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Le Sac du Quart

Didier Orméjuste

Didier Orméjuste et ses invités discutent des sujets chauds dans la NFL, analysent les matchs des Alouettes, sans oublier le volet Fantasy football qui vous aidera à remporter votre pool !
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Le podcast d’ATD Quart Monde

ATD Quart Monde

ATD Quart Monde rassemble celles et ceux qui veulent s’engager pour mettre fin à l’extrême pauvreté et construire une société plus juste, qui respecte les droits fondamentaux et l’égale dignité de toutes et tous. Le Podcast d’ATD Quart Monde leur donne la parole et nous plonge dans les multiples combats de ce Mouvement fondé en 1957. Réalisation : Julie Clair-Robelet Musique : Vadim Derepa/ Débute VI
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Das Schlockback Quartett


Aktuelle gesellschaftliche und politische Themen als kleine, durchaus auch mal polarisierende, Hörspiele umgesetzt. Manchmal mit mehr Humor. Manchmal mit mehr Ernsthaftigkeit. Wie alle Schlockbackprojekte werden auch diese Beiträge den Menschen kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Inhalte sind vom Schlockback und somit sein geistiges Eigentum. Wer irgendetwas davon für sich verwerten möchte, sollte von daher vorher den Schlockback fragen. Die „Kleinkunst“ (Lieder, Hörspiele, Hörbücher, (Kur ...
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The Napoleonic Quarterly

Quartermaster Productions

Taking the epic conflicts of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars three months at a time. Each episode features interviews with leading historians of the period - covering the campaigns, diplomacy and political dramas of an extraordinary 24 years.
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The Quarter Horse Podcast

Glenn Hebert

On The Quarter Horse Podcast, we explore the versatility of the world’s most popular breed of horse. From reining to eventing, and every discipline in between, the American Quarter Horse can do it all! Tune in monthly to join Ashley and Cat as they highlight their favorite breed of horse, interview inspiring owners/riders, and laugh along the way.
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Quarterback-Sneak - der NFL-Talk

Jan Stecker, Mona Stevens, Dominic Wildegans und Dominik Rosing

American Football. NFL. Quarterbacks. In diesem Podcast sprechen Jan Stecker, Mona Stevens, Dominic Wildegans und Dominik Rosing wöchentlich über die spannendsten Storylines der wichtigsten Position im Football - und erstellen monatlich jeweils ein QB-Ranking aller 32 Starter.
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The Quarter Mile Podcast

Drew Davis and Friends

Join Drew Davis and friends on this "Fast and Furious Themed" Movie rewatch podcast. We started by reviewing the Fast & Furious series, and then we just kept going! Come talk films with us! This Podcast is all about chill vibes, having fun while talking about movies, and connecting with friends and our podcast community. Life Is Short, so live it one Quarter Mile at a Time!
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SVA Quarterly

Social Ventures Australia

SVA Quarterly podcasts share insights about effective practice in the social sector in Australia. Social Ventures Australia (SVA) is a not-for-profit organisation that works through innovation and collaboration to alleviate disadvantage so that all people and communities in Australia can thrive. socialventures.org.au #non-profit
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Liturgisches Quartett

Elisabeth Fritzl, Bruno Almer, Peter Ebenbauer, Saskia Löser

Viele Begriffe, Gegenstände, Handlungen oder Gebetsformen im Gottesdienste erschließen sich nicht auf den ersten Blick. Vier Theolog*innen aus Graz, Bruno Almer, Elisabeth Fritzl, Saskia Löser und Peter Ebenbauer, beantworten im Podcast "Liturgisches Quartett" Ihre Fragen zur Liturgie. Von Amen bis Zingulum - viele Begriffe, Handlungen, Haltungen und Gesten im katholischen Gottesdienst sind heute nicht (mehr) verständlich. Egal, ob es sich um verschiedene liturgische Bücher (Lektionar, Bened ...
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Quartertones is a music podcast which hosts current Arab musicians from different geographies who play contemporary and modern music, including pop, rock, hip-hop, electronic, classical, among other genres. The guests are invited to talk about their work and play their music – whether live or recorded – in three segments. The audience gets a chance to listen to work from across the region and genres that is defining the scene in the region, and understand the music that these musicians and m ...
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SEO Mentor - Cùng học SEO Website qua Podcasts

