‘You’re Something Else, Gladys’, written by Anita Franklin and produced by Vanitas Arts, reimagines the story of former Drag King Gladys Bentley, who finds herself and husband Charles living at her mother's house in the 1950's US McCarthy Era. Gone are the golden years of the Harlem Renaissance when Gladys could single handedly fill the Clam Club as one the biggest earners on the circuit, and now, Gladys and Charles await the arrival of Mike, a journalist sniffing out the stories that could ...
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You're Somethin' Else Gladys
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‘You’re Something Else, Gladys’, written by Anita Franklin and produced by Vanitas Arts, reimagines the story of former Drag King Gladys Bentley, who finds herself and husband Charles living at her mother's house in the 1950's US McCarthy Era. Gone are the golden years of the Harlem Renaissance when Gladys could single handedly fill the Clam Club a…
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