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Let's Talk Money with Monika Halan

Monika Halan

Let's Talk Money is your guide to financial stability and freedom. Join Monika Halan, a trusted financial expert, as she delves into a wide array of topics each week. From tackling debt to making friends with the stock market, from gold to mutual funds, Monika's insights are your compass to financial wellness. But that's not all! Monika's here to answer your money questions. Send them in, and she'll help you make informed decisions. It's time to take control of your financial destiny with Mo ...
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The Flipside with Monika

The Flipside with Monika

Host Description All of her life, Monika has sought to right the wrongs, protect the environment, and stand up for the underdog. But not much made sense to her until her awakening in 2011, that we are being lied to on a grand scale about almost everything and anything. The six minute video, Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust, changed Monika’s life in surprising and even shocking ways. In spite of the persecution which followed, she has no regrets! Show Description Aligning history wi ...
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Ein Podast in dem du eine völlig neue Art des Denkens und Fühlens kennenlernst. Du erfährst wie Du das Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit für Dich nutzbar machst und Dir damit ein erfolgreiches und erfülltes Leben erschaffst. Konkrete Coaching-Übungen und Beispiele unterstützen Dich in Deinem Alltagswandel.
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The Monika A. Mazur Podcast

Monika A. Mazur

Monika is a powerhouse who helps driven individuals achieve more with less stress, less grinding, and less complexity. As a solo immigrant from Poland to the US, Monika's journey from nanny to personal trainer, bodybuilding competitor, and thriving business owner exemplifies her grit and focus. Today, she leads a thriving online business, guiding clients to their goals. Monika's approach is about simplicity and efficiency. She's a master at zooming out and taking a big picture approach, ensu ...
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Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast with Monika and Donna

Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast

Are you a clinician interested in wound care? Maybe you're just starting or know a little about hard to heal wounds? Or are you more seasoned in your career? Perhaps you work in the community, aged care, a hospital or a subacute setting. Join Monika and Donna, two advanced practice nurses and lymphoedema practitioners, with decades of experience in hard to heal wounds. We are so excited to be sharing with other clinicians (not just nurses), our experience and frustrations inherent in the dis ...
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Money with Monika

Mint - HT Smartcast

Money with Monika is a weekly personal finance show that answers your queries on all investment matters. Monika Halan, Consulting Editor of Mint and author of Let’s Talk Money, takes you through the various avenues of savings open to you - deposits, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance and pension funds. This is a Mint production, brought to you by HT Smartcast.
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Monika Toth Journalist

Monika Toth Journalist

Mónika Tóth újságíró podcast csatornája. Tematikus podcastok: 117 PERC: 74 NAP: EGYEDI KULINÁRIS KOMMANDÓ: KÜLÖNÓRA: ...
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"Wo Macht und Geld verteilt werden, fehlen die Frauen" hieß es einmal vor Jahren auf einem Unternehmerinnentag. Was braucht es also, um Frauen bei der paritätischen Verteilung von Macht und Geld zu unterstützen? Damit beschäftigt sich dieser Podcast für alle Frauen (und all die großartigen Männer), die gerne mehr verdienen oder weniger arbeiten wollen.
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Rise · Monika Schmiderer's Podcast