SEO Mentor Việt Nam

SEO Mentor Việt Nam - Tìm hiểu SEO qua Podcasts là nơi sẽ cung cấp các thông tin về SEO cho bạn qua dạng nói. Chúng tôi luôn luôn tổng hợp các thông tin mới nhất sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp, công ty của bạn sẽ có định hướng phát triển tốt nhất. Tuyển tập SEO Mentor Podcasts là những gì chúng tôi đã tổng hợp và làm việc được hơn 7 năm nay qua những dự án từ dễ và khó nhằn nhất. Tất cả những gì chúng tôi biết và học được, xin phép chia sẻ đến các bạn qua những bài nói này. Đăng ký và theo dõi kênh củ ...
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Baladomélie, un quart d'heure de méditation exégétique

Baladomélie, préparons les textes de dimanche prochain

La prédication du dimanche et la préparation de l’homélie constituent un moment fort du ministère d'un prêtre. Avec cœur, nous y passons beaucoup de temps. Mais parfois les textes nous tombent des mains et nous avons du mal à renouveler notre lecture. Ce #podcast propose un petit quart d'heure de réflexion texte en main pour permettre à chacun de se les approprier à nouveau et de les offrir à celles et ceux que le Seigneur nous a confiés. --------------- #Baladomélie est un #podcast conçu pa ...
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Quarter Life Lessons Podcast

Quarter Life Lessons Podcast

Welcome to the Quarter Life Lessons Podcast. A podcast about the many lessons learned on the journey to and through adulthood. Co-hosted by CharLea Polk, and Stephanie Adams two young adult females learning to compose and enjoy a thriving life. In each episode, they share a relatable lesson from their personal, and/ or professional life experience, or that of a guest interviewer. These episodes provide guidance and thought-provoking insights to create reflective or external dialogue.
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Das Krimi-Quartett

Stefan Wellmann, Yvonne Schlatter

Entdeckt die Welt des Krimis mit unserem Podcast „Das Krimi-Quartett“ Krimis sind unsere Leidenschaft – und daran wollen wir euch teilhaben lassen. In unserem Krimi-Podcast „Das Krimi-Quartett“ besprechen wir alles, von klassischen Krimis über Bestseller bis hin zu obskuren Werken. Egal ob Krimi-Bücher, Krimi-Hörspiele, Krimi-Filme, Krimi-Serien oder Krimi-Comics – wir tauchen in die spannendsten Fälle ein. In jeder Folge widmen wir uns außerdem einer hintergründigen Frage zum Fall und erfor ...
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The 5th Quarter Podcast with Sandy Adams

Sandy Adams Creative Group

A bi-weekly podcast that delves into the lives of retired athletes as they navigate the uncharted waters of life after their competitive careers end. Host, Sandy Adams, brings forth captivating interviews, sharing the stories of athletes who transitioned into new endeavors, discovered their purpose beyond sports, and the highs and lows along the way. Plus a new mini series "On The Sideline" conversations with current athletes and people working in the sports world.
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Civil Matador

Ongoing 'Top 5 Things to Stream' while we're in quarantine. Each episode we interview someone else about their list covering their picks for tv, film, and even podcasts.
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Apple Quarterly Earnings Call

Apple Inc.

Audio replays of conference calls discussing Apple (AAPL) quarterly financial results. Please note that some of the comments in Apple's quarterly earnings conference calls consist of forward looking statements that are subject to risks, and actual results may differ from the Company's forecasts. For more information please refer to the risk factors described in Apple's most recent Forms 10-K and 10-Q. Apple assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information, which ...
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The Quarterback DadCast

Casey Jacox

I’m Casey Jacox, the host of the Quarterback Dadcast. As fathers, we want to help prepare our kids—not only to enter the professional world but to thrive in each stage of their lives. Guests of this show include teachers, coaches, professional athletes, consultants, business owners, authors—and stay-at-home dads. Just like you! They share openly about failure, success, laughter, and even sadness so that we can all learn from each other—as we strive to become the best leaders of our homes! Yo ...
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Matheus Diniz Lapenda Fontes

Quando três jovens que amam conversar se juntam para falar sobre o que vem a cabeça. Esse é a ideia do QuarAntenados, sente dê o play :)
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Fabricio Viliano | QUARTOU!

