Episode 4: The 5 month Pandemic Check-in
Manage episode 312964802 series 3254103
It's been a while, but we're back and in this episode we are just doing a little 5 month pandemic check-in. Can you believe we have been in this shit for 5 MONTHS NOW!?!?!?! And times they are a changing. Everything from how we shop, go to the dentist, go out to eat... it's all different. You know that, but we want to VENT DAMNIT!
We go down the Britney Spears rabbit hole that is her life, surviving (but still can't pronounce) Tropical Storm Isaias, and of course, "Whatcha Hearin, Whatcha Watchin, Whatcha Readin?"
HOLY ADULTING is the podcast of an "Xennial" married couple living on Long Island, NY. We got married, bought a house, rescued dogs, started a non profit, struggled with infertility, beat infertility and have 2 kids, and... oh yeah we work full time. Be sure to follow the pod for semi-weekly stories on how we adult, what we are doing, and how we are keeping/losing our sanity! Every episode will have a general topic along with some other fun segments. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @HolyAdulting E-mail any questions or topic ideas to holyadulting@gmail.com
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