Monika Schmiderer

Rise · Monika Schmiderer's Podcast für ein gelassenes Leben in einer gestressten Welt.Deine Dosis Inspiration für mehr Lebensfreude, Kreativität und den entspannten Umgang mit der schönen neuen Welt.Begleite mich auf meiner Reise und freue Dich auf Tipps, inspirierende Gedanken und Experteninterviews zu Fragen wie:- Wie gelingt es, gelassen zu bleiben, auch wenn die Welt im Dauerstress rotiert?- Wie gehe ich mit Social-Media-Druck, E-Mail-Fluten & Co um?- Wie finde ich Inspiration, Kraft und ...
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show series
Mal ehrlich, was ist schon so schwer dabei, dass mein Partner/ Partnerin versteht, dass ich mehr Nähe und Sicherheit brauche? Oder genau andersherum... dass ich mehr Luft zum Atmen brauche?! Die Wahrheit ist, dass wir uns immer für den Maßstab halten und dass wir nicht der Maßstab sind- erst recht nicht für den Partner/ Partnerin. Wir brauchen eine…
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This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Michele Silver, who first joined BBM years ago and has experienced it all—pregnancy, postpartum, and now life as a busy mom balancing fitness, work, and everything in between. From starting with just the app to now training live multiple times per week, Michele shares how her approach to consistency, accounta…
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If you’ve ever felt like success comes easier to others- like they’re building, growing, and winning while you’re stuck in the same place- this episode is for you. Because the truth is, it’s not about talent, luck, or even having the perfect plan. It’s about keeping your word. When you say you’re going to do something and don’t follow through, you …
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Episode 35: with Blackbird9 and Alfred Schaefer. If you missed the Saturday Snack Shack hour just before this show, please find it in the archives to listen to the first part of this two-hour double-header conversation between Frederick, Alfred and Monika.The Flipside with Monika
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Wie oft könnten wir schreien vor Wut, weil wir nicht das bekommen, was wir wollen... was wir wünschen und verflixt nochmal verdienen. Die schlechte Nachricht ist, dass wir es erst recht nicht bekommen, wenn wir uns noch mehr anstrengen. Die gute Nachricht ist, wir können in uns selbst all das erschaffen, was wir im Außen suchen. Wie?? Durch eine ge…
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In this episode, Monika explores why even the smartest people fall into common money traps. Our emotions and habits often override logic, leading to costly mistakes like fearing market crashes, selling assets at the wrong time, or waiting too long to invest. She breaks down two key behavioral patterns—mental accounting and anchoring—that drive thes…
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Episode 34: Shaun – Surplus joins me from “down under” as we affectionately refer to Australia. We have a conversation about our respective “Aboriginal” people in Australia and Canada, comparing notes on some of the deceptive narratives which have been pushed on us, and to what end.The Flipside with Monika
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In der Welt passieren gerade so viele Umbrüche und keiner von uns weiß, was genau passieren wird. Vielleicht löst es Ängste in dir aus und wenn ja, dann ist das völlig normal. Denn die Unsicherheit und Angst sind Zeichen für unseren Überlebenswunsch. Auch in uns selbst passiert ein ständiger Wandel. Unser Körper erneuert und ändert sich ständig. So…
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This week, I’m doing a solo episode to break down what’s changed in my life over the past three years since starting this podcast. No fluff, just lessons from taking action, adapting, and building a life that I love. I’m sharing: Action over perfection: how I stopped overthinking and started making moves. Building real freedom: the shifts that took…
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In this episode, Monika challenges listeners to examine their portfolios and uncover the story they tell. Using a real-life example of a doctor struggling with scattered investments, she illustrates the importance of organizing financial data in a clear and structured manner. Monika emphasizes that knowing one's net worth, understanding asset alloc…
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Kennst du das Gefühl, zutiefst zu bereuen, wie du dich gerade verhalten hast? Du hast dir so stark vorgenommen, in der nächsten Situation gelassener, liebevoller, direkter, klarer zu sprechen und zu sein. Und dann plötzlich findest du dich in einer Situation wider, die dich total aus der Bahn wirft und du dich "wie immer" verhältst. Warum ist das b…
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In this episode, Monika helps listeners navigate a down market, explaining why market downturns feel more painful than they actually are. Drawing from behavioral economics, she highlights how loss aversion—our tendency to feel losses more strongly than equivalent gains—affects investment decisions. While markets have declined 12% from their peak, t…
