Audio messages from National Community Church in Washington, DC. For more information please visit us at
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Video messages from National Community Church in Washington, DC. For more information please visit us at
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Video (SD) messages from National Community Church in Washington, DC. For more information please visit us at
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Hard Fought Hallelujah
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41:21When is the last time you put on the garment of praise? Worship is singing back to the God who sings over us. It's how we harmonize with heaven and wage spiritual warfare. We see this example in Acts 16 when Paul and Silas were praying and singing in hymns and a strong earthquake shook the foundations of the prison, releasing them at once. Listen a…
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A Call to Intentionality
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35:26How intentional are you in your relationships? Intentionality helps us overcome the things that threaten to divide us from our loved ones. Listen as Pastors Joel and Nina Schmidgall teach us how intentionality can lead to life-giving, deeply connected, purpose driven relationships.Pastor Nina Schmidgall, Pastor Joel Schmidgall
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Two things we deal with our whole lives: relationships and money - but only one of them can make your life rich! Listen as Dr. Foth breaks down the "Relational Baseball Diamond" to help us thoughtfully consider what influences our relationships and uncover the power of your words and actions toward someone else.…
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How to Win Friends and Influence People
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37:19How do we see people the way Jesus saw people? How do we see people for who they really are? How do we make people feel fully seen, fully heard, fully loved? The seven rules of relationship will unlock the relationship potential in your life.National Community Church
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Created for Connection
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30:20The writer of Genesis wraps the creation story in poetry, punctuating every new act with “it was good”. Then, God comes to the crowning achievement of all creation and we learn for the first time what is not good. Genesis 2:18 tells us, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.” Listen as Pastor Heather unp…
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How to Pursue a Dream
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37:17There are many theories in the world for how we should pursue our dreams. What if there was more to our God-given dreams than the destination itself? As we follow the story of Joseph, we learn that dreams are a tool for shaping and molding us into who we are becoming as followers of Christ. In the pursuit of a dream, also comes healing and wholenes…
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Have you ever had a dream that turned into a nightmare? Have your circumstances challenged your faith? Consider Joseph, who had a dream turned nightmare. His brothers fake his death and sell him into slavery. He’s falsely accused and wrongly imprisoned. For thirteen years, things go from bad to worse but Joseph never loses faith in the end of the s…
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Playing The Long Game
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40:57We think right here, right now. God is thinking nations and generations. We think what God does for us is for us, and it is. But it’s never just for it. It’s always for the third and fourth generation. Legacy is not what you accomplish. Legacy is what others accomplish because of you.National Community Church
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The Not So Secret Secret to Transformation
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40:08Most of us are educated way beyond the level of our obedience already. We don’t need to know more. We need to do more with what we know. The good news? It’s never too late to be who you might have been. You are one decision away from a totally different life. Change is hard, but it is possible. How? Forgive reality for what it is. Ground yourself i…
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The Christmas Response
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33:46Do you ever feel out of place, not good enough, or not worthy of God? Good news: God chooses the lowly, the humble, the desperate, the hungry, the seeker to reveal his grace. All of us will have thoughts this season of whether to journey towards Christ, or allow life to get the best of us. Pastor Joel's encouragement for us is to follow the example…
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The shepherds echoed the song of the angels throughout Bethlehem, giving proclamation and adoration for all they had seen and heard. As we navigate the joys and disappointments, the gifts and the losses, and the anticipations and frustrations of the Advent season, let us look and listen for where God is breaking into the reality of our existence. H…
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Are you a mere spectator to life? Are you settling for the status quo? In Genesis, we see God inviting Abraham to go beyond the confines of his tent, look up at the stars and count them to consider the magnitude of God's promise to him. In our modern world, where we often feel overwhelmed and insulated, stepping out into nature and meditating on th…
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Bill Bryson says "We are just a collection of inert components, the same stuff you would find in a pile of DIRT." How does dirt write poems, produce films, make music, design rockets, engineer software, practice medicine, choreograph ballets or patent inventions? The short answer is Genesis 2:7. Genesis 2:7 credits the Lord God as the One who creat…
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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
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40:31You are not a cosmic accident, the result of random chance. You are God’s workmanship. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are the image of God, the apple of God’s eye. You were made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory. Don’t let anyone label you who didn’t make you!Dr. Mark Batterson
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A Million Little Miracles
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39:22“There are only two ways to live your life,” said Albert Einstein. “One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” Which way are you living? Are you taking things for granted? Or are you taking things for gratitude? It’s time to rediscover a million little miracles that are hiding in plain sight. It’s time to rediscover the G…
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Can I Borrow Your Boat?
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40:44Scripture says that you will know know a tree by its fruit. What would someone say about you based on the fruit of your life? Are you introducing people to the nature of Christ through your actions? It’s important that we surrender all we have and all we are to the will of God so that he may guide us in the way of righteousness. Bishop Harvey helps…
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The Mountain of the Lord's Temple
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41:55In life there are hierarchies of value, quality and power in many things such as sports, movies, politics, etc. In scripture we see how believers are a part of the mountain of the Lord's temple that will be exalted above all in the last days, with Christ as our high priest. Pastor Zeb reminds us of that which is inferior to the people in Christ, ou…
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Life can be a process of orientation, disorientation and reorientation. Our natural response is to resist disorientation but what happens when Jesus says things that break social, cultural and religious norms? The answer may surprise us. Pastor Steffen takes us through the gospels of Luke, Mark and Matthew to illustrate God's intentions when we fin…
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The world has yet to see what God can do with one person wholly consecrated to Him. Why not you? Why not now? Our biggest problem is our small view of God. We think that our inability disqualifies us, but God doesn’t call the qualified. God qualifies the called. In the kingdom of God, availability is more important than ability. Join us as we journ…
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In a world where relationships are transactional and insincere, love is our primary currency for relationships, as followers of Christ. We are instructed to love our neighbors as ourself but how can we love those who offend us or are offended by us? Loving regardless is the simple answer but may be difficult to act out. In this message, Pastor Joel…
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How can our political partisan biases impact how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ? Pastor Eugene Cho, author of "Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk" uses John 4:1-10, the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, as a template for how we should prioritize deepening our relationships with one another as followers of Jesus, amidst our culture's tenden…
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Dr. Dick Foth invites us to question who we are and what it is God has called us to do for the Kingdom of Heaven. In a moment where political divides are at an all time high, we can make space for civil conversation and deeper unity by leaning into our calling, leading with peace and asking thoughtful questions.…
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Jesus-followers are called to stand in the gap as peacemakers, grace givers, truth tellers, and tone setters. We can shift the atmosphere during a contentious political season with faith, hope, and love. And we have some VERY PRACTICAL TOOLS to help you do that. We hope this series INSPIRE AND EQUIP YOU to TAKE THE LEAD in making space for CIVIL CO…
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Joel Schmidgall
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Canary in a Coal Mine
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38:43Are you taking your cues from trending hashtags or political correctness? OR are you living a Spirit-led, Spirit-filled life? Learn how to do that as Pastor Mark opens up 2 Timothy 3.Dr. Mark Batterson
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