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The Plantbased Business Hour

Elysabeth Alfano

Focused on investing in the food systems transformation towards sustainability, tune into The Plantbased Business Hour with Elysabeth Alfano to hear from venture capitalists, CEOs, investors, analysts, entrepreneurs, and start-ups who are launching new initiatives for sustainable and profitable foods. The world is set with a daunting task: make more food that is more nutritious and use fewer resources in a shorter amount of time while creating less planetary damage. What is the innovation th ...
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Yannick Haldenwanger

Der Podcast von - dem Plantbased Lifestyle Magazin. In „PLANTBASED“ stellen sich internationale Gäste aus der Veggie- & Nachhaltigkeits-Community den Fragen von This Is Vegan-Gründer Yannick Haldenwanger. 🎙️ „Dafür haben wir doch Reißzähne!“ „Vegane Steaks sind pure Chemie!“ „Was kannst du überhaupt noch essen?“ „Vom Salat schrumpft der Bizeps!“ „Was ist mit Vitamin B12-Mangel?“ "Vegan wäre mir viel zu teuer!" „Vegetarisch geht ja noch, aber vegan ist zu extrem!“ "Fleis ...
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Plantbased, Not Perfect

Elizabeth Coe

The Plantbased, Not Perfect podcast is all about striving to be our healthiest selves, while living in the real world. With a master's degree in Technical Writing, Elizabeth explains complicated health topics in a format that is easy to digest. After her mom almost died from congestive heart failure caused by a root canal infection, Elizabeth became passionate about living a healthy lifestyle free from disease. This led her into the plantbased world and eventually inspired her to create #pla ...
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show series
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture and Executive Director of the Food Systems for the Future, Ertharin Cousin joins CEO of VegTech Invest to discuss the pivotal year of 2025 for food and other systems shifts. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at elysabeth@…
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Chef and USDA-NIFA National Needs Research Fellow at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, Suzi Gerber, talks about the new research paper with FAIRR on Nutrition and Protein. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more information,…
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Elysabeth discusses her outlook for Q4 of 2025 and the next two years in the plant-based sector. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more information, visit For more information, visit Connect with Elysabeth on Linked in h…
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Monique Mikhail, Senior Program Manager, Climate and Agriculture Finance Program, and Kelly McNamara, Senior Research and Policy Analyst, at Friends of the Earth reveal some shocking environmental statistics from the banking industry's funding of animal agriculture. Bull in the Climate Shop study:…
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Boris Lauser ist ein Meister seines Kochhandwerks, welches er ganz ohne Herd und Backofen ausübt. Mit Techniken, die auch mit niedrigen Temperaturen beeindruckende Konsistenzen und Geschmäcker erzeugen und dabei alle Nährstoffe intakt lassen verzaubert er Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Gelernt hat Boris die Kunst der feinen Raw Food Cuisine an den b…
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CEO and Owner of Edlong, Laurette Rondenet, talks about how dairy-free and plant-based dairy flavors are nothing new, but that Edlong has taken the industry to new heights. We discuss Owning Your Legacy, the podcast and the vision. Get comfortable for an inspiring podcast. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, re…
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Hand auf Herz - wer von euch schaut gerne Trash TV?! Ertappt ihr euch auch immer wieder dabei, wie ihr die Kandidat:innen in Schubladen steckt? Genau so geht es vielen mit Tessa Bergmeier. Tessa war mit 19 Jahren bei Germanys Next Topmodel dabei und hat Heidi Klum den Stinkefinger gezeigt, sie hat Nadja Abd El Farrag im Promi-Boxen besiegt, musste …
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Meet Leo from Mattson: Innovation for the Food & Beverage Industry's new AI Agent and Change-maker in Food Innovation. Chief AI Officer Steve Gundrum joins me to take LEO out for a spin and show us the future of food. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more infor…
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Habt ihr euch schon mal Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie viele Lebensmittel täglich verschwendet und weggeworfen werden? Genau dieser Frage hat sich Raphael Fellmer angenommen und deshalb SirPlus gegründet. Was er uns sein Team hier genau machen verrät er im Podcast. Außerdem sprechen wir darüber, wie er es geschafft hat, die Insolvenz zu überstehen, …
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Vor zwei Jahren ging die erste Folge des Plantbased-Podcasts live. Mit dabei war Maya Leinenbach, die viele von euch sicher auch unter dem Namen “Fitgreenmind” kennen. Seitdem hat sich viel getan und Maya hat ihre Schule mit Bestnoten abgeschlossen und viele neue spannende Projekte in der Pipeline. Maya ist eine der erfolgreichsten Food-Bloggerinne…