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This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Karolina D’Angelo, a BBM member who went from watching on the sidelines to fully committing to her fitness journey. After years of starting and stopping, she finally took the leap—and what started as a simple walking challenge turned into a complete mindset and lifestyle shift. We dive into what changed this …
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Wound Education, the subject everyone wants, from novice to expert, but where so many barriers exist to getting it just right. In this episode we burrow down into a recent Australian publication discussing recommendations for undergraduate wound education. This is another prickly concept our listeners will have dealt with and have opinions on, no m…
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Guest host Patrick Chanel is joined by Blackbird9 and Monika Schaefer to talk about Jewish influence and particularly ‘Free Speech’ and other ‘Rights’ in light of the elites’ use of them to control government and culture.The Flipside with Monika
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In this episode, Monika dives into the debate surrounding Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and whether they are truly the wealth-building tool they are often made out to be. A prominent fund manager recently warned that SIPs in small- and mid-cap mutual funds may not yield the high returns investors expect, igniting a firestorm of discussion. Mon…
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This week on the podcast, I’m chatting with Clara Lima, a long-time BBM client who worked with me in fitness for years before coming to me for business coaching. For over a year, she was “building a business,” but in reality, nothing was actually moving forward. She wasn’t making progress- not because she didn’t have a vision, but because perfectio…
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Episode 31: Zach Kidd of Logos Revealed joins Monika to talk about his Logos Academy and his efforts in enlightenment of our people to what on earth is happening. Zach and Monika discuss how National Socialism might just be the answer.The Flipside with Monika
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Sind Ehrlichkeit & Wahrheit für dich das Gleiche? Ist bin dem mal in Gedanken auf den Grund gegangen. Du erfährst in dieser kurzen Folge, was die beiden Begriffe unterscheidet und wie du sie mit Leben- mit DEINEM Leben füllen kannst. Und jetzt wünsche ich dir damit viel Spaß! Deine Monika 🤍Monika Mrowietz
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In this episode, Monika explains why investment planning is just one piece of the larger financial planning puzzle. Many investors focus solely on where to put their money but overlook critical aspects like cash flow management, risk protection, and long-term goal setting. She walks listeners through the fundamentals of financial planning—starting …
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This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Jayna Roy, a client I first met back in 2017 when she walked into my fitness studio. Since then, we’ve had a journey full of starts, stops, comebacks, and growth—and in this episode, Jayna gets real about all of it. We dive into what it’s like toquit and come back—not just once, but multiple times. If you’re …
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Episode 30: Canadian Political Prisoner Leslie Bory joins Monika to discuss his case and some background on what led to his recent 23 month incarceration, without bail, before his trial even began. He now awaits his sentencing hearing after having been found guilty for various “speech crimes” at his January 2025 trial.…
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Kennst du das: Du nimmst dir etwas richtig Großes vor, bist voller Elan... und ... nach einigen Wochen ist die Luft & Lust raus und die landest da, wo du vorher warst? In dieser Folge spreche ich darüber, wie du wirklich deine Grenzen ganz praktisch überwindest, Spaß daran hast und deine kleinen & großen Ziele nachhaltig in dein Leben bringst. Hör …
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In this episode, Monika unpacks Budget 2025 and what it means for India’s middle class. She explains the government’s bold decision to leave over ₹1 lakh crore in taxpayers’ pockets by making income up to ₹12.75 lakh tax-free and raising the highest tax slab to ₹24 lakh. This massive relief comes amid rising middle-class frustration over stagnant t…
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Was lässt uns Menschen ausbrennen? Sicherlich nicht eine einzige Sache. Das wissen wir heute. Einen neuen Aspekt möchte ich hier heute mit dir teilen, nämlich, ungelöste Probleme dauerhaft mit uns herumzutragen. Dazu erfährst du, was Probleme sind und wie du sie nicht lösen kannst. Ja, natürlich erzähle ich dir auch, wie du sie lösen kannst. Es ist…
