Hárman vagyunk, egy ember mindig felkészül valamilyen történelmi témával, a másik kettő fogalom nélkül kommenteli, közben jókat röhögünk.
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isi kepala kusmartono aji, pemuda biasa-biasa saja dengan pendapat yang biasa-biasa saja. silakan didengarkan kalau mau. kalau tidak ya saya tidak memaksa.
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The Kept Faith Podcast is back! San Diego's Original Sports Blog has decided to grace the internets with its award-winning* podcast once again! You're welcome. Listen as Dallas, Nick, and Producer Travis walk you through San Diego's sports headlines and news!
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many nothing
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KEPO (KEPTV PODCAST) Merupakan program acara dari SPKEP SPSI
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Born & Kepler is named after the mathematician and scientists Max Born and Johannes Kepler. This bilingual podcast, offered in both German and English, dives into the expansive world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring its foundations, evolving technology trends, academic search, and its impact on businesses and society. Born & Kepler will feature a diverse lineup of experts from academia, venture capital, private equity, journalism, entrepreneurship, CTOs, and policymakers. Each gues ...
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Kepo Buku adalah tiga teman yang bermukim di tiga kota berbeda yang sering berkumpul secara virtual karena didorong rasa kepo dengan bacaan masing-masing. Kepo Buku adalah Steven Sitongan (Ambon), Hertoto Eko (Singapura), Rane Hafied (Tangerang Selatan). Website: https://KepoBuku.com Kontak: timkepobuku@gmail.com
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Join Meade and Christy, two retired-over-drinkers turned freedom-from-alcohol coaches, as they explore all of the stories that kept them stuck in the nightly over-drinking cycle, including but certainly not limited to "But Jesus drank wine?" If you're looking for two Christian women who get real about how wine held them back and explore tricky questions about drinking (and beyond!) with grace, compassion, and zero judgment, this is the podcast for you.
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The Best Kept Secret”, also known as “TBKS Podcast", is a music based podcast focusing on very in-depth album reviews and analysis. In addition, the podcast also produces interviews featuring some of the best artists we have access to as well as blog content documenting the scene. info@tbkspodcast.co.za
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The Comedy's Best Kept Secret Tour is a Stand Up Comedy Tour that has crossed the United States 5 times, and performed more than 300 shows. This podcast features comedians from the tour talking candidly and openly as they travel the country, in a car to upcoming comedy gigs. You can see the tour live in your area, by visiting www.comedysbestkeptsecret.com for dates and locations.
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This podcast show delves into true crime stories you probably never heard of. They are the lesser known, but highly important crimes that shook cities across America. From mafia killings to abduction, our show has details that will keep you listening.
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Willkommen zu Astronomie am Kepler, dem Podcast des Mehrschulenkurses Astronomie am Keplergymnasium Graz, bei dem man in unseren Astronomieunterricht hineinhören kann! Dabei erzählen, diskutieren und plaudern wir über Astronomie und Raumfahrt, behandeln manchmal grundsätzliche, manchmal spezielle und manchmal auch aktuelle Themen und beantworten auch gerne Fragen der Hörerinnen und Hörer, besonders gerne die von Kindern und Jugendlichen (aber auch Erwachsene dürfen gerne was fragen!). Besond ...
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Planetary laws Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Galliani on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jeremyforlife
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Ngobrolin seputar keingin tahuan gua tentang banyak hal dan keresehan yang ingin gua bagikan Diusahakan upload seminggu sekali
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This is my podcast!
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Trance selections from Kelper342b.
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Sebuah podcast dari Fikri Ilham dengan beragam topik dan cerita yang terlintas ataupun terlontar dengan tidak sengaja.
