's important. If you can't clearly define what you want then you don't have a real idea of what you're working towards. Having a vision of what you want to be, who you want to be around, how successful you see yourself, helps keep you motivated but also keeps you honest. If you're one of those people …
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What's the best way to appear like you belong? This isn't a trick question, a lot of you already know the answer. If you want people to think you belong in a board room, or at head of a sales team then you need to act as if you belong, also known as, "fake it until you make it". This doesn't mean I want you to go out there and lie and manipulate yo…
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Are you using the 10 tonalities? Are you aware of what the 10 tonalities are and how you should be utilizing them into your pitch? There are four core levels of learning, involved with the Straight Line and it's important to go through the growing pains of each one. You may start off feeling overwhelmed or like a deer in the headlights, but DO NOT …
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How good are your language patterns? How well are you using the first 15 seconds to your advantage? This is essentially an expedited elevator pitch, which means you need to sell yourself and your services in an extremely small window. Not only should clients know about your company and what you offer, they should also be excited and trusting of you…
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Seeing is believing. The easiest way to prove something to someone is to show them. Sometimes that's what our potential clients need, some visual proof. This doesn't mean to go out and create some BS presentation that focuses more on the pretty slides than what's actually in them. However, the best experiences I've had are ones when I can show the …
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How do you manage your state? How you manage your state and your mental well being is vital towards your success. If you're like me than you naturally have a strong anchor in your mind that immediately pulls you back to base. However, if you're not as fortunate then this lesson is definitely one you want to pay attention to. It's impossible to tran…
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How do you use a client's pain to make a sale? I've said it time and time again, pain is one of the most effective tools you have when making sales. Not that we want our clients to be in literal agony, but we want to be able to see where they're vulnerable and listen to what they need most. I found an old clip of mine where I literally walk you thr…
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How do you handle objections? If you're in business I'm gonna hope your answer was something like, "I handle rejection well", because a great salesman also handles objection like a pro. Objections don't always mean no, and that's where you implement the Straight Line, by looping with your clients and creating a better line of communication. When cl…
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There's nothing worse than someone who makes excuses. You have an endless amount of options everyday. You're the captain of your own ship and your job isn't to make sure you have the smoothest trip, but to make sure you end up at the right destination. You can't have champagne taste with beer ethic, it'll never work. However, if you decide you're w…
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The steps I’ve created for you have been tested and proven time and time again. It’s important to make sure you’re following the right modules in the correct orders. When you put these steps into practice you will see a difference in your production. Let’s review. If you think you have a product or service that I’ll love, DM me. Let’s talk! LISTEN …
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Let's continue our talk about goals. I want to be clear about this. Your goals need to reflect your vision and vice versa. Here's a trick, you want to make sure your goals are slightly above your production. Not to make your goals unreachable, but challenging, so they keep you hungry and honest. Let's put it this way, your goals are like the lanes …
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Let's talk about goals. Goals aren't talked about enough. Not enough people have them and those who do, don't do a good job at following through and properly executing. Not only do goals represent your vision, they also keep you honest in your pursuit of accomplishing them. Don't worry, it's not just you, scientists have literally done studies on h…
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Are you listening to me? Well, are you? Building rapport comes naturally when your clients feel like you're on the same page. How do you demonstrate with your client, or anyone else for that matter, how you're listening? You don't want to have a blank stare and a nonchalant energy. Instead, you want to be nodding your head, making eye contact, givi…
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It's the secret weapon we've talked about numerous times. If you're on the phone with a client who can't see you, how do you show them you're listening and that you care? When someone explains their pain point, how do you demonstrate that you're the one to provide a solution? Tonality, the answer is almost always tonality. Take a look at this throw…
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It’s the great truth about sales. Having quality leads is vital. There’s no other way to put that. If the sales game was a Ferrari, leads are the gasoline that make it go. It’s important to make sure that while you’re developing your skills you’re also developing a collection of leads you can call on when it’s time to make some sales. Having the pa…
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How do you make a sale? This isn't a trick question, and there isn't one defined answer. The Straight Line isn't meant to be the only method of sales, but it is undoubtedly the quickest. When you go through the program you're set up to make sales on the path of least resistance. Listen to today's episode with your notepad near you. And again, follo…
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When you bake a cake do you skip any steps? Not if you want the cake to be as perfect as possible. The Straight Line System works the same way, you need to follow each step correctly before you move on to the next one. If a customer isn't certain of you there's no way you can transfer certainty of the product. If you can't transfer certainty there'…
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Which tonality do you use when pitching to a client? What about when closing? Tonalities are vital towards success in your business, they project to your clients that you're listening. Using the right tonality can be the difference in making the sale or not. Listen to this old interview I did that explains just how important tonality is and how you…
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How do you qualify your customers? I’ll give you a hint, they’ll tell you if you ask the right questions. I found an old clip of me training my team on exactly this, so you’re in luck. Give this a listen with your notepad ready. There isn’t a magic trick or a shortcut to this. Just asking the right questions and properly listening. Let’s talk about…
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The power of unconscious communication is an important one to have. Years ago, at a conference, I was able to spot “the most important” person in the room simply from their posture. In a room full of thousands, one person carried themselves in a way that forced you to pay attention. That one person ended up being the President of Mongolia. How did …