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In this episode, Monika investigates a pressing concern: the scale of income tax evasion within India’s middle class. She walks listeners through her extensive research to determine how many eligible taxpayers remain outside the tax net and how much revenue is lost. Using credible reports and official tax data, she arrives at a staggering number—8.…
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Episode 28: Long-time free-speech activist Paul Fromm joins Monika to discuss political prisoners, with a focus on Canadian politician Leslie Bory who has just been released on bail after 23 months in prison without a trial, and now awaits sentencingThe Flipside with Monika
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Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, WIE KONKRET man selbst darauf kommt, was einen persönlichen wirklich erfüllt? Ganz gleich ob im Business, im Privaten oder ganz persönlichen Bereich- hierzu gibt es ein sehr konkretes Tool, das dir schwarz auf weiß direkte Ergebnisse präsentiert. In dieser Folge erzähle ich dir davon und freue mich auf dich! Damit…
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In this episode, Monika helps you decide between the old and new tax regimes, guiding you through how to choose the right option for your financial situation. She explains the differences between the two regimes, how the new system was introduced in Budget 2020, and the pros and cons of each. Monika emphasizes the importance of understanding your d…
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Compression, the topic everyone has experience with, an opinion on, and something to learn - including us. This will be the first episode of many on compression because there is so much to unwrap. We would love to hear your feedback on this one as we touch on so many points. Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:00 How lymphoedema training has informed…
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Hast du manchmal das Gefühl, andere Menschen rauben dir die Zeit? Sie reden, ohne aufzuhören und merken gar nicht, dass du eigentlich gar nicht mehr zuhören möchtest. Diese Zeiträuber entlarve ich mal kurz in diesem Podcast für dich. Und fasse die wichtigsten drei Facts kurz zusammen. Also, wenn du dir die Zeit nehmen MÖCHTEST, hör' gerne rein. Ich…
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In this episode, Monika takes an insightful dive into the Indian tax system, exploring how taxes shape individual behavior and government policies. She explains the key components of taxation in India, including direct and indirect taxes, and highlights their impact on your income, spending, and investments. By analyzing the distribution of the tax…
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This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Basama, a longtime client who started working with me back in 2009. In this open and deeply personal conversation, we dive into some of the biggest challenges she’s faced- and overcome- with a focus on mental health, motherhood, and self-awareness. We talk about: • Mental health: Specifically, how having some…
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Episode 26: Gemma O’Doherty joins Monika from Ireland to discuss Gemma’s journey from multi award-winning investigative journalist to being persecuted for having the integrity to follow her investigative journalism to where it led her, into “inconvenient” truth-telling. Her website is…
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Heute erwartet dich eine hörbar andere Podcastfolge als sonst 😉. Denn manchmal läuft es eben anders als geplant. Und wie gehst du mit Situationen um, wenn plötzlich alles anders passiert als du es dir so wunderbar im Kopf überlegt hast? Ich persönlich habe früher immer das Drama gewählt. Heute weiß ich, dass es für mich für Lebendigkeit und Stärke …
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In this episode, Monika explores a tough yet important topic: the inevitability of high taxes for the middle class and the rich, even with possible tweaks in Budget 2025. She explains the evolution of taxation from ancient civilizations to modern welfare systems and why higher taxation is expected to persist in democracies with large lower-income p…
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In diesem Jahr formuliere ich KEINE neuen Vorsätze oder Ziele! Das erste Mal mache ich es so, und es fühlt sich grossartig an. In diesem Jahr wähle ich eine innere Qualität in mir, die ich weiter entwickeln möchte. Bestimmte Gefühle und ein Seinsmodus, in dem ich mich in diesem Jahr erleben werde. Es ist für mich authentisch und lebendig, auf diese…
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In this episode, Monika shares a roadmap for managing your finances in 2025, reflecting on the market correction at the end of 2024 and its implications for investors. She delves into the fundamentals of projecting returns, linking them to GDP growth and inflation, and highlights the importance of having a solid financial plan. By emphasizing princ…
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