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There are 3 ways to get the most out of this PodCast Build a high-profit, low-stress biz in just 3 days/week! by listening to my solo episodes or by going to this link www.theinvisiblesalessystem.com Learn the concepts that Skool will never teach you - healing and inner work by listening to the guests on this Channel Apply to be a guest on the podcast to share your message by joining the best kept secret community here - https://www.skool.com/theworldsbestkeptsecretorbit/about
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Sekedar rekaman audio yang dapat didengarkan oleh orang banyak, tentang apa yang ada dikepala gue aja
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Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Intézetének podcastja térképekről, térinformatikáról, távérzékelésről és földtudományokról.
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Join host Shawnti Refuge, Master Certified Mental Health Coach, author the best-selling book, "Quiet As Kept", and journaling enthusiast, as she introduces The Quiet as Kept Podcast. In this first episode, Shawnti shares her personal journey of overcoming severe depression and anxiety, discusses the purpose of the podcast, and sets the stage for what’s to come. This podcast is a safe space to unpack the conversations we, especially in the African American community, were told to avoid. From ...
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A Képmás magazin podcast csatornája, ahol az alábbi podcastokat találod meg: Tanárnő, kérem! podcast Joós Andreával, minden hétfőn: beszélgetések tanárokkal, pszichológusokkal, segítő szakemberekkel, akik egyre jobbá és jobbá teszik a világot. Túlélők podcast Tóth-Fazekas Andreával, kéthetente csütörtökön: beszélgetések túlélőkkel, akikkel rossz dolog történt, mégis valami többletet tudnak adni tragédiájuk által. Istenélmények sallang nélkül Tóth-Fazekas Andreával, a kéthetente csütörtökön: ...
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Hati ke hati dengan pelanggan Anda
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Bercerita tentang kawan kepada kawan
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Sebuah karya karangan anak-anak resah
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Podcast berisi tentang pengajaran agama Katolik (Katekese) yang dikemas dengan ringan
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Hanya ingin menyuarakan isi kepala, karna semesta juga butuh tau cerita kita #SuaraKepala
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Various topics discussed, relationships, career goals, health, sex, current events and more!
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Join various members from the Kepware team, as well as special guests, as they discuss various industry topics - both technical and cultural.
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Duel 4 Cash League Racing.... a gaming community that shares a passion for online racing simulation and racing as a whole will talk about past league races upcoming races rivals battles on the track also poss. Some live race coverage of the league. Topics could also be about Nascar Races etc etc...
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Milyen elvárásaink vannak az Európai Unióval szemben? És mit tud nyújtani számunkra? Újságíróink az EU polgárait arról kérdezték: mit várnak az uniótól 2024-ben és azon túl?
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Membicarakan segala hal di dunia dengan gaya khas anak kos yang hidup seadanya dan hobi cengengesan
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Membawakan berita-berita yang mungkin ke "skip" sama kalian-kalian. Bersama atlit-atlit adu nongkrong juara PORDA: Mamang, Kenny, dan Bimo.
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Geçmişin izlerinde gezintiler. Sermet Muhtar Alus’un "İstanbul Kazan Ben Kepçe" kitabı rehberliğinde eski İstanbul’a bugünden bir bakış. (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Özlem Altınkaya ve Murat Güvenç)
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With an internet full of limitless opinions, who can listeners count on for unfiltered and subversive commentary? Follow ADW on bestkeptpod.com as she seeks to provoke thought and dialogue through a myriad of interesting discussions.