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Lowering your client's action threshold is vital! The key to lowering your client's action threshold is to get to the "run" a different movie in their head. Which, sounds like a more comforting scenario, sitting on a beach while the waves crash, or sitting on a plane as it crashes towards the Earth? Obviously option A is more comforting, but how do…
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Tonality has an impact on people! We've talked about this before and we're talking about it again, because that's how important this is. Tonality can be the difference in making a sale and losing everything you've worked for. Proper tonality demonstrates that not only are you listening to your clients wants and needs, you also understand how to mak…
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Health is wealth! And vice versa! You need good health practices and wealth responsibility if you plan on being successful. The easiest way to ensure you’re ready to maximize your success is by maintaining your health and putting yourself in the best position. Let’s talk about @NetSuite by @Oracle and how it’s the best program for all your business…
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Who needs more help with the sales funnel? Don't worry, The Wolf is here to save the day! Continuing with our lesson from the other day, let's keep working on the sales funnel and how you can, and should, incorporate it into your own practice. It may be a little overwhelming at first but I promise you, it's simple and vital for your success. Pay at…
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Seamless integration of inner and outer world strategies. That’s the key to success, but what is it? It’s the script to how you live your life when you want to guarantee success, both in sales and fulfillment. You cannot achieve at the highest level without being a proficient communicator, and you must communicate clearly with yourself. Don’t be a …
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Do you utilize the sales funnel? Do you truly understand what the sales funnel even is? If not then you’re in luck because I’ll explain it to you in full detail. In short, the sales funnel, when used properly, will tell you where your shortcomings are. However you also need to be doing the right kind of marketing to have a properly adjusted sales f…
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There's a proper way to give gifts. I'm not talking about re-gifting an old sweater you don't want. There's a legitimate strategy in giving gifts that can turn a prospective client into your best customer. It's not just about overwhelming your potential clients with free lunches and fun items, it's way easier than that. Listening to all facets of y…
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Today’s episode is all about sales expert and my good friend Robert Quinn. Robb is the CEO and founder of The Sales Agency, an agency with one goal in mind: to create a one stop shop for all things sales. From strategies to advice, he’s revealing it all, exclusively for Sales School. If you’re interested in sales or building your own empire, you’re…
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I’ve covered the importance of maintaining client relationships, but today’s episode dives deep into how you can do that. The better you maintain a relationship after closing the deal, the more value you get from a client. And who doesn’t want to expand their business? If you think you have a product or service that I’ll love, DM me. Let’s talk. LI…
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I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it until the day I die一 the sale doesn’t end when you close the deal. So when does it end? The short answer is: it ends when both parties cannot derive any more value from the other. I can’t stress just how important it is to nurture your relationship with your clients. You’re not only building a foundation …
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When people think they’ve learned all they need to know about something, they tend to stop seeking out knowledge. Here’s why that’s the dumbest thing you could do… I always tell people who are going through my Straight Line Certification program that once they’re done, they need to go through it again. And again. There’s always something new to be …
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Referrals are some of the most powerful resources in sales, but how do you know the best time to ask for them? Let me tell you… I’ve asked for referrals from everyone I’ve worked with, in every possible industry you can imagine, and I’ve figured out the best time to ask for one. In fact, everyone I’ve spoken to about this increased their referrals …
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Pizza in the pandemic?! We’ve all seen it. Our favorite mom and pop restaurants are going out of business at an alarming rate. Despite these challenges, one thing has remained constant: Johnny’s Pizza NC. It hasn’t just been staying afloat一 it’s been thriving. I’m joined by Johnny Pavlik of Johnny’s Pizza North Carolina to talk about the key strate…
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Experiences affect our beliefs, whether they’re good or bad. Most of the time after a bad experience, people completely avoid the things that brought them that negativity. But here’s why that’s not the smartest thing to do. You might be avoiding very opportunities that may elevate your life or business. And trust me, that’s not something you want t…
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Money matters. It might not bring you happiness, but the lack of it will make life a lot harder. So if you’re ready for a massive change in your life, you’re going to ideally start making a lot of money. A lot of you guys message me on social media, asking me how to make more money and the answer is always the same. Skill up. Learn something new, a…
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Beliefs are nothing more than ideas that you’re really certain about. So if you’re really certain that you CAN’T do something, how can you change that? People are limited by their beliefs, which usually stem from negative past experiences. But here’s the thing, we are not our past. Instead, we are the lessons that we gained from those experiences. …
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What’s stopping you from being great? Nothing. In fact, anyone and everyone can be great if they possess the skills they need to succeed. The best part is that skills are learnable, so you can learn just about anything you put your mind to. Take sales for example. It’s a universal skill that everyone should have, but not everyone knows how to get s…
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Your mind is a lot more powerful than you give it credit for. Despite the success I’ve experienced in my career, there was a point early on when I limited my achievements by choosing to focus on the bad instead of the good. Eventually, I realized that by choosing to ignore all my good experiences, I was blocking myself from great opportunities with…
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The only person who’s stopping you from reaching your full potential is yourself. If that sounds familiar to you, it should. I’ve said this a million times before and I’ll say it again: you’re never going to get the life of your dreams by playing defense. So you might be wondering… how does one play offense in life? Keep watching, and I’ll tell you…
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