Criado para tentar trazer algo a mais na vida de qualquer pessoa do século 21 numa sexta-feira em que provavelmente o mesmo estará no sofá com pipoca e vendo filme ou até mesmo em alguém num transito caótico voltando do trabalho.
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The show where comedians and experts debate the news of the week from the safety of a zoom screen. Host Tom Brennan and token Never Trump Republican Robert George talk to folks from the Daily Show, The Onion, NPR, and EVEN a mayor who ended up getting indicted (Guess which one!) in this bi-weekly talk show about the strange times we live in.
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the Quartern

Muyiwa Kotun

Here's where you get tips on how to spice up your love and sex life, relationships too... We also discuss controversial love/relationship issues. Plug in those headsets, sit back, and enjoy!
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Welcome to the Podcast that features Geeks brought together by fate to discuss movies and other topics with a geek perspective! This is the after movie huddle where we discuss the ins and outs of the movies we just seen as well as our favorite movies, TV shows, comics, current events and other topics pertaining to geek/nerd culture. Our resident hosts are Captain Keith, Jay and Wayne Da Que! After the movie come discuss it with us! Contact us @ MBQPodcast@gmail.com Jay's line of original Sup ...
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Um Quarto Escuro

Thiago Lima Conde

Alguns desabafos e devaneios dessa minha cabeça maluca. Descirção de alguns episódios em: https://medium.com/@thiago.conde ou https://www.tumblr.com/blog/thiagolimaconde
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🇹🇼TPE🇸🇬SG🇺🇸US 29歲後對#職涯 #感情 #財務狀況 充滿#不安全感 和#失望 嗎? Welcome to Quarter Life Crisis! ----------------------------- 🇺🇸Long 紐約碩士畢,德州打工中,"漂亮寶貝don't netflix but chill a lot" 🇺🇸Anita 新加坡內轉紐約銀行職員,律師國考當天食物中毒,每天努力不要哭 🇺🇸Jacky 復學加州追夢,目前兼職本節目內涵&英文&政治狂熱擔當 ----------------------------- -Instagram: Quarterlife.shit.show -Email: dear.quarterlife.crisis@gmail.com 💩 贊助我們買川貝枇杷膏: https://tinyurl.com/yuwfm4xz -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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QUAR is an acronym that stands for "questions untouched, answers revealed". It is a platform bringing you questions people are too afraid to ask and answers you might not want to hear. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quar-podcast/support
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Trong tập 15 của Để SEO Mentor nói cho mà nghe, chúng ta sẽ cùng đào sâu vào một chủ đề nóng bỏng: Hậu quả của việc dùng tool traffic ảo để thao túng SEO. Liệu những công cụ tạo traffic giả có thực sự là ‘cứu cánh’ cho thứ hạng website, hay chỉ là con dao hai lưỡi đẩy bạn vào vòng xoáy rủi ro? Từ thuật toán thông minh của Google đến những câu chuyệ…
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Cette semaine, Didier est accompagné par Marc-André afin de discuter des actualités de la NFL dont la mise sous contrat de Russell Wilson par les Giants. Ensuite, ils analysent les meilleurs espoirs chez les receveurs et ailiers rapprochés en vue du repêchage de la NFL. Didier s’entretient avec le boxeur et ancien footballeur Patrice Volny. Marc-An…
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The Quarter Mile Crew take it up a notch as they review TORQUE, aka Fast & Furious with Motorcycles! We're joined this week by our first repeat guest, Memphis comic and recent Viral Sensation, ZACH WILLIAMS . --- SOCIAL LINKS: The Quarter Mile Podcast Drew Davis CJ Walton Special Guest: Zach Williams Send us a text Support the show…
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Another bonus episode sees Curt deep dive with John Chapman on why the 49ers have blown up their roster and what happens from here. Follow John everywhere you can find '49ers Rush'! Find our MERCH at outbackqb.com BEARD CARE: Use code OUTBACK at jerichoaustralia.com for 15% off. BAR MERCH: Use code QBACK20 at thestubbyclub.com.au for 20% off. BEER:…
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In this episode of The Quarters Podcast, we dive into a full 32-team 2025 NFL Mock Draft with a this-or-that mentality. There was a lot of tomfoolery in this one. 🔗 Subscribe to our Substack for exclusive rankings and analysis: https://www.thedevyroyale.com/ 🔗 Support us on Patreon for premium dynasty content: https://www.patreon.com/c/thedevyroyal…
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After a hard day's painting at Muscle Cat Studios, Curt and Hally are pooped. But they bring the energy (with Dos) for another big show of news, draft previews, trivia, jokes and teams on the rise! TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 9:00 Headlines 14:30 Worst to First 33:30 Dos' Trivia 38:41 Strongest Draft Class 1:01:13 JOTW 1:03:13 Sports Card World Competi…
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Tập podcast này sẽ đưa bạn đến với chủ đề chăm sóc khách hàng – trái tim của mọi chiến lược Sales và Marketing thành công. Bạn sẽ được nghe những góc nhìn mới mẻ về việc chăm sóc khách hàng không chỉ là giải quyết vấn đề, mà còn là cách tạo ra trải nghiệm đáng nhớ, khiến họ quay lại và giới thiệu bạn với người khác. Từ vai trò của SEO trong việc cả…
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Thu hút khách hàng mới đã khó, nhưng giữ chân họ còn là một thử thách lớn hơn! Tập 9 của "Cố vấn SEO của bạn" sẽ đi sâu vào nghệ thuật giữ chân khách hàng – một yếu tố quyết định sự sống còn của bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào. Bạn sẽ được khám phá những chiến lược tinh tế để biến khách hàng một lần thành khách hàng trung thành, từ việc cá nhân hóa trải ng…