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CEO of VegTech Invest and host Elysabeth Alfano is joined by Brittany Damico of O-Six Impact Partners to recap their time at the US SIF conference 2024 in Chicago. The former Florida congressman mentioned in the podcast was Carlos Curbelo. The article Brittany referred to is:…
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Wenn Kevin Elstner kocht, schauen über 300.000 Menschen dabei zu. Auf Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, als auch Pinterest folgen "Vegan Kevin" knapp eine halbe Millionen Menschen und warten sehnsüchtig auf neue Rezepte von ihm. Sein Geheimrezept für leckere, vegane Gerichte verrät er in dieser Podcast-Folge. Er zeigt uns, wie er #Foodfotografie aufs näc…
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Manuel Bergmann - an diesem Namen kommt in der weltweiten Tier- & Umweltschutz Community kaum einer mehr vorbei. Manuel fiel auf seiner Reise durch große Teile der Welt immer wieder auf, was für Auswirkungen es auf die Umwelt hat, wie wir weltweit mit dieser umgehen. Sein Ansatz: Er gründete mehrere Tier- & Umweltschutz Projekte und versucht die Pr…
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Lisa Keefe, Editor in Chief at Alt-Meat Magazine joins Elysabeth Alfano at the Future Food Tech conference in Chicago where they discuss what Lisa is seeing in the alternative protein market and her predictions for the plant-based sector. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at elysabeth@elysabethalfan…
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Rohan Shirwaiker and Bill Aimutis, Co-Directors of the Bezos Earth Fund Bezos Center for Sustainable Proteins at North Carolina State University share the news about the new $30M grant for the center and its true and fast/slow approach to partnership, marrying food and science and addressing problems like food insecurity, planetary health and human…
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Dr. Karim Montasser kennen viele von euch sicher von YouTube - hier ist er unter dem Namen “Der YouTube-Tierarzt” bekannt. Er klärt über Themen wie das Tiermedizinstudium, Zoos, Tierleid und Tierschutz auf. Evidenzbasiert und mit hohem Unterhaltungsfaktor. Karim teilt seine Erfahrungen und reflektiert die Romantisierung des Tierarztberufs. Er erklä…
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If you are a #skintok follower like myself then you love learning about the latest skincare and products, but I am a firm believer in less is more and that truly, beautiful skin comes from within. Today I wanted to cover the top foods scientifically proven to help with glowy skin, how I incorporate them into my weekly diet, what to avoid for glowy …
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Robert Barnett, Bloomberg Intelligence Energy Analyst, and Robert Du Boff, Bloomberg Intelligence ESG Analyst, join CEO of VegTech Invest, Elysabeth Alfano, to discuss the overlap of energy use and food systems and how shifting one can shift another. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at elysabeth@el…
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Marc Dittmann ist studierter Sportwissenschaftler(MSc) und seit über drei Jahren veganer Fitness Coach. Seit mehr als 10 Jahren setzt er sich intensiv mit Fitness und Ernährung auseinander. In dieser Podcast-Folge erklärt er den Unterschied zwischen einem Personal Trainer und einem Online Coach und erläutert den Ablauf seines Online-Trainings. Auch…
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CEO Maria Cho of Triplebar joins me on The Plant-based Business Hour. We discuss the protein supply chain benefits provided by precision fermentation and when scaling will take place. If this topic sounds down in the weeds, you need to tune in to learn about the shifting building blocks of the global food supply system! Subscribe! For plant-based m…
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In diesem Podcast geht es um die Transformation eines Milchviehbetriebs zu einem Lebenshof. Steffi und Helen vom Lebenshof Kuhtopia erzählen, wie sie zur Entscheidung gekommen sind, einen Lebenshof zu erschaffen. Sie berichten von den Reaktionen ihrer Familie und des Dorfes und wie welche Unterstützung man in Anspruch nehmen kann, wenn man einen Mi…
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In today's episode we talk about how to make living a healthy lifestyle fun and not seen as a punishment. I encounter many people who look at working out as a chore, eating healthy as a punishment or they think I do not enjoy the way I eat - which couldn’t be further from the truth - so I thought I would share my top tips to help you enjoy living a…
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In dieser Folge des Plantbased-Podcasts spricht Content Creatorin Lea Green darüber, wie sie zur veganen Lebensweise kam und welche Herausforderungen sie als Content Creatorin in der Veggie-Szene erlebt. Lea teilt ihre inspirierende Reise in die Welt des veganen Lebens, ihre Motivation und Energiequelle sowie ihre Rolle als Superfood-Zauberin. Erfa…