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Bahas apapun yang ada di kepala,, jangan ditahan sampe lo sendiri gga bisa nahan pengen bacotin bersama gw Rani Rosmaya si Ego.. semoga easy listening yah d telinga klian 😎 ig : rani_rosmaya27 twitter : @RosmayaRani blogspot : fillyourhead27.blogspot.com Spotify : Cerita isi kepala manusia
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The Radio Pitchman’s Direct Response Radio Program allows Home Service Professionals To ’Stand Out’ with Custom Direct Response Radio Programming, Videos, & Podcasts. Educating Homeowners Before They Call Allows For A Predictable Sales Process That Gets The Phone To Ring For Service Professionals. ”Direct Response Radio, The Best Kept Secret In Advertising Today” - Jim Klauck
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Szép Eszter és Mráz István idejük nem elhanyagolható részét képregények olvasásával és megvitatásával tölti. Innen pedig csak egy apró lépés a podcast indítása. Kövessetek minket Facebookon is, hogy mindig értesüljetek a friss hírekről. Egyetértetek? Nem értetek egyet? Kommenteljétek az elhangzottakat! www.facebook.com/akepregenyektitkoselete/ Email címünk: akepregenyektitkoselete@gmail.com
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2011 május 26-án KÖD néven indult élő beszélgetős/odafigyelős filmes műsor. Állandó - Győri Csilla, Czabán György - és időszakos műsorvezető társakkal - Kronauer Ádám, Kozi, Dudás Miki és Ozi - meghívott független és nem független filmes és nem filmes vendégek közreműködésével, zenével, betelefonálókkal, programajánlókkal. 2018. októbertől djGonnok keveri a műsort. Szabad szellemű beszélgetések készülő alkotásokról, hazai és nemzetközi szereplésekről, sikerekről és bukásokról, bemutatókról é ...
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Welcome to The Best Kept Secrets Podcast hosted by Sharon K Mwangi where we share our best kept secrets about God, love, life and everything in between.
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Check out "Best Kept Secret" every Monday from 7 pm-9 pm (ET) on http://Excitementradio.com with Host DJ Ben Hop and Co-Host Shai Will. Showcasing Independent Artist from all over the world. We have live interviews and give feedback on your music. Tune in and support new artist and new music.
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This podcast series is a celebration of strength, resilience and cultural pride…. as told by the Yued community of Moora. Narrated by Cyndy Moody and Daniel Hansen, this collection of stories was collected during Community Arts Networks Place Names project which explores the meanings of Noongar places. These playful, poignant and precious stories are our nation’s hidden histories and remind us that this always was and always will be, Aboriginal land. WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Isl ...
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Podcast do João Kepler reproduz as melhores entrevistas, momentos e insights extraídos de entrevistas em vários Portais e canais. A sequência não está em ordem cronológica.
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Welcome to the Girlfriends Best Kept Secret podcast. Like having cocktails with your most honest And comedic friends. All things millennial money melanin classy and clatchet 😙
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On “Reading the Middle East with Gilles Kepel,” the latest Al-Monitor podcast, renowned French scholar Gilles Kepel interviews the ground-breaking authors and thought leaders who are both shaping and explaining the complex trends in the Middle East and Islamic world. Kepel, one of Europe's leading experts on Islamism, the Middle East and North Africa, is a professor at the Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Sciences Po). His numerous books — which include "Jihad: The Trail of Political I ...
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It’s you. You’re the one. The one that’s gonna break the odds. The one that’s gonna change the world. And you know this, but no one else does..yet. You are the best kept secret.
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Welcome to the Best Kept Secrets Travel podcast where Morgan and Will uncover the best kept secrets about travel. Whether its how to save money, how to plan a trip or how to survive when travelling to Chernobyl. We have travelled to 65 countries so far between us and want to take you along with us on our journey. If you like the sound of this show then pick an episode and have a listen. If you do enjoy Best Kept Secrets Travel it would really mean a lot to us if you could subscribe and leave ...
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Best Kept Secret in Sports is a podcast about women’s football. We’re following the Seattle Majestics during their 2020 Season in the Women’s National Football Conference.