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Bạn đã từng nghe đến những chiến dịch marketing lan tỏa như vũ bão, được chia sẻ khắp nơi và trở thành hiện tượng chỉ sau một đêm? Đó chính là Viral Marketing – chủ đề hấp dẫn của tập 8. Trong tập này, "Cố vấn SEO của bạn" sẽ giải mã bí ẩn đằng sau những nội dung "gây bão" mạng xã hội, từ video triệu view đến bài viết được lan truyền chóng mặt. Bạn…
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Bạn có bao giờ tự hỏi ai là người đứng sau những bài viết cuốn hút, những câu chuyện chạm đến cảm xúc, hay những nội dung khiến bạn không thể rời mắt khỏi màn hình? Tập 7 của "Cố vấn SEO của bạn" sẽ bật mí tất tần tật về nghề Content Writer – một trong những "xương sống" của chiến lược SEO và marketing hiện đại. Từ định nghĩa cơ bản đến vai trò qua…
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Trong tập podcast này, bạn sẽ được dẫn dắt vào một hành trình khám phá nghệ thuật xây dựng lòng trung thành của khách hàng – một yếu tố sống còn giúp thương hiệu không chỉ tồn tại mà còn phát triển mạnh mẽ trong thị trường cạnh tranh khốc liệt. Tập 6 sẽ phân tích sâu sắc khái niệm "trung thành với thương hiệu" (brand loyalty), giải thích tại sao nó…
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Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum is enjoying remarkable popularity, garnering over 80% approval, while Mexico navigates shifting demands from U.S. President Donald Trump, economic uncertainty and security concerns. In this episode we delve into how she differs from her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, her evolving approach to the Trump…
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Cette semaine Didier est accompagné par Marc-André. Ensemble ils discutent des actualités des derniers jours dans la NFL. Cam Hayward des Steelers est fatigué d’attendre après Aaron Rodgers. Chase et Higgins ont fait sauter la banque à Cincinnati… mais à quel prix? Didier et Marc-André termine l’épisode en parlant des ailiers rapprochés qui surpris…
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What led to the Louisiana Purchase, one of the most important territorial acquisitions in world history? Prof Peter Kastor of Washington University in Saint Louis describes the build-up all the way to the negotiations in Paris, which we'll cover off in our main episode on Q2-1803 (out Wednesday 2nd 2025).…
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Send us a text Casey Jacox welcomes Darren Mitchell, Australian sales leadership expert and father of two daughters, for a profound conversation about fatherhood, loss, and creating meaningful family connections across continents. • Darren introduces his two adult daughters—a 25-year-old medical doctor with athletic ambitions and a 21-year-old crea…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Jenny Restrepo from Insured Title Agency, expert at stopping scams with title companies and in the 2nd half, Yacht Sales Broker, Michael Johnson with J Brothers Yacht Sales! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to b…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by our favorite financial expert, Mark Haye of 21st Century Financials drops more golden nuggets on $$$ and rounding out the show with Logan Briggs of Gulf Shield Roofing! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a …
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Send us a text. - In this episode, we sit down with Grace Cave, a standout D1 athlete from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as she reflects on her record-breaking college career. From growing up in Weeping Water, Nebraska, to winning a state championship, to navigating college basketball during COVID, Grace shares the highs, the struggles, and …
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The inspiring Emel Mathlouthi joins Tanya Khoury on the Quoz Arts Fest stage in Dubai for a riveting discussion on music, cultural roots, and breaking gender norms in the music industry. Emel shares her journey of proving that women can excel in music production, creating her all-female album "MRA," and the significance of connecting with audiences…
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Drew & CJ meet Hobbs & Shaw! The duo watch and review the last OFFICIAL Fast & Furious adjacent film on their list, and are joined by friend, fellow comedian, voice actor, an opera singer, Will Lasley! --- SOCIAL LINKS: The Quarter Mile Podcast Drew Davis CJ Walton Special Guest: Will Lasley https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9Nl2SHEVgZyNkmOM8h7SA …
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 7ème dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-06-01/romain/messe…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 6ème dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-05-25/romain/messe…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 5ème dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-05-18/romain/messe…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 4ème dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-05-11/romain/messe…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 3ème dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-05-05/romain/messe…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du 2ème dimanche de Pâques, Dimanche de la Miséricorde. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du dimanche de Pâques. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-04-20/romain/messe ----…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du Vendredi Saint, récit de la Passion du Seigneur. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes du Jeudi Saint. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉 https://www.aelf.org/2025-04-17/romain/messe ----------…
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Un quart d'heure pour méditer les textes de la Vigile Pascale. Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie. Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2025-04-19/romain/messe -----…