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Paul Unterleitner ist 24 Jahre alt, 1,92 groß, wiegt 115 Kilo und ist Bodybuilder. Und er lebt vegan. Aus welchen Gründen er vegan lebt, welche Vorurteile er über vegane Ernährung und Bodybuilding nicht mehr hören kann, welche Sportarten er neben dem Kraftsport noch regelmäßig betreibt und welche veganen Supplements er empfiehlt, erzählt er uns im …
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Today's episode is a Q&A answering some commonly asked questions I get on Instagram. Is there research to support the Blood Type Diet? What is the difference between smoothies and juicing? Should you be avoiding grains in my diet? I share what the literature has to say about each topic and give my personal takeaways to help you live your healthiest…
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Senior Director of Innovative Finance at the Milken Institute, Caitlin MacLean and Senior Director at Feeding Change, Holly Freishtat join Elysabeth on the Plantbased Business Hour to discuss blended capital and why institutional and philanthropic investors are focusing on food. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaki…
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Im heutigen Plantbased-Podcast mit Pi Stoffers geht es um seine Erfahrungen als Musiker bei Lord of the Lost, dem Eurovision Song Contest und vegane Ernährung. Er spricht über die Bedeutung des Visuellen in der Musik und wie das Artwork eng mit der Musik verbunden ist. Pi teilt auch seine Erfahrungen auf Tour mit Iron Maiden und wie sie von der Met…
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Chief Investment Officer of VegTech Invest, Dr. Sasha Goodman, discusses the firm's recent white paper, in conjunction with Harvard University student, on Stakeholder Engagement for Plant-based Innovation & Diversified Proteins. Along with host, Elysabeth Alfano, the two discuss the top 5 findings of the white paper and the impact on the diversifie…
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Wer von uns hätte nicht gerne mehr “vegane Wunder”? Unter diesem Namen bloggt Content Creator und Kochbuchautor Chris Washington seit einigen Jahren und begeistert über 500.000 Menschen auf TikTok, Instagram und Co. In dieser neuen Folge des Plantbased-Podcasts spricht er darüber, warum er vegan lebt, was für ein “veganes Wunder” wäre und welche Do…
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Today we chat about the simplest topic, but one that there is a lot of questions around: walking as a form of exercise. I always get asked if I get in 10,000 steps a day and I wanted to deep dive on this number to see if it has research behind it and what the science has to say? Is simply walking enough for health benefits and weight loss outcomes?…
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On this week's episode, Elysabeth was on a panel at the Future of Protein Production conference. She was on the panel discussing investing in food systems transformation with Aleh Manchuliantsau, Founder and CEO or Planetarians, Fengru Lin, CEO and Co-founder of TurtleTree and Alex Shirazi, Co-Founder and Director of the Cultivated Meat Symposium. …
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Maik Weichert ist Gitarrist der Metal-Band Heaven Shall Burn. Zudem ist er promovierter Jurist, Podcast Co-Host bei “Zart Wie Kruppstahl” mit dem dunklen Parabelritter und Familienvater. 🎸 Seine Band Heaven Shall Burn nutzt Musik als Medium, um Botschaften zu transportieren und zum Nachdenken anzuregen. Die Band beschreibt ihre Musik als “modernen …
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Lots of good information and lots of misinformation is swirling around about the future viability of cultivated meat. The former owner of Daniele prosciutto and now cultivated meat investor, Davide Dukcevich discusses the outlook for cultivated meat AND the outlook for meat. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, …
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Ann-Kathrin Lemke kennen viele sicher unter dem Namen annibacktvegan. Über 100.000 Menschen folgen der Content Creatorin auf Instagram. Dort begeistert sie mit veganer Backkunst und zeigt, wie lecker und einfach vegan backen sein kann. In dieser Podcast-Folge spricht sie über ihren Weg zur veganen Ernährung und gibt uns ihre besten Tipps, für alle,…
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In this episode we dive into what the research has to say about the latest Tik Tok trend of raw milk. From the alleged benefits, nutritional value debate, bacterial content, allergenic effects and more, we compare pasteurized milk to raw milk and what the evidence shows on these claims. I share the key takeaways and talk about whether milk is a hea…
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Will Investors Embrace Food Systems Transformation? Mahesh Roy, Investor Strategies Programme Director of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, discusses the IIGCC perspective on investing in food systems transformation to combat Climate Change and partake in the potential growth of the sector. Subscribe! For plant-based media/brandi…