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Episode 15: Healing Your Inner Child
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10:30Your inner child is still within you, carrying past wounds that shape your present. This episode explores how childhood experiences affect adulthood, why reconnecting with your inner child is essential for healing, and how journaling can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-love. 🎧 Listen now: thequietaskeptpodcast.buzzsprout.com 📍 Find m…
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#8 Education, Technology and Image-Analysis (GER)
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53:34In this conversation, Andreas Deptolla and Benjamin Risse discuss the attractiveness of Münster as a location for students, Risse's academic journey, his research focus on image analysis and AI, as well as the challenges associated with insect recognition. They also highlight the role of hardware in AI research, collaborations between universities …
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Ep. 121 Blake Roberts | More to the Story: Healing From Sex and Alcohol Addiction
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51:02Join the conversation in our community at https://butjesusdrankwine.com/community. In this episode, we sit down with Blake Roberts, a licensed therapist, writer, podcast host, and speaker based in Nashville, TN. Blake specializes in helping men heal attachment wounds, foster healthy relationships, and learn to trust again. If you're looking for way…
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KK #48 – John McAfee
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1:36:23Ebben az adásban Mazur tovább építette azt a cetszexverzumot, amit még a John C. Lilly-adással kezdett el, bár ez a vonatkozás csak egy mellékes nyúlürege John McAfee életének. Az ember, aki zseniális programozó volt, idejekorán felismerte a vírusokban rejlő veszélyeket, ebből milliomos lett, aztán eljutott oda, hogy fegyveres-csajos-kokainos oktat…
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TBKS E153: The Money Badoo Episode
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40:52This week, we're diving into MSRYLUV$CMPNY, the latest album from one of our favorites, Money Badoo. The anticipated album is a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and resilience, blending alternative hip-hop, R&B, and experimental sounds to create a world where vulnerability meets strength. The album features the likes of Una Rams, BENJAMIN…
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Vendégünk Hevesi Nándor
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1:26:19Tilos Rádió
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#7 Perspectives on AI-Research (ENG)
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1:13:38In this episode of Born and Kepler, host Andreas Deptolla speaks with Prof. Evgeny Kaganer from IESE Business School about the evolving role of AI in business, leadership, and education. They explore how AI is reshaping industries, the challenges of digital transformation, and the skills leaders need to navigate an uncertain future. Prof. Kaganer s…
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Ever feel like a fraud despite your achievements? Imposter syndrome is real, and it holds so many of us back from stepping into our greatness. In this episode, we break down what imposter syndrome is, how it impacts self-esteem, and how to silence the inner critic that says you don’t belong. 🎧 Listen now: thequietaskeptpodcast.buzzsprout.com 📍 Find…
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Ep. 120 Ali Kennedy | From Shame to Freedom, A Ministry Leader’s Sobriety Story
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57:46Join the conversation in our community Here. In this heartfelt episode, ministry leader Ali Kennedy shares her deeply personal journey from struggling with alcohol to experiencing spiritual renewal and true freedom. Ali’s struggle with alcohol began in her early teenage years and continued through college, marriage, and motherhood. Despite being in…
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AK031 Planetenhüpfen zu Merkur, Neptun und zurück
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24:15… Wir sind ein WissPod-Podcast! Wir machen diese Folge weiter mit dem Planetenhüpfen und sehen uns Merkur, Neptun und unseren Heimatplaneten aus astronomischer Sicht an. Davor gibt’s in den Space News topaktuelle Forschung von der Uni Wien über unseren Sprung durch die Radcliffewelle! 2020 gelang einer internationalen Forschungsgruppe rund um João …
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Endre Hoffmann on Overcoming Self-Worth Struggles
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57:11Thank you for following the Podacst.let us know what we can improve about the content More about Best kept secret - https://www.skool.com/theworldsbestkeptsecretorbit/about More about Endre Hoffmann - https://doctorofselfworth.com/ In this interview with Endre Hoffmann, we delve into the profound impact of self-worth on health, wealth, and relation…
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Episode 3: Ryan Finley Returns - TKF Pod #259
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46:38This week the guys welcome back UT Sports Editor Ryan Finley. They talk about the offseason for the Padres, spring training highlights, and the debut of SDFC.