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In this episode of The Quarters Podcast, we break down the first wave of free agency, from fantasy football impact signings to how the top ten of the 2025 NFL Draft has changed. Subscribe to our Substack for exclusive rankings and analysis: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.thedevyroyale.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please support us on Patreon for premium dynasty and NFL Draft conte…
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Ever wondered how the elegance of side-saddle meets the versatility of the Quarter Horse? We're exploring that fascinating intersection! Join us as we uncover the historical roots of riding aside, and then hear from Maggie Pritchard, President of the American Sidesaddle Association, on how this tradition still captivates today. Plus, we'll get an i…
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A special bonus episode sees another high-calibre guest join the show; this time Peter Bukowski, host of the biggest Packers podcast in the world - Locked On Packers! He joins Dos and Curt to answer the burning questions - why did Green Bay pay so much for their free agents? Who will they take in the draft? Will they trade out of pick 23? Peter kno…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Jay Smith from A-Snoop Inspections followed up by the host of the Sports Zone radio show & Insurance Fiduciary, Patrick Highland. Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale https:/…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Mike Haisten from Everyday Plummer followed up by Insurance Adjuster, Derek Kobel & wrapping up the 2nd half of the show with Andrew Kube from US Commercial & Business Capital Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by CPA Duane Bishoff of Bishoff & Associates along with Immigration Attorney, Ahmad Yakzan of American Dream Law Office Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale https://platinummvpt…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by pilot, Capt Will Smith of Will Smith Aviation, along with Fitness Expert and cofounder of XForce Body, Illiana Stoilova. Rounding out the 2nd half with no other than the Loan Arranger, Bruce Woodburn! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #Consum…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by former Super Bowl kicker for the Tampa Bay Bucs, Martin Grammatica with Clear View Imaging and wrapping up the show with long time friend, Jim McCune with America First Patriot Store! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Attorney Jason Kobal and in the 2nd half of the show, long time friend of the program, Fred DeFelice of Water Science US! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale https://platinu…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Attorney Anthony Rickman discussing Gasparilla Days and Inauguration Day and closing out the show today with Self Defense expert, Brian Frias of Concept Jui-Jitsu. Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home?…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by AI and Tech expert, Ken Monro from The Ease Association and in the 2nd Half we close out the show with our favorite Title Expert, Jenny Restrepo! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home? Search all homes …
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Dr Scott Anderson discussing problems in relationships to start off along with a fun segment with Jennifer Lauda of Blue Moon Estate Sales and the most unique things she sees in homes and then, to anchor off the end of the show with long time show contributor, Joe Duffin of First…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by Ray Hall from Ray Hall Appraisals and rounding out the 2nd half of the show with roofing expert, Ron Fuller of TriCounty Metals! Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #ConsumerQuarterbackShow Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale https://…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show, guest host Jason Avery of Avery Construction, talks shop with local expert Fred "The Tin Man" Muth of Tampa Screens & Aluminum. Round oout the end of the 2nd half with discussing current status of roofing market with Logan Briggs of Gulf Shield Roofing along with a phone in with the money man Andrew…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show, guest host Jason Avery of Avery Construction speaks with trial Attorney Frank Charles Miranda about the current status of insurance companies and litigations while in the 2nd half of the show, getting into the most current info on mortgages and housing market with Bruce "The Loan Arranger" Woodburn …
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by financial expert, Mark Haye of XXII Century Financials dropping the usual golden nuggets and wrapping up the show with retired Army Apache pilot & mortgage/VA Loan expert, Gregory Tily of UMortgage. Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #Consumer…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by CPA Duane Bishoff of Bishoff & Associates sharing the new tax codes of 2025 and rounding out the 2nd half with Mold expert & President of Mold Solutions, Rodrigo Torres and his amazing mold detecting service dog, Aspen. Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this epi…
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On this episode of The Consumer Quarterback Show Brandon is joined by long time friend of the show, Martin Grammatica NFL Super Bowl Kicker and Managing Partner of Clearview Imaging and wrapping up the 2nd half with Insurance Adjuster, Derek Kobel from RightWayPA.com. Listen to what these Bay Area Experts had to say on this episode of The #Consumer…
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