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Victoria Müller kennen einige noch unter ihrem Künstlernamen „Victoria van Violence“. Die Bestseller-Autorin, Tierrechtsaktivistin, angehende Historikerin und Content Creatorin setzt sich schon lange für die Rechte der Tiere ein. Ihre Social Media-Präsenz mit über 178.000 Follower:innen (Instagram) nutzt sie, um auf wichtige soziale Themen aufmerks…
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Senior Research Analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, Jen Bartashus, joins host and CEO of VegTech™ Invest Elysabeth Alfano on The Plantbased Business Hour at the Farm, Food, & Fuel Summit. They discuss conference and their panel experiences as well as their predictions for the sector in the next five to ten years. Subscribe! For plant-based media/bra…
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In this episode I chat with Karen Koramshai - a chef, model, wellness coach and holistic health practitioner. We talk about her childhood in Brazil, growing up in the UK and working in magazines like Glamour, Harper's Bazaar, and Esquire before her wellness journey began. Karen shares her personal experience with breast implant illness and explanti…
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In this episode of the Plantbased Business Hour, Elysabeth discusses the future of food with Chef James Corwell at the Culinary Institute of America's event in Napa Valley. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more information, visit For more i…
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Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research at Lombard Odier Investment Managers in Switzerland joins the Plantbased Business Hour. Host and CEO of VegTech Invest, Elysabeth Alfano, discusses with Thomas who pays and who benefits from food systems transformation. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, …
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This week Elysabeth comes to you from Expo West in Anaheim, California. She discusses the state of the plant-based sector with Noah Hyams, Founder of Vegpreneur, and Rodd Willis, Director of Natural and Specialty at Dot Foods. Hear about what kinds of products Elysabeth saw at Expo West and what the hot topic items were. Subscribe! For plant-based …
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In this episode we dive into research on peanut butter and the controversy around aflatoxins. What the research shows, how the FDA regulates toxins, what growers and farmers do to ensure no aflatoxins in the EU and US. Steps to take with nuts and seeds to ensure mold doesn't grow when you are buying at the store or storing them at your house, as we…
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George Khalife, V.P. of U.S. Capital Formation on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) joins Elysabeth to discuss taking Plant-based Innovation brands public on the exchange. They breakdown what you need to know before you IPO. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more…
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Today's episode is a summary of the famous health book Fit for Life by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond from the 80's. I cover the book's key principles, what the research says around each topic and my personal takeaways on: natural hygiene, high water content food, food combining and fruit consumption. We dive into the controversy around food combining an…
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On this episode of The Plantbased Business Hour, Elysabeth discusses the recent rise in stock price for Beyond Meat after their Q4 2023 earnings call Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more information, visit For more information, visit Elysa…
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How can you raise capital for your start-up or existing company in this restrictive economy? It is what is on almost every founder's mind. Jeffrey Harris, CEO of Green Venture Advisory, joins Elysabeth today on the Plantbased Business Hour to talk about the three things you need to know. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and publ…
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In today's solo episode I thought I would give a life update and share what has been going on in my life: from the tattoo removal process, to my two week matcha experiment and a birth control pill update - we get into everything in my health journey, in hopes it might help yours. I also answer a question on how many date bites are too many date bit…
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Three-time founder, Yves Potvin, discusses the current state of Plant-based Innovation sector and how to grow a food business to be acquired. Having sold gardein to Conagra and Yves Veggie Cuisine to Hain Celestial, Yves is now championing Konscious Foods with a plan to be acquired. Learn from this ultra-successful pioneer on The Plant-based Busine…
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While traveling in India, Elysabeth asks her friend James Robinson about his plant-based journey and what products he enjoys to get insights into what consumers like him want out of the sector. Subscribe! For plant-based media/branding consulting and public speaking, reach out at For more information, visit ElysabethA…
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