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#6 AI, Automation and the Future of Knowledge Work (ENG)
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1:06:02How is AI reshaping professional services, from law and accounting to business strategy? In this episode, we explore the intersection of technology and work, diving into the challenges of AI adoption, the evolving roles of junior professionals, and the impact of automation on knowledge production. We discuss the human side of digital transformation…
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Saying no isn’t selfish—it’s self-care. In this episode, we discuss why we feel guilty about setting limits, how to reframe the narrative around saying no, and why protecting your time and energy is essential for personal growth. If you struggle with overcommitment, this episode is for you. 🎧 Listen now: thequietaskeptpodcast.buzzsprout.com 📍 Get s…
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Ep. 119 Let Them… or Let HIM? A Biblical Take on Mel Robbins’ Viral Self-Help Theory
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44:34JOIN THE BJDW COMMUNITY HERE! Mel Robbins’ Let Them philosophy has taken the self-help world by storm. But is it really the key to peace and freedom? Or is there something deeper—something better—that God calls us to instead? In today’s episode, we break down where Let Them aligns with biblical wisdom… and where it misses the mark. Through real-lif…
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Comedy's Best Kept Secret: Ebenezer Debakwane
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1:14:10Ebenezer Debakwane unreleased episode of Comedy's Best Kept Secret Tour in Johannesburg South Africa 2018.Comedy's Best Kept Secret Tour
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Do you struggle with saying no? Feel guilty when prioritizing yourself? In this episode, we unpack the roots of people-pleasing, how it affects your mental health, and why breaking free from it is a radical act of self-love. Learn practical steps to stop living for others and start showing up for yourself. 🎧 Listen now: thequietaskeptpodcast.buzzsp…
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Stop Fixing What’s Not Broken With Prima Jope #137
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13:39Thank you for following the Podacst.let us know what we can improve about the content Your next client in 7 days : www.the2ksystem.com Join the community - https://www.skool.com/theworldsbestkeptsecretorbit/about Get the Clients On Fire PlayBook- www.clientsonfire.com Most people waste time fixing things that aren’t actually broken. They tweak thei…
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TBKS E152: The Mars Baby Episode
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51:58This week, we're diving into Mars Baby's much-anticipated debut album, Handsome Luke & The Heartbreakers. As a Cape Town-born, Johannesburg-based producer, multi-instrumentalist, and singer-songwriter, The album showcases his eclectic blend of early 2000s pop-punk vibes and soulful R&B influences. The album features collaborations with his label ma…
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Struggling with setting boundaries? You’re not alone. In this episode, we dive into why boundaries are necessary, how they protect your peace, and the best ways to enforce them without guilt. Learn how setting healthy limits can reduce stress, improve relationships, and lead to greater emotional well-being. 📍 Visit ShawntiRefuge.com for guided jour…
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Beszélgetőtársaink Szolnoki József és Sipos Levente
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1:26:23Tilos Rádió
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KK Nano #04 – A magyar foci kezdetei, a legnagyobb osztrigaevő és a floridai kagylóköztársaság
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2:03:09Mivel a 3-as KK Nano kicsit morbidra sikeredett, ezúttal könnyedebb témákat választottunk, nem is hal meg senki az adásban pár száz osztrigát kivéve. Mazur ugyanis egy angliai osztrigaevő legendát választott hőséül, felcsigázva (vagy felkagylózva) az érdeklődésünket. És ha már kagyló: Grath Abalonia után egy újabb kagylós mikronemzetnek nézett után…
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#5 Future Strategies: AI, Networks and Education in Transition (ENG)
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51:28In this episode, Andreas Deptolla speaks with Prof. Dr. Nils Stieglitz, President of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, about the future of work, innovation, and the impact of AI on education. They explore how businesses can stay competitive, the lessons learned from past disruptions, and why a mindset of adaptability is crucial. The con…
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46:39Thank you for following the Podacst.let us know what we can improve about the content More about Prima-s work - www.the2kclientsystem.com More about this guest - www.sarahdawkins.com Sarah Dawkins BSc. MSc. AMC. Sarah And i had a conversation about how to basically heal yourself. This episode is best for you who 1-Is curious about healing yourself …
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Ep. 118 Jo Hargreaves | Attachment Theory, Faith, and Rewiring the Brain for Emotional Healing
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38:08The Lent Fast Starts This Wednesday!!!! Get more information and join us here Today we welcome Jo Hargreaves, a pastor, psychotherapist, writer, and speaker, to explore the intersection of faith, therapy, and mental health. As the voice behind The Faith-Filled Therapist, Jo is passionate about integrating theology and therapy, scripture and neurosc…
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AK030 Asteroid 2024YR4 und unser Planetensystem
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31:28… Wir sind ein WissPod-Podcast! „Seltenes Ereignis: Alle Planeten stehen in einer Reihe“, war dieses Wochenende in den Medien zu lesen. Manche berichteten sogar, dass dies Erdbeben und Vulkanausbrüche auf der Erde ausgelöst hätte. Wir stellen in dieser Folge klar, was es damit jetzt wirklich auf sich hat. Davor berichten wir in den Space News über …
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#34 Monolog Februari 2025
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29:43Kusmartono Aji bicara mengenai kejadian apa aja yang dia ingat sepanjang februari ini. ternyata ga banyak~
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#4 Marketing in the Digital Age! (GER)
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56:36English: In this episode, Professor Florian Stahl from the University of Mannheim shares his insights on the profound impact of AI on business models, marketing, and education. We discuss how American and European markets approach innovation differently, the future of peer-based learning, and why even traditional sectors must adapt rapidly. Plus, w…
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Tom and Anna discuss the finale of this mafia crime story and it's lasting impact on the city terrorized by this turf battle. Thanks for listening. Catch our next crime story during the next podcast.Tom
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Ep. 117 Brandi Babb | The Power of Somatic Practice in Sobriety and Beyond
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54:17Join the Lent 40 Day Fast! More info right here! We start March 5th! Our friend Brandi Babb shares her powerful freedom-from-alcohol story—from her early days as a “good girl” who followed all the rules to confronting the painful realities of alcohol use disorder and the internal divide between her faith and her drinking. Brandi opens up about how …
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KK #47 – Barry Keenan
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2:18:04Grath a néhány adással ezelőtti Frank Sinatra-eposzából kihagyott egy nyúlüreget, de csak azért hagyta ki, hogy aztán egy teljes értékű adássá habosítsa azt (már amennyire egy nyúlüreget lehet habosítani). Ismerkedjetek meg Barry Keenannel, a jó üzleti érzékkel megáldott sráccal, aki úgy akart öngyilkos lenni, hogy azért a mennyországba kerülhessen…
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Money. Service. Alignment. #EP 135 With Prima Jope
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26:21Thank you for following the Podacst.let us know what we can improve about the content check out the 2K Client System here - https://www.the2kclientsystem.com/ Why I believe Magnetisation is the Ultimate Act of Service Being of service doesn’t mean staying broke. In this episode, I break down why monetisation is a Spiritual practice. The#1 thing sp…
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TBKS 151: The Tony Dayimane Episode
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51:10We’re back! It’s a new year, and we’re starting things off strong with a deep dive into one of our favorite albums of 2024—Red October: Induction by Tony Dayimane. This rising star in SA hip-hop brought the heat with a project that blends sharp lyricism, hard-hitting production, and features from some of the game’s biggest names, including Kwesta, …
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If you’re ready to stop the self-sabotage cycle, journaling is your secret weapon. Today, I’m walking you through three powerful journaling exercises designed to help you uncover your patterns, face your fears, and take control of your mindset. Grab your journal and let’s do this inner work together! #GuidedJournaling #HealingThroughWriting #Mental…
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Negative self-talk can be one of the biggest barriers to self-love and growth. In this episode, Shawnti explores where those critical inner voices come from and how to challenge them. Through personal stories and journaling exercises, she helps listeners replace negativity with affirmations and truths that remind them of their worth. Send us a text…
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Tom and Anna discuss the new tactics being used by the mafia to inflict pain and revenge. Then finally we see the one organization step in that can handle this.Tom
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Vendégeink Koronczi Endre és Csehalmi Luca
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1:28:51Koronczi Endre Pneuma Cosmic című projektje képviseli a 2026-ban nyíló 61. Velencei Képzőművészeti Biennálé Magyar Pavilonjában hazánkat! A Cserhalmi Luca meg a project kurátora.Tilos Rádió
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“Don’t air our dirty laundry.” It’s a common saying, but family secrets often do more harm than good. In this episode, Shawnti discusses the impact of secrecy on mental health and shares her personal journey of breaking cycles of silence. With journaling prompts, she invites listeners to process their own family dynamics and find freedom in truth. …
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#3 AI in Everyday Life: Practical Insights (ENG)
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40:54In this episode, Prof. Valor-Sabatier from IESE shares his expertise on the real-world applications and challenges of AI. From medical diagnostics to self-driving cars and social media, the conversation explores how AI is transforming our daily lives. The discussion also dives into the ethical dilemmas and future risks posed by AI, including fake n…
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Your mind is your biggest roadblock—or your biggest advantage. The thoughts you repeat daily shape your reality, and if you’ve been stuck in self-doubt, fear, or negative self-talk, it’s time to shift. Today, I’m teaching you how to rewrite the beliefs that are keeping you small so you can start stepping into the life you deserve. #MindsetMatters #…
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Faith is meant to heal, but sometimes the church becomes the source of pain. In this episode, Shawnti explores the reality of church hurt, how it affects mental health, and what it means to redefine your faith on your own terms. With guided journaling prompts, she encourages listeners to find spiritual practices that feel authentic and restorative.…
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Grief is a natural part of life, but in the Black community, we’re often told to keep it moving. In this episode, Shawnti dives into the importance of processing grief openly and honestly. Sharing her personal experience of navigating loss, she offers journaling prompts to help listeners work through their emotions and find healing. Send us a text …
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As the mafia war heats up, the Leisure family finds itself in a tough spot.Tom
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Alright, we’ve spent all week talking about self-sabotage, and now it’s time for ACTION. No more thinking about it. No more waiting for the ‘right time.’ Today, I’m giving you three things you can do RIGHT NOW to break the cycle and start moving forward. Send us a text Shawnti Refuge is a Master Certified Mental Health Coach, Keynote Speaker, and A…
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Your thoughts shape your reality. If you’ve been telling yourself you’re not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough—you’ll start believing it. But what if I told you that your inner critic has been LYING to you? In today’s session, we’re breaking down what negative self-talk is, where it comes from, and how it’s holding you back. It’s time to …
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Money trauma runs deep, and for many of us, it starts in childhood. In this episode, Shawnti talks about the emotional scars left by financial hardship and how they shape our habits as adults. Through personal stories and practical tips, she guides listeners on how to rewrite their money story and build a healthier financial mindset. Send us a text…
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Have you ever felt like you’re running in circles? Like no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get ahead? You start something, but somehow, you always end up back where you started—frustrated, exhausted, and wondering why the hell you can’t move forward. That, my friend, is self-sabotage. And today, we’re getting real about why you keep gett…
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Ep. 116 Dr Lisa Stanton | Life Changing Lessons from Recovery
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49:11Join the Lent 40 Day Fast! More info right here! We start March 5th! Content Warning:This episode references sensitive topics, including sexual assault and trauma. We recognize that these subjects may be difficult or triggering for some listeners. Please take care of yourself while listening. If you or someone you know is in need of support, please…
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AK029 Gaia und ein neuer Blick auf unsere Milchstraße
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37:29… Wir sind ein WissPod-Podcast! Wir sprechen heute nochmal über die vielleicht bedeutendste ESA-Weltraumteleskopmission der vergangenen Jahre, Gaia, und blicken diesmal auf die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, die mit den Daten bereits gewonnen wurden – oder besser gesagt einigen davon, denn Gaia berührt mehr oder minder alle Bereiche der Astronomi…
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Tom and Anna discuss the many attempts on one mobsters life and how it literally blew up on one family.Tom
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